The Strongest Necromancer with Evolutionary Abilities

Chapter 138: Blessing of God

[Acquiring the Seed of God Slaying.]

[Seed of God Slaying]

-Blessing of God

-Temporarily suppresses the power of those called gods.

A brief explanation.

However, it was difficult to understand due to its simplicity.

'Suppressing the power of gods?'

Despite Maximen being right in front of me, I was bewildered by the manifestation caused by God's blessing.

The condition for fulfillment was so unexpected that I never thought Maximen would come right in front of me in the first place...

"I heard from Evan; you are..."

"Maximen, may we converse even in a place devoid of people?"

As I hurriedly interrupted Maximen, he looked around and nodded.

There was no separate chaos among the students fleeing and converging in the vicinity.

"That would be fine."

He nodded again, holding up the coffin.

"Lead the way."

Even in my state of confusion, I calmly took the lead.

First of all, when it comes to no people being around, there was a place in the Whispering Forest where Berial used to teach me magic.

I recalled the recent events as I led Maximen into the swirling woods.

'God's blessing was released when Isabelle's coffin got closer. It's certain that Isabelle is related to the ancient gods.'

Maximen's daily singing was to the ancient god.

He sang endlessly, and I had been wondering if Isabelle had really fallen asleep because of the ancient god. This helped clear up some doubts.

'But a Seed of God Slaying?'

The God's blessing bestowed by the gods was a seed that killed gods instead.

What kind of irony was this...

After thinking for a while, I suddenly looked behind me and saw that Maximen was quietly following me, not paying any attention to the glances of the surrounding students.

Watching his behavior, I thought that maybe I could use this situation somehow.

If I had an idea, I needed to act on it immediately.

"Is it because of him?"

In response to my abrupt question, Maximen stared at me intensely.

"What's this all of a sudden?"

"The reason you came looking for me. It's because of him, isn't it?"

Maximen, who checked where my gaze landed, asked with curiosity.

"Where did you hear that?"

"I heard it? I just felt it a moment ago."

I shrugged nonchalantly.

Then, I raised my hand and pointed at the coffin, and I could feel Maximen's gaze trembling.

"I felt the trace of a god."


Maximen's eyes, which had suddenly come before me, were vacant.

However, I could feel a faint spark contained within them.

"Are you mocking me?"

"What are you talking about? I just said what I felt."

"Are you telling me to believe it now?"

"If you don't believe me, what will you do? Do I have a reason to lie?"

"You're not going to like the outcome if you try to provoke me."

A tremendous presence.

A shiver ran through my entire body.

But even if he threatened me while revealing his presence, I was confident he couldn't kill me.

I already knew that Maximen's feelings for Isabelle were so strong.

That aside, he was undoubtedly the strongest in the world.

Just revealing his presence briefly made my heart ache.

'I wonder if I could stop a heart with just my willpower.'

Rather than being scared, it was more like Maximen had reached an extraordinary level.

Maximen, who noticed my reaction, looked down at me with a gaze that said he was going to show me something strange.

For someone whose emotions didn't change much, that should be considered quite an emotional display.

"You're definitely not an ordinary fellow."

"I hear that often. Let's get going quickly. I'm getting curious too."

As I spoke while looking at the coffin, he continued to gaze at me with a meaningful look.

There's nothing he can discern from that look alone.

'That aside, I'm really curious.'

The God's blessing I had obtained by chance a little while ago.

Could I awaken Isabelle from her slumber using this?

If I did awaken her...

'Things are going to get a bit complicated. Of course, in a good way.'

The more cards you have to play, the better.

I hope this God's blessing can awaken Isabelle.

I walked to the swirling forest, ignoring the chaos that had ensued along the way.

Fortunately, the forest was within the confines of the Department of Magic, so we reached it quickly.

"Now tell me the truth. Did you really meet an ancient god and have a conversation with them? Is it true that you felt the trace of a god in this crown?"

"Both are true."

I nodded, and Maximen lowered his hood, speaking.

"What kind of conversation did you have with the god?"

"It wasn't about anything special."

In reality, it wasn't about stars at all. After a few empty words, the god suddenly descended and said she would wait.

"She said she would wait."

"She said she would wait?"

Even I, who had heard it directly, didn't understand what she meant, so would Maximin understand?

That was the moment.


A noise like a thunderclap resonated, and an intangible force appeared, blocking the path between Maximen and me.


The ground was deeply dug up, creating a trench that separated Maximen and me.

"Step back."

Suddenly, Surahan approached and grabbed my shoulder, and spoke to me.

They caught on quickly. Well, there were more than a few students who saw Maximen and me.

In that case, is Bart facing off against a fake with Berial?

No, it could be that the ones here are the fakes.

As I was lost in thought, Surahan spoke.

"I never expected you would escape like this during our conversation."

"I'm only interested in Adrias Cromwell."

"Still, there's a protocol to follow."

"You mentioned being the head of the Knight's Department. You're overflowing with confidence."

Maximen added a provoking remark.

"Right now, you just want to test your skills against me, don't you?"

At Maximen's provocative words, Surahan furrowed his brows for a moment.

The aura of the activated Aura Blade seemed to be ready to burst out at any moment.

"It seems my words earlier offended you. If you're curious or if you can't accept it..."

Maximen reached behind his thick cloak and pulled something out.

It was a wide but short sword.

On the broad blade, there were inscriptions and symbols that I couldn't decipher, but I knew the name and effect of that sword.

'Betrayer's Executioner.'

It was a named sword.

Only Maximen knew the exact details, but I guessed it was an ancient relic from ancient times.

