The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 56 – Worries


Life, as they say, is full of worries. One or two are bound to crop up for anyone, regardless of who they are.

A week had passed since the Big Mom Pirates' attack. This was the third daredevil pirate crew, boasting of their strength, to assault Water Seven.

Kanata sat atop the cleanly bisected wreckage of their ship, letting out a sigh. "I thought a bit of a rampage might clear my head, but… it seems it wasn't enough."

"Y-You…! How dare you do this to our ship…!"

Kanata’s bounty hadn't increased from this latest incident.

Newspaper headlines screamed of a clash between the Big Mom Pirates and ‘Reverberation’ Octavia, painting it as a three-way battle royale involving the ‘Witch’s Crew’ as well. However, this was far from the truth. The government likely hadn't grasped the full picture. In the first place, Kanata and Linlin's bounties were practically identical. Even if Kanata had defeated Linlin, it was doubtful her bounty would have increased.

"You were simply unlucky," Kanata said to the defeated pirates. "That’s how it is for pirates. It’s a lesson worth remembering."

Her words were lost on the men who were about to share the fate of their sinking ship. Whether they sought her bounty or wished to make a name for themselves, there seemed to be a surprising number of reckless fools like these. Perhaps it was only natural for pirates to be impulsive and thoughtless. Still, she wished they’d at least have a sense of self-preservation.

One of them had proudly declared his name, but he was so utterly unremarkable that Kanata had already forgotten it. Was this the average level of strength in the first half of the Grand Line?

(They’re hardly a challenge… Is this all there is?)

Kanata jumped from the sinking ship, freezing the sea to create a platform beneath her feet. She had been lost in thought, strolling across the frozen waters, when she spotted their ship by chance. They were small fry, barely worth robbing. She was almost impressed they had managed to reach Water Seven, they were that weak.

But perhaps it was even stranger that she constantly found herself pursued by monstrous figures like Marine Admirals and the ‘Golden Lion’. While being hunted by the Marines was her own fault, being targeted by the ‘Golden Lion’ and ‘Big Mom’ stemmed from her mother’s actions. It was enough to make her want to complain.

Her father, too, was a bomb waiting to explode. It was all giving her a headache.

“…Rocks, huh?”

He had been an active pirate until about five years ago. The reason she was so vague was that the government had suppressed all information about him, making it difficult to find anything concrete. Despite this, rumors of the ‘Rocks Pirates’ persisted amongst the people. The only confirmed fact was that they had been wiped out. Most of their crew had scattered, their whereabouts unknown.

Their brutality and ruthlessness had spread like wildfire, their infamy reaching every corner of the world without the need for newspapers. They were the very definition of evil, an embodiment of terror.

Whenever she tried to gather information about Rocks, all she heard were insults and curses. People called him a monster in human form, expressing relief at his demise.

It was disheartening, to say the least.

It was strange enough to be told a man she had never met was her father, but to discover that this man was universally reviled… The feeling was indescribable.

Kanata, her heart heavy, started heading back to the cape where her ship was anchored.

“Oh, you’re back. Feiyun managed to catch a big one today.”

“Yeah, I saw it from a distance. Seems she was in high spirits.”

Water Seven, due to the annual high tide, ‘Aqua Laguna’, and the resulting land subsidence, was unable to sustain any significant agriculture. As a result, they relied heavily on imports for food.

However, thanks to some pirate wreaking havoc and extorting supplies, the island was facing a chronic food shortage. They had money, but there was nothing to buy.

Faced with this situation, they had decided to procure their own food.

Kanata had glimpsed Feiyun hauling in a massive sea king on her way back. With a catch that size, they wouldn't have to worry about going hungry for a while.

Outside, preparations for a sea king barbecue were underway, the crew bustling with activity.

“Did that help clear your head a bit?” George asked.

“Not really. It’s all giving me a headache. Being a captain is tough, huh?”

“I don’t think being a captain has much to do with your worries… But, well, I guess you can relax for a while now. Take this time to worry all you want.” George chuckled, continuing to update his ledger.

When they were busy, they didn’t even have time to worry. Worrying meant they had the luxury to do so.

She hadn’t told anyone about her conversation with Octavia. While she trusted her crew, there was no telling how information might leak. It would be troublesome if the Navy or the government found out. It was better to be safe than sorry.

