The Stained Tower

Book 2 Chapter 11: Of Sword and Carapace

+1 Strength
+1 Acuity
+1 Agility
16 Stat Points Remaining

Achieved Novice Feline Whip [Grade 7]
Achieved Novice Gluttonous Naturalist [Grade 8] 

A blue millipede of around three feet in length rears its foul figure, exposing a long, vertical mouth along its abdomen.

‘Clearly, thou dost not know whom thou art facing.’ My cattail lunges forward. The millipede writhes as the cattail enwraps it in oily haze to sate my knightly appetite.

I hear a hiss.

At my feet, a white ant standing over two feet tall wrenches open its hulking mandibles. I stab at the joint that bridges its head to torso as the mandibles slam shut upon my boot. The crunch of cracking carapace mingles with the rasp of flexing metal. My sword has pierced its joint, yet my knee is entrapped by its mandibles. 

The ant wriggles, threatening to dislocate a joint. ‘Utterly ineffective against me.’

Like a key in a lock, I twist my sword. With a woeful squelch, the lock pops open, freeing the head of its bonds. The ant’s body races toward the far side of the fence, leaving its head to grate at my boots. It crashes into the fence with a metallic thud and yields to Tenebrous’s silent melody.

Before I can attend to the bodiless head, something else rustles against the fence. 

I pivot on my heel. 

There, a brown beetle with misshapen legs of two feet in length clings to the fence. The queer creature scrambles to escape the massacre wrought by a haze in knight’s clothing. 

I mimic a pose saw in a painting and attempt to balance my sword. Yellow droplets of stained dew drip from the blade’s edge as I stride forward and cut at the foggy air.

Three crab-like appendages drum against the hard ground with dull, hollow thuds. My boots join the drumming with their own cruel beat as I take a step and close the distance. Pinning its legs, I stomp at the body. A yellowed curd bursts from the side of the creature, flattening the grass wherever it settles. 

Its remaining legs curl around my boot, so I raise my foot and kick. The sticky carcass strikes the fence and slithers down.

Devoured Lv. 1 Big-Gob Millie
Essence value: 11

Decapitated Lv. 1 Sewermite
Essence value: 5

Crushed Lv. 1 Daddy-Longlegs Beetle
Essence value: 6

+1 Strength
15 Stat Points Remaining

Achieved Novice Feline Whip [Grade 8]

With the appearance of the blue walls, silence re-claims its throne in Fairy’s Pantry. ‘...I am not very good at this type of fighting, in all honesty. I am too focused on a single opponent, leaving myself open. A person might be on the ground resetting a dislocated knee from that ant. Besides that, I have no technique or even one to practice.’

For a moment, I stand, waiting to see if another wall will appear. Alas, the blue wall I was hoping for does not show itself. ‘Still, what do I have to do for a sword skill? I received a whip skill without knowing anything about a whip… I suppose I shall just have to ask Terra if she knows anything as I am beginning to suspect that there might be some kind of constraint I do not know about.’ 

I take a look around the fenced area with my night vision for any remaining insects and then count the bodies that litter the area. ‘Aye, twenty carcasses on the ground, and I have eaten ten, so I believe that was the last one.’

Finding an area of grass that is not stained yellow in insect entrails, I sit and begin to fiddle with the ‘Sewermite’ head clamped to my knee. While wrapping the cattail around the head’s mandibles, I re-read the names of the creatures and then shake my head. ‘Why are all the names so odd?’

From above me, I hear the innocent voice of a girl. “Answer: Because the squishy brains of the fleshies outside decided to refer to them by that name.” There’s a crack as the black mandibles of the Sewermite snaps away from the face, and the head drops to the ground. I look up to find Earl sitting atop the fence, kicking her legs and fiddling with her lantern. “Extrapolation: Unintelligent creature and plant names are decided based on the frequency of use, meaning that it’s the most agreed upon name. That also means it can change again if a more common name comes into use.”

She cuts her finger and tosses it into the violet flame—a wall appears.

