The Sun Reborn (Cyberpunk 2077)

Chapter 8: Meredith Stout

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Poor Meredith getting bullied. Thankfully she's into that sort of thing.


What was she doing? No seriously, she knew this was a bad idea. She was still in the middle of finishing things up with Gilchrist. She’d gotten all the information she needed to take the bastard down once and for all, and in doing so raise herself up through Militech’s ranks higher than ever before.

And yet here she was, inches from the finish line, heading down to the No-Tell Motel to blow off some steam. She definitely shouldn’t be taking a risk like this right now. But the stress had gotten to her. She needed an outlet so she could go into the final stages of her battle against Gilchrist with a clear mind.

At least, that’s the excuse Meredith Stout was giving herself as she paced back and forth across one of the rooms of the No-Tell Motel. Getting a simple confirmation from the man she’d propositioned, the Corpo had headed over right away and gotten into… costume. Specifically, she’d dressed down from her suit into a more comfortable attire. If any of her coworkers saw her right now, they would almost certainly use this against her… and frankly, they’d be right to.

Meredith’s tastes were somewhat eccentric if the spiked dog collar around her neck and spiked bands around her wrists were anything to go off of. Alongside the cupless ‘bra’ and nipple pasties she has on, and the skintight black latex pants, she knows she looks good… but she also knows she looks downright scandalous.

That was why this was so risky, especially now. And yet… she had high hopes that she’d chosen precisely the right man to scratch her itch all the same. After all, if she could trust anyone, surely it would be the mercenary who had helped her get the dirt on Anthony Gilchrist from Maelstrom in the first place.

He didn’t have to help her. He didn’t have to agree to work with her. Meredith wasn’t an idiot. For all that she knew she was so far above him that it wasn’t even funny, she also knew that even a rat could bite your ankle. That silly Street Kid had plenty of reasons to betray a Corpo Suit like her and he hadn’t at the All Foods Plant, so he wouldn’t here either.

Or so Meredith hoped. But she also came prepared. When her Cyberware pings her that he’s entered the premises, she stops pacing and turns to face the door, arms crossed over her half-bared chest. A moment later and the door opens, letting in the man himself… V.

He looks much like she remembered him during their initial interactions, except not. There’s something different about the way he carries himself. Something that Meredith can’t quite place. No matter. She knows how she has to play this. Pointing behind her, she barks out an order.

“Bed. Now.”

The young mercenary she’d drawn into her orbit pauses for a moment, tilting his head and studying her up and down until Meredith begins to color. Damn it, this whole thing relied on her having a proper hold on him. If she couldn’t even intimidate him properly.

“I’m not going to tell you twice, mercenary. You can either get on the bed or get out.”

Of course, if he leaves now… she’ll have to have him killed. He’s seen too much already. But instead, V shakes his head, doing neither.

“That isn’t going to work for me, Meredith. I don’t bottom. And frankly… I’m not sure you top.”

Meredith flushes at his overly familiar tone. How dare he? Even if he’s a little right, just because she prefers to bottom doesn’t mean she CAN’T top. And she definitely can’t afford to bottom here and now with him. Not if she wants to make sure he doesn’t say shit once all is said and done. But before she can respond, he continues on.

“Let’s do this another way, yeah? A short Quickhack Battle. No physical violence, no guns, no hands. Just your deck against mine. Nothing lethal, nothing permanent. We go until one of us has the other at their mercy and that decides who’s in charge here. Sound good?”

… Just who did this brat think he was? Never mind the cool confidence he’s suddenly displaying even though a week ago he’d been twitchy as fuck and so obviously wet behind the ears that it wasn’t even funny. Even if his confident attitude is a little bit of a turn on, his arrogance is going to be his undoing. A quickhack battle? Between her and a Street Kid? He could have at least suggested something he might have a chance of winning.

“Sure. Sounds good.”

She half-expects him to try and hack her immediately after she agrees, but no such assault on her personal ICE begins. Instead, he nods and steps further into the room, moving until they’re both standing across from one another, staring each other down.