“We need to find a proper cook… and hopefully a shipwright somewhere,” George said.

“Can’t you persuade Tom?”

“I already tried, but he refused. He said he prefers building ships here to traveling on one.”

“That’s a shame. A skilled craftsman is a valuable asset.”

He was right. Skilled craftsmen were valuable, but how many of them would be willing to become wanted criminals?

It was only natural to be rejected. It was a difficult situation.

Kanata could cook, but preparing meals for dozens of people every day was a daunting task.

“We’ll look for someone at our own pace. It seems we need at least two or three months anyway.”

“I’ll go rest in my room,” Kanata said, leaving the rest to George.


That night, Kanata was grilling sea king steaks on the cape, asking Dragon a few questions.

“Do you know anything about the Rocks Pirates?”

“Hmm… I heard ‘Whitebeard’, ‘Golden Lion’, and ‘Big Mom’ were part of the crew, along with ‘Wang Zhi’ and ‘Silver Axe’.”

Since the government had tried to suppress all information about the Rocks Pirates, it was difficult to find reliable sources.

However, Dragon’s words were trustworthy. His father had fought Rocks directly. Although, he seemed reluctant to talk about it.

“They plundered every sea, terrorizing every nation they encountered… Apparently, they were like terrorists, directly targeting the World Government. Considering my goals, I guess I’m not one to judge.”

Dragon spoke with a hint of self-deprecation, biting into a sea king steak.

While they both aimed to overthrow the World Government, their ultimate goals differed. While it wasn’t something to be ashamed of, Dragon seemed to be concerned about the chaos that would follow the World Government’s downfall.

He didn’t want to destroy the world. Overthrowing the World Government and stripping the Celestial Dragons of their power didn’t mean anything was permissible.

“Terrorists, huh… I guess they were strong enough to earn that title.”

“They say Rocks was defeated on some island, fighting against Garp and Roger. Garp wouldn’t tell me the details, but apparently, Rocks was a monster, strong enough to require both of them to take him down.”

“What? Why would Roger be involved?”

“I don’t know. There must have been some history between Rocks and Roger.”

“I see…” Kanata took a sip of sake, pondering his words.

It seemed she had some connection to Roger. He was her savior, the man who had saved her life, but also the enemy who had defeated her father. Not that she intended to seek revenge.

And Garp… well, he was Garp. She hadn’t known he was the one who defeated Rocks, but such things happened between Marines and pirates.

However, she shifted her gaze to Dragon.

“Dragon, Garp, Roger, Rocks… There seem to be a surprising number of people connected to the ‘D Clan’.”

Kanata herself was a descendant of the ‘D Clan’. She wasn’t sure if there was some force drawing them together, but fate was a strange thing.

“I heard there are others in the Marines as well. I don’t know the details, though.”

“It’s not surprising, considering how large the organization is… But what is the ‘D’ anyway?”

Dragon didn’t know the reason either. Garp had told him it had always been part of their names, passed down through generations.

Perhaps Octavia’s instruction to find the ‘Poneglyphs of History’ was related to this.

Kanata couldn’t read the ancient language, but she knew someone who could.

She carefully cut a piece of sea king steak, savoring the flavor as she remembered the woman she considered an older sister.

“… Perhaps we should consider that angle as well.”

“What do you mean?”

“The World Government forbids the reading of the ‘Poneglyphs of History’. Octavia told me to find them… she said it was necessary to reach the ‘final island’.”

“I see…”

Octavia had mentioned an island beyond ‘Roadstar Island’. Kanata vaguely recalled the name of the final island, but couldn’t quite remember it. She decided not to dwell on it. She would remember it when she needed to. She wasn’t particularly interested in the island’s name anyway.

“I don’t know much about the ‘Poneglyphs of History’, but I know someone who can read the ancient text. Once we reach ‘Roadstar Island’, and if we have no other leads, we’ll have to ask them to decipher the text.”

She would prefer not to burden her friend, but they were both treading dangerous waters, trying to uncover the truth of the ‘Void Century’.

It would be easier to protect her friend if they were nearby. However…

“If Octavia knows about this, does that mean she reached ‘Roadstar Island’?”