Earl Interface:

Absorbed ‘Big-Gob Millie’
Reduced Erysichthon to zero.
Essence value 3
0.3 Refinable Nebula
0.7 Refinable Vitrum

Details: Named by a human Entity in the human city of New York, this creature can swallow prey half its own size. Once its prey is swallowed, it will then use half of its legs to keep its prey trapped within its body, where it is melted and absorbed over time.

I read the details of the wall and then nod. {Aye. I did read that on some of the other walls, and I suppose it makes sense that names would be decided in such a way, but they are still odd. Perhaps I shall have them renamed one day, or if the BDP renames them, I suspect that would become the accepted name.} 

Earl shrugs. “Response: This one thinks the fleshies are gullible enough to agree with whatever the Mistress chooses to call them.”

{...I would be thankful if thee did not make me sound quite so wicked and manipulative. It’s just that slaying something called a ‘Big-Gob’ does not make it sound like much of an accomplishment.} Reading the details of the ‘Big-Gob Millie’ wall anew, I remember something that has been on my mind. I push the wall away and ask, {Earl, I have meant to ask for some time now, but when shall I be capable of using my glass form?}

“Answer: The Mistress’s glass or ‘collapsed’ form is unstable. It’s similar to the Dualistic Kiln, but on a much less fundamental level.”

{It’s unstable?} I reach into my pouch and pull a rag from it. Running the rag across the blade, a clump of insect entrails builds until it reaches the end and slides off with a viscous splat. {How is it similar to the Dualistic Kiln?}

“Answer: Both the Dualistic Kiln’s actual shell and its form were unstable. This one would say that it is like a fleshie being born with a life-threatening birth defect. The Mistress just has some difficulty supporting one of their forms.” 

Flipping the blade around, I run the rag across it once more and ask, {Then what’s wrong with it, may thou go into more detail?}

Earl hops from the fence, and without a sound, she hits the ground and then reaches out, seizing the cattail and causing faint vibrations to move through the kiln. The cattail thrashes about, desperate to escape her clutches. Still, Earl ignores it and questions me, “Query: Does the Mistress recall that the cattail didn’t appear after she brought retribution down upon the fleshies of Roanoke?”

I lift my head toward the empyrean that hovers above my head, remembering that the spirits of Roanoke are still tangled somewhere in the ropes of it and the willow. Staring at the violet moon of light and clouds of mist for a moment, I lower my head and nod after choosing not to dwell on Roanoke for now. {It’s difficult to remember because of all that was happening, but if I recall, it was starting to emerge as more time was passing. Except, it was still made of haze, unlike my body.}

With a nod of the head, Earl inspects the cattail, pulling strands of haze from it. “Extrapolation: That is because the collapsed form is incompatible with the cattail, causing it to deteriorate over time. The Mistress’s collapsed form won’t function as intended until an outside material that is compatible with both the cattail and the collapsed form is discovered.”

{Earl, that seems like something I should have been informed of a long time ago.}

“Response: This one would have informed the Mistress if any material was discovered. Furthermore, the collapsed form requires more haze than the Mistress can sustain naturally in her current form. Finally, the Mistress was busy in the material world, and it would have been an unnecessary distraction.”

{...Aye, I suppose, but I have another question.} Earl tilts her head and stares at me, so I continue, {Do the glass and haze forms share adaptations?}

She shakes her head. “Answer: No, they won’t. The collapsed and particulate forms are separate, and each will utilize different adaptations. Addendum: The particulate form has greater versatility because the Mistress’s collapsed form requires more delicate balancing and complex considerations, like weight distribution or flexibility. Meaning many of the particulate adaptations would not function properly as a solid.”

{I think I understand…} I run my gloved hand across my helmet’s glass, wetting my fingers with the droplets of water that have cling to its surface. With my wet fingers, I rub the blade with water and then remove a second rag to wipe it dry. {Speaking of which, may I see thy recommended adaptations?}

The veins in Earl’s eye spread and take on a blue shine. She nods, opens her lantern, and then places her hand in the flame within. The veins spread down the side of her head and through her arm.

