The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Chapter 52: Sports Festival Announcement

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

In which we finally get back to the plot~
Momo, for her part, doesn’t even have to be told to get out of the way. The moment that Izuku pulls out of her, she slips off to the side, hand already dipping between her thighs to slip some of his cum out of her creampied cunt and bring it to her lips. As she lays there sucking her fingers clean and watching them with lidded eyes, Izuku snorts in amusement. She’s cute… but she’s already forgetting her place for the evening.
“Seems you’ve forgotten something, Momo.”
The raven-haired heiress’ eyes widen as he grabs her by her hair and yanks her head back over to his cock. Gasping in understanding, she looks up at him, even as she gives his messy dick a light kiss.
“Apologies, Master. The oversight is inexcusable~”
Izuku just hums, letting her ‘make it up to him’ by going down on his cock right then and there. As she begins to slurp up the mess they’ve made of his member, Izuku looks over to Itsuka, focusing on the ‘main event’ so to speak. More and more of his shaft disappears down Momo’s throat as the heroine-in-training sucks him off, all while Itsuka pants needily, the orange-haired girl’s breasts heaving up and down with every breath she takes.
He doesn’t say a word, just smiles at her… but that’s more than good enough for the bound Class Rep. Until finally, his cock is cleaned of his and Momo’s fluids, with only Momo’s spit polish remaining. Yanking her back off of his dick, he gives her a sharp nod.
“That’s better.”
“Thank you, Master~”
As Momo flops back into her previous position and goes back to fingering her creampied cunt while watching the two of them, Izuku moves between Itsuka’s forcibly spread legs. With the young woman tied to the bedposts, her limbs outstretched in every direction, she certainly seems helpless… completely incapable of stopping him from doing whatever he wants to her.
Of course, they all knew that wasn’t true. Sure, Itsuka’s bindings were on her wrists, meaning that her quirk ‘Big Fist’ was somewhat useless right now. Not entirely though. If she DID enlarge her hands to the gigantic size that she was capable of, she could wreak all sort of havoc on the bed and wall behind her, probably tearing up the bed posts keeping her tied down.
But more than that, Izuka knew Itsuka’s Quirk gave her baseline enhanced strength beyond the average human. And she was only tied down with nylon scarves of all things. So if she really wanted to, Itsuka could have broken free at any time. Needless to say, she clearly didn’t want to escape. She wanted to be his pet. She wanted to stay Momo’s good girl.
Running his hands up along Itsuka’s thighs, Izuku hums as the orange-haired Class Representative of Class 1-B shivers under him. His fingers ghost dangerously close to her slit… but then move further, sliding over her hips and her waist, along her flexing abdomen as she breathes and pants heavily from his featherlight touch.
Her eyes dart between his face and his cock, the twitching throbbing member between both of them and mere inches from her cunt. She wants him to fuck her. She wants to give all of herself to him. Smiling softly, Izuku finally lands his hands upon Itsuka’s breasts. Itsuka Kendo is… quite well-endowed in the chest department. Sporting a sizable set of tits, she can only moan as he gives them a nice, hard squeeze.
Playing with them for a time, Izuku doesn’t stop even as Itsuka moans under him, thrusting her chest up into his grasp and arching her back as best as she’s able.
“L-Like them, Master? Like my… my big fat tits?”
Chuckling at Itsuka’s hesitant attempts at dirty talk, Izuku looks down at her with a smile.
“I do like them. Very much.”
“I’m… I’m glad…”
Her pussy is all but humping the air right beneath his cock. Her need is obvious. She bites her lower lip, blushing profusely… but she doesn’t speak. Because she doesn’t consider it her place to speak. To acknowledge that she wants Izuku to just FUCK her already. He admires her resolve. He admires her determination to be a ‘good girl’. And so… he gives her what they both want.
His cock dips down and slides into Itsuka Kendo without so much as a ‘by your leave’. Her pussy stretches open for him while also tightening down in a paradoxically pleasurable sensation. Itsuka’s eyes go wide and her jaw drops open as she’s taken in an instant, his sizable member pushing DEEP inside of her in just a handful of seconds. Her breath catches in her throat, even as Izuku grunts at her tight wetness wrapped around his shaft.
