The Strongest Conquest System

Chapter 6: Exponential Growth?

Chapter 6: Exponential Growth?

In the Great Wildlands Forest, at the very same large cavern where the Giant White Wolf cowered in fear, the Little Prince was sitting in a lotus position with beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

The Little Prince had been sitting in that same spot for the last 5 days without moving an inch.

During that time, the wolf would sometimes see the little prince gain a pained expression, but he soon saw that pained expression transform into some weird, creepy, wide smile, almost as if he were enjoying the pain.

However, in reality, Azmond was not enjoying the 'pain'; he was enjoying the power that came after he experienced the pain.



The Giant Wolf could not wrap its head around the existence before it, and it was because of the mystery surrounding the baby prince that the wolf became...


It had seen giant, 60-meter-long snakes and building-sized spiders, but the little creature before it was scarier than any monster the wolf had ever seen.


'Anddd.... Done! I finally finished refining my marrow to 100% for the 10th time!' He thought, 'What should I do now??'

Following such a question, Azmond contemplated what he should do next if he wished to make the best use of his time.

And that was when he suddenly recalled a peculiar event.

'I noticed something during this entire refining process that I want to verify just to be sure before I breakthrough into Qi condensation.' He thought.

'I don't think that refining each part of the body 10 times is my limit. I feel that I can go further, but the Divine Devil Art Scripture didn't mention a single thing about going past 10 refinements.'

'It clearly states that 10 times is the limit, so what...?' he began with a perplexed expression. 'So what is this feeling I have? A feeling that 10 refinements isn't even close to being my limit.'

His thoughts started to swirl around as felt something bubble inside him.

'Something inside me is telling me that I will regret it for the rest of my life if I breakthrough to Qi refinement without testing my theory,' he thought.

And all it took was that one gut feeling to decide his next course of action.

'Something that could be detrimental to my future pursuit of power, I must test it just to be sure!' He shouted with newfound resolve.

The little prince started to do something against the norms once again; he began to do something that could potentially change his fate into something far greater than anything he ever could have imagined.


He spent half a day continuing to cultivate, and that was when something changed within the little prince.


A sound almost like the walls of a dam bursting open or the sound of chains snapping resounded all around inside the large cavern as a bright blue-ish light shone intensely from the Little Prince.


The Giant White Wolf practically pissed its nonexistent pants after seeing the immense aura explode outward from the freaky monster!

It first had to deal with the crazy sounds the little monster was making before, and now this...

Some sort of heavenly phenomenon was occurring within that strange demon creature!

The Giant White Wolf was tired of it all; it just wanted its mother...


'What the hell is this crazy-looking light?!? And what is happening inside me right now?? It feels..." He began, 'It feels so damn Good!!!! It hurts so so much, but at the same time, the power it's providing me with is absolutely Divine!' He screamed out inside his mind.

'Every atom in my body feels like it's being broken apart, rebuilt, and then broken apart again!! It's almost as if my body is being reformed to better house something more, something greater than what I was before!!' He began with an exhilarated smile. 'A chance to gain even more power! I can't let this opportunity presented to me be allowed to slip away!'


The little prince's body was currently being reformed and transformed into something greater, something better, something never before seen in the World of Asterion!

All the little prince had to do was hang on—hang on until whatever was happening inside of him was finished.

As blue-ish lights were flashing all over the place, the little prince was being dissolved and then reformed hundreds of times!

He was experiencing a pain so intense that no sane person would ever be able to handle it, but...

The little prince was no sane person.

BOOM! BOOM! A part of The Little Prince wanted to die, but that part soon died along with one of the reformations of his body.


The Giant White Wolf was going through a multitude of emotions at the moment. fear, confusion, bewilderment, horror, sadness, depression, and most of all... 'WHAT IN THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!!?'

It didn't know where it was? Who it was? What it was doing here?!? It didn't even know why it existed anymore.


Meanwhile, as the large cavern was being lit up like a disco party on steroids, the Little Prince's transformation was coming to an end.

An entire month had passed since he had started his little 'experimentation', and at some point during the transformation, a purple-ish cocoon was formed around the Little Prince.

He was barely staying alive inside the cocoon, but he was persevering...

It was just the price he had to pay to gain greater power than anyone else, and he was willing to pay that price a million times over if it meant a situation like what happened to him in his past life would never occur again...



The cocoon was breaking apart, and what came out of the cocoon was not the same person who went in.

