The Story of a Boy Who Was Reincarnated in a Harem Romcom Manga

CH 10 – I got blackmailed by a god damn psycho.

A/N: So basically, I changed Chiaki Inoue's entire design. I don't know, she just kinda felt... bland and underwhelming. The character I wanted to create was a really cool and mature person, like an "onee-san" vibe you know what I mean???
But instead, she kinda looked like a little sister instead, so I changed it.

I've already changed in the first chapter when Isamu introduces her, as well as changed her illustrations.

Long story short, she has black brownish hair, gold eyes, wavy hair, and a mole under her eye. Most important fact is that she has the largest "capital" out of the three heroines. 😏

You should probably check it out before reading this, cause guess who's gonna be in this chapter?

Anyways, like always, thanks for your support guys, I always love reading your comments :) Hope you enjoy the rest of the novel!


How did I end up in this situation? 

The first thing I saw was Mei's sleeping face, followed by her modest breasts.

I immediately jolted up, in a panic.

Mei was resting against the tree stump, with dead leaves that rested on top of her head. 

I recalled the soft feeling on the back of my head a few moments ago, which suddenly made me feel slightly hotter, if not a little bit embarrassed. 

They were so soft.... and war- not! What the fuck am I thinking about in front of her?

A sigh escaped my lips, as I gazed at her face. 

Hm... She has really long eyelashes... Also her skin looks so pale and unblemished, clear as glass. 

Damn. Those cheeks look like they would be really nice to squeeze... Like... like, mochi.

I reached my right hand to her cheek. 


"Eh? 'Squish'?

My jaw dropped. It was... It felt too squishy and soft to grab - It was too dangerous for a mere mortal to hold and touch, or else they would of lost their minds.

"...Oh, thank our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, for bestowing me with the right to witness such a majestic act of god in front of me.... Please forgive me for my impertinence and not believing in you until now..."

"Wha- What are you doing!?"

Uh oh.

Mei was glaring at me with a cherry-red face. I started to stammer.

"N- No- I- it isn't what it l- looks like!"

"It's exactly what it looks like!!!"

"I- it was too hard to resist!!! Are you telling me if you saw a cute girl sleeping in front of you with such grabbable cheeks, you would just leave it alone!?"

"C- cute!? N- No, that isn't even the problem you idiot!!!"

"Am I wrong though??? I swear, ask any boy and they would say yes! Even Touma!!!"

"T- The only people that would remotely adhere to such lecherous acts would be perverts!!!"

"That is WRONG!!! If I see sweet home Alabama right in front of me, I am not going to ignore such a once in a lifetime opportunity!!!"

"Don't act like its the end of the world!!!"

"B- but it is..."

"...I never said you couldn't touch it again."


She looked like a cute rabbit currently in front of me. Eh? Who's this adorable creature?

No. This can't be real.

She's gaslighting me. She HAS to be!!!

"You're LYING to me!!!"

"No, I'm not!!!"

"...Huh? For real?"

"Yes, so stop complaining..."

"Who replaced my Ice Princess with a lovely sweet girl!?"


"Where's the harsh words that you spit at everybody? Where's that unbearable condescending attitude that you put on towards everyone? You're not Mei!!!"

"It IS me you fucking idiot!!!"

"That's more like it! My Ice Princess is coming back from hell, and I'm all here for it, baby!!!"

"Mou!!! I really hate you, you know that!?"

"You've always hated me, so it doesn't change anything anyways! Hahahahahahahaha!!!"

"N- No, I don't..."

"Hm? What was that?"

"I said I don't hate you!!! Baka!"

She immediately dipped after that, leaving me in the dust, once again.

...No, seriously, who is this cute girl???


[Afterschool - Shopping Mall]

I needed to buy more groceries. My mum, or I guess Isamu's mum asked me to buy some before coming home. 


Now. You might be wondering why I was sighing, once again. This seems to be a really repetitive thing huh?

But anyways, the reason why I was sighing was because of this godly human next to me, Chiaki Inoue. She was wearing a black leather jacket that hanged off her shoulder, exposing her bare shoulders. She was wearing denim slim pants, as well as a tight-fitting white blouse, with a black star-themed cap. Quite literally a cool girl vibe.


Let's just say, I may or may not have been caught by her.

Like, come on!!! I was just casually strolling through the mall, buying food and clothes, and of course I just had to go and buy those new damn clothes!!!

Long story short, I accidently bumped into her, which caused her to drop some shopping bags that exposed some.... some really cute clothing - something that you would see a petite cute girl wearing... not what someone who looked really mature, like Inoue-san.

First, her eyes widened, before darting her eyes all over the place, trying to explain herself. Her shoulders dropped, and she fidgeted on the spot with her foot.

"U-Um... It's not what it looks like... Right! I was buying clothes for my little sister!"

"...Inoue-san. Everyone at school knows that you're an only child."

"Huh!? Uh... Is that so? I think my memory disappeared for a moment, haha...ha..."

"Anyways, I'll leave you to it!"

I tried to dip, but alas, something intensely grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Wait. Aren't you the one that Mei has been going out with recently?"

"N-No. You've got the wrong person. Who's Mei? I don't know any person named Mei. Is it a fruit? I'm just a reclusive, shy person that lives in the shadows an-"

"It is you!!!"

"IYAHHHHH!!! Let me go, woman!!! This is sexual harassment!!! HELP!!! SOME CRAZY LADY IS MOLESTING ME!!!!"

