The Story of a Boy Who Was Reincarnated in a Harem Romcom Manga

CH 16 – Enlightment


The surroundings blinded me. A white space, with no sense of time and direction. I didn't exist in this space and time. It felt like a part of me was just there, and in another way, it felt like I wasn't anywhere. I don't know how to describe it. 

Who was I?

Where was this place?

I don't know.

I'm too tired to think.

I should rest.

My eyelids slowly lowered as I drifted off to sle-

"You don't need to think."


I woke up. A person stood in front of me.

Is... Is that me?

"Yes, and no. I am you from your past life."

Behind me.

"And I am you in your current life."

I turned around. It was Isamu.


"No. It'd be more accurate to say that we are both Isamu now."

Does that even make sense?

"No. But it is how it is. We share the same body. We are one of mind together. So you are both me and yourself."

"He" was now floating upside down, in front of me.

I don't... understand.

"We share the same soul. Your soul and mine have merged, and now we both exist as one."

I... see. Then why haven't I heard you the whole time?

"Did you just not listen to me? There is no "other" me. We are the same person. So how would there be another voice in your head?"

...This is too confusing.

"You don't need to understand. I've already left the world anyways. But you? You're still alive. You have loose ends to tie up. So get off your ass, and go."

What? "Loose ends?"

"Time is up. When the time comes, you'll understand."

Wait! What do you mean loose ends!?

"Goodbye. I hope you will live a life that is way better than mine. And make sure... You make those girls happy. Alright? Cya. My other 'me.'"

What do you mean!? Wait! God damn it, I told you to wait!!! Ah, crap... I'm losi-


My eyelids opened. Well, to be exact, only one opened.

My right eye felt like it was covered by something soft.

A white ceiling. The sound of an analog clock clicking reverberated throughout the room, as the soft beeps of the heart monitor continued.

(...What about Mum!?)

Trying to lift my body up, I was met with a shock that traveled through my flesh and bones.


Looking down on my body, multiple stitches and wraps of gauze were present. To the right, was a metal tray topped with bloodied bandages and scissors.

It was clear to me, that I was in a hospital.


I was alone. Or not.

To the left, a pair of soft breathing entered my ears.

I turned my head. It was Chiaki and Mei.

For some reason, their eyelids seemed a little red, and traces of tears were painted on the sides of their cheeks.

They were both cutely sleeping, with their heads touching each other, chairs beside together.

But, a void filled my heart.

First, it was my father. Then it was my mother.

I don't know. Can I really continue?

The world spiralled around me, the walls crunching into each other, as the sound of the clock continued to drone endlessly as I sat there, lifelessly.


Chiaki rubbed her eyes as she gradually raised her eyes, only to spot me.



"K- Kawachi! You're awake!"

Hopping off her seat, she wrapped her arms around me. The plush feeling of her toned arms and chest plummeted into me.

"Are you okay? I heard you were absent because of an accident! I rushed over, only to find you strapped to the medical bed, wrapped in bandages and attached to an IV!"


"Don't "yeah" me! We're both worried about you!"

Mei had also woken up, as she sat there still, as she stared motionlessly at me.

"Isamu?" (Mei)

"...Hey Mei."


She dived into my abdomen.

"Oof! Relax, I'm alive. Also it hurts, so can you both loosen up on that bear hug?"

"Ah, sorry!" (Mei & Chiaki)

Both Chiaki and Mei loosened up their grips, before sitting on either side of me.

The three of us sat in silence for a few moments, before Mei broke the ice.

"...How... are you feeling?"


(I feel like I want to die. Both physically and mentally.)

But I knew I couldn't say those words. So I locked it deep inside me. Scrunching my eyebrows, I lightly smiled. 

"I'm fine."

"...Liar." (Mei and Chiaki)


They saw straight through me.

I didn't want to utter the words. I didn't want to know, in fear that I would find out the worst. But sooner or later, I would have to know. So I opened my mouth and-

"...Is my Mum safe?"