A wall filled with potential adaptations appears in front of me.

Earl Interface:

Particulate Form Sprout Tier Adaptations

Available Crown Adaptations

Snooping Antennae
(Recent Meal: Caramel Ant)
Sprout a pair of antennas that have a thin line of Vitrum that runs through them and wraps around the kiln’s shell. This line of vitrum will allow the Mistress to feel the subtlest of vibrations from whatever they come in contact with. With enough time and practice, the Mistress could even learn how to use the antennae to hear through some solids.
[Cost: 77 Essence + 1.4 Refined Nebula + 2.3 Refined Vitrum]

Available Skin Adaptations

Roach Hairs
(Recent Meal: Drifting Roach)
Modeled after an insect with legs so thin that some might think they’re gliding along the ground at first glance, this adaptation would line the outside of the Mistress’s arms and legs with needle-like Vitrum hairs. Not only would someone suffer the effects of the Mistress’s haze, now they would suffer from dozens of stinging needles.
[Cost: 168 Essence + .9 Refined Nebula + 1.8 Vitrum]

Available Dress Adaptations

Carapace Pouch
(Recent Meal: Feisty Blue Beetle)
Grow a pouch of haze that would allow the Mistress to save, carry, and preserve bits of organic material for later usage. With this, the Mistress could save hard to find organic material for later usage in adaptations that they either can’t afford or may not become available until later.
[Cost: 180 Essence + 5.8 Refined Nebula]

Available Armament ‘Cattail’ Adaptations

Bedeviled Tendrils
(Recent Meal: Various Awakened Insects)
Insects are known to carry around many diseases that can be harmful to the constitution of living organics. This adaptation adds tips to the ends of the tendrils with four different, enhanced variants of these diseases, each of which might spread across those they touch. After infecting a target, the Mistress may retreat and return later once the diseases have done their work.
Note: These tips cannot be removed once adapted unless done so by a future adaptation.
[Cost: 197 Essence + 3.9 Refined Nebula + 1.85 Vitrum]

Available Miscellaneous Adaptations
None Recommended

Essence Available: 378 [R = 18%]
Refined Nebula Available: 4.9 [5.0]
Refined Vitrum Available: 6.5 [5.0]
Refined Acerb: 0.8 (0.0)

I finish wiping the sword down and then study the wall. A few minutes later, I stuff the rags back into my pouch and nod. {I thank thee, Earl. That is enough, I shan’t be picking anything right now, but just to make doubly certain, the glass form will look like it did before? Will it always have a hint of…} Finding myself having a bit of difficulty finding the right words, I sheath the sword and then stand. {I suppose what I wish to ask is if it will maintain its human shape, even if the haze form does not?}

Removing her hand from the flame, the veins retreat, and the adaptation wall vanishes. “Query: Is the Mistress considering some ‘inhuman’ adaptations for the particulate form?”

{Well, I am not going to turn myself into an unrecognizable monster, but I have been considering the possibility of taking some odd and deadly adaptations if there are some I fancy enough. Partially because I can just enter the arc suit now, yet I like being out of my arc suit as well. With the glass form, I might feel comfortable enough to start taking some of the odd adaptations since I could change between them.}

Earl thinks about my words before shrugging. “Answer: This one confirms that the collapsed and particulate forms will each have their own appearance. Statement: If the Mistress desires to stabilize the collapsed form, the Mistress will need to locate a liquid that is dense, flexible, magical, and exceptionally refined. This one suspects that the only thing in the material world that would make such a liquid is another Kiln. Other options may become feasible as the Mistress grows in strength, but this one believes it would be the fastest and simplest method of stabilization at present.”

‘Yet again, it comes back to finding more Kiln. I suppose if I am lucky, I might stumble upon the material like I did with the Dualistic Kiln’s Acerb and Acrid. That or perhaps a Kiln would be willing to just give it to me to save themselves the trouble of dealing with me… Then again, I do need levels and more topographies for my Tower, and the only Kiln I have come across all seem rather aggressive. Excluding Proximo Aetós, who perished at the hands of the Dualistic Kiln. Mayhaps all the rational Kiln have already been eaten?’