“Who knows? Maybe she did. Or perhaps Roger reached it… ”

“…You knew Roger?”

“We met once. He saved my life. He was my benefactor.”

Perhaps Roger had been searching for the ‘Poneglyphs of History’ when he was in the West Blue.

Ohara was a sacred ground for archaeologists. If someone wanted to learn about the ancient text and the ‘Poneglyphs of History’, it made sense to start there.

“What a strange coincidence. This means you’re connected to three of the Great Pirates in the New World.”

“…Unfortunately, yes.”

She had no desire to be involved with two out of the three, but the situation wouldn’t allow it.

She would be happy to meet Roger again, but the other two would only bring more trouble. Considering ‘Whitebeard’ was also a former member of the Rocks Pirates, a conflict was highly likely.

Kanata sighed, and Dragon, noticing her distress, refilled her cup with sake.

“I don’t mind meeting Roger again, but the other two… It would be a disaster if we encountered them. We might even have to deal with ‘Whitebeard’ since he was part of the Rocks Pirates.”

Octavia seemed to have made enemies everywhere, adding to their troubles.

“I wish we could have some peace,” Kanata said wistfully.

“You’re living a life that’s far from peaceful. Trouble has a way of finding you, even if you’re not looking for it.”

“Fufu, you’re right.”

She wished they could have at least a moment of respite. Looking up, she saw the moon shining brightly overhead.

If only their path to the edge of the sea was as clear as the moonlit sky… Kanata took another sip of sake, lost in thought.


A week later, an unexpected guest arrived on the ‘Witch’s Crew’ ship - or rather, on Kanata’s ship.

It was a Celestial Dragon.

“…What does he want with me?” Kanata asked.

“How should I know? Apparently, he brought a Marine warship with him…”

Trouble again, she muttered.

George nodded silently, and they both shrugged.

They had been summoned by the Marines. It was a bit late, but Kanata was a wanted criminal, after all. She was cautious, but… she doubted they intended to start a war. There was no need to worry.

“A Celestial Dragon - Donquixote Homing. I wonder what he wants this time.”

Kanata, exasperated by the unexpected guest, headed towards the warship alone.

The Marines, naturally on high alert, pointed their guns at her, but Kanata paid them no mind, focusing her gaze on Homing and Berg, who stood behind him.

While Berg was armed, he didn’t seem particularly eager to fight. In contrast, Homing was brimming with enthusiasm.

(This feels like trouble…)

And as fate would have it - or perhaps, as expected - Kanata’s premonition was right.

“It’s been a while, Homing. May I ask what brings you here?”

“Ah, it has been a while. Although, only about a month has passed since our last meeting.”

Homing chuckled, saying, "I brought some food."

Kanata frowned, confused, and Berg shrugged, knowing what was coming.

“…Is there enough to feed the entire island?” she asked.

“I brought as much as the warship could carry, but I don’t have an accurate count of the population.”

“…Did you choose the food based on specific needs? Or is it just a random assortment?”

“He said he chose a variety of ingredients to ensure a balanced diet. He’s planning to distribute them directly to the people.”

“…Have you discussed this with your superiors or the mayor?”

“It was H-o-m-i-n-g’s decision.”

Kanata decided it was best not to get involved. “If it doesn’t concern me, I’ll be leaving,” she said, turning to go.

But Berg called out to her.

“We summoned you for a different matter. We’ve been ordered to gather information about ‘Reverberation’ Octavia.”

“Ah, that’s right. I guess that’s the only thing that concerns me.”

Apparently, Homing’s food donation was a separate matter.

She wasn’t sure if she should be relieved that she could avoid that mess, or lament the fact that the Navy was now directly asking her for information. She was a high-bounty criminal, after all.

Homing, accompanied by another officer, left to deal with his food distribution, while Berg took out his notepad, ready to interrogate her.

Come to think of it, the man who was usually sent to deal with her wasn’t present.

“By the way, where’s Garp?”

“He heard about ‘Reverberation’ and decided to warm up by destroying five mountains. The Navy received a flood of complaints, so he’s currently on probation.”

Kanata couldn’t help but laugh.

It was typical Garp behavior. He was probably serious about trying to capture the pirates, though.

