The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 67 – Fairy Tales


Kanata and her crew stayed on Zou for several days.

Zen had finally returned to his homeland after a long absence, and Kanata wanted to give him enough time to catch up with his friends and family.

The crew members took turns going ashore, climbing the giant elephant’s leg, and returning to the ship. The Minks were friendly and welcoming, always happy to see them.

Kanata also took the opportunity to have her crew practice Moonwalk.

Mastering it would significantly improve their mobility, but they seemed to be struggling with the concept.

They were all physically capable, surpassing even Cipher Pol agents in strength and agility, so they should be able to learn it eventually.

She also began training Kaie to control her Devil Fruit ability.

“Zoan Devil Fruits have three forms: Human, Beast, and Hybrid. Samuel,” Kanata said.


Samuel transformed as instructed, and the Minks watching them cheered. Visitors were rare on Zou, and a Devil Fruit user was an especially unusual sight.

Kaie, observing Samuel, focused her energy, attempting to transform.

“Oh, she’s changing… Is that… a snake?”

The Minks gasped.

Snake-like scales appeared on Kaie’s arms and legs, a tail sprouted from her lower back, and her body grew considerably larger, almost twice its original size.

Several snakes formed from her hair, their heads moving independently, though she seemed to have difficulty controlling them.

“This is… my ability…”

“I thought her lower body would turn into a snake since it’s the Snake-Snake Fruit… but her tail looks like a lizard’s,” Kanata observed.

It was a long, powerful tail. Apparently, she could even lift her body with it.

Her hands had sharp claws, and her overall strength seemed to have increased.

Of course, she was originally quite weak, so even with a significant boost, it wasn’t much to brag about.

“Hmm… Try transforming into your full Beast Form.”


Her body grew even larger, reaching several meters in length. She was still a child, but if she continued to grow at this rate, her adult form might rival or even surpass the size of a giant.

Her lower body was now a snake, and the number of snakes formed from her hair increased.

Devil Fruit abilities tended to grow stronger as the user did. The stronger they became, the more versatile their abilities.

The most striking change was the appearance of golden wings on her back.

“What… so there are beings in the outside world who can transform into such a creature…”

“The legendary Gorgon. Fascinating.”

Ignoring the astonished Minks, Kanata continued to observe Kaie, analyzing her abilities.

Her scaled skin was probably resistant to ordinary weapons, and even her unscaled body seemed tougher than before.

She was living up to her Mythical Zoan classification. It was exciting to imagine how powerful she would become as an adult.

“Um… it’s embarrassing to be stared at like that…”

“Ah, sorry.”

Kaie slithered around, testing her new form. She stumbled occasionally but her snake hair instinctively supported her body.

She seemed to be using them skillfully, but apparently it was unconscious. She aimed her snake hair at a wooden target, and a beam of energy shot out from its mouth.



“A beam?!”

The attack wasn’t particularly powerful, but even Kaie seemed surprised. Her petrifying gaze and now this beam attack – she understood why this Devil Fruit was so sought after. It granted the user a wide range of abilities, far surpassing its single drawback.

“It’s no match for Samuel’s ability,” Dragon commented.

“They say Zoan Devil Fruits enhance physical abilities, but… what even are ‘physical abilities’ anymore…?” Samuel muttered, dejected.

Ordinary Zoan Devil Fruits simply enhanced the user’s physical strength and abilities. Carnivorous Zoans also increased aggression… but Samuel hadn’t shown any significant change in temperament.

Perhaps it was because he was originally quite gluttonous. He hadn’t changed much.

“You need to train to use your abilities properly… but this isn’t something you can use on the ship.”

Simply enhancing physical abilities was manageable, but with such a versatile ability, it would be difficult to control and could lead to unforeseen consequences.

They would have to let her get used to it gradually every time they landed on an island.

They were staying on Zou for a few more days anyway. They could use this time for her training. Once she could control her abilities to a certain extent, she wouldn't make mistakes on the ship.

…Well, probably.

“It’s almost time for the eruption rain. Let’s go.”

“Right. You guys are staying at the fortress again?” one of the Minks asked.

“Yes. We’re grateful for the hospitality. We’d be happy to help with anything if you need it,” Kanata replied.

“We wouldn’t dream of making our guests work. We’re happy to share our knowledge and show you our unique way of life.”

The giant elephant bathed twice a day.

It was a phenomenon called “eruption rain,” where a massive amount of seawater cascaded down its back. The Minks collected and filtered this water for drinking and fished in the resulting flood.

Kaie, back in her human form, followed Kanata to the fortress.

The buildings were designed to withstand the regular eruption rain. It had been a shock at first, but this was how the Minks had adapted to living on a giant elephant.

It was an intriguing system, and some of the scholarly crew members were eagerly studying it. They had arrived yesterday with Feiyun, but they hadn’t seemed to consider how they were going to get down. She wondered what they were planning to do.

“Oh, Kanata-san, you’re back.”

Zen was chatting with the others when they returned to the fortress.

The scholars were bombarding him with questions, taking notes. Kanata wondered if it was annoying, but apparently he was patiently answering their questions.