"Come at me. Let's finish this quickly so I can talk to Adrias Cromwell."

Suddenly, a fight seemed imminent.

However, I wasn't overly concerned.

I knew that if Maximen truly cared about Isabelle, he wouldn't engage in a fight.

'It's actually quite convenient.'

Fights between Aura Masters were a rare spectacle to witness.

Moreover, Maximen Cronell, known as the strongest swordsman, was involved.

I couldn't miss this opportunity.

"Are you just here to watch?"

From the looks of him, Surahan, who appeared older due to his many scars, sounded more provocative.

In the end, Surahan couldn't hold back, and he began to release his Aura.


Countless Aura Blades were activated, and the surroundings were filled with Aura.

I drew my sword to protect myself and stepped back.


Numerous Aura Blades turned into invisible blades and attacked Maximen.

However, Maximen remained motionless, with the crown beside him, and his expression unchanged.

"Aura Blade, sword, in the end, they're just tools."

His arm began to rise slowly.

Maximin's Aura was a pale yellow.

"What matters most is oneself. Blaming one's own weakness on tools is not the way."

As if giving a lesson, Maximen casually swung his sword toward Surahan, who was rushing toward him amid the torrent of Aura Blades.


With a simple swing, Aura burst out, erasing everything in front of Maximen.

'Is that a human?'

Such a technique wasn't an Aura Burst but just a simple "swing," and it was incredibly astonishing. How could Aura burst out like that with such destructive power?

A straight path was created from Maximen through the Whispering Forest.

Fortunately, Surahan seemed to have avoided the attack and was trying to recover some distance away.

"It's not over yet!"

At the moment Surahan, with blood dripping from his forehead, lit up with anger in his eyes, attempting another attack, Maxiein teleported to stand in front of him.


Desperate Aura flowed, but with a casual twist of his sword, Maximen deflected the Aura Blades.

"Aura Master neglect their own training as soon as they master Aura Burst. Some start researching how to manipulate Aura only."



Even with Surahan's sword held by the neck, he managed to strike back, but Maximen quickly parried with his sword.

"Of course, it's not necessarily wrong. In terms of efficiency, that method may be better. However, in the end, everyone forgets the fact that effort never betrays. Once they taste the easy path, they can't turn back."


Maximen delivered a kick while still holding Surahan by the neck.

With a thunderous sound, Surahan was sent flying far away.

But this wasn't the end; Maximen chased after Surahan at an incredible speed, catching him by the collar.

"You mentioned being the head of the Knight's Department. Your Aura Burst is quite intimidating. The invisible blades must be quite threatening to your subordinates. But I have a question. Have you ever fought an Aura Master before? It seems like you've only faced the weak."


Maximen brushed aside Surahan, who had fallen over.

Aura burst forth, and the atmosphere trembled.

Maximen seemed even more unpredictable than I had anticipated.


I had to intervene.

When I called out to him, he slowly turned his head, looking at me as if to ask why I was calling him.

"He is the head of the Knight's Department, do you intend to kill him?"

"If you fail after challenging, there must be an appropriate price to pay. It's the nature of everything in this world."

"Don't you think the price is too harsh?"

Maximen's eyes flickered for a moment, considering my question.

"It's not enough to just face me."

I agree with that statement.

However, for now, we need to keep Surahan alive.

"If you kill the Knight's Department Head now, it will be difficult for me to offer my help."

"Your help? Wasn't the conversation we had earlier the end of it?"

"The previous conversation may have ended, but I haven't explained everything about sensing the trace of a god in the coffin yet. If the Knight's Department Head dies here, the Empire won't just stand idly by, and that would make it difficult for me to help."

"Why should I be confident that you can help?"

"I'm not confident. But if I can help, there will be a reward for me as well. As you mentioned earlier, there must be a price to pay for a challenge, but if I succeed, there will also be a reward."

I'm not helping you out of kindness.

I'm helping you for the reward I'll receive.

I hoped that message was conveyed effectively. Maximen remained silent, lost in thought while standing still.

After a while, he opened his mouth.

"If you fail the challenge, you will pay the price."

Is he threatening me?

However, I felt that it was worth trying.

The conditions for releasing God's blessing were set, and the explanation about suppressing the power of the gods seemed plausible.

"Understood. So please, for now, spare the Knight's Department Head."

"How amusing."

Finally, Maximen released Surahan from his grasp.

Surahan lay motionless, as if unconscious, but I could sense that he was still breathing, which was a relief.

After briefly checking on Surahan, I headed towards the coffin in which Isabelle was said to be asleep, with Maximen by my side.

'If Isabelle is here, then the Maximen next to me is the real one.'

Maximen's aura secret was simple.

It created a duplicate through aura.

His power was fitting for him and in line with his philosophy.

'It's not weaker just because it's a duplicate. Maybe, in Maximen's case, it's a cheating aura secret."

Having another strongest swordsman as a duplicate was already an incredible aura secret.

It was a perfect fit for Maximen, who could overpower everyone with his original strength.

As we approached the coffin, a peculiar energy was sensed, possibly due to the newly acquired God's blessing.

Could this be the so-called divine energy mentioned by the system?

"Can I open it?"

"Are you really confident? I spent 40 years searching for clues and found nothing."

"I'm staking my life on this. Confidence doesn't change anything, so we have to try."

"Alright. I'll open it."

Maximin cautiously lifted the lid.

Inside, a red-haired beauty in slumber caught our eyes.

'fIsabelle Lucifer.'

She belonged to the race associated with one of the Seven Sins, "Lust," and was a species proficient in potent blood magic.

Among them, she was a pureblood vampire.

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