After calming down, she said, “I saw Octavia return after fighting ‘Big Mom’.”

She had no intention of telling the Navy everything. She figured she could get away with a vague explanation.

“Hmm… That doesn’t really change anything.”

“Did you really think you’d get accurate information by simply asking a wanted criminal?”

“I was under the impression that you didn’t have any strong feelings towards ‘Reverberation’. I believe you’re the type who wouldn’t hesitate to cut down even your own parent.”


Kanata narrowed her eyes, observing Berg.

He was quite perceptive. He was also strong, having fought Junshi to a standstill. He was unusually strong for a Commodore. She wouldn’t lose in a fight, but he would put up a good fight.

“Did she mention any hideouts or the reason for attacking this time?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t discuss such matters with her.”

“…I see. Then I’ll report it as such.”

“Is that all?”

“Yes. Thank you for your time.”

“… ”

“You seem surprised that I’m thanking a wanted criminal. I often work under Vice Admiral Garp. It’s only natural that my thinking would be similar.”

He was basically saying, “You haven’t done anything particularly noteworthy other than harming a Celestial Dragon, so we’ll leave you alone.”

There were countless dangerous criminals in the New World. It was foolish for the Navy to waste resources on the Paradise seas.

Moreover, Garp hated Celestial Dragons. If Berg felt the same, it was understandable that he wasn’t enthusiastic about this task. He seemed like the type to do his job properly, even if he didn’t agree with it.

“I act according to my own sense of justice. I haven’t labeled you as evil yet.”

“That’s a relief. You’re quite strong for a Commodore. I’ve heard your subordinates are formidable as well. I’d like to spar with you again sometime. By the way, I’ve been promoted to Rear Admiral.”

Apparently, he had been promoted after the battle with the Big Mom Pirates.

Perhaps the Navy was desperately seeking more power to combat the increasingly powerful pirates. It was tough, Kanata thought, observing him from a distance. Not that it wasn’t her problem.

She wasn’t foolish enough to judge someone based on their rank. Garp was practically an Admiral, despite his official title.

“Still… having Celestial Dragons visit me so often might attract unwanted attention.”

“I agree. Especially since Homing and the Celestial Dragon you killed, Chrysaor, are brothers. It’s impossible for a power struggle to occur amongst Celestial Dragons… but some might speculate about your connection.”

Of course, it wouldn’t lead to an increase in her bounty. It was already at its limit. Worrying about it was pointless.

It might add unnecessary charges to her record, but… it was too late for that.

Having connections to the Marines wasn’t a good look for a pirate, but with the World Government controlling the newspapers, they could easily manipulate public opinion.

They could control what was reported and what wasn’t.

“I’ll be leaving if there’s nothing else.”

“Yes, thank you for your time. Oh, how long are you planning to stay on this island?”

“It will take a few months for the ship to be completed. I don’t have a specific date.”

“I see. It’s easier for us to keep track of you if we know your whereabouts.”

“I would prefer it if you didn’t pick a fight with me.”

“Don’t worry, the Great Pirates in the New World are making their moves. We won’t have time to deal with you for a while.”

The Golden Lion and Big Mom’s presence in Paradise had thrown the New World into chaos.

Pirate territories were being contested, and the victims were the civilians. The Navy couldn’t ignore this.

Moreover, one of the Rocks Pirates’ executives had been confirmed to be alive. They couldn’t spare any resources to deal with Kanata now.

“We need to track down ‘Reverberation’ as well. I should be on patrol right now…”

He had been forced to stay here because of a Celestial Dragon’s orders.

Homing’s reckless actions were nothing but a nuisance.

Kanata almost felt sorry for Berg, but considering the Navy’s complicity in the Celestial Dragons’ tyranny, they deserved some hardship.

She might have to start planning Dragon’s revolution sooner than expected.


A few months later, several pirate crews had been lured to Water Seven, seeking Kanata’s head. Some even offered to join her crew, slightly expanding her forces.

Their new ship, the ‘Sombrero’, was finally completed, and they were preparing to set sail for their next destination.

Amidst these developments, a piece of news shook the world.

A Celestial Dragon had been accused of using pirates to assassinate another Celestial Dragon. He and his entire family had been banished from Mariejois.



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