“When are we leaving?” Zen asked.

“Whenever you’re ready. It’s your homeland, a place you haven’t been able to visit for a long time. Make sure you have no regrets,” Kanata replied.

“Heehin. I appreciate it, but…”

“We’re not in a hurry. We can take our time.”

“Is that so…? No, even then, I can’t stay here for too long. I have a reason to go to Wano Country. I’ll finish my preparations within a few days, and we can leave after that!”

“…You seem eager.”

Hearing what Kanata and Zen had said, the scholarly crew members looked at them with expressions that seemed to say, "What, are you serious?", but let's leave that aside.

Zen had spent over half his life outside his homeland, experiencing countless adventures and encounters, but… his greatest desire was to see Kozuki Sukiyaki again.

He was indebted to him.

“We can visit Zou again someday. Let’s prioritize your adventure for now,” Zen said.

“…If that’s what you want, then fine.”

“Eh?! Leaving already?! You just got back! Stay a bit longer…” one of the Minks pleaded.

“No, I’ve made up my mind. I can’t stay for too long,” Zen insisted.

The Minks, determined to give them a proper send-off, held another grand feast on their last day.

They had become friends with many of the Minks, but Kanata couldn’t take them as crew members. She couldn’t guarantee their safety on this journey.

They could bring those who had no other choice, but it was wrong to force them to abandon their lives on Zou.

Their enjoyable stay had come to an end. The scholars, as expected, had a hellish time getting down.


Wano Country was an isolationist nation.

There was no way to reach it. They didn’t have Sukiyaki’s vivre card, so even if they wanted to sail there, they didn’t know its location or direction.

Their only option was to find an Eternal Pose for Wano Country on some random island.

“…Can we even find one?”

“We should be able to find an Eternal Pose. It’s called an isolationist nation because no one knows how to reach it.”

It was a country guarded by powerful samurai, making it incredibly difficult to enter. They had no contact with the outside world, self-sufficient and closed off.

Their coastline was constantly battered by storms and whirlpools, making it impossible to find a safe passage.

“I’ll figure something out, but we need to find an Eternal Pose first.”

Reaching Wano Country wasn't impossible. Eternal Poses for Wano Country existed. They just couldn’t enter the country.

They were currently on Dressrosa, an island they had reached using an Eternal Pose.

Dressrosa – also known as the “Country of Love and Passion.”

Visitors were said to be captivated by the sweet fragrance of flowers, delicious cuisine, and alluring dances of its women. It was a peaceful and prosperous nation, ruled by Riku Dold III.

They anchored their three ships on a rocky coast, preparing for their usual resupply… and shopping trip.

Kanata left the ships with Dragon and explored the city with him.

“It’s a surprisingly large island. And lively.”

“This country isn’t wealthy, but it has a king who cares for his people. He’s constantly training his military and engaging in diplomacy to avoid war,” Dragon explained, his knowledge seemingly endless.

It wasn’t that the people were poor. They seemed to be living happy, fulfilling lives.

The country was considered “not wealthy” because they generously provided aid to neighboring nations in times of need.

“…It’s a good country,” Kanata said.

“Yeah. I wish every country was like this.” With his hood pulled low, Dragon spoke with a hint of melancholy in his voice.

Dressrosa was a good country. He hoped more nations would follow its example, prioritizing the well-being of their people. It was a difficult goal to achieve.

“Don’t overthink it. You’re still learning. Observe the world carefully.”


“Now, let’s try some of the local snacks –”

Suddenly, Kanata’s right arm moved with blinding speed. Something was sent flying, a nearby shop window shattering.


“Whoa! What was that?!”

“Did… you just knock something away?” Dragon asked.

“Reflexively. What was it?”

Someone had either tried to attack them with malicious intent, or steal something… Ambushes were useless against her Observation Haki.

She couldn’t see what it was, but she figured it wouldn’t try again. The outcome would be the same.

She was more interested in the wonderful aroma of spices in the air. She might not be able to get the recipe, but if she could bring back the actual spices, their cooks could probably replicate it.

They purchased various items, including the Eternal Pose for Wano Country, then returned to the ship.

“We’re back. How’s the resupply going?” Kanata asked.

“Good. We loaded all the food and water. But…”

“Captain! What are we going to do?! Our weapons were stolen!”

“Stolen? Someone robbed you?”

While they were waiting at a café, having finished purchasing food and water, someone had stolen their weapons when they weren’t looking.

They asked the locals, but everyone just laughed, saying, “It was the fairies. You can’t get them back.”

They couldn’t leave their weapons stolen, especially considering their future plans. They needed to retrieve them, but… they had no idea where to even start.

“Kanata. Maybe that thing you knocked away earlier… was one of those ‘fairies’,” Dragon suggested.

“Hmm? Ah, I see.”

Something invisible and incredibly fast had tried to steal from them, and Kanata had knocked it away… It was probably one of those ‘fairies’.

This meant there were multiple individuals with similar abilities.