“On the count of three then. One. Two. Three.”

Immediately, Meredith goes to launch a suite of nonlethal quickhacks designed for rapid incapacitation and capture of priority targets. Just as immediately, she never gets the chance because her world goes dark, her body freezes up as an electrical shock rushes through her, and the connection to her cyberware, including her deck, is cut off before she can even blink. Actually, she can’t even blink because as she collapses to the floor in a boneless heap, she finds herself utterly paralyzed.

System Collapse. Or at least, a variant of it. Meredith knows about the System Collapse quickhack. It’s a Corpo Quickhack, after all. Which begs the question, how does a Street Kid have one? And more than that, how has he modified it so she remains conscious, albeit trapped in her own body?

System Collapse was a direct attack on someone’s nervous system. It was an untraceable, silent quickhack that left your enemy completely at your mercy if they didn’t have the ICE to block it. Meredith Stout did not have the ICE to block it. She didn’t even have access to the quickhack herself. It was serious cyberware and she was… well, she was still working her way up the corporate ladder.

From how she’s fallen, she’s treated to the sight of V walking up to her and sighing before reaching down and picking her up. It occurs to her then that he can do whatever he wants to her right now. That’s as much a turn on as it is a terrifying realization. Even as she feels horrified by how much she underestimated him, she’s also starting to get aroused by the power he has over her.

Damn it all… her own tastes were once again getting in her way. Fuck, she really had fucked up here, hadn’t she? V probably wasn’t even a Street Kid now that she thought about it. He was an undercover Corpo, had to be. And she’d invited him to basically have his way with her, both carnally and professionally. She was so screwed… and it was incredibly embarrassing that she was looking forward to being screwed the one way, even as she panicked over being screwed the other.

Just as Meredith is getting caught up in her own head however… the modified System Collapse comes to an abrupt end. She twitches as she realizes she can suddenly move again, though access to her cyberware remains restricted she quickly realizes. V, meanwhile, just smirks down at her with her head resting in his lap, one hand carding through her hair almost… gently.

“Back with us?”

Quickly sitting up from where he’d laid her unresisting body out so that she was lounging on the bed with her head in his lap, Meredith scowls, gazing at him searchingly.

“Who the hell are you? Who do you work for?”

Casual as can be, but understandably so for someone who can shut her down in less than a second, V shrugs.

“Name’s V. I’m a nobody as far as most of this city is concerned, but it won’t be that way for long. As for who I work for… I work for me, first and foremost. After that, I work for the top bidder.”

Meredith’s eyes narrow and she clutches at the sheet beneath her… beneath them. Why was he playing games with her? He could do whatever he wanted to her, and they both knew it. Did he just like playing with his food? Reading between the lines, it seemed that what little she’d managed to pull from looking into V was a lie.

He probably wasn’t born and raised here in Night City. He was probably from out of town, with a cover identity that was so barebones she hadn’t blinked twice at it. Especially since his whole attitude the last time they’d met had lined up well with a green Street Kid who only had about six months of merc work to his name.

But now he wasn’t hiding it anymore. His real self. His true skill. He was laying it all bare for her to see. Why? Because it wouldn’t matter? Because she was dead, and she just didn’t know it yet?

“And who hired you to come after me? If I’m going to die, I’d at least like to know which scum fuck I need to curse to my grave.”

V stares at her blankly for a moment before shaking his head.

“I’m not here to kill you, Meredith. No one has hired me to take you out. You’re the one who invited me here out of the blue, remember?”

That was… true. And as far as she could tell, he was telling the truth about the rest as well. But then…

“… Why? Why the act at the All Foods Plant if you’re just going to show me the real you now?”

V pauses for a moment before smiling crookedly.

“I suppose I’m just tired of hiding it.”

