The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Chapter 77: To New Beginnings

A/N: With this, The Successor is officially sunsetted, left with this open ending in the event that I ever want to come back to it.

Thanks for reading along everyone, been a wild ride.


“… So yeah. I know it’s a little disruptive, but I’ve decided to accept Mister Shield’s offer to join him for a while on I-Island. Not forever of course, I’ll definitely come back, but it’ll be for a while.”

Momo Yaoyorozu processes everything Izuku has just said and isn’t quite sure what to say in response. It was hard enough wrapping her head around the idea that her boyfriend had met THE David Shield at a funeral of all places… let alone processing that Izuku was going to intern with a scientist and inventor instead of a proper Pro Hero.

In the end, Momo does what feels right and goes to her safe space… namely, kneeling down in front of Izuku and unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. Finally pulling out his cock, she quickly puts it in her mouth and begins to suck on it. Izuku stares down at her for a moment a bit nonplussed, before groaning in appreciation as she does that thing she knows he loves with her tongue.

“Fuck, Momo… seriously?”

Hey now! It’s not her fault he’s dropping bombshells on her! She needs more time to think. And as long as he isn’t grabbing her by the ponytail and pulling her back off of his cock, Momo is going to take every last minute of fellating him to do so. Bobbing up and down his member, sucking and slurping his dick like there’s no tomorrow, Momo contemplates what all of this means.

People weren’t going to be happy that Izuku was going to I-Island. He’d just won the UA Sports Festival, and not by the skin of his teeth either. While she’d very much noticed that he was holding back to allow others a chance to shine brightly as well, Izuku had still made it all look so damn easy. If the Sports Festival were a woman, then one might say Izuku bent it over and made it his bitch… like so many others.

Momo shivers a little in memory of all of the women that she’s gotten to see Izuku fuck since they met. It’s not a small amount, and it’s funny to think she’d gone from sneaking around and watching in vents to being his girlfriend and lover, the one who brought him other women to fuck.

Her pussy walls clench and she lets out a muffled moan around Izuku’s cock, before sucking it all the harder.

Obviously, her boyfriend had to have already thought about how pissed people were going to be. Every Pro Hero in the top one hundred probably wanted him to intern with them in the aftermath of the Sports Festival, and every Pro Hero in the top ten likely thought they had a real chance of getting him on board.

And now none of them would get him. They would all be equal in their failure to secure Izuku Midoriya as a feather in their proverbial caps. The thought actually causes a strange but not entirely negative feeling to well up in Momo’s chest. She likes it, she realizes. She likes the idea of Izuku snubbing all of them. Sure they’ll be angry, but when all of them are rejected the exact same way, how can they possibly express that anger?

It’s smart, after a fashion. Though there is the question of how this affects her… and their relationship. Izuku is leaving. Not forever, not even for a long time like years or anything, but he’s going to go away. Can Momo really accept that? Being apart from him for so long? She… doesn’t think she can. If he tells her to stay, she’ll stay. If he says he needs her here for whatever reason, then she won’t break down or beg or anything, because she’ll know it’s for the best. Since it would be his decision.

But… he hasn’t said that has he? He hasn’t mentioned her at all yet, merely explained meeting David Shield, and then explained the other man’s offer and his decision to accept it. So that meant… there was an opening here.

Mind made up, Momo pops off of Izuku’s cock and rises to her feet before gently pushing against his chest.

“L-Lay down on the bed.”

Izuku raises an eyebrow at her for that.

“Momo, I-!”

But she just places a finger on his lips, silencing her boyfriend for the first and probably last time. She can tell he’s surprised by the lack of submission she’s currently exhibiting. In the end, he shrugs and shucks off his shirt before removing his pants and boxers and climbing on the bed.

She tries not to get too distracted by his stripping, namely because she has some stripping of her own to do. Eventually, they’re both naked and Momo is climbing on top of him, grasping his throbbing, spit-polished mast by the base and holding it in place as she brings her pussy lips down upon the head of his huge member.

A moan leaves Momo’s mouth as she impales herself on Izuku’s cock, descending inch after inch down his shaft. In response, Izuku’s hands come up and grasp at her hips as he finishes hilting inside of her, the base of his cock kissed by her cunt lips.


But Momo shakes her head.

“P-Please… let me say something first?”

She can’t bring herself to give him an order a second time, so it comes out as a question instead. Izuku wordlessly nods however, staring at her as she shudders on his cock, her breasts jiggling slightly in the process.

“I know it’s unbecoming of me as an heiress to an international conglomerate to say this… but you are my whole world, Izuku Midoriya. One day my mother will expect me to take over the company in her stead… and on that day I want to hand it over to you, just as I’ve handed over everything else that could be considered ‘mine’. I want to give it up to you on a silver platter, for you to do whatever you want with."

Her domineering boyfriend stares up at her intensely at those words, but still doesn’t speak. He can no doubt tell she’s not done. Momo bites her lower lip, gyrating her hips upon his cock, not quite riding him but also not content to just remain unmoving right now. Instead, she slowly circles her lower body as she speaks.

“Until then, I want to be by your side, always. As much as possible, I want to spend my life with you. Whether you would have me stand beside you or kneel at your feet, I don’t care. All I want is to be with you.”

Her pussy clenches at her own words, another soft moan leaving her lips. God, she loves Izuku so much.

“T-That’s why… if at all possible, I want you to take me with you to I-Island. Please… let me come along.”

