The Strongest Auxiliary [Holographic]

Chapter 77

After accepting the mission, Ran Qi and Ye Xiao entered the "Realm of the Dead".

"Realm of the Dead" is just like its name, it is an ominous place full of death, it is pitch black everywhere, only the shimmering light from the green ghost fire can make people vaguely see the appearance of the place. .

The muddy ground is covered with white bones, and black dead air lingers on the white bones. These dead airs are very dangerous. Once the breath of a living person appears, they will quickly entangle the living person's body like tarsal maggots. It only takes a few seconds to extract all their vitality, and it can kill a strong adult man. That's why Pastor Leslie is so afraid of these dead energy.

When Ran Qi and Ye Xiao entered the realm of the undead, the dead energy rushed towards them as if they were alive.It's just that Ran Qi has the buff of "Blessing of the God of Light" on his body. As soon as those dead spirits approached, they were dispelled by the power of light.During these three hours, he didn't need to worry about his own safety.

And Ye Xiao has the curse power from the necromancer, which is more ferocious than these dead auras. As soon as those dead auras approach, they will be swallowed up.

It's just that there is more dead energy devoured, and the power of the curse has also become stronger. Ye Xiao began to lose blood at a faster rate, from dropping 2 points of blood every 20 seconds to dropping 2 points of blood every 25 seconds.

Obviously, they must complete the task as soon as possible to remove the curse, otherwise the longer they stay here, the blood loss of Ye Xiao will become more and more serious, and it is very likely that it will develop to the point where even Ran Qi can't breastfeed .

"Looks like we have to speed up." Ye Xiao frowned slightly.

Ran Qi nodded approvingly, just looking at the bones all over the floor, they really didn't know how to find the bones that belonged to the necromancer.

Just when they were at a loss for what to do, Ran Qi noticed something strange about the will-o'-the-wisps on the ground. Looking in the direction of the will-o'-the-wisps, he found that the clusters of will-o'-the-wisps seemed to form a line, guiding them forward. direction.

"Look! Does the direction pointed by the will-o'-the-wisp look like a road?" Ran Qi's eyes lit up immediately, and he pointed forward.

Ye Xiao looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, he noticed the strangeness of the will-o'-the-wisp.

"It should be over there, let's go and have a look."

The light in the realm of the undead is very dim, and the ground is muddy, and there are many bones mixed in it, making it very difficult to walk, so the two can only support each other to move forward.The gloomy environment and depressing atmosphere made people feel very uncomfortable. The two of them got closer unconsciously, and the temperature of their bodies kept blending, as if they were fused into one from a distance.

After walking for an unknown distance, the two of them came to the ruins. There were ruins everywhere, and it seemed that they had been abandoned for a long time.After the will-o'-the-wisp guided them here, they disappeared. Ye Xiao casually picked up the stick, lit it with a fireball, and made it into a simple torch for lighting.

"Let's look separately, there may be some clues here." Ye Xiao handed a torch to Ran Qi.

"Okay." Ran Qi raised his hand to fill in Ye Xiao's reply status, and at the same time did not forget to tell him, "Don't go too far."

"Well, I see."

The two split up and searched in the ruins. The scorched outer wall was covered with moss, and the reliefs on the wall were so damaged that they couldn't see the original appearance clearly.Ran Qi removed the scattered boards and stones, and finally found a dark hole in the center.

The entrance of the cave seems to lead to an underground space, and a dull roar can be heard vaguely from the ground. I don't know what is hidden inside...

This was probably the place they were looking for, Ran Qi immediately straightened up and called Ye Xiao over.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look." No matter what monsters and ghosts are there, they always have to go and have a look.

"it is good."

The two of them passed through a narrow, long and deep passage, and finally came to a square space hidden in the ground. This place seemed to be a temple for sacrifices, but the sacrifices were probably not some serious gods, but evil spirits, which made people feel horrified.

A pentagram array is drawn in the center of the temple, and skulls are placed on the five corners and at the junction of each line.It's just that these skulls are covered with dust and cobwebs, and it seems that no one has entered here for many years.

But when Ran Qi and Ye Xiao entered here, the pentagram suddenly lit up, and the hollow eyes of these skulls burst out with faint blue flames.

"Who is it! Dare to break into my territory?!" An old voice sounded sharply, "Since you're here, don't leave."