Meredith mulls that over for a moment. If he was telling the truth, then… slowly, the Corpo slides off of the bed and onto her knees, crawling between V’s legs as she looks up at him. Her hands fall upon his inner thighs, before sliding up his crotch.

“I guess you won, didn’t you? So, I’m all yours now. You’re in charge and I’m… not. Is this acceptable, to start?”

She glances meaningfully at his crotch at that last part, prompting V to grin as he reaches out and runs a hand through her hair. Meredith shivers as his fingers run across her scalp, but unlike before when he’d been gentle… now he firms up his grasp, gripping down rather harshly on her blonde locks as she gasps in discomfort.

“Go ahead. Take it out.”

Licking her lips, Meredith does as she’s told. Deftly pulling his cock from its confines, she’s a little surprised to see its completely natural. She’s dealt with all sorts of men in her life, but most of them had a Mr. Studd. Though to be fair, most of them were Corpo like her, and it was supposedly very popular among corporate workers.

V doesn’t have any need for an augmentation as far as Meredith can see. His cock is big and growing bigger still as she strokes it up and down, hot breath ghosting across it while he continues to firmly hold her head back, forcing her to only use her hands on him. His big fat dick is right in front of her face and the dog-collar wearing Corpo finds herself moaning a bit as she tries to lean forward almost instinctively, only to be held back by his grip.

She whines at this, right up until he finally loosens his hold and gives her a one-word command.


Then, she all but dives down his cock, her eyes fixed on his face as she begins to bob up and down his member with gusto and enthusiasm. She didn’t know V’s story. She had no idea who he really was at this point, given everything she’d thought she knew about the mercenary was a lie. But if he was going to kill her, he wouldn’t have been this convoluted about it, she figures.

And that means she can enjoy herself. And she plans to… immensely.


Alt watches on as Meredith Stout bobs up and down on V’s cock, humming her amusement. It seemed like the blonde Corpo had come to a rather funny conclusion as far as V was concerned. She thought he was some sort of undercover agent for one of her competitors or something. She’d thought he was going to torture her for sensitive Militech information there for a second.

But to be fair, it was V’s own fault. Alt hadn’t even been the one to disable Meredith so quickly. V had forbidden her from interfering, telling her to let him and Meredith duke it out between them. Ultimately, while it had rankled somewhat to let V risk it all without her help… she’d abided by his instructions.

And he really had risked it all here. Without Alt’s support, V’s cyberware was still bargain bin, and his ICE was practically nonexistent. WITH her, nobody was going to be able to detect or hack him easily, but without her, he was practically defenseless. However, he had taken Night City by storm without her once before. And part of that had involved V learning to be a Netrunner on the fly.

Really, he’d done it all… and with only Johnny Silverhand in his head the first time around, V had had to do it all, because it wasn’t like Johnny was useful for much of anything. Not in the same way Alt was.

Still, the way V had thrown a modified System Collapse at Meredith in under a second had been… artistically done. It was enough for Alt to feel like she was wet with arousal despite the fact that she didn’t even have a body. Oh, or maybe that was because she’d been piggybacking off of Meredith’s senses ever since V took the Corpo down.

Feeling Meredith’s helplessness along with her adrenaline, arousal, and terror had been quite the treat. Now, she was mostly feeling the Corpo Woman’s submissiveness and arousal. Meredith’s hands have left V’s cock now that she’s bobbing up and down on his dick with her mouth. One hand has gravitated to V’s balls, fondling them rather expertly. The other hand has disappeared down the front of the dog-collar wearing Corpo’s skintight latex pants, fingering her own cunt as she moans and gurgles around his shaft.

It’s all delicious, especially with Alt ‘seeing’ things through Meredith’s eyes and feeling things through the defenseless Corpo’s body. She might just have to push V to get her a body of her own eventually, at this rate.

But for now… all of them know that the night is still young and this… this is just them getting started~

The Vote:
[ ] Stick to Alt's POV - 21%
[X] Switch back to Meredith's POV - 52%

[ ] Switch to V's POV - 28%


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