The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 88. ‘Dead Street’

Ji-hun wasn't paying attention as he punched the henchman's face in, the handkerchief wrapped around his fist doing little to protect him from the other's blood. He was more interested in what was going to happen to Juni.

Master Albeline shielded him from the Underworld but Ji-hun knew well without being told that they couldn't just walk into the Carrion to save his sister, protocols needed to be adhered to. The thought of his precious sister having to spend more time in the hands of sleazebags made him punch harder with each strike.

The henchman had long stopped shouting in pain, it made Ji-hun dissatisfied. Maybe he should have started with a less vital body part but he hated to see his face and wanted to completely get rid of it.

"Punch any more and you'll strike the wall." Master Albeline's voice cut through his haze of red as he walked behind him. "Also, wipe your hand, it's filthy."

Ji-hun did as was ordered, casting angry eyes on the long-dead henchman. Wishing he could rewind time just so that he could get to punch his face in again.

Master Albeline walked to where the pipes were lined and brought out a wand from his inner pocket. Ji-hun knew all of the Master's wands like the back of his hand, this was his original wand, the least powerful of all three.

Master Albeline slashed with his wand and all of the pipes were cut cleanly through like they were made of paper, the large metal pipes falling to pieces on the ground. A few milliseconds later, the wall itself started to move, it had also been cut like the pipes as well.

"Let's go, we're bringing down the building." He said, striding for the entrance.

Ji-hun kept close behind him, the large front doors had been barred, perhaps to keep people away from the unsavory business going on in the abandoned warehouse. He watched calmly as the doors were slashed open, Master Albeline had long returned his wand to his inner pocket.

The pieces of the door crashed open to reveal sunlight and a dingy street, there were a handful of shady shops and abandoned houses here and there. No one even batted an eye when they stepped out of the hallway amidst loud crashes and bangs.

Almost like it was a daily occurrence for them. So this was the 'Blackmore Alley'.

"We will head to the Carrion, then return back to the mansion." Master Albeline said, a furrow between his brows. "We might have to buy Juni back."

Ji-hun took a deep breath and nodded, he had already predicted this outcome. He was beyond grateful that Master Albeline was willing to go through this much trouble for his sake when it was all his fault that Juni went missing. If he had just done his job of taking care of her right, they wouldn't be in this situation right now…

"Stop yammering and step back." Master Albeline interrupted his guilty thoughts, making Ji-hun jump slightly. "This is advantageous to me." He added, his tone sincere. "And I'm going to get Juni back, we have a drive planned for the weekend."

Ji-hun stepped back and watched as the Master placed a hand on the wall of the warehouse that they had just come out from, he seemed to grab onto the wall and push back against it, causing a shockwave that emanated from his palm, impacting the building.

Even Ji-hun who had put a lot of distance in between them felt the impact, it made him stumble back slightly, his hair getting blown backward off his face.

Cracks ran through the thick stone wall, starting from where Master Albeline had his hand against the wall. He pulled his hand away and stepped back, walking away like nothing happened.

Ji-hun followed suit, unable to help himself from looking back when the building started to crumble. The sturdy building folded in on itself like a sandcastle, the roof caving in. They left in the wake of the warehouse ruins, walking out of the dingy street.

Like the destruction had summoned them, people started to peek out of the shady and deserted ventures. They were all haggard and suspicious-looking fellows who stared at the retreating backs of the men that had burst out of the warehouse and then destroyed the entire building.

The warehouse that belonged to… Master Leland Blackburn.

"Did you see what happened?" A haggard Wizard with a drawn look on his face joined the small crowd that had gathered.

The others flinched like they were just coming to their senses, and just like that, they all started to disperse without a further word.

"Nobody saw nothing." One of the early arrivals said without stopping.

"You know better than to ask such questions." A trampy Witch grumbled, returning to a seedy-looking building.

