The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 63 – The New World


During the two weeks it took for the ship coating to be completed, Kanata, along with Junshi, trained the new recruits and Jinbe.

While they could only focus on the basics in such a short period, it was better than nothing.

Most of the new recruits were struggling, but a few showed promise.

Inspired by the training, even George and Scotch, who had been practicing in their spare time, were close to mastering Haki. Daily practice was crucial, so all they could do was persevere.

"Two weeks went by quickly," George remarked.

“Time flies when you’re having fun and training hard,” Kanata replied.

“I wanted to raise their strength at least a little… but two weeks isn’t enough.”

Kanata, George, and Junshi discussed their progress, ignoring the exhausted new recruits and Jinbe who had collapsed from the intense training.

Ideally, they would have preferred a month, but Haki training required years of dedication. It wasn’t something they could master overnight. They would have to let them gain experience in the New World.

Facing the threat of death was a powerful motivator.

Those who didn't train would die. Even Kanata, despite her strength, couldn't protect everyone.

“The sea ahead is harsh. I don’t mind letting those who want to leave disembark…”

“Most of them wouldn’t want to be left here. Even among those we saved in Sabaody Archipelago, there was a Fishman who promptly fled as soon as he got the chance,” Scotch pointed out.

“A harsh sea… Kuhaha, my blood is boiling!” Junshi, a man who craved battle, was eager to set sail for the New World. George, on the other hand, who was inherently cautious, wasn’t so enthusiastic.

Zen and Feiyun had gone to procure supplies, and Scotch was learning the procedures for resurfacing the ships.

Their preparations were complete. They could leave Fishman Island as early as tomorrow.

“We’ll be parting ways with Tiger for now.”

“The sea is vast, but our paths might cross again someday,” Tiger replied.

“…I thought brother Tiger wanted to go with you… isn’t that right?” Jinbe asked, rising from his seated position.

He had been wondering about this. Having traveled together, become friends, were they really going to part ways here?

He had assumed they would continue their journey together.

“Our agreement was to bring you to Fishman Island. He’d be better off traveling alone if he wants to explore the seas freely,” Kanata explained.

Kanata often attracted unwanted attention, whether from the government, the Marines, or other pirates.

She could repel them, but it would restrict Tiger's movements.

He wouldn’t be able to live as freely as he had before.

Ultimately, their destinations were different.

“I think brother Tiger wants to go with you…”

“I generally don’t force anyone to stay or leave. It’s up to him,” Kanata said.

She had gained subordinates and expanded her crew, but she rarely interfered with their decisions. As long as they followed the basic rules she had set, they were free to do as they pleased.

Perhaps it was time to consider calling themselves pirates, she thought.

After all, they were sailing the seas without the government’s permission. By definition, they were pirates.

“Well, we can worry about that later.”

“We also need to find a country where we can establish a base.”

“We’ll find a suitable place along the way.”

“I hope there’s a country willing to accept a crew that killed a Celestial Dragon…”

Worst case scenario, they would have to conquer a nation to secure a base. It should be fine if they targeted a country unaffiliated with the World Government.

The main problem was that most of the territories in the New World were under the control of Linlin or Shiki.

Recently, a pirate crew called the Beasts Pirates had been gaining prominence. George had suggested avoiding establishing a fixed territory in the chaotic New World, but they were already targets of Linlin and Shiki. It was better to be in the same sea, ready to fight.

For now, they intended to sail from island to island, targeting the Golden Lion Pirates to weaken their influence.

“The ‘Golden Lion’… some of his executives are quite powerful. I’m looking forward to it,” Junshi said.

“I’d rather not,” George sighed.

“If they’re his subordinates, there might be some useful Devil Fruit users. We should try to capture them alive.”

Capturing Devil Fruit users and adding them to their ranks would be a significant boost to their strength.

Junshi didn’t seem interested in eating a Devil Fruit, but that was fine. It was also essential to have crew members who could swim.

She wanted George and Scotch to eat Devil Fruits if they got the chance.

“Paramecia, Zoan, or Logia… which one would you prefer?”

“Hmm… the Float-Float Fruit seems useful, but it’d be incredibly difficult to steal it…” said George.

“No matter what, you and Scotch are executive-level fighters. I can’t have you getting defeated so easily,” Kanata said.

Depending on the Devil Fruit, they could expect a significant increase in strength, perhaps even strong enough to fight opponents above their level.