She’s very ready for him, while also being incredibly tight. Virginal, probably, though there’s nothing to tear or anything like that. Even still, Izuku correctly deduces that Itsuka has never been with a man before, even as he begins to fuck her right there on the bed. To be fair, even if she had been, she’s never been with a man like HIM before.
Given this is their first time together, Izuku doesn’t hold back. Rather… he goes out of his way to make sure that it’s the best experience possible for the orange-haired young woman. With his Quirks, sex with him SHOULD be better than any other man in the whole wide world. If he can’t manage that much, then he’s failed.
That said, it’s no surprise that Itsuka cums for him almost immediately just a few thrusts in. Despite already cumming from Momo’s tongue, it doesn’t seem to have pulled the bound heroine-in-training back from the edge at all. In fact, as he continues fucking her sopping cunt, she can’t seem to STOP orgasming.
Part of that is Izuku working his magic with a number of quirks to make the experience as pleasurable for Itsuka Kendo as possible. But part of that is also her nature. She’s a natural submissive who has been taken in hand by Momo and Izuku both. As she’d previously confessed to him, she had watched them from afar and fantasized about taking one of their places… until eventually realizing she could have BOTH of them and exist at their feet, as their pet.
This, therefore, is like a dream come true for the gorgeous girl. As Izuku fucks her through orgasm after orgasm, he can see Itsuka losing the plot. He can watch in real time as he fucks the poor dear senseless, her eyes steadily rolling further and further back in her head, her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth. Her moans and squeals reach a fever pitch at a certain point, before being reduced to helpless, hapless gurgling.
Izuku watches in amusement as he thoroughly overwhelms Itsuka’s senses. And he’s not even really trying either. But the whole situation, the entire scenario she finds herself getting to play out in real life… it’s probably a fantasy she’s played out in her head a million times. And now here she is, getting to have it happen to her for real. It’s no wonder that she’s losing it on his cock.
Finally, with a low grunt, Izuku cums inside of her. But by that point, Itsuka is already entirely out of it. As he pulls out of her, the orange-haired girl’s head flops back into the pillows beneath it, her entire body covered in sweat. She might be bound spread-eagle to the bed and barely capable of moving, but that hasn’t stopped this from being quite the… physically exerting experience for her.
As he watches her quivering tits rise and fall, Momo slips up into place on the other side of Itsuka, one hand running along her body. Making eye contact with his girlfriend, Izuku grins.
“Mission accomplished, Momo. With this… gift… you can rest assured that I don’t just see you as my girlfriend anymore. From now on… you can be my right-hand woman.”
Momo’s eyes widen in surprise at that, but Izuku doesn’t give her a chance to respond. He just pulls her into a long, tongue-filled kiss. Truth be told, every day it seems more obvious to him that Momo Yaoyorozu is going to be his wife one day. She’s perfect in every way.
As Izuka and Momo pull back from their kiss over the top of Itsuka’s insensate form, looking into each other’s eyes for a long moment… Momo believes him when he says that she doesn’t have to prove herself to him any further. Really, she does. Her boyfriend has never really lied to her or misled her in any way that she knows of. So when he says that he accepts her as not just his girlfriend, but also as his right-hand woman, she believes him.
Even still, Momo had meant what she said back then, back when they’d been talking on the rooftop. She wanted to be an extension of his domineering presence. She wanted to help him conquer every single horny, needy slut that came begging for his cock. And sure, maybe now that she’d offered up Itsuka on a silver platter to Izuku, she could rest on her laurels. That was what he was offering her anyways.
But Momo didn’t want to do that. She didn’t want to stop now. She wanted… she wanted more. Both for herself and for Izuku. And she thought, maybe… that it was time to consider putting her family back on the table. She’d originally taken them off the table for a variety of good reasons, but now? Now that she’d proven herself with this first conquest, now that she’d solidified her place at Izuku’s side, she wanted to really impress her boyfriend with her next conquest.
Her stepmother, Kazehana Yaoyorozu, was the obvious choice of the three, of course. She was a pervert and a drunken lush through and through. Getting her into Izuku’s bed would be easy… maybe too easy. If her mother, Robin Yaoyorozu, CEO of Yaoyorozu International, found out that her wife was cheating on her with Momo’s boyfriend… there would probably be consequences of some sort.