*Step Step*

If before the Little Prince looked his age—like a few-day-old baby—then what was happening now made no sense.

A boy who looked to be 7-8 years old with medium-length dark-as-night black hair and beautiful blue eyes was standing outside the broken cocoon.

He had unearthly features for a young boy, as he looked like he had been sculpted by the very gods themselves!

The little prince didn't have a very mature face, just a cute face, but he could pose himself as the son of an immortal god, and no one would doubt it for even a second.

One look at him and anybody could tell you that he would be a lady killer when he grows up...

But The Little Prince's looks were not the most surprising thing about him, instead, it was that he was still not even 2 months old, and yet he looked like an 8-year-old boy!

It was mind-boggling, to say the least...


Now, what exactly caused this change in the young prince?

Well, it was due to a few reasons, but the main two reasons why he had such an unexpected change were because of one: his higher-than-normal cultivation, which subsequently caused a unique reaction to occur within his body when he tried to break through the 10th refinement limit.

And two: it was because of the Divine Devil Arts Scripture.

The Divine Devil Arts Scripture required the user to go through exponential change as fast as possible, and the user's body needed to be mature enough to handle such exponentially fast growth, hence the situation before us.

A few unique circumstances were all it took for something once deemed impossible to occur.


"How long was I out...?" The groggy voice of the young prince resounded inside the large cavern as he put his hand to his head, rubbing his temples, almost as if he were going through a very painful headache.

"Wait??? I can talk out loud now?!? How Is That Possible?!?" He exclaimed.

Following such an exclamation, he noticed something else...

"Wait, Hands??" He began with an excited look on his face. "I have big hands now!! And what is up with my voice?!? Why do I sound like a young boy!?"

It was one new discovery after another for the young prince!

"I need to find a mirror, but where do I find something like that in this Huge Cavern??"

The young prince was thinking about where he could find a reflection in a cavern, but that was when he saw a puddle of water formed from some water dripping on a stalactite.

Following such an observation, he ran as fast as he could towards that puddle, but... something unexpected happened...

"Ahh! A water puddle should do the job just fine!"

However, the little prince didn't even get the chance to revel in such a thing, as he took one step forward and was launched hundreds of meters away!


His body crashed straight into one of the cave walls!

He turned his head out of the imprint he made before he muttered, "What the hell was that?!?!? What is this insane speed I just produced??" He began before he realized something insane-sounding as he continued, "I had to have been going hundreds of miles per hour! And the craziest part of it all is that I'm unscathed after face planting straight into a wall at that speed!"

The little prince's voice echoed out with an astonished expression on his childish features.

"What in Jimmy Cricket's grave happened to my body after I started breaking past the 10th refinement?!?" He questioned with a bewildered look on his face before he calmed down and said, "I guess I need to take this as slow as possible to reach that puddle, huh?"

The Little Prince attempted to stand up and walk as slowly as possible towards that puddle, and he... failed miserably.


It took him dozens of attempts just to be able to control his speed well enough to not fly into any more walls.

On the 69th try, the little prince finally succeeded in making it to that puddle, and what he saw left him baffled!

"This is me...?" He mumbled with a puzzled expression before he said, "I look like an 8-year-old kid! This is insane! And what is with these looks?!?"

The Little Prince was looking at what appeared to be a boy around 8 years old with short black hair, bright blue eyes, and an overall facial structure that would allow him to be unrivaled among all Shota's!

"I look like a god in the form of an 8-year-old boy... I never saw anybody this perfect-looking even in my past life!"

However, not everything was flowers and puppies, as he suddenly realized something detrimental to his well-being.

"Won't the ladies of this world chase me all around for my looks now??? Especially the perverted Shota-con ones?!?!"

The Little Prince felt a shiver go down his spine when he spoke that last part.

"This isn't Good! Not at all! I Pursue The Path Of Power!!! Not The Path Of Simping!!!" He announced with a 'devastated' expression.

"What should I do?? Should I cover up my face when I go out into the world? Maybe I could wear a cool wolf mask or something?" He joked.

However, it didn't take long before he actually considered doing such a thing, as he murmured, "That might actually work."


The Giant White Wolf was already frightened by all the wall-face planting the slightly larger creature was doing, but now that same creature wanted to carve off its face to use as a mask!!

The giant wolf's thoughts automatically went to the worst places it could think of!

It had been thinking nothing but homicidal nonsense these last few days; it was on the verge of a complete mental breakdown...

It just wanted its home back.

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