Kanata alone wouldn't be enough to handle the challenges ahead. They needed to strengthen their overall combat power.

Especially to counter the Golden Lion Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, who would undoubtedly target them in the future.

“Expanding our forces, securing territory… Guerrilla warfare might be effective, but for how long?”

It was a battle with no clear end in sight. An endless war would be exhausting.

Perhaps forming an alliance would be a better option. If they were going down that route, their first choice would be the World Pirates, who were currently clashing with Shiki.

Their captain, Byrnndi World, had a 200 million berry bounty. He was strong, that much was guaranteed.

However, he was also known as a ruthless madman. Forming an alliance might be difficult.

But they wouldn't know until they tried.

“We’ll finish preparations today. We’ll leave tomorrow morning, so be ready.”

“Got it. The new recruits should rest early.”

Jinbe seemed tough enough to keep going, but pushing them too hard wouldn't be beneficial. It was crucial to train to their limits and then rest properly.

Besides, Haki wasn't something they could master overnight. If they diligently followed the training she had taught them, they would eventually achieve mastery.

Jinbe, despite his exhaustion, bowed his head respectfully.

“Thank you for the training. I’m deeply grateful.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m looking forward to seeing how much stronger you’ve become when we meet again.”

“I’ll train hard every day and meet your expectations!”

He might become Tiger’s right-hand man when they met again. He seemed like a loyal man, unlikely to betray them.

They had accomplished everything they needed to in Fishman Island. All that was left was to set sail for the New World.


The next morning.

As the sun illuminated the ‘Sun Tree Eve’, Kanata and her crew boarded their ships, ready for departure.

“…Leaving already? Why not stay and relax for a while?” Tiger asked.

“Life is short. It’s best to live it to the fullest, even if it means rushing things a little,” Kanata replied.

“Is that so…?”

Tiger was reluctant to see them go, but they had to leave eventually.

They had learned how to resurface the ships and had a general understanding of the sea routes ahead. Their log poses were set, and lingering here would only make it harder to leave.

Journeys were filled with encounters and farewells. They exchanged handshakes, promising to meet again if fate allowed it, and parted with smiles.

“See you again, Tiger!!”

“I’ll bring some good sake next time!!”

“Take care, brother!”

“Find a beautiful bride!”

Tiger laughed, waving back, ignoring the last comment.

Prince Neptune was also present to see them off. They were powerful figures, and he was probably relieved to see them leave.

Once they passed through the gates, they retrieved the ‘pieces of Kuigos’ wood’ and set sail for the surface.

From here on, it was a sea of powerful pirates, Roger’s sea.

There were many places they wanted to visit, many places they had to go. It would be a long, arduous journey… but the thrill of exploring the unknown would surely outweigh the hardships.


There were three islands they could reach first in the New World.

Raijin Island, Risky Red Island, and Mystoria Island – these were the only islands accessible from Fishman Island using the recorded Log Poses.

Most pirates chose Mystoria Island.

The reason was simple: it was considered the ‘safest’ island, its magnetic field the most stable amongst the three recorded on the Log Pose.

Even though those who had conquered the first half of the Grand Line were considered formidable, by the standards of the New World, they were still rookies.

And because it was a safe island, it harbored its own unique dangers.

“This island is ruled by Dread-sama, the ‘Demon Warrior’, who has a bounty exceeding 300 million… If you want to leave this island alive, pay up. If you refuse, join our ranks.”

The ‘Demon Warrior’ Pirates, a large crew with over five hundred members, claimed this island as their territory, extorting money and recruiting new members from the rookies who arrived in the New World.

Naturally, Kanata and her crew were also potential targets.

Kanata glanced at the pirate flag hanging in the harbor, then at the imposing figure guarding it.

“Who’s taking this one?”

“He seems pretty strong… I got it. His name is ‘Great Horn’. His bounty is over 100 million,” Scotch replied, after consulting his information network.

“David and Samuel won’t be able to handle him. I’ll go,” Junshi declared, stepping forward.

“What? Are you scared?” Kanata teased him.

After a brief discussion on the deck, Junshi disembarked, heading towards the harbor alone.

The armored warrior, wielding a large sword, stood guard, his expression wary. Several of his subordinates shouted, “Pay up or join us! Take your pick!”

“I refuse both,” Junshi replied curtly.

“You… I’ve seen your face before.”

“First Mate! This is Junshi, the ‘Six Harmonies Great Spear’!”

