The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 70 – Compatibility


Oden and Kin’emon were the daimyo and retainer of Kuri, located on the opposite side of the Flower Capital from Hakumai. Under normal circumstances, they would have no reason to travel to Hakumai, but Oden, ignoring Kin’emon’s protests, had declared, “Let’s pay Yasuie a visit!” and tagged along with Kanata and her crew.

It was clear that Kin’emon was struggling to control his lord.

Unlike their previous journey, they were traveling on foot, which would take more time. As they walked, Oden and Kin’emon listened intently to stories of the outside world, guiding Kanata and her crew towards Hakumai.

“Damn it… I want to see the world too… There has to be a way,” Oden grumbled.

“It’s impossible, Lord Oden!”

“Not now, at least… Being around this woman is suffocating.”

“Don’t blame me for your inability to follow rules,” Kanata retorted.

“You’re one to talk!”

Oden glared at her, a vein throbbing in his forehead, while Kanata remained unfazed.

These two seemed fundamentally incompatible, clashing every so often.

Oden, who hated being restricted, and Kanata, who valued discipline and order – they were unlikely to ever see eye-to-eye.

Dragon, Zen, and Kin’emon could only shrug helplessly.

“Well, sometimes you just don't get along with certain people. That's all this is,” Zen remarked diplomatically.

As long as they maintained a superficial relationship, things would be fine, but Oden seemed intent on pushing Kanata’s buttons, constantly inquiring about the world beyond Wano Country.

Kanata was usually able to ignore his provocations, but Oden was quick to anger, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword at the slightest offense. This made things rather difficult.

They had already intervened three times to prevent a fight.

While Kanata was unlikely to lose, Oden was a daimyo, a future shogun. They couldn't afford to let things escalate.

“I apologize for Lord Oden’s behavior,” Kin’emon said, bowing his head.

“It’s alright. This is the first time I've seen this side of him… He’s certainly matured,” Zen replied.

The Oden he knew would have already drawn his sword. The fact that he was restraining himself, only gripping the hilt of his sword, meant he was at least somewhat rational.

As for Kanata… she was more likely to react to Oden's provocations than initiate them, so as long as Oden kept his mouth shut, there wouldn’t be any problems.

Kin’emon, who had been observing them, finally spoke, “I've been meaning to ask… That sword at your waist, it’s quite a fine blade, isn't it?”

“Ah, this? Yes, it’s one of the Saijo O Wazamono grade,” Kanata replied.

“What?! One of the Saijo O Wazamono?!"

Kin’emon stared at the Muramasa. It seemed even samurai couldn't resist the allure of a fine blade.

Kanata primarily used a spear, so she had no need for a sword, but the Muramasa was currently the most valuable item on her ship. She couldn’t simply leave it behind, so she carried it at her waist, attracting various reactions.

Most were simply curious, but some held malicious intent.

Of course, if those with ill intentions were just petty thieves, it would make things easier for her…

Kin’emon swallowed nervously, hesitant to ask, “Could I… see it?”

“Go ahead.”

“Thank you!”

They decided to take a break, and Kanata sat down on a nearby rock. She unsheathed the Muramasa and handed it to Kin’emon, who received it with trembling hands.

He was still honing his swordsmanship, yet he was holding a Saijo O Wazamono blade, a legendary weapon. He was both excited and nervous, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he slowly drew the sword from its scabbard.

He examined the black blade, its curve, its ridge, its pattern – each detail captivating his attention.

“It’s a beautiful sword,” he breathed. “I can feel its power.”

“Don’t stare at it too long. You might get possessed,” Kanata warned.


Kin’emon looked up, startled, and Oden, who had been watching, turned to Kanata, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. “What do you mean?!”

He usually treated Kin’emon poorly, but Kin’emon was a valuable retainer. He didn’t want him to be harmed. Even Kanata could understand that sentiment.

“This sword is said to turn its owner into a killer,” she explained. “If you consider yourself weak-willed, be careful.”

“I-I see… Are you alright, Kanata?”

“I don’t use swords,” she replied simply.

“You don’t?!” Oden exclaimed.

He had briefly assumed that she was strong enough to resist the sword’s influence, but it seemed that wasn't the case.

If she never unsheathed it, she wouldn't be affected by its allure. It was a simple solution.