If they were an organized group, then they were a band of thieves, collecting weapons. Considering it was a common belief amongst the citizens, they must have been operating for a long time… but if they were collecting weapons…

“…I have a bad feeling about this. We can get good weapons in Wano Country, but…”

“No! I was attached to that sword!”

“I understand… Honestly, we always end up in trouble on every island,” Kanata sighed.

She understood being attached to a weapon. Besides, they weren't free. It wasn't a crime to steal from thieves, so they decided to investigate.

Their previous encounter with Kaido in the Rommel Kingdom had escalated quickly. She hoped this wouldn't turn into a similar situation.


The bridge to Green Bit, located in the northern part of Dressrosa.

Kanata and her crew stood before the bridge, staring at the isolated island in the distance, contemplating their next move.

“Is this the right place?”

“Probably. The thief’s presence disappeared on that island,” Kanata said.

They had encountered another victim of the ‘fairies’, and Kanata had followed the thief’s presence, which had disappeared on this island.

An iron bridge connected Dressrosa to Green Bit, but a sign at the entrance read ‘No Entry’.

Apparently, the waters were infested with ferocious fish called ‘Fighting Fish’, and ships were easily capsized. The bridge itself was often destroyed, making it impossible to cross.

Of course, such obstacles were meaningless to Kanata. She walked to the edge of the bridge, freezing the sea all the way to Green Bit.

“This should keep the ‘Fighting Fish’ away. Efficiency is key.”

“That’s boring. I was looking forward to seeing these ferocious fish.”

“I wouldn’t have been able to cross that tiny bridge anyway. But do we really need this many people?”

“Just in case. We’d rather not fight if we can avoid it.”

They crossed the frozen sea, reaching the uninhabited island known as Green Bit. She scanned the island with her Observation Haki. There were signs of life, both above and below ground, but she could only sense animals on the surface. She wasn’t sure if it was truly uninhabited, but… they had no choice but to enter.

They walked into a forest filled with massive plants, and a voice called out to them.


“Are you good humans, or bad humans?”

There were multiple presences, surrounding them.

Junshi glanced at Kanata, ready to fight, but she decided to talk first.

“We’re good humans,” Kanata said.

“Then hand over your weapons!!”

“Weapons…? We can’t do that. We’re here to retrieve our stolen weapons.”

“Then we have no choice… We’ll be taking everything you have!!”

The presences moved. They were fast. But knowing their movements beforehand made it easy to counter.

They had trained against the Minks. This was well within their capabilities.

Silence returned after a brief scuffle. Junshi, his Six Harmonies Great Spear resting on his shoulder, muttered, “So… what are these things?”

“Dwarves. It’s my first time seeing them too,” Kanata replied.

She picked up one of the unconscious dwarves, examining him carefully. He had a tail, but it wasn’t just a decoration.

They were incredibly strong and fast, surpassing even humans. Considering the only life forms she had sensed on the surface were animals, most of them probably lived underground.

Someone had been watching them. They followed their tracks, searching for the dwarves’ settlement.

“They’re so small and fast… It’s difficult to fight them,” Feiyun complained.

“That’s what happens when you’re a giant. I chose the wrong person for this,” Kanata sighed.

Even ordinary humans seemed small to Feiyun. Dwarves were like ants to her. She could sense their locations with her Observation Haki and wipe them out, but their speed made it difficult to hit them.

“They’re coming.”

They waited at the entrance, and a large group of dwarves emerged, armed and ready to fight.

They were furious because their comrades were defeated.

“You’re bad humans! How dare you hurt our friends…!”

“We’re just here to get our belongings back. We’ll leave as soon as we have them –”

“Silence! No more talking!”

The dwarves charged. Kanata shrugged, unleashing her Conqueror’s Haki.


Most of them collapsed, unconscious.

“Huh…? What’s… happening?!”

Only a few of the strongest dwarves remained standing.

Junshi sent them flying with his spear. He had used the shaft, not the blade, perhaps out of mercy.

“…This is the fastest solution, after all.”

It was a forceful approach, but it was the most efficient.

It would be best to get back what was theirs and left. A simple attempt to retrieve their stolen weapons had escalated into a major incident.

They entered the dwarves’ kingdom, knocked out anyone they encountered, and searched  for their stolen weapons.

Feiyun was too large to enter, so she remained at the entrance.

“…I found it!”

“Thank goodness… We finally found it…”

“You found what you were looking for? Let’s go.”

“Captain, aren’t we going to take any valuables?”

“We’re not here to plunder. We came to retrieve your precious swords.”

It was one thing if their opponents were pirates, but these were ordinary citizens… mostly. She wasn’t denying she felt like demanding compensation for the trouble they had caused, but it wasn’t worth the effort.

She didn’t understand why the dwarves were allowed to steal, but it was a nuisance for Kanata and her crew.

Threatening to take their weapons and belongings – they were a troublesome bunch.

What ‘Country of Love and Passion’? They didn’t seem to understand the consequences of stealing.

Of course, Kanata and her crew were technically pirates, so they couldn’t complain about being robbed…

They retrieved their weapons and left the dwarves’ kingdom.


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