“You mean… this guy’s the second strongest?! I had higher expectations for the ‘Witch’s crew…”

Junshi scowled at the blatant insult, and the warrior’s face contorted in anger.

Junshi was dwarfed by the warrior, who stood over four meters tall. Most would be intimidated by such a figure, but Junshi…

He was far too experienced to be fazed by mere size.

“I had high hopes for the New World, but it seems I was mistaken,” Junshi said.

The warrior unsheathed his large sword, swinging it down with a powerful blow.

Junshi narrowly dodged it, closing the distance with a swift step, slamming his Haki-infused fist into the warrior’s armored abdomen.

The armor shattered on impact, the warrior sent flying backward.

“F-First Mate!”

“You bastard! How dare you attack our First Mate!”

“If you have a problem with it, come at me. I’m a pirate.”

Junshi couldn’t imagine a man with a bounty exceeding 100 million, who couldn't even use Haki properly, surviving in the New World.

Perhaps they were trying to recruit new members because they were aware of their weakness.

Regardless, it was best to subdue them quickly… but they seemed to have a lot of numbers, a result of their recruitment efforts.

The warrior, rising to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth, raised his sword once again.

“I see, you’re tougher than you look.”

“Don’t underestimate me! I’ve been through hell to get here…!”

Junshi parried the warrior’s attacks with his Haki-infused arms, occasionally landing powerful blows.

It wasn’t just combat skill that separated them, but the presence of Haki. A Haki user had a significant advantage over a non-user.

Without a significant difference in strength or skill, the latter had no chance of winning.

Junshi swiftly defeated the warrior, momentarily hesitating whether he should pursue the fleeing subordinates.

Before he could move, a voice called out from the ship’s deck.

“Want to take on their captain?” Scotch asked.

“Yeah, a 300 million berry bounty, huh? That should be fun. What about the others?”

“Well… we have a lot of non-combatants, but Kanata said she’ll stay behind, so most of us can go,” Scotch explained.

With Zen and Feiyun joining the fight, subduing the island wouldn’t be a problem. It would take time, though.

Even David and Samuel seemed eager for battle.

With Kanata staying behind as a last resort, they could deploy all their combat personnel except for Dragon and Gloriosa, who would remain on the ship.

“It’s almost noon. Finish them off before lunch,” Kanata said.

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Heehee, understood.”

“Lunch…? We have less than an hour?!”

“Leave it to me! Uhahaha, it’s been a while since I had a good fight!”

“I won’t make the same mistakes as last time!”

The harbor was already in chaos after Junshi defeated their first mate.

Including the new recruits, their total number exceeded seven hundred. However, most of them were mere grunts, even though they had managed to conquer Paradise.

Kaie, clinging to Gloriosa, seemed worried, but she realized there was no need for concern as she watched Junshi effortlessly cut down their opponents, advancing towards the city.

She settled down, sipping her juice, enjoying the spectacle.

“I heard that many pirates in the outer seas don’t use Haki, but it seems the New World isn’t much different.”

“This is still the entrance to the New World. I’m sure there are plenty of Haki users deeper in,” Gloriosa replied.

The ratio might be low, but powerful pirates, those who had made a name for themselves, were all Haki users. Those with bounties up to 300 million were a mixed bag, but those exceeding 400 million were almost always Haki users. Occasionally, they encountered lesser-known pirates who were skilled in Haki, so they couldn't let their guard down.

As the saying went, “The lifespan of a Logia user who believes themselves invincible is short.” Even those who had dominated the previous seas with their Logia abilities would be eliminated if they lacked the strength to back it up.

Of course, Kanata, who had been attacked by Shiki and Linlin in Paradise, found this to be a rather obvious observation.

“High-bounty pirates are often Devil Fruit users. It’s the easiest way to gain strength… Dragon, is there any Devil Fruit you’d like to eat?” Kanata asked.

“Me? No, not really.”

Dragon didn’t have any particular need for a Devil Fruit at the moment.

He might eat one eventually, but… he didn’t need one right now.

“And this is a separate matter, but… after we subdue this island, we’ll gather information and leave tomorrow. Be ready.”

“What? We’re not staying? What about the Log Pose readings?”

“We’ll use an Eternal Pose. There’s a place we need to visit as soon as possible.”

“I see. I’ll prepare accordingly,” Dragon replied.

“Where are we going?” Gloriosa asked.

Kanata answered simply, “Hachinosu – the island where the Rocks Pirates were founded.”


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