The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 3 – Monkey D. Garp

Returning to the ship with Kuro in tow, Junshi gave them an odd look.

"Well well, nice to meet you! I'm Kuro. The young lady here invited me to join her crew!"

"This guy also has Devil Fruit powers. There were some circumstances that led me to bring him along," Kanata explained.

Junshi rubbed his forehead wearily. He already seemed resigned to the role of a long-suffering compatriot, but Kanata decided not to dwell on it too much for now.

"...So this man was on that island?"

"Yes. I'll explain the details later. It's best the island's residents don't see him."

"Sounds like a hassle. You should have consulted me first." Junshi said with a sigh as he boarded the ship.

Kuro just shrugged at Kanata with a laugh. "Hey, a little late to be kicking me out now, ain't it?"

For the time being, they entered the ship's cabin, Junshi slouching onto the sofa while Kanata and Kuro took seats opposite him.

"So, what were the circumstances?"

Kanata briefly recounted walking around the island all day, finding Kuro caged up in the mountains, and his backstory of being tormented by the villagers. Kuro himself seemed content to let Kanata explain while he looked around the cabin with interest.

"...I see."

Giving Kuro a sidelong glance, Junshi leaned back on the sofa, letting out a sigh of either exasperation or resignation before turning his gaze to Kanata.

"This is an island we're likely to establish trade routes with. Are you sure disrupting that is wise?"

"We can always find business on other islands. But this man is one of a kind."

"I suppose so. Very well then."

Junshi was merely their escort after all. Voicing opposition would be inappropriate, he must have realized. Any grievances from their negotiators would be Kanata's problem to deal with - he wasn't here to play babysitter. Also, he was interested in people with Devil Fruit abilities.

"Kuro, what exactly are your Devil Fruit powers?" Inquired Junshi.

"Hm? The one I ate is called the Yami Yami no Mi, but in terms of what I can do with it...I haven't really utilized it much, so who knows."

Aside from being able to endure pain far beyond human limits, he didn't seem to understand his powers fully. He grasped that he could manifest literal "darkness" to some degree, but had little concrete understanding.

"Testing it out at sea could be risky. Get some practice in when we reach the next island so you understand your capabilities."

"Got it."

The two men shook hands in agreement for now, while Kanata retrieved the sea charts, confirming their next destination behind them.

They had departed from Marx Island to reach Tija Island, planning to pass through another island before looping back to Marx.

"Where is our next destination set for?"

"Ohara. I hear it's an island where archaeologists from around the world gather."

"An island of archaeologists, huh? Could be worth picking up some interesting books there."

Knowledge was a necessity for survival. While brute force solved many problems, it wouldn't suffice for everything.

If opportunities to learn presented themselves, Kanata was willing. As she pondered this, Junshi raised another potential concern.

"We'll also be nearing the territory of Kano Country. Best to stay vigilant."

"Is there an issue there?"

"There's a gang based in Kano Country called the Happo Navy. Every member of their leadership is skilled in Haki."

His grimace suggested personal history, but Kanata didn't pry further. If it became relevant, he would share of his own accord - they hadn't known each other long enough yet.

"They've been making a lot of noise lately, it seems. With a new boss taking over, they're aiming to expand their reach."

"I see...Let's hope we don't cross paths then."


While the warrior in Junshi may have relished a chance to test his mettle, he understood his priorities as their protector.

With shipping routes confirmed, cargo and crew inspected, they set sail at dawn the next day. As the appointed captain, Kanata oversaw those preparations with the navigator before retiring for the night.


The winds were calm, the waves peaceful under clear skies - ideal sailing conditions, Kanata remarked as they departed.

With final checks complete and the signal given, the sails unfurled in unison. The roughly four-day voyage to Ohara passed quietly, Kanata leisurely reading the News Coo periodicals while Junshi undertook his daily training regimen, Kuro observing with interest.

The previous night's topic of the Happo Navy raiding merchant ships was covered in the day's paper.

"...I may need to learn Haki myself eventually."

"Relying solely on your Ability will leave you vulnerable. Best to train sooner than later."

"I've hardly exercised at all. Can even I develop such skills?"

"It depends on innate talent. I can't say for certain."

