The Storms Monarch is maybe an Extra

24 – “Date” [2]

“So…your plan is to make Raun so jealous that he comes running back to you?”

Amelia nodded. 

I sighed and plopped down on her bed. What a stupid plan. Hasn’t she read any romance novels? This kind of shit wouldn’t end well.

However, this was an extremely good chance to put the plot on track without Raun dying.

“I’m not saying that your plan is bad or anything, but what about asking Artoria to help you instead?”


“Yes. I’d hate to admit it, but she’s extremely attractive. Raun would definitely be fuming seeing you with her.”

Amelia thought for a bit before shaking her head. “I-I’m not acquainted with her. B-Besides, I don’t think Marie would like it if I…”

“I understand.”

I really did. Marie was a bitch. 

“Then, how about thinking of another plan? I don’t think it would go s—”

“NO!” Amelia screamed for the first time in her life (I guessed so.) It was very uncharacteristic of her. “DON’T YOU DARE THINK LOWLY OF MASTER’S PLAN.”


Amelia never had a master! Even in the Church of Life arc, she only ever trained by herself. 

‘It seems that I found the other transmigrator!’

I knew what you were thinking, slimy bastard. He was probably trying to deceive the sweet and naive Amelia into loving him. If I let him go loose anymore, maybe he’d even seduce Artoria!

So, I had to accept this plan to see who the “master” was. 

“Amelia, is your master also coming?”

“Yes! Master will oversee everything— e-eh? W-Why are you smiling like you’re about to kill someone?”

Huh, looked like my real intention was plastered all over my face. 

Calming down, I stood up with a grin. “Alright, I’ll help you.”

Since I was going to go on a “date” with Amelia, I needed to prepare my disguises. Simply asking Lyra to mask me was a stupid idea since I didn’t want either Raun or Amelia to even suspect me of being the one who put a rift in their relationship.

‘...I can’t believe I’m about to spend money on this...’






"—and that's why those with the noblest of bloodlines will always triumph over filthy commoners."

Wade Vermillion, younger brother of Marquess Vermillion, and uncle of Erika Vermillion. Just like his nephew, he was an extreme blood supremacist. But unlike his nephew, his home environment caused him to grow up like that.

He wasn’t that bad of a person, all things considered. He only started messing with Artoria because Erika asked him to, and he couldn’t refuse his cute nephew.

Anyways, that was the backstory of the man who was currently staring provocatively at Artoria. 

I took out the chocolate-popcorn I’d prepared before hand and munched on it, enjoying the show that was to come.

Oh, and since this was a free lecture, Amelia was also sitting next to me, not to learn, but to finalize our plan.

“You want some?”

She nodded and grabbed some popcorn.

Now, let the show begin!

"Student Artoria Kilvillain, you seem to have something on your mind. Do you mind sharing it with the whole class?"

Artoria looked at Wade in confusion before pointing his finger to herself. "Me?"

"Of course you! Who else in this room is named 'Artoria'?"


"Well, what do you want to say?"

Artoria, who was flustered by being suddenly called out, decided to speak her mind. "I don't think your lecture is right. I'm a commoner and I'm confident that I can beat other nobles."

Instantly, the classroom was filled with murmurs. Male nobles were frowning at Artoria's words, while females, regardless of their social status, were supportive of her like always.

Although I knew what he said was absolutely true, it still came off as very arrogant. 

"Hahaha! What a nice joke. A commoner beating a noble? Don't make me laugh!"

"I still think that I'm right. I believe that a noble who only lived in protection and luxury cannot beat a hard-working commoner."

Artoria believed that with enough hard work and determination, anyone can become strong.

Well, he didn't really account for the fact that nobles also had to train rigorously from birth, some even going as far as joining knights in subjugation quests when they were barely ten.

And commoners, who didn't have as many resources and professional training, would more often than not lose pathetically to nobles of the same age.

Regardless of whether what Artoria said made sense or not, commoners of class Lux were cheering for her, thinking that the first-ranker was different from what they thought. They had expected her to suck up to the nobles, but she instead took their side. 