As his words fell, the light of the pentagram array became stronger and stronger, and the skeletons placed in the array suddenly burst out of the ground, turning into skeleton warriors dressed in rags.These skeleton fighters are all level [-] elite monsters with very thick blood, but for Ye Xiao, they are not too difficult to deal with.

When these skeletons roared and rushed towards them, Ye Xiao calmly blocked Ran Qi behind him, then cast a glacier to slow down their speed, and then used a wall of fire to stop their progress, and finally Deal them a coup de grace with a firestorm.

Although Ye Xiao was cursed, his strength was not affected, and his attack power was still as terrifying as ever. His series of skill casts prevented the skeletons from even getting close to them, leaving only a trace of blood.In the end, they could only be reduced to ashes in the unwilling roar.

"Useless trash!" The old voice sounded again, "Come out, my pet!"

The light of the pentagram array brightened instantly, reflecting the entire temple as bright as day, the ground began to tremble violently, and a huge gap opened, and a huge white bone claw came out from the gap, fully It is two people tall, and there is a thick black dead air lingering on it, which looks very dangerous.

"Kill them!"

Following the control of the old voice, the sharp claw ruthlessly grabbed towards the direction of Ran Qi and Ye Xiao, the movement was so fast that it even made the sound of breaking the wind.

Ye Xiao grabbed Ran Qi's waist and led him back quickly, narrowly avoiding the sharp claw.

That claw scratched the air, leaving a deep scratch on the wall.

"Roar!" There was a dull roar from the ground, just like the sound they heard before entering the cave.

"Let's go!" Ye Xiao made a decisive decision, pulled Ran Qi and ran towards the passageway he came from.

Behind them trembled violently again, the magnitude of the vibration was almost like an earthquake, the top of the passage cracked, and stones and soil fell one after another, as if something huge was breaking out of the ground.

The pastor's running speed was too slow, even with Ye Xiao pulling him, he couldn't run fast at all.

"Come up, I'll run behind your back!" Ye Xiao bent down in front of him.

Ran Qi gritted her teeth, jumped onto his back, and put her arms around his shoulders.

Ye Xiao turned the man upside down, and then rushed out quickly.Don't look at him as a mage, but his basic agility value is not slower than that of assassins and archers. Now he is running at full speed, and he is almost running at the speed of the wind.

Ye Xiao ran wildly with Ran Qi on his back, and finally rushed out before the passage completely collapsed, but he didn't stop immediately, but continued to run for a long distance, and stopped after confirming it was safe.

Looking back, the previous ruins had completely collapsed, and a huge bone dragon emerged from the collapsed ground.

The dragon with only bones does not look as cute as the little chubby dragon, nor is it as majestic as in fairy tales. This bone dragon only feels extremely dangerous.

This bone dragon is also at level [-], but it can be seen at a glance that it is a monster at the boss level. Its blood bar is dozens of times that of the previous skeleton warriors.

However, Ye Xiao didn't back down. After putting down Ran Qi, he brandished his staff and started fighting with the bone dragon.

The bone dragon's fighting power was extremely strong, even if he cast the slowing skill, it didn't have much impact on the bone dragon. On the contrary, Ye Xiao himself was only caught by the bone dragon, and went straight to half of the blood bar.

Fortunately, Ran Qi was by his side to add blood in time. As time went by, Ye Xiao gradually discovered the weakness of the bone dragon.The Bone Dragon's attack power is very strong, but it is only a physical attack, relying on its strength and sharp claws.So Night Owl just needs to keep a distance from it and use the mage's long-range advantage to attack.

This method of flying a kite is easy to say, but it is actually quite difficult in practice, and only a mage like Ye Xiao, who is quick to respond and moves fast, can do it.

Taking advantage of the dark environment of the Realm of the Dead, Ran Qi quietly hid aside. When Ye Xiao ran past him, he gave him two blood recovery skills, and gave him a continuous recovery state from time to time.

Bone Dragon didn't seem to have much IQ, and didn't notice Ran Qi's existence. He just kept chasing Ye Xiao, but he couldn't touch Ye Xiao except that his blood volume kept dropping.

The old voice noticed Ye Xiao's blood bar, and soon found Ran Qi who was adding blood to Ye Xiao, and the voice became furious instantly, "Where did the little bug come from, kill him!"

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