The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 17,

Velarde is a middle-aged man in his fifties. He is very strong, has a thick beard, and his temples are gray. He seems to be a little depressed because of the quarrel with the Druid. When he saw Ryan He came and stood up directly: "You must be Ryan! I have seen you! 'Bald' Norman really has a good son."

"Thank you, Mr. Velarde." Ryan showed his modesty appropriately, and Velarde's eyes quickly shifted to Teresa: "What a charming young lady, I am lucky enough to know your name. What?"

"Theresa, Theresa Trovik, from the Gloria Council." Ryan introduced casually.

"That's it, hello." As Ryan expected, upon hearing about the Gloria Council, Velarde's attitude immediately became much colder. The sorceress's attitude was lukewarm, and she simply replied with a polite word: "Hello Mr. Velarde."

"Please sit down, please sit down." Velarde motioned for the two of them to sit down. Seeing Ryan made him feel much better: "It's been a long time since I last saw you, Ryan. The last time I saw you was when you were there." When you were made a knight of the kingdom, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Velarde came to see my canonization ceremony at that time. I remember it too." Ryan nodded. Velarde was also upgraded from a knight title to a lord. He has been active on the front line for twenty or thirty years. Come on, Ryan respects such a veteran on the battlefield.

"Time has turned and several years have passed. You have grown into a great knight. So what is the purpose of coming to my place?" Velarde asked casually, and the lord took out a cup from his cabinet. A bottle of wine and three glasses were opened and filled for two people: "Try it, this is wine produced in the southern part of the empire."

Teresa was a little uncomfortable. Velarde's behavior was a bit too direct. Before she even said she wanted to drink, the lord had already pulled out the cork.

Upon seeing this, Ryan gently patted the sorceress's hand and told her to do as the Romans do. Then he told Velarde about Belt, saying that the two of them came after the fallen hunter.

"That's right." Hearing that a powerful fallen hunter came to his territory, and then took the opportunity to escape at sea, Velarde frowned and explained: "As a lord, in order to protect the safety of the people in my territory, The sea must be banned during this period. As for the issue of going to sea, Ryan, you know that the ownership of the ships in the port is in the hands of the ship owner, but the captain can choose his job, so I have no control over this."

The implication is that it's none of his business.

"I know this. What I want to ask you is, can you ask me to question the relevant defenders and dock sailors in detail? And can you also help me contact the owner of the ship that Belt went to sea on?" Ryan Of course, he knew that Velarde would not be willing to take on this responsibility. What he wanted was to obtain the investigation permission from the lord.

"Is that so...Lauritz? Lauritz?" Velarde hesitated for a while, and after seeing Ryan's serious expression, he shouted outside.

A soldier wearing a full set of chainmail, equipped with a standard long sword, a kite shield, and a conical helmet ran in: "What can I do, sir?"

"This is my guard chief, Lauritz, whatever you want to investigate Lane, Lauritz will be there to assist you... Lauritz, this is Mr. Lane, the famous knight of the kingdom, you have to assist him in his investigation. " Velarde ordered.


"Okay, go down. If you want to investigate Ryan, just ask him. I won't get involved." The lord made an opening for Ryan, but he never handed over the investigation power to Ryan. Teresa saw this and spoke directly. : "Isn't Mr. Velarde going to do something about this matter?"

"Hahaha~ What can I do? Beautiful Miss Trovik, I am old. When I attended Ryan's canonization ceremony, I could still go into the mountains alone to hunt big bears. A few years have passed, and I went in again this year. I went hunting for bears in the mountains, but before I found the bear, my body couldn't bear it anymore. I had to rest for several days before I recovered, so I still have to leave these things to you young people." Velarde laughed. , but looked younger: "Of course, if those beastmen and green-skinned bastards dare to invade my territory, then I will definitely go into battle and beat their butts."

"Mr. Velarde is in his prime, how can he be said to be old? We will handle our affairs ourselves, and it's great that you can help." Ryan came out to smooth things over and let the topic end here. He knew in his heart that Velarde was right.