That said, getting Robin on board with Izuku… well, it would take a lot more work. But Momo figured she could do it. The thing about her mother was that the woman was pure business, all the way through. All Momo had to do was show Robin that Izuku was a sure bet, and she could probably eventually pivot into… well, something else.
Then again, why start with her mothers at all? There was always Yor. Momo’s big sister was a rather large question mark though. Yor was very protective and a doting big sister, don’t get Momo wrong… but she was also a very private person. And Momo had always been too polite to do what most little sisters would do by invading Yor’s privacy and sussing out her secrets.
… Perhaps it was time for that to end. Izuku might say that he had full faith in her, but the truth was… Momo still felt this need to prove herself. To feed her domineering boyfriend and lover more lovely sluts to be broken upon the end of his cock. And what better way to truly prove herself… than to give Izuku her own family to sate his lustful appetites?
“Alright everyone! Big news today!”
Izuku lifts a brow as Rumi thrusts a fist into the air. Class 1-A listens raptly, though he suspects for some of them, it’s at least partially to do with who Rumi is. If nothing else, Mirko the Rabbit Hero knows how to command a room. Grinning from ear to ear, her rabbit ears twitching, Rumi plants her hands on her hips and thrusts out her chest.
“It’s funny, because I never attended this place. Nah, I trained up in Hiroshima at a place none of you have ever heard of, hah! And yet… I have to admit, even I’d heard all about U.A.’s Sports Festival!”
If anyone wasn’t paying attention before, they’re definitely paying attention now. And for those who might have been staring at the Rabbit Hero’s chest, well… they’re now much more focused on what she has to say, Izuku notes with no small amount of amusement.
“Yep! That’s right! You lot are all going to be taking part in the most anticipated Sports Event of the Year! At least here in Japan anyways. I dunno how popular it is for the rest of the world but be very aware that every moment you’re on the field, you’re going to be recorded and broadcast to millions! And not just that, either…”
Rumi trails off for a moment, a clear attempt at building suspense that anyone with two braincells could see through. Then again, her ham-fisted attempt works anyways, because what she’s talking about is of GREAT interest to everyone in the room. As she lets the tension build, most of Class 1-A finds themselves leaning forward in anticipation and with bated breath. Until finally…
“Ah, just out with it already, damn it!”
Katsumi Bakugou’s explosive outburst should have been expected, but it still takes pretty much everyone by surprise, Izuku included. After all, she’s been incredibly quiet every time he’s seen her ever since that day with her and her mother. But this, it seems, has finally broken her of her self-imposed silence, causing everyone to stare at her in disbelief, even though it’s fully in character for her to shout like this.
Rumi, for her part, just laughs and waves a hand.
“Right, right. Fine. It’s really simple, everyone. You’re all going to want to do your best in the Sports Festival, because not only is the world going to be watching, but Pro Heroes are going to be watching as well. This is your chance to get noticed by some big names. Especially since right after the Sports Festival is the yearly Pro Hero Draft where Pro Heroes can offer you lot chances to intern with them. Of course, most of the offers normally go to second or third-year students… but do your best and maybe one or two of you will receive an internship, yeah?”
There’s a beat of silence… and then cheers erupt from all over the classroom at the idea. Izuku, meanwhile, just leans back in his seat, a bit bemused. On the one hand, Hero Internships were great ways to build connections. On the other hand, he already had a lot of connections. Did he even want to place himself under the command of one of this generation’s current Pro Heroes? And if he did, who would he even go for?
The thought stays with him throughout the rest of class as Rumi lets everyone talk excitedly amongst themselves about what the Sports Festival will be like. Then, when lunch finally arrives, Izuku finds Nana of all people waiting for him outside of the classroom.
“Izuku… there’s someone who wishes to speak with you.”
Her tone of voice and all-around demeanor make it clear just who she means. Slowly nodding, Izuku follows her away from the classroom and towards the U.A. Infirmary.
The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Momo goes after her stepmother first - 9%
[ ] Momo goes after her mother first - 22%

[X] Momo goes after her sister first - 69%


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