The few seconds of silence said it all.

"...I knew-"

"You had a mum?" (Chiaki)


My mouth fell agape, as I dazedly looked at Chiaki.

"Wait, do you mean the young woman that was crying beside Isamu while he was recovering?" (Mei)

"I thought that was his sister... Or maybe a girlfrien-" (Chiaki)

"I don't have a sister. Or a girlfriend for that matter."

"I wasn't curious about that." (Chiaki)

The edges of her mouth slightly curled up, as the ends of her ears brightly glowed red.

"...Hah. She's... actually not dead."

I flopped over back in my bed, as the choking sensation eventually left my soul, and the feeling of tears rolled down my cheek.

"Thank god."

I placed my palm on my eyes. I softly weeped, as the two girls clenched the side of my shirt in silence.


The door swung open, as a figure rushed into the room.

Moderate height, wonderful curves that could enchant anyone, a mole that marked the bottom left of her lip, and long straight ash hair, with a single braid that travelled down the side of her chest. The crystal clear scarlet eyes were tainted with tears, as she gasped for air.

Akane Ishikawa. My... Mum.




She burst into my arms, as I held her warm breathing body. This was real. She was... alive. My eyes violently shook, as I slowly lost the rationality to hold back the tears. I was this close to losing another loved one. I cried my heart out, in the warm hands of my mother.

For a while, the room was enclosed in a mood of melancholy, yet happiness.


[3rd Person POV]

"Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!!!"


The hooded man kicked the chair over, before beginning to thrash the pile of trash around him in a frenzy.

"That FUCKER!!! How did he survive!? I swear everything was calculated!!! That fire should've blown both him and his mum to bits!!! So HOWWW!!!!!"


"That fuckface's mum should've been cooking for dinner at that time!!! Yet, WHY!!!!! Why wasn't she in the fucking house!!!"

The hooded figure grabbed a box cutter as he began tearing up the photo of Isamu up on the wall.

"FUCK!!! Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou, FUCK YOU YOU DIRTY RAT!!!!!"


His right hand slowly loosened up, before the box cutter eventually slipped through and fell to the ground. He raised his head upwards.

"...Ah... My love..."

Both his hands rested on his face, as it slowly slided down, from his eyes to his neck.

"Don't worry... This time.... I'll make sure to kill that disgusting vermin properly.... just you wait..."

As he stood motionlessly in the middle of the dark room, he began to hysterically snicker, before erupting into manical laughter.


"...Hey. Chiaki?" (Mei)

"Whassup?" (Chiaki)

"How come I never knew up until now, that you've been friends with Isamu?"

"...Ah shit." 

A bead of sweat rolled down Chiaki's face.

Mei drilled holes into Chiaki as she inched closer with a menacing shadow behind her.

"Hmm? So? What's the reason? Huh? Whats the rea-"

"Scary, scary, scary- Um- like- so- like-"

"Come on, tell me the reason."

"Uhhhhh... Tee hee! It just happened like that!"

"...Don't "tee hee" me!!!"

Mei grabbed Chiaki as she began pulling her cheeks.

"Aughwwww!!! Itszsss nuautt moyyyy ffaultttt!!!"



"Ara~ Isamu my dear, I didn't know you snagged not one, but two maidens~" (Akane)

"...It's really not like that." (Isamu)

"Sure~~ Whatever you say, my dear son~~~" (Akane)

"You bitch!" (Mei)

"Agh! Stop pulling my cheeks already!" (Chiaki)

"...Sigh." (Isamu)

This continued on for a while inside the hospital room, eventually closing this scene to an end.....


A/N: Man, not gonna lie, the comments last chapter cracked the shit out of me. I was never planning to kill the mother, but seeing you guys collaborating together to kill off the stalker or to not kill the mum was funny af hahaha.

Also, don't get any weird thoughts about Isamu's mother alright? I know what you guys are thinking, so like, just don't. >_>

+1 to the illustration page!


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