Earl nods at that thought.

I shake my head at Earl, who is clearly listening in on my thoughts. ‘Thoughts for later, but I should consider visiting some of the other Kiln Domains to see what sort of material is prevalent in their Domains.’ I take a few backward steps and bump into the edge of the fence. Placing my weight against the fence, I allow myself to slowly slide downward and back into a sitting position with my legs extended. ‘That’s better.’

{Earl, I believe my stores of unrefined Vitrum and Nebula are at their maximum, so I would like to refine as much Nebula as half of my available mana will allow.} My eyes drift toward the ground covered in insect carcasses. I gesture at them and continue, {Also, prithee, release the cattail so it may do its duty; I am feeling a tad hungry.}

Opening her palm, the cattail swims away, hurrying toward the closest carcasses that it can engulf. “Statement: It’s important the Mistress satisfies the desires of a Kiln, so this one wishes to express their satisfaction with the Mistress no longer expressing disdain when devouring creatures such as these.”

As the flavors of the various insects mix together, I turn my head upward once again and stare at the empyrean, savoring them. {If it tastes good, then why fight it? I do not have the mental energy to care about such things anymore. I am what I am, and I enjoy what I enjoy.}

‘Come to think of it, would stealing the carcasses from that mound of insects satisfy the requirement of my title? Does it count as stealing if they do not desire them? ...This may require further investigation.’

“Response: This one supports that thinking and urges the Mistress to apply it to the selection of adaptations as well.”

{...I also enjoy not looking like a monster that peasants would chase from their fields with pitchforks.}

A purple wall appears.

Earl Interface:

Query: Would the Mistress like to refine your storage of Nebula and Vitrum using your personal mana reserves? One hundred and five mana will be used to refine 2.5 Nebula.

[Yes]                 [No]

Pushing away the wall, I say, {Aye, as always, I am thankful for thy assistance.} 

From my belly, I can see a purple glow radiate through the arc suit. “Acknowledgment: This one serves the Mistress, and the Mistress has begun refining the aforementioned Nebula.“

With the refining started, I can hear Earl’s lantern squeak as she moves closer. {By the way, Earl, I have meant to apologize.} Her vacant white eyes enter my line of sight. She lifts the lantern and raises an eyebrow. {From when we last spoke before I entered hibernation.}

“Response: This one does not wish for an apology from the Mistress for that occasion.” She moves to my right side and takes a seat. “Clarification: This one merely wishes for the Mistress to be more selective of those that are allowed in the Mistress’s company… but this one also wishes the Mistress would not be suspicious of this one...” I look over at Earl, who pulls her lantern close and props her head against it. She stares at the violet flame within, soaking in the light it produces, and continues, “This one only desires what’s in the Mistress’s best interest, and so this one will forever help the Mistress overcome and devour whatever may hinder that.”

Things turn silent. 

Around a minute passes before I tap on the lantern to break the quiet. {...And what about what’s best for Earl? I would like it if I could help thee as well.}

With a frown, she raises a hand and rubs at the spot I touched. “Answer: This one has been reshaped and reborn as the Mistress’s Interface. What’s best for the Mistress is naturally what’s best for this one.”

{If I recall, thou stated that thy memory was vague. Dost thou not wish for those memories back? I could perhaps help with that.}

“Response: If this one valued those memories, this one would not be an Interface. This one has no desire for them.”

Things turn silent for a time before I move a bit closer to her and illuminate her further with the glow of my kiln. {Though I do not fully understand what it means to be an Interface or the sacrifices that may come along with it, I am thankful that thou art my Interface.} She raises her head and looks at me. {And I wish for it to be known that thou should not concern thyself with my suspicions further—I trust thee.}

Earl nods. “Statement: As the Mistress should.”