Stopping himself from frowning, Wade's eyes brightened up as if he thought of something amazing. "Well, if you're so adamant about it, how about we make a bet?"

"A bet?"

"Yes. If you can reach <D> rank before the midterms, I'll admit that I was wrong and formally apologize to you and every commoner in this class."

Artoria looked at professor Wade with a frown. She was about to refuse to take the bet, but a look of surprise flashed across her face as she stared into thin air. "I accept! I hope you hold up your end of the deal later, professor."

"As if! Some commoners like you can nev—"

Interrupting Wade's speech was an eruption of mana coming from Artoria. The pressure of her Mana was suffocating every student in the class.

Even professor Wade had a look of surprise on his face, which was normal, considering what had just happened.

Yes, Artoria Kilvillain, the first-ranker, had reached <D> rank. Nevermind the fact that she was the youngest in history to reach rank <D>, everyone was more surprised that she had broken through to <D> rank as soon as she accepted professor Wade's challenge.

'She's strong!', I cheered inwardly. It meant that Artoria was now officially as strong as she was in the novel. 'Looks like the troubles I went through weren't for nothing after all.'

Artoria, smirking, provocatively looked at professor Wade. “Professor, I once again hope that you keep up your end of the deal.”

A noble bowing before commoners was unacceptable, but not honoring a bet would be an even worse blow to Wade’s reputation. So, he reluctantly apologized to everyone here. Yes, even me, who had nothing to do with it.





After class was over, Amelia went ahead first for “scouting,” but I knew that she was just mentally preparing herself for what was to come.

Anyways, after making all my preparations, I stepped foot into the Southern district of the Imperial Capital. I couldn't help but stare at everything in awe. Although I had been here before, the liveliness of the place still surprised me.

People roamed everywhere. Fancy restaurants, scattered food stalls, and even massive stores. This was truly the economical center of the Imperial capital.

Observing the street for a while, I made a vow to myself to take Lyra here sometimes. I knew how cramped she must have felt staying in my dorm room, so it was the least I could do for her.

I was wandering near the fountain in front of the adventurer guild, before catching a glimpse of a familiar figure. 

Long brown hair tied into a braid that was resting on her left shoulder, jade-colored eyes, and facial features so attractive that she could have been mistaken for a succubus if not for her innocent aura. It was Amelia. She wore a dress whose arms and shoulders were black, and its bottom had a brownish-golden color.

Men around her stared at her in amazement, and I was no different. However, I soon woke up from my stupor and approached her.

"Hey Amelia!", I tapped her shoulders.

"W-Who are you!", she looked at me warily.

I was confused. Did she forget about me? 

But then I realized something. ‘Right, my disguise.’ I pulled out my hand mirror and looked at my reflection. With short ash-gray hair and molten eyes, I looked just like the male version of Lyra.

Involuntarily, I chuckled upon remembering Lyra’s reaction.

-|W-What? You’re me but…male?|

The Celestial spent several hours wailing in absolute confusion, much to my amusement. 

But her next words weren’t amusing at all.

-|Oh! I forgot that you’re flat! That’s why you look like male me!|

Let’s just say that a certain gray raven cried herself to sleep on a couch with a few bumps on her head that day.

Anyways, I focused back on my current situation. Lifting my wig a bit, I said, “It’s me.”

Amelia’s eyes widened like saucers. “O-Oh, t-that’s a really good disguise.”

“Right. And can you not call me ‘Ast’ while I’m like this?”

“E-Eh? What do you want to be called, then?”

I thought for a second before answering, “Lyran, Lyran Myrsky.”

Only the most creative name.

We then sat on the edge of the fountain in awkward silence, ignoring the stares many people were giving us.

"Uh… So, what are we waiting for?" I broke the silence.

"My master isn't here yet, so we can't go!" Amelia firmly said.

"What do you mean, I'm right here,” a voice rang out from behind us.