Silence falls as Momo finishes her impassioned plea. For a long moment, Izuku just stared up at her. His gaze is as intense as ever, but frankly impossible for her to read. She has no idea what he’s thinking right now if she’s being honest. Is he upset with her for making this harder on him than it has to be? She certainly hopes not…

But just as the tension is growing so unbearable that Momo is considering retracting her request, Izuku cracks a grin… and then chuckles. And before she knows it, he’s pulling her down into a tongue-filled kiss while thrusting up into her from below and giving her a nice solid smack on the ass to get her moving.

“Mmph! Nnngh!”

Her startled squeak, followed by a wanton squeal, are both swallowed up by his lips as the combination of his movement and the spanking prompts Momo to start riding him properly. She swaps spit with Izuku as she bounces up and down on his cock, their tongues wrestling with one another all the while. His decisively comes out on top though, and even though she’s riding him and he’s beneath her, there’s no denying who’s in charge here as he easily dominates her from the bottom.

Momo’s eyes threaten to roll back in her head as the pleasure overwhelms her, one climax after another rippling through her sweaty, shuddering body. Izuku fucks her hard and fast once they get going, and she rides him just as hard, just as fast. Her pussy walls flex and clench around his pistoning prick while her rock hard nipples rub against his chiseled pectorals.

Until finally, he spins them both over, putting her on her back and under him… right where she belongs. Momo gasps as he leans back to grab her ankles and fold her legs up against her body. Framing her chest with them, he grunts as he starts fucking her even harder. Momo clings to him for dear life, eyes actually rolling back in her skull now as she cums again and again for him.

Is this his way of letting her down gently? If nothing else, at least Momo is confident he’s not mad at her. Sure, he might fuck her still, even if he was angry with her, but he wouldn’t be grinning the entire while. He wouldn’t have laughed, or so she hoped.

Finally, with a grunt, Izuku cums inside of her and Momo squeals as she climaxes around his cock one last time with a shivering, spasming shudder.

And then it’s over, and Izuku pulls out of her and flops onto his back at her side, staring up at the ceiling. For a moment, silence reigns and Momo is left wondering what that sort of answer to her question meant. Fortunately, Izuku isn’t so cruel as to leave her wondering for long.

“… I actually wanted to ask you to come with me all along, Momo.”

Despite just being on the receiving end of some truly tenderizing suck, Momo jolts and shoots up, leveraging herself on her elbow so she can turn and look at Izuku with wide, hopeful eyes.


Giving her a crooked smile, her boyfriend nods.

“Yeah. Was kind of beating myself up over it, because I was sure that letting you stay here in Japan to intern under a proper Pro Hero would be way better for you in the long run. Still think that. But… I guess I’m just too selfish, aren’t I?”

He punctuates his point by reaching up and gently but possessively caressing her cheek. Momo’s breath hitches and she leans into that touch, eyes drifting shut for half a moment… before they snap open again and she snorts derisively.

“Heh… it’s nice to know you’re not entirely perfect, Izuku.”

Even a man as singularly impressive as Izuku Midoriya could make mistakes, it seemed. When he gives her a confused look, Momo just stares back at him meaningfully.

“Izuku… what is my Quirk and how does it work?”

Of course, he’s still very, very smart. That’s all Momo has to say before Izuku’s eyes widen in realization.

“Oh… Oh!”

Momo giggles and nods, before dropping her head down onto her boyfriend’s chest. Boys could be so silly sometimes… but she still had the best one of all.


Good lord, he could sure be an idiot sometimes. Holding Momo’s naked body close to him as she cuddles into his side, Izuku Midoriya sighs.

Creation. That was Momo Yaoyorozu’s Quirk. It gave her the ability to create any non-living material from her body by transforming the molecular structure of her fat cells. As a result, the more she ate, the more she could do. Her Quirk was the reason Momo was so slim, though she was NOT slender, with her bust and hips not exactly diminished in any way by the fact that she was constantly burning fat to create things.

However, there was one other caveat to her Quirk that most didn’t know about. Not because it was any big secret, but just because it wasn’t something most thought about. However, Izuku had known about it… so he really only had himself to blame for not making the connection before.

Put simply, in order for Momo to use her Creation Quirk to make anything, she had to understand that thing on a deep level, down to the very molecular structure of the material or object. Effectively, her Quirk required her to be as smart as she was fast, as educated as she was brawny. She couldn’t use her Quirk to it’s full potential without extensive, intensive studying.

So of course she would benefit from an extended trip to I-Island just like he would. Hell, she might benefit more than he would, at least in the long run. Here Izuku had been thinking that he was being selfish and robbing Momo of a once in a lifetime opportunity of interning under a Pro Hero, but in reality, it was I-Island that might be the once in a lifetime opportunity for her.

In the end… his selfishness and greed were of benefit to them both. He and Momo would go to I-Island together, and they would learn so much more than they would have otherwise. All of the stuff that Pro Heroes could have taught them… that could wait. But the knowledge they would gain from I-Island and David Shield… now that was something truly special.

Izuku opens his mouth to apologize to Momo for being an idiot, and to thank her for helping him get his head on straight, only to stop and blink as he realizes she’s already fallen asleep. Nestled into him, the Yaoyorozu Heiress is slumbering like a babe, and even drooling a little bit already.

Sighing, Izuku looks up at the ceiling, contemplating both past and future. There was no other way to describe it… it certainly felt like between All Might’s death and his decision to take David Shield up on his offer, this was the end of a significant chapter in his life. But that wasn’t always a bad thing. When one thing ended, another began, and looking forward into the future… Izuku saw the way in which circumstances and his designs could coincide. He saw the myriad of manners in which his plans and goals could meet the ever-changing landscape of the world.

He might be leaving Japan for the time being, but much like All Might before him, it wouldn’t be forever. No. This was simply… goodbye for now.


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