Earl Interface:

Notice: Refining is complete. One hundred and five mana used to refine 2.5 Nebula

+ 1 Orenda
14 Stat Points Remaining

Achieved Novice Gluttonous Naturalist [Grade 9] 

A day later, I am in the Breadbasket in what I consider the northeast corner of Fairy’s Pantry. Byron, Doctor Jäger, and Shriek have begun their own experiments in Knights Respite. Doctor Jäger and Shriek were excited to begin, but as for Byron, I think he finally realized that the insects are meant to be hunted in the future. Since then, Byron has been a bit melancholy. I believe he shall get over it soon enough, though. 

Anyway, everyone is working toward our goal of opening Fairy’s Pantry to the top one hundred token recipients. Byron is repeating my jar experiment with insects we brought with higher numbers. That way, I can have an idea of how each of them shall react. Meanwhile, Doctor Jäger is focusing on the haze itself while Shriek is just assisting or cleaning whenever the need arises. The rest of BDP is studying the thirteen insects chosen from yesterday's quest pile, and Pilgrim Hill is working on my other enclosures.

As for what I am doing in the Breadbasket, I am in the midst of breaking new ground with my own experiments, meaning I have been introducing insects to the haze while they are in bigger enclosures. I am in the Breadbasket because if something goes wrong, then all of the Foggy Forest shall be between here and Knight’s Respite. 

I did consider dragging them into the wastes of Tenebrous and performing these experiments, except I was concerned that the creature might act or evolve unpredictably out there. Furthermore… there is nowhere to hide in a flat, barren wasteland. That was my thought at the time anyway, but thus far, my presumptions regarding enclosure size limiting the size of the insects have been holding up rather well.

Squatting, I look into one of the cages where a variant of the sable lacewing larva scurries about. The first time I did this experiment in the jar, it came out around the size of a walnut. This time, with me using the smallest Pilgrim Hill enclosure I had, it came out around the size of a turtle. 

It did come out a bit different, however, because it took on a shade of brown to match the wood of the cage. After watching it for a few hours, I moved it from that wooden enclosure to one of the cages that once held the bugs I slew yesterday. These cages have doors on the front which expose it to the Breadbasket’s environment in full. After waiting a few more hours, it changed to yellow, became more slender, and then grew a bit bigger to fill the cage.

When it did that, I moved it back to the original enclosure to see if it would shrink back down and change colors again. I repeated this a few times with different sable lacewings and cages before finding that it takes around ten hours before they cease growing or mutating.

‘Ten hours to cease growing, and it took around an hour to grow to the size of a mouser. Does that mean without a cage, the sable lacewing might grow to ten times this size? That’s big, but it’s not unimaginable or anything… Certainly, it would weigh over a hundred pounds, but that’s no bigger than a deer. It would be a good challenge for a group of inexperienced pilgrims. Is that true, though? Perhaps it only grew slow because it’s in an enclosure. It would be of great help if I could find more developed creatures with their offspring.’

I shake my head, coming back to the same problems. My main concern is that I do not know what will happen to the creatures when I allow them out of a cage, and I also do not know what will become of their offspring. By that I mean, I do not know if the offspring will change into something else entirely.

The best example I have of offspring is the Violetfish, and the offspring do look similar to the mother, but the Violetfish have not mutated much at all. It seems like one of the worst creatures I could base all my assumptions upon.

I did speak to Earl about it. What I learned is that creatures do change and adapt much like I do, but I also learned that the world’s current predicament has no comparison as far as Earl is aware. In the past and in the future, creatures will be exposed to mana from their conception to their deaths. There is no ‘awakening’ and then an abrupt evolution of an animal into a new species. It’s a process that happens over time as creatures gain strength, again similar to what I am doing with my levels and adaptations. When they reach that point, they might experience a sudden change into a new or variant species.

That being said, this all presents a unique opportunity for me. My haze and pearls awaken creatures, turning them into new species. This is the only time that something like that has been so easy. I can have creatures that exist nowhere else but inside my Tower. If anyone ever wishes to pursue these creatures, they must come inside and hunt them. The downside is that I cannot rely on how creatures acted and changed in the past.

