The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Chapter 74: Spending the Night

A/N: Reminder that Chapter 77 will be the last chapter of this story! 3 more remain!

Izuku gives Midnight the plowing she needs. And then...


In the end, Izuku pretends to consider Midnight’s words for a moment, before finally shrugging.

“Sure, I’ll spend the night.”

His nonchalant agreement causes the R-Rated Heroine to light up and bright considerably. Ultimately, he watches as Midnight strips off her apron, once again leaving her entirely naked. Then, she takes him by the hand, gently and submissively leading him down the hall to her bedroom.

Demure and innocent are not words that could normally be used to describe Midnight. And yet, she was doing her best to give that effect right now, which in turn was quite the sinful combination when matched alongside her incredibly gorgeous body. Her bountiful breasts, wide flared hips, fat ass, and thicc thighs, all combined with her attempt to be as delicate and maiden-like as possible.

Izuku has no doubt that it’s another trap, of course. Not the bad kind of trap, but he knows Midnight simply can’t help herself. She won’t be able to resist tempting and teasing him with her body all night long if he really does just try to cuddle with her. After all, it’s what Izuku will be doing just by existing to her, edging Midnight with the mere presence of his cock. She won’t be able to hold herself back from retaliating, obviously.

And while Izuku has plenty of ways to no-sell her efforts and keep her from doing anything but curling up at his side all night long, no matter how torturous the hardcore, perverted woman finds the experience… he decides to go a different route.

Instead, as they approach Midnight’s bed, Izuku whips his hand out and grabs her by the back of her neck, slamming her face down into the soft mattress rather roughly. It doesn’t hurt her, but it does catch her off guard and surprise her, especially when he thrusts his cock into her wet cunt from behind again, sheathing his shaft inside of her.

Keeping her face down on her own bed, Izuku muffles her moans and keeps her from actually saying anything of substance as he begins to fuck her. His cock plowing in and out of her pussy also makes it hard for her to get a word in edgewise, especially with how his alternating thrusts and constantly shifting motions are no doubt driving her to distraction.

That doesn’t stop her from reacting though. There are the aforementioned muffled moans, squeals, and cries. And then there’s her body. Her oh so sinful, completely helpless body. Her pussy walls tighten around his cock, flexing down rapidly as he stretches her out and reshapes her cunt into the shape of his massive member once more. Midnight is cumming in mere moments for him, her orgasms causing her to spasm and shake.

Meanwhile, her hands claw at the bedding on either side of her head as he forces her down while he fucks her. She’s all but kneading at the duvet like a cat in heat. And finally, her legs kick in the air as her toes curl in ecstasy, her entire body reacting in shock to his forcefulness, especially when she’d been completely certain he was planning on leaving her hanging.

That was, of course, why he was doing things this way. To truly catch the incredibly experienced pervert off-guard. She’d assumed he was going to leave her wanting more, and that she would have to eventually come crawling to him begging for more. But while that was the original plan, Izuku was nothing if not adaptable.


As squelching sounds fill the air right alongside the noises of flesh impacting flesh, Izuku growls and picks up the pace some more… which only intensifies Midnight’s muffled squeals and causes her to cum even harder around his cock. He’s fucking her with punishing, bruising intensity right now, and she’s loving every last bit of it like the masochist she is. The harder he pounds into her, the more she gets off on it, finding the pain to be every bit as exquisite as the pleasure.

Needless to say, Izuku doesn’t waste any time taking advantage of that. Both of his hands grab her by her shoulders, continuing to hold her down. Face down, ass up… that’s the only way Midnight deserves to be truly fucked.

Until finally, Izuku cums with a groan, emptying his balls inside of the R-Rated Heroine. Only… he doesn’t bother stopping there. He flips her over onto her back after sliding his dick out of her twat, and then proceeds to push his messy cock between the valley of her tits and into her mouth, a fistful of her hair making sure she’s bobbing up and down on his dick even if she’s still recovering from the creampie.

Things proceed at a similar pace from there. He never really gives Midnight a chance to recover. Sleep is nice, but not a necessity for someone like him… so instead he fucks the beautiful older woman all through the night; to really drive home the point he’s probably already gotten through her head anyways. He’s not just some brat who’s in over his head. And she has absolutely no power in their relationship.

As the sun rises over the horizon, Midnight’s bed is in ruins. The frame is still intact, made of a tough material that wasn’t easily broken by more… enthusiastic activities. But the sheets and duvet are a total lost cause, and the mattress itself… well, Izuku thinks Midnight will be better off replacing it rather than trying to recover it. He hadn’t exactly been gentle.

Speaking of not being gentle, Midnight herself isn’t in that much better of a state. The UA Teacher has been left twitching and gurgling on her own spit, just like Izuku had quietly promised himself. Her eyes are closed and she’s basically passed out at this point… except every once in a while, a post-orgasmic tremble or spasm will go through her body.

Snorting at the state he’s left her in, Izuku knows she’ll recover before the day’s end. Fortunately for her, it’s the weekend so she wouldn’t be expected for classes at UA or anything like that until Monday. Unfortunately for her, he’d definitely ruined other men for her after this. More than that, he might have just ruined other forms of sex for her as well.

Before their altercation, Midnight had clearly been a Switch who leaned more towards Dominatrix than Submissive. Now though? Izuku wasn’t sure if she would be able to ever even think along the lines of a domme again, let alone go to another man to take care of her obviously heavy needs. Had he probably just tied the likely nymphomaniac to him for the rest of their lives? Yeah, probably. And yet, he couldn’t really bring himself to mind all that much.

