The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 90. Leland Blackburn

Tables and chairs were arranged in the auction hall like it was an event, and not where humans were going to be sold off. There was a platform in front of the hall, thick black curtains hung behind the stage.

The stage was still empty because the auction didn't begin till 8 pm. The main doors to the Carrion would be tightly shut at exactly that time which meant that everyone needed to be in the hall before the auction began. Also, no one could leave during the auction.

Master Albeline and Ji-hun sat at a table that was to the far left and positioned somewhere in the middle. Master Albeline had no interest in socializing with any of the Majes present, Ji-hun was worse off, he had his black eyes fixed on the stage the entire time.

A waitress came to their table to take their orders. Food was available to be served but a majority of the Majes present chose to go with drinks. The service was high quality which wasn't a surprise considering the high price one had to pay to just get in.

Master Albeline went for red wine and Ji-hun followed his steps, he had no intention of drinking it. It was just to keep up with appearances. Ji-hun checked the time with a dark look on his face, it was just 7:40 pm, the time was dragging on endlessly.

The tables in the auction hall were almost all filled, it was clear that most people came early just to socialise. People moved around from table to table with drinks in their hands, talking and laughing. It was just like a normal event, it made Ji-hun slightly nauseous. 

"Well, well, we seem to have visitors." Master Albeline’s voice dragged him from his thoughts, making him sit up instinctively, turning his head around to search for who would dare approach them.

Ji-hun felt his stomach do a little flip when he saw who it was, it was a tall man who had a grey trench coat over his big shoulders. He wore a top hat that obscured his eyes and held a walking stick that reminded him of the one Carleton used to carry around.

There were two men in plain suits beside him both wearing dark shades even though they were in a building and it was already night.

Ji-hun didn't try to hide it, he was confident in his Master’s abilities. If Master Albeline was beside him, he could casually go anywhere without fear but this man… this man walking up to them was someone that made that confidence disappear. 

He glanced at Master Albeline, wondering how he could be so casual when there was someone who could easily take him down striding up.

 Ji-hun had learnt to have a good eye for who powerful Majes when he was still quite young and working for Carleton. Killing Sawyer was just one of the many things the sick man made him do. After a while, he had come to the damning realization that he was never getting the gem that he sold his soul for.

Or so he thought because Master Albeline had not only saved him from death but also saved his sister. He was prepared to throw himself in front of Master Albeline to protect him at the cost of his own life.

Ji-hun sat stiffly in his seat as the intimidating man walked towards them, the noise in the auction hall dropped to a light hum. He didn't have to check to sense the tens of eyes on them, whoever the man was, he was clearly a big deal.

One of the men pulled up a seat for the man to sit on and Ji-hun had to fight the urge to get on his feet for him. His instincts were going haywire with the level of the danger that was so close by.

One glance at Master Albeline showed that he was still as unfazed as when he first noticed the man walking up, he was slouched in his chair even, a bored look in his single blue eye.

"Albeline, I take it?" The man spoke, his voice was a dark and powerful as his aura. He spoke with an undertone of amusement in his voice.

"It'd be awkward if I wasn't." Master Albeline replied dryly.

Ji-hun noted the bodyguards of the man tensing up as they eyed up his Master and he did the same. He might be scared shitless of their visitor but that didn't mean that he wouldn't try to protect Master Albeline.

There was a second tense of silence that seemed to stretch on forever until the man threw his head back in a throaty laughter. "You're rather interesting. Do you know who I am?" He asked in that same mocking tone, tapping his cane on the stone floor.

"Unfortunately not, but since you're here how about we share a glass?" Master Albeline answered smoothly, signalling a waitress over.

The poor Witch was trembling so badly as she took the man's order, he went for red wine same as them and when it was brought his glass remained untouched as well.

"Leland Blackburn." The man introduced with a slight smile. "I saw the little gift you left me." He lifted up his glass to stare into the swirling red liquid inside it.

Ji-hun felt his blood run cold, the warehouse that Master Albeline destroyed belonged to this monster? How much trouble would he keep bringing to the Master’s feet?

Master Albeline sat back, he had been expecting this. He knew that the owner of the warehouse was bound to come looking for him at the auction hall. He studied the man with a critical eye, his stats were already all 'Magus' level. His physical stats were all around 20,000, and about half of that number was his mental stats.

For comparison, the average Maj had under '1000' in both physical and mental stats and that was if they dedicated their lives to studying and physical training. There were also potions and Spells that could be used to raise those stats.

Audric’s magical ability was astronomically high, he was easily almost at a 100,000 but the man right in front of him almost doubled that.

He didn't know much about his physical and mental ability but the both of those paled in comparison to pure magical power.

When he defeated the Abyss, he was at about a stat level of 30,000 in magical power and although Carleton surpassed him at that point, he won a mental battle with the man. Carleton had been expecting him to die so he already defeated him in one way when the other saw him alive.

Carleton also came to a realization at that point that for all the months he had spent undergoing such gruesome training, he had been doing it willingly. It was enough to make even a man like Carleton freeze up for a moment too long.

"Someone important was taken from me, I do not allow that." Master Albeline said in a serious tone, studying the man in front of him.

Leland Blackburn… where had he heard that name before?

Leland Blackburn got up from the table, his cane hitting the ground with a dull thud. "I am of similar sentiments, it is good then that what you took from me wasn’t important." He said simply, turning around to leave.

Ji-hun only started breathing properly after the man left their table, he looked to Master Albeline to find him deep in thought…

… 7:50 pm, the conversation with Leland Blackburn had only taken about 10 minutes but yet it felt like hours had passed.

Master Albeline rested his jaw on his palm, that had been a really close shave. If the conversation had turned into a brawl, the only way to survive would have been to make a run for it. Leland Blackburn was that much powerful, it was ridiculous. 

At this point, it would be safe to assume that Leland Blackburn was one of he top guns, maybe even the no. 1. Of course, the first step he made in the Wizarding Underworld was to cross the most powerful man.

"How exciting." He muttered out loud without planning to.

Ji-hun had to rest his head on the table to recover. "How was that exciting?" He groaned. "I thought we were going to die."

There was a slight tilt to Audric’s lips and Ji-hun’s words. "I thought you were prepared to die."

Ji-hun only made another sound of frustration. "How are you taking this so casually?"

Audric shrugged, swirling his drink and finally taking a sip out of it. "What is the use of getting riled up? It makes no difference …" He trailed off as he spoke, looking up. "Oh? We have another visitor."

Ji-hun was aggravated at this point. "What is it this time?" He grumbled, looking up as well.

There was a Wizard clearly walking to their table but he was nothing like Leland Blackburn. Instead, it was a suspicious looking fellow with limp black hair who had a cloak thrown over his clothes. He slinked while walking, making his usually tall lanky form appear like he was bent in half.

"You're the young Master Albeline, I presume…"



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