The Strongest Mercenary of Naruto

Chapter 653 Three Thunder Disasters

Chapter 653
Ascension to heaven is a catastrophe that cultivators who go against the sky will inevitably have to face. If they try to cultivate a true immortal in the body of a mortal, the sky will send down a catastrophe to test them.

Those who have successfully resisted the catastrophe will be recognized by the heaven and the earth. After accepting the baptism of the power of the fairy, the mortal body will transform into a transcendent body that is almost as long as the heaven and the earth.

And those who cannot survive the catastrophe have only two outcomes, either the ashes return to the ashes, the body returns to the origin of heaven and earth, and the soul enters the six realms of reincarnation;
Either lose the mortal body and use the Zifu Yuanying to create the body of a loose fairy, experience the catastrophe of the fairy every thousand years, and create the body of the fairy after nine times of the catastrophe of the scattered fairy, or disappear in ashes and smoke after the catastrophe of the scattered fairy, and completely dissipate between the heaven and the earth.

Normally, there are countless cultivators in the lower realms, but there are only a handful of people who can truly cultivate the immortal way and rank in the immortal class. Aptitude, character, chance, luck and other conditions are indispensable, and the most critical One point is the ascension catastrophe that Uchiha Kazuhiko is about to face.

Uchiha Kazuhiko naturally knew that this was a life-and-death crisis, so after the demise of the soul clan, he chose the soul world as the place to cross the catastrophe, and made a lot of arrangements for dealing with the catastrophe based on the information he learned from the fairy world .

One morning, the largest spirit vein area in the soul world was filled with formation flags overflowing with spirit weapon fluctuations, arranged according to specific positions, forming complex and mysterious formations.

Uchiha Kazuhiko closed his eyes tightly, sat cross-legged in the center of the formation, silently running the internal exercises, and prepared to deal with the catastrophe in the best state.

The Jade Rabbit staying in the sky was driven to the west by the Golden Crow rising in the east, and the morning sun slowly rose and sprinkled warm sunlight on the world.

At the moment when the morning sun turned into a scorching sun, Uchiha Kazuhiko opened his eyes, and an extremely powerful aura burst out from his body, sweeping around.


The heavenly way in the dark seemed to be aware of the appearance of the person who should be robbed, and the sound of thunder suddenly sounded. The sky in the soul world, almost in the blink of an eye, completed the transformation from clear sky to dark clouds. A black flower The robbery cloud appeared in the sky.

Endless spiritual energy rolled in and was absorbed by Jieyun, and Jieyun continued to grow bigger. In just a few dozen breaths, the initial three-foot radius became the current hundred-foot radius, as if the end of the world was coming, and the endless threat Rolling and rolling.

"Three Disasters, Thunder Tribulation, it's not bad."

Looking at the three colors of 'purple, blue and red' churning in Jieyun, Uchiha Kazuhiko was a little relieved. It seems that he should not have much karma, otherwise he would encounter six difficulties or the last The terrifying Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation.

The three calamities and thunderbolts mean that there will be three rounds of assessments. There are nine assessments in each round, plus the final transformation thunderbolt, that is, a total of 28 robbery cloud attacks.

Judging from the color of the robbery cloud, it should be the heavenly robbery of the three attributes of wind, fire and thunder. For Uchiha Kazuhiko, this is the best news.

But even so, Uchiha Kazuhiko still didn't dare to be careless, he pinched his hand formula with both hands, and opened all the formations under him.


The Jieyun kept spinning, forming a large vortex in the center, quickly devouring the aura of heaven and earth in the soul world, and countless lightning lights wandered freely in it, making the soul world seem to become a more vast and magnificent void thunder pool.


I don't know how long it took, Jieyun gradually stopped changing, and amidst a huge roar, a beam of dazzling thunderbolts snaked down from Jieyun, and Uchiha Kazuhiko's ascension to Heaven finally came at this very moment !

The majestic sky thunder poured down with the attitude of destroying everything. The violent thunder and lightning force rampaged, and after penetrating through layers of formations that dissipated its power, it blatantly bombarded Uchiha Kazuhiko's body.

Heavenly Tribulation is a kind of catastrophe, but also a kind of good luck. After many reductions in formations, the power is not much left.

Uchiha Kazuhiko possesses the thunderous fruit, and uses the Thunder Clan kung fu to swallow and assimilate the Jiuxuan Jinlei. He also has a near-limit affinity for the Jielei that is attached to the will of heaven and earth. to further strengthen your body.

Under the tempering of the power of thunder, Uchiha Kazuhiko's body began to discharge some impurities that were almost invisible to the naked eye, and the chaotic Nascent Soul in the Purple Mansion shrank slightly, but at the same time the energy inside it became more condensed.

"boom boom"

A thunderbolt that was thicker than one struck Uchiha Kazuhiko's body mercilessly, not only did not cause him to be injured and fell, but on the contrary, Uchiha Kazuhiko's physical strength and energy refining degree were greatly increased, and his momentum became stronger. stand up.

After Uchiha Kazuhiko's ninth robbery attack, the calm robbery cloud rotated again, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the soul world, and after the energy accumulated to the previous level, the second round of attack began.

Jieyun's second round of attack, called Thunder Fire Calamity, released not the previous power of thunder, but the flames attached to the will of heaven and earth. Fire is comparable.

Uchiha Kazuhiko was very lucky. The second main world he crossed was the Doupo world with different fires. After devouring many different fires, his Samadhi True Fire has evolved to a very high level.

Facing the clouds of thunder and fire released by Jieyun, Uchiha Kazuhiko was not surprised but delighted. He used the real fire of samadhi to cover his whole body, swallowing all the fire and thunder that fell on his body, and used it to increase the power of the real fire of samadhi.

After the second round of attacks, which was almost free, Jieyun repeated the previous steps, and after gathering energy again, he started the third round of attacks.

The third round of Jieyun's attack was called Gangfeng's Tribulation. The thunder and flames disappeared, replaced by an extremely terrifying wind - Nine Heavens Gangfeng.

Nine Heavens Gangfeng, as can be seen from the name, is the Gangfeng above Nine Heavens, that is, a kind of Gangfeng in the fairy world, even for immortals, it still has a great threat.

Fortunately, the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind encountered during the tribulation only contains a trace of the power of the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind, which is less than one ten-thousandth of the real Nine Heavens Stellar Wind. underestimated.

Facing the third round of attacks, Uchiha Kazuhiko could no longer be as tricky as the previous two rounds, and became serious. Relying on his own strength and various preparations made in advance, he used a large number of high-grade pills and those from the Panlong World At the cost of the three rare treasures obtained from here, he successfully survived the third round of attacks.

After a brief pause, Jieyun re-condensed his energy, and then turned all the energy into the final thunderbolt, which ruthlessly bombarded Uchiha Kazuhiko.

(End of this chapter)

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