With even Kuro intrigued by the prospect, Kanata decided to undergo Haki training under Junshi's guidance. Focusing first on developing Observation Haki while incorporating physical conditioning for Armament later.

"What do I do?"

"It's simple. I'll blindfold you both, and you'll sense my presence without sight or sound."

Detecting auras and presences comprised the essence of Observation Haki. Standing back-to-back on deck, Kanata and Kuro tried perceiving Junshi's silent movements around them through feeling alone.

Of course, mastering such an advanced skill wouldn't happen overnight. Consistent, diligent practice over time might awaken it - a lofty challenge either way.


Three days passed in this manner. On the fourth, as Kanata expected more Haki drills, a lookout's shout rang out in alarm:

"Enemy attack!! Pirate ship approaching from the nine o'clock direction!!"

They raced topside, spotting the hostile vessel - tattered sails bearing the unmistakable skull and crossbones marking it as a pirate ship.

"Do we know which crew that is?!"

"It's not listed among the Navy's recent briefings!"

"What? You mean they're rookies?"

In applying for merchant sailing, the Navy had provided an overview of regional pirate activity and newly emerging threats. But this particular crew defying them didn't seem to be documented.

As the pirate ship steadily closed distance amid their banter, Kanata looked to Junshi, assessing their options.

"What should we do? At this range, I could freeze the sea to let us escape before they engage."

"...You're right. Having them potentially board would be troublesome for you both. I can handle myself, but still..."

Fundamentally, they were little more than a minor land-based mafia outfit. Full-fledged pirate combat was deemed too risky a gambit. They would utilize Kanata's powers to deter the pursuers instead.

A simple prospect - manipulating her cold air to freeze the surrounding sea, immobilizing the pirate ship in its tracks. With a frozen surface barring their path, they could flee while the pirates were obstructed. Or so they tried, until -

"Incoming cannon fire!!"

As the booming thunderclap erupted, Junshi sprang into action, seamlessly deflecting the incoming cannonball hurtling towards them.

The pirates refused to yield, bombarding the ice or leaping onto it in attempts to shatter through.

"Get us out of firing range, quickly!"

Following Junshi's covering barrage, the navigator barked orders for an evasive departure, their course slightly askew but necessitated by the circumstances.

Next summoning the Navy for back-up, their escape commenced in earnest. Being a relatively small ship afforded maneuverability, the pirates' larger galleon twice their size yet hampered by the frozen conditions as they sailed beyond its cannon range.

"Are we safely out of their reach now?"

"Damn, didn't think you could just kick those cannonballs away like that!"

"Years of training will do that."

Kanata and Junshi maintained a watchful vigil on the pirate ship until it faded from sight, only then allowing themselves to relax.

"To run into pirates on our maiden voyage - rotten luck."

"It showed me my powers can fend them off, at least."

"Against rookies, perhaps." Junshi muttered soberly, reminding Kanata not to let overconfidence take root. Veteran pirates may not have been so easily deterred - complacency could prove costly, a wisdom Junshi clearly understood.


Hours later, the Navy dispatch ship responding to their alert pulled alongside, requesting to debrief Kanata's group.

With no unsavory activities to conceal, Kanata assented. Though the naval officers seemed more baffled by the exotic young girl presenting herself as their leader than concerned about pirates.

Ultimately deferring to the merchant negotiator Scotch as their spokesperson, Kanata toured the warship with casual interest while Junshi kept her from wandering off unattended.

"Right this way."

The escorting officer led them to where a powerfully-built man reclined on a sofa, casually munching rice crackers.

"Ah, you're here! A kid too, huh? Here, try these crackers!"

"Don't mind if I do."

Kanata crunched through one of the proffered snacks while the sailor glanced apologetically at Junshi, who shrugged.

Laughing heartily, the man poured some tea. "C'mon, have a seat!"

Following his beckoning gesture, Kanata, Junshi and Scotch settled on the sofa as sailors brought more tea.

"Right then, introductions first. I'm Garp - Monkey D. Garp. Pretty high ranking, you could say."

"I'm Scotch, designated representative."

"Junshi, acting as their escort."

"The head representative here is Kanata."