She rarely used swords, but she wasn't completely incapable of wielding them. If she became possessed, it would be a disaster. And the more she fought, the stronger she would become.

“Just… don’t get possessed,” Dragon muttered, shaking his head.

If that happened, no one would be able to stop her.


Despite the various incidents along the way, they finally reached Hakumai.

Yasuie had already exchanged their cargo for currency, and George had handled all the financial details, leaving Kanata with nothing to do.

Nothing, that is, except receiving reports.

As she listened to several subordinates’ updates, Oden spoke up, “When I heard a little girl like you was the captain, I thought it was a mistake… but it’s actually true.”

“Do you want to get beaten, you idiot?”

“What? You want to fight?!”

“L-Lord Oden! Please stop! They are guests of the shogun!”

Kin’emon rushed to restrain Oden, who had drawn his swords.

Kanata’s subordinates stared in surprise, some moving to intervene, while others watched eagerly, anticipating a fight. The latter looked quite eager to attack.

Zen finally stepped in, pinning Oden’s arms behind his back, dragging him away before he could cause any more trouble. It was decided then and there that Oden and Kanata should be kept apart as much as possible, a silent agreement formed between Kin’emon and Kanata’s crew.

George watched Oden being dragged away, puffing on his cigarette with an exasperated expression.

“…What was that about?” he asked.

“He doesn't seem to like me. I don’t particularly like him either,” Kanata replied nonchalantly.

“Is that all…?”

It was unusual for Kanata, who usually treated everyone equally – except those related to her mother – to express such dislike.

They had been cordial when they first met, but as they learned more about each other, things had changed. Dragon was at a loss for words. It seemed their personalities were fundamentally incompatible.

George shrugged, choosing not to dwell on it, and began reporting on their earnings and the crew’s allowance distribution.

He had been entrusted with handling all financial matters, so there was rarely anything that required Kanata’s intervention, except in emergencies.

He had instructed the crew to travel in groups, so it was easy to manage them.

“Well, that’s about it. How did things go on your end?”

“We had some interesting discoveries. However, it's a bit sensitive, so it's best not to share it with everyone.”

He couldn't be sure that there weren't any spies or informants amongst the crew. Especially the new recruits, who weren’t as disciplined as the original members.

The regular Road Poneglyphs from Hachinosu and Fishman Island were one thing, but they had to keep the Road History Poneglyphs a secret.

They had to manage this information carefully. And enforce stricter discipline within the crew.

“We have at least a month before we have to leave. There’s no need to rush. We can focus on internal affairs.”

“Training the new recruits and enforcing discipline… This country is safe from the World Government. It’s a good place to relax and prepare,” Scotch commented.

“We’ll be facing more powerful opponents in the New World. It’s time to step up your training.”


Fortunately – or perhaps unfortunately – Hakumai’s samurai were a formidable fighting force.

If they could convince Yasuie to allow them to participate in combat training, it would be good practice.

Their recent battle against Kaido had been the most challenging, but even he had been a glorified punching bag in the end. Kanata wanted a real challenge, an opponent who could push her to her limits.

But there weren't many individuals who could match her strength. She couldn’t simply summon Garp for a duel, and there weren’t many opponents on par with her.

“…Well, it’s necessary, I guess. We should probably start learning Rokushiki and Haki,” Scotch admitted reluctantly.

“Rokushiki is simple. Just follow the instructions carefully. It’s like basic Haki training.”

They needed to teach the crew at least two of the six techniques – Geppo and Soru – for enhanced mobility.

The other four techniques were situational, but useful nonetheless.

They had relied on brute force and experience until now, but having more options was always beneficial. They had to prepare for the increasingly dangerous battles ahead.

“And about the Road History Poneglyphs… We’re not sure who knows about them, but we should assume that the four strongest pirates in the New World are aware of their existence.”

Roger, Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Shiki.

Even the Marines would suffer heavy losses if they clashed with any of these four.

Considering Octavia had been a member of the Rocks Pirates, and had knowledge about the Poneglyphs, it wouldn’t be surprising if Roger, Big Mom, and Shiki also possessed some knowledge.

They had left a regular Road Poneglyph in Hachinosu’s basement, but perhaps they had kept it secret from their crew members.

