The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 76. ‘Draconis Impervia’

"You will return to your room, clean up and eat then your training begins." Carleton dismissed me. "Stugg!" He summoned his House-Elf.

"Master called for Stug…" The House-Elf started to bow low.

"Take Albeline to his room and provide him with good food." Carleton cut him off.

"Yes, Master, Stugg will do as bidded." The House-Elf accepted, already scurrying for the door before Carleton could finish speaking.

I followed behind the House-Elf leaving Carleton muttering to himself behind me.

I was already mentally drained and it was just… I glanced at my watch only to pause in the realization that it had stopped working after I got doused in Dragon flames.


"Yes, Audric sir?"

"What's the time?" I trudged behind the House-Elf as he navigated the maze-like corridors of the mansion, and I thought the Albeline Manor was bad.

"Half-past 1, Audric sir." He answered immediately.

Past noon huh? I had spent more time than I thought at The Cabal's meeting.

After I had eaten and changed out of my burnt clothes, I was given some time to myself. It was more than enough to do some checking on the newest skill I just unlocked.


[Audric Albeline]

+ Title : <SORCERER>

 <Health: 99/100>

+ Physical Stats

[Strength: 600/1000]

[Stamina: 690/1000]

[Speed: 700/1000]

+ Non-Physical Stats

# [Magical Power: 3500/10000]

- Sub-stats

[Charms: 1300/10000]

[Dark Charms: 1450 /10000]

# [Knowledge: 900/1000]

- Sub-stats

[Intelligence: 600/1000]

[Information: 1900/10000]

+ Skills

[Animagus - -] <Unlocked>

[Legilimency - -] <Unlocked>

[Bloodline Magic - -] <Unlocked>




Titles :

Titles are given when the stats for a current level are maxed out.

Titles increase the growth limit.

Titles affect Skills. The higher the Title, the more powerful your Skills.

There are three Titles to be achieved.

- Wizard - 1000 max to level up

- Sorcerer - 10000 max to level up

- Magus - ∞


Limits depend on the vessel the System inhabits.

Limits are flexible and can be pushed or changed.

Legilimency : 

Legilimency grants the ability to magically navigate through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpret one's findings.

Animagus : 

Animagus grants the ability to transform into an animal and back again at will. 

Bloodline Magic : 'Draconis Impervia'

(A/N: Gotten from the Latin word 'Draco' which means Dragon. The Latin word 'Ignis' which means Fire. And the Latin word 'Impervia' which translates to Impervious.)


I noted that SP had been deleted from the System. There was nothing to spend it on so it was no longer necessary.

'Draconis Impervia'

Did this ability work with any average fire or was I only fireproof when it came to Dragon flames?

It would suck if I was invincible to the dangerous flames of a Dragon only to get toasted by a matchstick or a campfire.

Someone knocked on my door, alerting my attention.

I sat up on my bed. "Who is it?"

"Stugg again, Audric sir." The familiar stringy voice came through the wooden door.

"Come in."

"Thanks you, Audric sir." The stubby creature gingerly pushed open the door. "Master has directed that Audric sir be moved to a new room." He relayed to me.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, Audric sir, if you will come with me, I will take you to the new room." Stugg offered. "I will also help move sir's things to the new room so you need not worry."

"Uh, thanks." I appreciated, following behind the bubbly House-Elf.

The new room was just a corridor away but at least it was not in the servant quarters.

It was much roomier and boasted of a crackling fireplace. Right on a much sturdier table that was set across from one of the windows were my two wands.

I headed there picking up my wand first, it was still in perfect condition, and I casted a spell with it just to make sure everything was still in order.

I tucked it away and picked up the Elder wand, the fact that Carleton had returned it back to me meant that he was confident that his spell was perfectly done.

I had literally walked in front of a Dragon when he told me to, I had successfully convinced him, my deception was flawless.

The fact that the Elder wand was back in my possession again was proof that Carleton really trusted in the power of the Gem of the Abyss.

Because the Elder wand was a powerful mythical object in its own right but he had left it to me.

The Elder wand would speed up the rate at which I leveled up in terms of Magical power though because the wand was that much powerful.

I tried the same spell that I did with my personal wand, it was simple levitation.

With my wand, the chair in front of me had shot up to eye level, dropping down gently with simple motions.

With the Elder wand, it was a couple inches shy of the ceiling, its landing was even more gentle even though it was coming down from such a height.

It would seem that I was still the master of the Elder wand.

I safely stored the Elder wand as well, it was within reach but there was no need to wave it around all the time.

My attention was drawn to the fireplace, it was still winter so the warmth of the hearty fireplace was very welcome.

It would also have a second use. I needed to confirm that I was impervious to all kinds of flames.

I squatted in front of the roaring fire, it went against instinct to willingly shove your hand right into fire but it was fairly easy for me to do.

Getting bathed in fire would do that to anyone, plus I couldn't feel the heat even though I was already close enough for the threads of my clothes to start to singe.

That reminded me, I had to make all of my clothes fireproof, unless I wanted to run out of clothes to wear.

I stepped back briefly to make the clothes I was currently wearing fireproof before bracing the fire again.

Touching the licking flames with a finger did nothing, same with my hand, an entire arm.

The door swung open when I was halfway inside the flames.

A yell of terror made me pull out and straighten up immediately. 

It was Maguire.

I stared blankly at Carleton's secretary, horror written on his pinched features.

Maguire eventually recovered, clearing his throat as he put himself together. "My apologies for barging in unannounced but I knocked numerous times and there was no response."

"I was, er, distracted." I muttered, wondering how much of myself I could be around Maguire.

Imperiused people only followed orders, they still had their personalities.

Maguire hmphed and adjusted his glasses, looking down on me through them. "Master Carleton has asked that I provide you with every book possible." He stepped inside, allowing the neatly stacked pile of floating books to levitate into my room.

I watched the books with wide eyes, none of the books here was what the Room of Requirement provided for me.

Important books, containing information such as these ones, would most likely be spelled to make sure no kind of summoning magic can steal them. Neither could they be copied or replicated.

"Teachers will be provided for you if you require it. At the end of every month, you will show how much you have learned by battling dangerous creatures." Maguire explained to me.

There was an odd glitter in his usually dead, dark eyes. Almost like he hoped that I would die at the first evaluation.

I doubted Carleton would let me die though, finding another person with the inborn ability to resist flames would be next to impossible.

And it would take them another decade or more to build up the army that would be well equipped enough to battle the Abyss.

"I am available 24/7 at the mansion." Maguire straightened his shoulders. "You can reach out to me anytime." He said, pointing at the landline affixed to a small protruding marble shelf on the wall.

I glanced at it, it was similar to the one that Carleton had in his study.

Even though it was the new century, the Wizarding world preferred to use dated means to communicate that seeing a landline was jarring.

"You are allowed to use a charmed room which Stugg will show you to practice what you have learnt. In this room, you are free to use whatever spells you wish. It will take no damage, plus it has been imbued with a silencing charm so the rest of the mansion will not be affected by it."

I listened intently, it was the perfect workplace. I would make sure to figure out the charms utilized in the room, it would be a useful tool to have when I was done with this place.

"I will return with more books, they are to remain in pristine condition and if you are done with one, do make sure to return it." Maguire turned around to leave. "One last thing, the mansion boasts of a library, Stugg will take you there. Although, the books I am providing you with can't compare to them, if you are serious enough with your survival, you will peruse them." He strode out.

I stared at the pile of books on my bed, more was coming? Getting powerful was such a pain.

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