Startled, Amelia quickly glanced behind her before jumping up and running toward the person. "Master!"

I gazed at her master curiously, wanting to find out what kind of person he was. But—


"Hm, do I know you?" Ria, Amelia's 'master', asked in confusion.

"Everyone knows about you, oh mighty daughter of Duke Freywright Pyrian."

Ria eyed me for a bit before nodding in satisfaction. "Mhm, you chose a good man to execute the plan with. What's his name?"

"He's As— I mean um... Ly... Lyc..."

Seeing that Amelia was struggling to remember my alias, I decided to intervene. "My name is Lyran Myrsky, my lady. I'm but a humble Paladin of the Church of Life tasked with protecting Saintess Amelia."

I lied. There was no way those other Saints and Saintesses at the church of Life would spare any knights to protect Amelia. After all, the competition for the position of the Pontiff of Life was very intense. 

Thankfully, Ria seemed to have bought my lie.

"I see. I suppose you know about the plan?"

"Yes, my lady. I am to pretend to be 'dating' Saintess Amelia to make this “Raun” feel jealous."

"And I trust that you have already found a way for Raun to witness your date, Amelia?"


"Lady Ria, do you mind if I asked a question?" I bowed respectfully.

"Spill it."

"Do you know anything about the Hero of Light going to Ark?"

I eyed Ria closely for her reaction. Not even a light twitch of her brows could escape my sight.

However, Ria's expression remained the same. "Hero of Light? I heard there was a rumor that she is also going to Ark. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, my lady. Just pointless curiosity."

"Do you have any more questions?"

"No, my lady."

"Good, then let's go!" Ria shouted in enthusiasm, making everyone stare at us. 

"Where are we going, master?" Amelia's eyes sparkled in anticipation. 

"Hm? You're on a date. Of course you're going to a café!"






Asst: Hey

Asst: Go to Eferent café in southern district

Asst: I'll send you the location

Asst: be there quick

Asst: I need to discuss somehting 


Raun furrowed his brows as he checked his notification. Ast had never texted him first, so it must mean that she had something very important to tell.

Although his crotch was still hurting from yesterday, he decided to go and meet up with Ast. Putting on a cap, Raun went through a transfer gate and into the southern district of the capital.

Following the directions on his phone, Raun soon entered the café. Instantly, the aroma of high-quality coffee and desserts stimulated his appetite. 

Raun scanned the cafe for Ast, but he was absolutely terrified by what he found.

Instead of Ast, he spotted Amelia. She was sitting at a table, enjoying her drinks. But she wasn't alone.

A man who looked Raun's age but much more handsome than him was drinking at the same table as Amelia. They laughed and chatted happily with each other. Amelia even fed the man her desert at one point.

Though, Raun was too shaken to notice the stiff smile Amelia had. 

Waking Raun up from his stupor was his phone vibrating. He quickly checked the messages.


Asst: nvm it's nothing important

Asst: I'll just tell you tomrorow


'What perfect timing', Raun thought. With whatever business Ast had with him out of the way, he could focus entirely on stalking watching out for Amelia's safety.

Thus, he sat at a table near Amelia's, ordered a glass of orange juice, and observed them, very, very closely.




'He's here,’ I sipped my coffee as I saw Raun entering the coffee.

Amelia seemed to have noticed Raun too as she had that determined look in her eyes. Thus, commenced the plan.

We had our drinks and chatted enthusiastically. Amelia even spoon-fed me her cake. I thought everything was going well, until—


Mine and Amelia's phones vibrated simultaneously. We both checked our group chat with Ria.


Ria: Oi

Ria: What's with that fake smile Amelia

Amelia: Sorry master! :(

Ria: Iget it. Stop texting and get back to acting


We continued to have fun. Genuinely. It was a shame that Raun decided to sit at a table behind Amelia. He could've seen his girlfriend's blissful expression and break even sooner...




It had been 45 minutes since Raun started stalking us, and there were still no movements from Raun.