Regardless, they were bound to clash with these four eventually.

They had to strengthen their forces.

Kanata hoped to avoid fighting Roger, but he was too unpredictable. She had no idea what he might do.

“We’ll talk to Yasuie about it. Joint training would be beneficial for both sides.”

The non-combatants would focus on discipline and obedience, while everyone would participate in basic physical training.

The crew members who had thought they were exempt because they weren’t fighters paled at the announcement.


“That would be beneficial for us as well,” Yasuie said. “It’s a good opportunity to gauge the strength of the outside world.”

“Well, I’m not sure how helpful we’ll be… but we’re happy to participate if you permit it,” Zen replied.

Yasuie had readily agreed to the joint training, and George had begun discussing the details. Zen, standing beside him, wagged his tail excitedly.

Oden, listening to their conversation, stroked his chin thoughtfully.

“…You seem well-trained. I want to participate too,” he said.

“No way, Lord Oden! You’ve been away from Kuri for days! We have our limits. Besides, I’m sure I’ll get scolded,” Kin’emon protested.

“Kuri can manage without me.”

“That’s not the point!”

Oden’s blood was boiling as he watched Kanata’s subordinates, but Kin’emon insisted that he couldn’t participate. He was a daimyo, after all. He couldn't simply disappear for days on a whim.

While Oden’s impulsive behavior was well-known, there were limits.

“You can participate, Oden,” Yasuie said.


“But return to Kuri first and explain the situation. Bring your samurai with you.”

“Huh? Why?”

“It will be good training. Your samurai will become stronger.”

Yasuie believed that Oden was the most suitable candidate for the next shogun, and that his retainers should be the strongest samurai in Wano Country.

The Shimotsuki samurai were strong, but they weren’t the strongest. The shogun's retainers should be the guardians of this nation.

“…Alright. I’ll go back then,” Oden said, nodding reluctantly.

“Now that you’re a daimyo, you can’t act on a whim. Your impulsiveness is both a strength and a weakness.”

“I understand…”

Oden accepted Yasuie’s words and returned to Kuri.

It was surprising to see the headstrong Oden so easily swayed by Yasuie. He clearly held his friend in high regard.

“Oden is strong,” Yasuie said. “Even Zen, who is a skilled warrior, would be surprised by his current strength.”

“Well… about that… They’ve already fought.”

“What? Really? Well, Oden is quite the brawler. And how did it go?”

“He’s very strong. I’ve defeated countless strong opponents, but on this ship, I’m only the second strongest… Training with Lord Oden might help me reach the top.”

“You’re the second strongest?!” Yasuie stared, astonished.

Zen had once been considered the strongest warrior in Wano Country. Could there be a samurai in Wano who could match him now…? Perhaps Oden, Hyogoro the "Strong Blade", or Gyukimaru the sword master?

They also had a giant on their crew. Could she be the strongest? But Zen shook his head.

“Our captain, Kanata, is the strongest warrior on this ship. She surpassed me some time ago.”

“What… her…?”

Yasuie had assumed that Kanata wasn't a fighter, but it seemed he was mistaken. “Never judge a book by its cover,” he mumbled.

“I’m curious to see how strong she is… Leave the location and date to me. I’ll arrange everything.”

“Really? That’s kind of you, but won’t it be a burden?”

“Nonsense. I wouldn’t refuse a friend’s request.”

Kanata and her crew had no plans other than sightseeing and training, so they could easily adjust their schedule to accommodate the joint training.

Zen apologized profusely for the added burden, but Yasuie laughed it off.

“The only concern is… Oden and Kanata don’t seem to get along.”

“Ah, yes… It’s hard to believe Oden would be rude to a woman, but…”

“Perhaps he’s jealous that she refused to let him join her crew… but even then…”

“…We’ll have to see how it goes. Maybe they’ll come to an understanding after fighting each other.”

They decided to proceed with the joint training and asked Yasuie to adjust the schedules of the Shimotsuki samurai.

He promised to have everything ready within a few days, so until then, they would have to train on their own.

They also needed to consider countermeasures against spies and informants. Even the former slaves they had recruited couldn't be completely trusted, and they needed to establish a system to identify any potential threats.

George’s head was already pounding at the thought.


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