Just like that, they all dispersed. None of them wanted to get involved in Master Leland Blackburn's business, anyone who wanted to live to tell their tale knew that well. It made one wonder just who had the balls to bring down one of his warehouses.


I had been to Blackmore Alley a handful of times, it was a secret magical location in Slough, hidden even from most of the Wizarding World. Knockturn Alley was child's play compared to Blackmore Alley because while most of the buying and selling happened in Knockturn's Alley, Blackmore was the place where people came to use said things.

I had only recently found out about it because I was previously occupied with growing my fiances and only recently started showing interest in the Wizarding Underworld. I had been making plans to attend one of the auctions, it was where the big names congregated every month.

I had no interest in whatever they were putting out for auction, at least until Juni was taken. Just attending the auctions wasn't going to get me anywhere so I had been biding my time but now I had a reason to go for it.

We left 'Dead Street' behind, it was where the dregs of the dregs resided, and it made sense that the warehouse would be placed there. The residents of 'Dead Street' tended to mind their business a little too much, they took the phrase, 'Dead men tell no tales' to heart and it was the smart thing to do in their case.

The main part of Blackmore Alley was brighter and less dodgy than 'Dead Street'. There were a variety of businesses here that catered to the Wizarding folk. Clubs, pubs, brothels, and shops selling things that would put Knockturn Alley to shame. There were also a number of people that made Blackmore Alley their home, there were a number of Inns and motels available to anyone who could afford to pay for a room.

There was another part of Blackmore Alley but it was closed off to everyone but those who had special access. Nox. A place where only the top guns could access.

But that wasn't my destination, for today we would be checking out the Carrion. It wasn't a place where anyone could just casually stroll in, I had to find out the requirements to attend the auction.

Ji-hun stuck close to me which was the best, there were a number of folks around here that one had to be wary of, even for an accomplished Wizard like Ji-hun.

The entrance to the Carrion was blocked off by huge men wearing black cloaks, their wands held visibly in their hands like guns. Considering the amount of firepower an average wand possessed, I would have felt more comfortable if they were flashing guns around instead.

I strode up languidly but to the men in front of me, it came off like confidence because normal men wouldn't do that. The only people who would, were either the foolishly brave or those who had the power to back up their confidence.

I could feel their sharp eyes scan me from beneath their hoods to try and place me in a category. "Hello, gentlemen."

"What can we help you with?" A gruff voice replied me.

I went straight to the point. "I would like to attend the auction." I said politely.

They both shared a look, seeming like they couldn't make heads or tails of what I was about. "Go through that entrance, someone will attend to you." The same guy said again.

"Sure." I drawled, following their directions.

The bouncers were standing right at the main entrance but there was a small entrance to the side, that was where we were directed to. I stepped past the doorway, the hallway was dim and gave away next to nothing. At the end of the hallway, it opened up to a room where a Witch sat behind a table.

"First time?" The Witch cocked a brow at me, her voice was raspy and from the burning cigarette in her hand, it was easy to tell why.


"You'll have to pay up a thousand Galleons upfront to be given a temporary access card, and if you spend 10,000 Galleons at the auction within the first three months you will be given a permanent access card, and if you don't you will have to renew your temporary card every three months until you meet the requirement." She explained in a bored tone like she had seen many people like me.

It was decent marketing, that way, they earned even from the people who just wanted to attend for clout and had no plans to buy anything.

"Tell me, what happens if I spend a hundred thousand Galleons on the first time?" I asked in good humor.

The entrance Witch froze at my question, her cigarette nearly falling from her garishly pink lips. "You get a special access card." She answered but the bite in her voice was gone and she straightened up.

I scoffed silently, humans were a dime a dozen. "Sure, I'll take two temporary cards. Ji-hun, handle the exchange." I said dismissively, walking away.

I stepped out of the side entrance to wait for Ji-hun to finish up, I ignored the open stares I got, staring instead at the auction hall. I was willing to be polite and do things by the book but if it came down to it, I was ready to burn down the auction hall to get back Juni.

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