Grumbling to hurry through the formalities, Garp tersely questioned them while an aide recorded minutes - seemingly just procedure when responding to incident reports.

Once the brief summary was documented and more crackers devoured, Garp muttered:

"Unidentified rookies, huh? Thought it might be the Happo Navy at first."

"So the incidents have been escalating then?"

"Aye. I'd like to bring them down a peg, but their roots dig deep into Kano Country’s military - too risky to make any overt moves."

Scotch wondered if such candor was appropriate for civilians, but the Happo Navy’s encroachment seemed accepted as an open secret by this point.

While Garp wouldn't be stationed in the West Blue forever, neutralizing their growing threat was challenging for now.

"The Grand Line itself has been unstable lately too. This area could see some spillover before long - you merchants best keep your wits about you."

"Understood, and thank you for the advisory," said Kanata.

"You stay sharp too, missy!" Garp laughed, adding, "What a cute one" as Kanata nodded seriously while chewing another cracker.

With matters addressed, Scotch and Kanata made to return to their ship. Only Junshi lingered, regarding Garp steadily.

"Sir Garp, if I may have a moment of your time?"

"What is it, lad?"

"I was hoping you'd indulge me in a brief skirmish."

"Oh-ho! You want a round with me, do you? Very well then, to the deck it is!"

Garp heartily agreed to Junshi's solemn request, striding out ahead. Kanata glanced quizzically at Junshi, who bore a feral grin at the chance to test himself against such a formidable veteran.

Shrugging to Scotch "Can't be helped," she followed after Garp onto the deck.

The sunlight was brilliant that day. While Kanata and Scotch retreated to the sidelines, Garp and Junshi faced off at center.

"Whenever you're ready, come at me!" Garp bellowed in an open stance, sailors forming a crowd but the combatants paying them no mind.

"Then I shall make the first move."

As Junshi slipped into a fluid stance, realization dawned on Garp's face.

"That form...are you from the Kano Country yourself?"

"Originally, though I've had no dealings with the Happo Navy."

"In that case, no need to hold back!"

Lowering his center of gravity and focusing his breath, both men cloaked themselves in rippling auras of Haki.

After a tense beat, Junshi exploded forward - blurring across the deck into Garp's guard to unleash a thunderous strike.



Their Haki-clad fists crashed together violently, the shockwave visibly shuddering the air around them.

After recoiling apart from the ferocious impact, Junshi respectfully bowed to Garp.

"...My gratitude."

"Bwahahahaha!! That's just a warm-up for me!"

Clearly there were insights to be gained from crossing fists rather than words alone. Kanata mused how much men must relish such contests of martial spirit.

With a few more exchanged words, Junshi returned to Kanata's side looking invigorated.

"My apologies for the presumption."

"It's fine. I'm sure you benefited regardless."

As they turned to depart, Kanata paused, glancing back over her shoulder. "Oh, about those pirates, Sir Garp..."

"What about 'em, missy?"

"They're likely still obstructed where we left them. If you could see to sinking them, I'd appreciate it."

"Can't see why not."

"Thank you kindly, Sir Garp."

Kanata offered a slight smile at Garp's assenting nod. Whether her casual demeanor seemed impudent or not, Scotch hastily bowed before following her back to their ship.


After Kanata's group departed, Garp's men arrived at the reported encounter site - their jaws dropping in disbelief.

"This is..."

"I see now...she meant truly immobilized."

Spanning the area, the waters had flash-frozen over, encasing a single pirate ship completely - their pirate flags still defiantly raised.

Without hesitation, Garp lobbed cannon fire to riddle and sink the trapped vessel, leaving his subordinates to clean up the debris in his wake.

(That little lady seemed awfully nonchalant about being pirate-attacked...then again, she must be one hell of an Ability user herself. If she could neutralize threats so conclusively, her composure made sense in hindsight.)

Then Garp recalled the man whose fist he had crossed.

(It's been ages since I've faced Haki-clad strikes like that. Chinjao would be hard-pressed against him.)

With a protector of that caliber in her service, the girl hardly warranted concern, Garp mused with a wry smile as he retreated back to his quarters.

Aye, he definitely wouldn't mind crossing fists again with that one sometime.




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