Normal human body functions begin to decline at the age of thirty, and begin to decline rapidly from the age of forty-five. You must advance as early as possible. Before the age of thirty is the best time to reach the legendary level, and generally after the age of forty-five , it is basically impossible to advance to legend.

Velald's strength is at the peak of the elite, so his decline is slower than that of ordinary people. The lord in his fifties has indeed reached an age where he is getting older, and he feels that his powerful abilities in the past are slowly leaving him. It's really uncomfortable.

Only people like Ryan or Theresa, after entering the legendary level, will have their lifespan and physical fitness greatly improved. The normal lifespan of a strong legendary level person is more than 150 years old, and they usually have to wait until they are 100 years old. It will begin to age and will enter old age after the age of 130.

Teresa's mother, Aurora Trovik, was a powerful figure on the mainland fifty or sixty years ago, and she dominated all directions. When Ryan saw her a few days ago, she still looked like a thirty-year-old beautiful woman. This was the reason.

After getting down to business, Velarde obviously wanted to chat more with Ryan: "Lian, are you twenty-four or five years old this year? Have you not considered getting married? Do you want me to introduce you to a lady from the lord's family? Don't worry, Absolutely beautiful.”

After hearing this topic, Teresa also became interested. She pushed up her black-rimmed glasses with purple butterfly patterns, intending to listen to Ryan's answer.

"I still have a long time. I don't want to think about these things now. I think it's better to let nature take its course." Ryan did not agree.

"Yes, Ryan, your advancement speed is too fast, and you may be harmed by your rash marriage now." Velarde smiled proudly, and gave the beautiful sorceress a meaningful look, and said no more say.

"You two might as well take a stroll around the city. I have arranged a banquet. Please come here for the banquet tonight." After chatting for a while, Velarde said that he still had something to do and invited the two of them to attend the banquet in the evening. banquet.

The two people left the longhouse of the lord's family. Ryan noticed Theresa's hesitant expression: "What do you want to say?"

"Perhaps these local lords are not as bad as I thought." Teresa chuckled, showing her mature charm: "In my impression, those local nobles are always drunk and dreaming, and they only get up from the belly of a woman at noon every day , always hiding behind high walls. Apart from holding banquets and collecting taxes, they don't know how to do anything else. All property is handed over to the steward. A smart steward can always spend a few years turning the nobles' money into their own. Yes, whenever faced with a battle, these nobles are always the first to flee, but when there is benefit, they are the first to show up."

"Only those nobles who live in the capital and hold important positions will have some abilities."

"But when I met Mr. Velarde today, I found that this is not the case. Even though he is old, he is still an excellent warrior, isn't he?" Theresa walked beside Ryan, wearing black suede high heels. The boots made a clicking sound on the road.

"You are right, but not entirely correct. Theresa, your thoughts may still be before the establishment of the old empire." Ryan held the warhammer in hand and motioned for us to wander around first: "The laws of the new empire stipulate that when the superior When a war is needed, all nobles must respond with troops in proportion to the size of their territory, and those who do not respond will be severely punished."

"Furthermore, under the new law, if a lord is faced with an attack by evil forces but is unable to defend his territory before reinforcements arrive, it means that he has lost the ownership of this territory. Can he continue to own it? The territory depends on what the council wants."

"In the past, enfeoffment was mainly based on blood. As long as a spoiled waste had noble blood, he could inherit a good fief. But since His Majesty Ludwig's reform, now enfeoffment is based on military merit, which can only be achieved on the battlefield. Only those with military merit are qualified to entrust land, so most of the current lords have been on the battlefield, and those who have been on the battlefield are naturally not considered useless."

The two were walking on the street. The weather was good today. The residents were all out for activities. A few naughty children were having a snowball fight. The adults were taking advantage of the sunny weather to work and wash clothes. There were many people dressed as mercenaries on the street. During the last move together, Ryan noticed that their arms were wrapped with a black piece of cloth with a black dagger drawn on it.

"That seems to be the mark of the Gray Blade Mercenary Group. Are these people here too? It seems that there are indeed many caravans stranded here." Ryan said to Teresa: "The leader of the Gray Blade Mercenary Group, Birger He is an elite rogue advanced dagger master who likes to use a gray dagger the most. It is said that he once successfully assassinated a high elf, but I don’t know if it is true."