So there are two things I wish I could do before taking the risk of allowing a creature to wander freely. The first is finding a pregnant creature, allowing it to give birth, and then raising the offspring in a different environment and situation than the parent. The second is to have the same creature, one from an enclosed environment and another from an open environment. Then I would know what to expect.

That would clear up many questions and make me feel more comfortable releasing creatures into the Ancient and Foggy Forests to start growing their numbers. 

‘There are just so many things I do not know. Time is scarce, and I suppose I could just let them out, warn everyone, and then see what happens, but I only have one floor. If things go wrong, who knows how long it may take before I can correct it. If I make an insatiable monstrosity, then it will just lead to both tragedy and the refusal of people to reenter.’

I hear the squeak of a swinging lantern and then Earl’s voice, “Statement: The Mistress should not be so concerned with the loss of fleshie ‘life.’”

I glance next to me, finding Earl watching me with a tilted head. Shaking my head, I explain, {It’s not the loss of life. As I have stated on previous occasions, anyone that chooses to come into the Tower has made their own choice to do so. The issue is that there cannot be so much loss that people believe coming into the Tower is just a colorful way of committing suicide. Hence, we cannot have every person who enters meeting tragedy, but we also cannot have everyone slicing their way through like a farmer scything their harvest. There is a very delicate balance that needs to be struck.}

Squatting next to me, Earl peeks into the cage. “Query: Why are fleshies so fussy about such minor things?”

{Minor things? Like dying?} I tap on the door of the cage with a metallic ting. The sable lacewing bangs against the back wall. {Most things are not eager to become spirits.}

“Statement: This one thinks the fleshies should be more open-minded. Spirits are superior to the flesh...” Earl glances at her lantern. I can tell she wants to say ‘and the soul’ but stops herself. “Observation: This one thinks the Mistress insinuates too much from a simple glance. This one would never hold such an opinion.”

{...I suppose I shall believe thee for now.}

She purses her lips. “Statement: As the Mistress should.” With her lips pursed, she glances at the other cages nearby. “Remark: At the current rate of study, the Mistress will not be done for several weeks. Inquiry: Can the fleshies outside wait such a long period without succumbing to their squishy instincts? Or the Kiln, for that matter? Have more not appeared since the Mistress sprouted?”

{It’s doubtful they would wait that long, and aye, there have been more Kiln to sprout.} I rub my fingers together, thinking and watching the lacewing. {I need to find a way to move things along quicker.}

As I am studying the sable lacewing, I hear the ‘oohs’ and squeaks of Gen and the Elderly Rats. They left just before I started the experiments, so I was curious when they would return.

{What have Gen and the Elderly Rats been doing, by the way, Earl? Hast thou been keeping an eye on them?}

“Response: This one doesn’t know why the Mistress would think that this one would bother keeping an eye on the smelly fleshlings.” She pauses and then huffs. “Answer: The primitive fleshlings have been constructing crude weapons in Forbidden Willow.”

{Crude weapons? Doth thou mean something lik—}

“Squaaaek!” I hear the Elderly Rats screech next to me.

A sharpened stick whistles past my face, piercing the body of the sable lacewing. My gaze sticks to the twitching body of the sable lacewings. Only when I hear further howls do I look over to find Earl has vanished and both Gen and the Elderly Rats, raising their arms with fervor. 

‘Nay! I do not require protection!’ Gen and an Elderly Rat tackle me to the ground. ’I made it; I do not need protection from it!’

The remaining two Elderly Rats raise their spears and begin stabbing the sable lacewing time and time again. Watching the screaming faces of the Elderly Rats as they skewer the poor carcasses of the insect, a stray thought crosses my mind. 

The Elderly Rats were in the chamber pot tunnels for weeks, and they even had offspring. I could shorten these experiments by weeks. If I could find their offspring or any nest of insects, for that matter, I could clear up a lot of questions. ‘Is going into the chamber pot tunnels worth the risk? ...If I bring enough competent people, I think it might be, and competent people are not in short supply right now…’ Throwing open the cage door, the Elderly Rats drag the carcasses out and begin beating it. I nod. ‘...Aye, I believe I could gather some information and people in no time at all.’

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