The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 42: Tyrant

Capital, Alieus Kingdom, Northern Continent.

Aucuces said. "I can't say the same for you though; it appears you're still the same musclehead like you were back then." He had a mocking smile, while speaking.

As if enraged by his remarks, the lightning in the dark clouds began flashing at a rapid rate.


Then, a bolt of lightning roared out of the dark clouds at Aucuces, carrying the power to destroy the very earth itself, while lighting up the surroundings.

As his expression became solemn, Badhiel took his sword, which was bathed in twilight.

He really shouldn't have expected much from them; given their personalities, this should have been completely predictable.

However, he raised his brows in surprise, when he saw, Aucuces just stood there in the sky, surrounded by the brilliance of sun, without making any move, despite the lightning coming at him.

Aucuces smiled as he looked at the lightning, which possessed the power of a planet. He didn't do anything except stare at the lightning as if he knew nothing was going to happen.

The lightning suddenly brightened, when it was not far from him and a figure morphed out of the light.

Immediately, a tyrannical aura swept unrestrainedly, even angels gathering in the headquarters far away, felt absolute oppression on their body and soul. Many even fainted and knelt under this aura.

A dignified man with blue hair and stormy eyes appeared in front of him. He was dressed in black armour, as if he'd arrived prepared to fight. The blue cloak of his armour swayed in the strong winds.

He held a blue trident encrusted with lightning in his hands.

Lord of Storms, Leodero!

Contrarily, Leodero did not attack immediately, after appearing.

"It appeared that not everything had changed. You're still as sharp-tongued as you were back then."

His voice thundered across the sky as he spoke majestically.

"Oh." Aucuces stated exaggeratedly. "If I am a sharp-tongued? Then, into which category will you fall..."

He was abruptly cut off as a divine aura swept over his figure.

Leodero snorted and raised his trident, pointing at him, as lightning began to gather in it, with enough power to make star-killer beams look like firecrackers.

The intention of the war is clear.

"You will lose." Aucuces stated calmly, as if it were a matter of fact. His eyes were turning purple.

"Is that what gives you the confidence? Hermit?" Leodero said, as his eyes gleamed with no intention of retreating. "How about we find out? Isn't it been a long time since we had a friendly spar, Aucuces?"

Aucuces smiled as a white spear appeared in his hand, emitting a radiance of light.

"Come on." He grinned. "If you want war that much, then I will grant it." Much to Leodero's great annoyance, he said magnanimously.

Aucuces will not back down or even try to talk him out of it. He knew Leodero well enough to know otherwise.

Leodero is an absolute tyrant!

Leodero had the courage to go and challenge Amanises for his apotheosis ritual, so the man standing before him was anything but simple. He survived under her scythe, even though Amanines was going easy on him, it's still a big deal for a king of angels without uniqueness to face a god.

Aucuces didn't want war now, but that doesn't mean he'll passively accept someone challenging his authority.

Soon after, a terrifying divine aura erupted from two of them, shaking the entire world's sky.

Natural disasters erupted all over the world, as if nature was at war with itself.

The sky has raged with lightning storms, as if feeling the wrath of the ruler of the skies. The oceans rioted, causing massive tsunamis and submerging islands. To top it all off, a powerful earthquake struck the continents.

At the same time, the golden sun in the sky, which gave life and light to the entire world, expanded and became incredibly large. It appeared as if the sun itself was falling into the world for many.

The sky was divided, with one half filled with vast expanses of light and the other with storms.

"You all need to relax. This is exactly what Solomon wishes for." Badhiel attempted to calm the situation, as he saw how things were spiralling out of control.

"Badhiel, get out!" exclaimed Leodero. "This is only between us, brothers!"

When he heard what Leodero said, Badhiel's eyes twitched and he felt helpless in his heart.

Leodero's eyes started to glow blue, with lightning streaks erupting from the edges. He was floated in the vast expanse of black clouds, with blue lightning flashing across it. His trident was also completely illuminated by lightning.

Aucuces' eyes began to completely glow with light, and his casual suit burned away as golden flames swept across his body, revealing white armour beneath. He was standing in a light-filled sky, and pure light began to gather in the tip of his white spear.

Everything suddenly calmed down, literally all of it went quiet. The calm didn't last long, and just like after the calm before the storm, it broke in a spectacular way, with the entire sky around the world lighting up at the same time in a mix of golden and blue hues.

"AUCUCES!" Leodero exclaimed with excitement as he moved at breakneck speed towards Aucuces, literally transforming into blue lightning.

"LEODERO!" Aucuces also shouted with a grin, feeling long-lost excitement rekindle in his heart at the moment. He knew what was causing this; it was the thrill of battle, just pure fighting without worrying about anything.

He also found it amusing that they were re-enacting the famous naruto scene to some extent.

Aucuces dashed towards Leodero, erupting in a blaze of pure light, transforming into a beam of light.

At the same time, Badhiel, who was standing nearby in the sky, inserted his sword into the very space itself, then twilight erupted, mixing with golden and blue hues, forming a strange curtain that draped over the entire battlefield.

Lilith appeared and stood not far from Badhiel, with a sigh, as she saw the situation, then various plants and trees grew on the very curtain, forming another layer over the curtain.

The curtain, combined with the power of all four gods, completely prevented the battle from affecting the outside world.


The reality completely collapsed in their path, as the beam of pure light and blue lightning dashed towards each other.

The light in the battlefield became blinding, as even Badhiel and Lilith were forced to close their eyes.

Just then, in the middle of the battlefield, a crimson moon rose up like a scene from the apocalypse, followed by an illusory white tower brimming with an aura of insanity and destruction.

The crimson moon and white tower emitted a terrifying aura, causing pure beam of light and blue lightning to freeze in their path.

The light beam collapsed into the figure of Aucuces, as the hands of a divine woman tightly pressed on his shoulder, holding him down, while also hovering behind him.

The crimson moon hung behind the woman like a divine halo; she wore a long black gown adorned with countless resplendent lights.

Evernight Goddess, Amanises!

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