Theresa frowned and said nothing. From a spell caster's point of view, she certainly hated these rogues who liked sneak attacks. Many strong men did not die in head-on confrontations but died from a simple backstab.

A group of people gathered together, not knowing what they were doing, and Ryan became interested: "Go over and take a look?"

"Not interested." The sorceress didn't like to join in the fun. She hated being crowded with a group of stinky men.

"Okay." Seeing that Teresa didn't want to go, Ryan led him to avoid that group of people. It could be seen that the group of mercenaries seemed to have a dispute with the merchant's guards because of the issue of remuneration. This kind of thing was commonplace. , everyone blocked the road, Ryan simply stretched out his hand to hold Teresa, the two squeezed through the crowd, passed two streets, and found a small shop to sit down. This was a small restaurant that sold some For food, Ryan ordered a grilled pork chop, two bowls of rice porridge and a pot of stew. For a dozen copper coins, he had a simple lunch.

The sorceress picked up her bowl and looked at the stew, which contained unknown ingredients. She hesitated for a long time and then put down the bowl: "Why did you choose to eat lunch at this place? Wouldn't it be better to go back to the Butterbeer Inn to eat?" Okay?"

"We are not out for fun, Theresa." Ryan said in a deep voice: "We haven't learned anything about Bert yet, and we can't be sure whether he has really gone to Marienburg, so what if it's a scam? What if Belt just feinted a shot, and then found a place to hide, waiting for us to head out to sea rashly? You know, there are not many legendary strongmen in the Nord Kingdom. Without you and me, what if? Considering Sky Castle, there are only twenty or thirty legendary level warriors in Nord, and many of them cannot move, especially when the northern barbarians gather on a large scale."

When talking about the fallen hunter, Teresa also became serious: "You mean, Belt may not have left Nord?"

"We don't know yet. Maybe he's gone, maybe he's not, but this is no reason for us to relax. If it is confirmed that he has left, and he is unable to go to sea for a short time, I will cook a feast for you. It doesn’t matter, do you understand what I mean?”

"Oh ho? So you are ordering me? I don't need you to tell me what to do. Dear Ryan, I understand the priorities myself." The sorceress raised her head, her eyes full of provocation: "Or do you think you Is he my boss?"

"Are you going to compete? I'll be with you anytime." Ryan looked at the sorceress's dissatisfied look with amusement.

"Tsk, bibibi...uh! Let me go!" As soon as she finished speaking, the sorceress's two bright wrists were pinned to the table by the kingdom knight's hands. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not break away from the steel-like wrists. The shackles were generally strong. After working hard for five minutes and her whole face turned red, the sorceress murmured: "Don't you know how to be gentler to ladies? You still claim to be a gentleman."

"Of course I am a gentleman. Please, beautiful lady, after lunch, let's go to the pier to have a look." Ryan then let her go.

Sometimes it would be fun to bully this mature lady, Ryan thought with amusement in his heart.

Lunch was just an interlude. At the end of the interlude, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared in front of the two people.

This uninvited guest has a very handsome appearance, long soft hair, and slightly pointed ears. In the eyes of humans, he looks like an elf, but Ryan has seen a real elf, and he knows that in the eyes of an elf, he looks like Humanity.

This is a half-elf.

It was the half-elf he met at the city gate before.

"Are you 'Sledgehammer' Ryan? Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Estelle. I come from the San Lorenzo Forest. I still remember the battle against the beastmen you participated in five years ago by the Ofre River. A war gang encirclement and suppression campaign?" The half-elf noticed that Ryan's hand was on the war hammer, so he said that he had no ill intentions, but his tone was quite arrogant.

Ryan rolled his eyes and remembered that he had indeed participated in that battle: "Yes, I do remember that a team of half-elf rangers joined Nord's team and made many contributions to that battle. What's the matter? What are you doing?"

"Can we move on to discuss it in detail?"

"Just say it here."

Update early today.

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