"Y- you! Shut up, right now!!!"

"SOMEBODY!!! Stop this woman!!!"

"Ah, mou~!!!"

She dragged me to another part of the mall, alas with me trying to resist with valiant efforts. I couldn't escape.


You telling me, that I can knock out a dude in one punch, and I can't even escape out of young girl's grip???

Man, fuck this!

Everything's a god damn lie!


"Ah forgive me godfather as I have failed to escape from the wretched hands of the devil herself..."

"What are you murmuring about over there?"

"...Nothing." (;-;)

"Anyways, I've got to ask you some questions."


"Are you chasing after Mei with any malicious intent? If you are, I'll never forgive you."

Wow. Do all the heroines care about each other? The more you know, I guess.

"...Of course not. In the first place, SHE was the one annoying me, not the other way around."

"Hah? If you find her annoying, why haven't you stopped her from coming near you???"

"...I tried before. But... to be completely honest, I don't mind anymore."

"So you are after her!!! You dirty beast!!!"

"No- It isn't like that!"

"It is!!!"

"Ah you know what? I should have never been honest, if I knew that you weren't going to believe me!"

"Of course I wouldn't!!! I've never seen Mei get that close to another boy, apart from Touma!!!"

"Dawg, it ain't my fault that she likes to hang out with me!!! Man, fuck this, I've had enough!"


"If you don't shut up, I'll tell the entire school that you actually like to wear cute clothes!"

"N-N-No!!! Don't do that!!!"

"Too late, young girl!!! You should of never grabbed my shoulder earlier, or else this wouldn't have happened!!!"

"I- I'll tell the entire school that Isamu Ishikawa is a molester!!!"


Wait. That would be really bad. Out of the two of us, who would believe more? The scary looking dude with a vulgar mouth, or a popular idol that everyone loves?



So here I am. Accompanying Inoue-san at the mall. Something about my opinion on how she looks in her cute clothes that she bought.

Honestly, I wasn't really listening. I was too busy questioning life and cursing at the world for putting me in this situation.

"Ne~ Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I hear you loud and clear sir..."

"You do remember that I can end your whole social life right?"


"Good! Now, what do you think about these clothes?"

"Soooo.... why are you getting me to rate your clothes again?"

"Well, I've always liked cute clothes, but I'm too embarrassed to wear them in public. So, this will be the first time I have someone's thoughts on me wearing them... After all, I'm not even sure if they fit me anyways..."

"I see. But couldn't you have asked Touma or one of the other girls to do it for you?"

"Hell no!!! I would never be able to show my face again if they saw me in cute clothes... At the very least, you're just an outsider, which means your thoughts will be unbiased."

"Then, get someone that isn't me to do it."

"...I can't trust anybody though."

"Doesn't that include me though?"

"...I think you're a good guy. I mean, you did save Mei after all, so you're probably a good person."

"Wow gee, thanks, I'm so emotionally moved by your compliment."

"That, and also most people would say that I look good in any clothes anyways, just to satisfy me."

"Couldn't I be doing the same?"

"No, the way you look at me is different from others. If people looked at me with extreme goodwill and/or malicious intentions, you would be more... more in the middle I say. Not really liking me, nor looking at me with lecherous intent- actually, you kinda just treat me like a complete stranger."

"Damn, there's people out there that look at you with goodwill? That's crazy! You're a crazy psycho an- wheee wayyy... ouwwww..."

She pulled my cheeks while pinching them. 

"What were you saying?"



She let go. 

"Ow... One of these days, I swear..."

"So, back to my question! What do you think?"

She twirled around in a pale snow-white dress, that extended from her shoulders to the bottom of her knees. Her bare shoulders were exposed, as the hem of the dress flew through the air. The sunlight rained down through the skylight of the mall, reflecting off Inoue-san figure. Her eyes sparkling, gazed at me with excitement as she patiently awaited my opinion.

"Well. It looks really good on you, surprisingly."


"Hmm... The white dress really enhances the "innocent" vibe that you have going for you, and the extra pieces of accessories like your choker and necklace really adds depth to the style."


"I'd say your black hair contrasts quite well with the white dress, and your shining gold eyes really just tops it off as it blends with your gold necklace, star earrings, and star ornament on the choker."

"Kya~ Stop flattering me~"

"Well you wanted my honest unbiased opinion, so here it is."

"Hmm...? Hey, Ishikawa-kun."


"You seem to know a lot about clothes and accessories- are you into fashion?"

"No, not really. I used to have a little sister that always dragged me around asking how she looked in clothes, just like you."

"You have a little sister?"

"Yea- ...No. No, I don't."

She tilted her head.

"What? You just said you did."

"No, I was talking about a friend's sister."

I lied. My little sister doesn't exist in this world. I started to reminisce in my past, back when I wasn't dead and reincarnated in this world.

"Oi idiot onii-chan!!! Hurry up!!!"
"What do you think about my clothes? They look good right?"
"Of course! After all, I am your little sister, so of course I'd look good in all clothes!"

Although she was quite the brat, I quite miss her now.

"...I've decided."


"From now on, when I come up to you, give me your opinion on my clothes alright?"

"What!? Hell no, this is the only time I'm spending time with you-"

"Hmm? You were saying?"

A group chat entered my vision. 

"...Yes ma'am."

"Good boy!"

...O' accursed god, why must you do this to me...


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