Writing out a quick note letting Midnight know that he’d left and that he wished her a speedy ‘recovery’, Izuku leaves her house at around nine in the morning, a smile on his face as he chuckles at the night well spent. Despite not getting a wink of sleep, he finds himself feeling rather relaxed and content in that moment… which is when his phone suddenly rings.

Tilting his head to the side curiously, Izuku pulls out his phone and sees that it’s Nana calling. Raising an eyebrow, he nevertheless smiles a little broader, even as he answers the call.

“Yes? What is it?”

There’s a brief pause on the other end of the line… and then Nana speaks, her voice solemn and controlled.

“Yagi passed away in the night.”

Izuku pauses there outside of Midnight’s house, having to take a moment to assimilate the news. All Might was dead. All Might was dead?! He… honestly didn’t know how to even react to that. The man had been on death’s door for most of Izuku’s life, even if nobody knew it. And then, back at the start of the year, he’d suffered greatly at learning the truth about Izuku, his father, and Nana. So yeah, it wasn’t like Izuku hadn’t known the Pro Hero was on his way out.

Especially after that last meeting before the Sports Festival. All Might had wanted Izuku to win the Sports Festival and then use his victory to announce that he would be the ‘next All Might’, that he would one day become the new ‘Pillar of Peace’. Izuku had tried to let the man down gently… and he felt like he’d succeeded too.

He hadn’t told All Might the entire truth about his circumstances of course. He hadn’t told the other man that he and his father had conspired to steal One for All out from under him by convincing All Might to part with it willingly. But he had told All Might his true opinion of the broken state of this world and more specifically, Pro Heroics. He’d been quite clear that he wouldn’t be the next All Might, and that he was planning to build something different… something stronger.

Izuku had come away with that conversation under the impression that while All Might didn’t wholly agree with his plans, he didn’t think they were truly that terrible… and that he was hopeful Izuku would be able to succeed in his goals all the same. But now, in this moment, Izuku finds himself wondering if he’d hastened the man’s demise somehow…

“Why wasn’t I informed? I would have liked to be there, Nana.”

He can’t quite help the tone of reproach. Nana, meanwhile, sounds apologetic in her reply, but she has a good excuse.

“I’m afraid no one was there, in the end. He died in his sleep and was only discovered about an hour ago. I called to let you know as soon as I was told.”

Of course. Nana would never dream of doing otherwise, he shouldn’t have expected anything less from her. Letting out an explosive sigh, Izuku shakes his head, just a little bit baffled by… well, by the banality of it all. The Number One Pro Hero dying in his sleep was… ridiculous on the face of it.

All Might was the kind of man who was larger than life itself. The only ways Izuku could have fathomed him dying were on the field of battle in one last display of heroics, or surrounded by his closest allies, friends, and family, all of them watching as he passed away. For all Izuku’s problems with the societal decay that the Symbol of Peace had come to represent and inadvertently prop up, he’d had no real problems with the man himself. Not in the way his father had. And now… both of them were gone. Izuku was all that was left of them, in the end.

“I did speak with him one last time before he went to sleep last night. I didn’t know it was going to be our final opportunity to talk.”

Izuku blinks, pulled out of his thoughts by Nana’s somber voice. Of course… this would be hitting her even harder than it was hitting him, wouldn’t it be?

“He was proud of you though. He told me as much after watching how you handled yourself in the Sports Festival. He was proud of all you accomplished. He told me… that things were in safe hands.”

… So then, Izuku had killed the man after all. Not directly, not intentionally, but there was no denying how things had turned out. All Might had been hanging on by a thread for years, and that thread had only become more and more frayed in these past several months. Until finally, he decided he didn’t have to hold on anymore. Because even if Izuku had said he wasn’t going to take All Might’s place like the other man wanted him to, he was still there to pick up the pieces.

Izuku… was at peace with that, truth be told. He’d had to make peace with the things he’d done and the part he’d played a long time ago. First he’d killed his own father, albeit at the man’s urging. And then he’d played a part in hastening All Might’s demise as well. There was simply no denying his role, especially seeing as there was probably a chance Izuku could have done something to help All Might if he’d dug deeper into his library of Quirks.

At the end of the day, healing All Might completely probably wasn’t possible, but helping him to recover and live for another few years… well, that would likely have been within Izuku’s reach. He hadn’t done that though. In the end, All Might’s death was always part of the plan.

But of course, he doesn’t say that now, especially not to Nana. Her loyalty might be to him and him alone now, but Yagi had still been her student, her successor. Swallowing hard, Izuku finally speaks.

“Thank you for that, Nana. I appreciate it. And… I’m sorry for your loss.”

“… Can we meet?”

Here, Izuku smiles softly. Nana sounds almost vulnerable as she asks, hesitation filling her normally strong voice. She doesn’t want to presume, but he’s glad she asks all the same.

“Of course.”

They’ll spend the rest of the day together. No sex involved, just honest companionship. Izuku listens as Nana tells him some stories about a younger Yagi, what the blond man was like when he was Izuku’s age and her protégé. It’s a small price to pay, in the end. The world Izuku intends to build isn’t one that had room for All Might in it. But that doesn’t mean he can’t remember the man behind the mask and honor him, in his own way.

Of course, there’s going to be a funeral. A small affair, given most people don’t even know who Yagi really was. But Izuku, as his successor, will be expected to attend. One last ceremony, symbolizing the end of the old and the beginning of the new…

But did he really want to go? Maybe he could attend but not say anything?

The Vote:
[ ] Skip Yagi's funeral - 2%
[X] Attend but don't speak - 57%

[ ] Speak at Yagi's funeral - 41%



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