Seemingly tired of there being no progress, Ria, who was watching us from god knows where, texted us.


Ria: He's not moving

Ria: Do something differnt

Me: What should we do?

Ria: Idk, kiss or something


Amelia had a surprised look on her face as she stared at me, blushing.

"I-If master says so,” she muttered in a small voice.

Wanting this to end as soon as possible, I stood up and got close to Amelia, who also decided to stand up.

‘Alright, this is my first kiss. Taken by my best friend’s girlfriend in a ploy that wouldn’t work. And I’m crossdressing, too. Nothing too special. Everyone experiences this at least once, right?’

And with that thought, I placed both of my hands on Amelia’s cheek and pulled her in for a light kiss. All the while, I looked at the shocked Raun and winked.

Seeing that he wasn’t completely ruined yet, I decided to take one step further. I positioned Amelia to the side so that Raun could see our kiss in full view.


Raun stuttered as he tried to form a sentence. However, I wasn’t done yet. Since Amelia seemed to be also enjoying the kiss, I took it another step further and pushed my tongue into Amelia’s mouth. I didn’t know what I was doing, but this was definitely much more heated than anything I’d experienced.

Woah, Amelia was more proactive in the kiss than I’d thought. Wasn’t this supposed to be all a ploy? In any case, I’d achieved my goal. Raun had stormed out of the cafe without even looking back.

Only after Raun fully left did I break the kiss and sat Amelia down again.

Her eyes still looked hazy, and her face was deep red. However, she still managed to ask, “W-Where’s Raun?”


The truth must’ve hit her like a speeding truck. I didn’t know what went on inside her mind at that moment, but her reaction told me everything I needed to know.”

"Hic... I knew it... he doesn't love me!"

I wanted to point out that Raun had most likely just thought that she was happy with someone else, and thus he didn't want to disrupt her new-found relationship. However, I managed to hold in the urge. Everything was going well. After suffering this heartbreak, Amelia just needed a little push to be totally dependent on Artoria.

When I looked back at Amelia, she was already sobbing in Ria's embrace. Apparently, she had jumped out of her hiding spot, and I was just too occupied with my thought to notice.

"Hic... m-master, h-he..."

"Shhh, I know, just let it all out. Don't worry, it's not like all the men…and women in this world are dead." Ria patted Amelia's back as she consoled her.

“Yeah.” I also patted Amelia’s back. Gotta earn those affection points when I still had the chance. “Saintess, if you want to enter a new relationship, just look for me. I know someone that is blonde, curvy, and stunning, and she’s waiting for someone like you to enter her life.”

That was very inappropriate in this current situation, but Amelia was too hurt to even register what I was saying.

Ria, being the idiot behind all of this, also made some very insensitive comments. “I also know someone who’s single. She’s a bit cold, but she’s a sweetheart deep down. But if you want to have her, you’ll have to eliminate the annoying bug that’s always by her side.”

'What a shitty drama this is…'




Since Ria had some business she had to attend to, I escorted Amelia back to Ark all by myself. Of course, I got rid of the disguise since I couldn’t just waltz into the female dorms with that.

Anyways, I was back inside the range of telepathy with Lyra.


After a few sounds of several things crashing, I could finally hear Lyra’s voice. |Y-Yes?|

This bitch…

(“Did you just break my kitchen? My tablewares?”)


She definitely did.

Okay, okay, calm down. They only costed 2,000L, not accounting for tax. N-Nothing too special, haha… HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

(“Can you spy on someone for me?”)

Lyra jumped on the first chance to make me less mad.

|Y-Yes! Who is it that you want the great me to spy on?|

(“Ria Pyrian.  Report back to me if she does something suspicious or mentions anything about a novel of some sort.")

|Huh? Why do you want to know about a novel?|

("Just do it")

|...O-Okay! Just don’t be mad!|

A few minutes later, I arrived back at Amelia’s dorm. She stayed alone, as all Saints and Saintesses did.

As I was about to leave her alone to weep, Amelia suddenly grabbed my collar and—



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