The Survival of an Inferior

(Vol3)118. Underground Power(2)

Amidst the darkness, a small smoke rises from the rows of mountains. 

A tiny campfire warms the cold of thirty people.

As Haren's subordinate cook the boar they caught, Haren and I stand at the corner to chat. 

There are only two reasons I sent Haren to the BOV prison, to collect information and to lay low. 

To the outside world, he and his subordinates are dead and it will take some time for Haren's "escape" to reach the Demon's Eighth Son. (Recap: Haren served the Eighth Son of The Demon Lord.)

I'm planning to use that window of time lag. 

"Haren, do you still have the demon citizen seal?" 

"Yes, my liege." 

"Good, after this. Return to the demons' territory with your subordinate and hide there until further notice. Contact me through this but only in emergencies." I say and hands Haren a communication orb. He bows and receives the device. 

"Now then, tell me everything you learnt."

Haren begins presenting his findings. First of all, many corruption crimes are committed within the prison dungeon such as the transportation of illegal substances. General Arctius is the main organiser behind this. Most crime exchanges involve demonic essence heavily thus the partners are most likely The Order or Despair. 

Haren also noticed strong demonic convicts hidden in the dungeon for differing periods before being smuggled out by the officers. 

"One more thing, a week before, General Arctius went out on an escort mission for a woman," Haren says. 


"A priestess wearing some veil with silver hair."


"Is that so..." I reply. It's Joana, that bitch. Is she trying to leave Rodgof? I need to get to her before she does. 

"Sir, have one," Laaze says and hands me a stick of sliced meat. 


After a night of rest, we part ways as I head for Libra. 


The otherworldly city of Libra never fails to amuse me. Packed with breathtaking structures that define the skylines, it reflects the pursuit of greatness and the trials the city went by. 

I stop before a large tower. Several expensive carriages are parked around the spacious alley with servants guarding them. 

I pay no attention to them until a servant notices me and greets me. "Greetings, Sir Arsto. I've been waiting for you. The other patrons are already seated."


I simply asked everyone to gather and asked Liam to find a convenient area. Thus, I was surprised by the elegant services presented. The servant takes my coat and guides me to a room. 

All workers in this tower wear fancy suits and the interior seems like a palace. A rose fragrance lingers in the atmosphere, complementing the polished marble stone and lavish chandeliers. 

"W-What...?" I mumble.

The door opens and reveals a room with a gigantic table below a chandelier. Liam, Jon, Kin, Lily, Red, and even Kae Isva is here together with his sister, Alure Isva. (Refer to "Night Owl")

"You are here," Liam says, smiling.  

"I...didn't know...I'm sorry..." I reply awkwardly. 

I'm the only one wearing ragged clothes but it doesn't seem anyone mind. Everyone grew taller in the time frame except Liam. 

I sit in the empty seat and Liam tells the servant to bring in the food. 

"How has everyone been?" I say. 

"Good," says Lily, her long hair beautifully brushed with braids entwined across. 

Kin sustained a scar on his face, retaining his original aura in the game but that's not the case for Jon who is supposed to be fearful of battles, the current Jon is bigger and much more confident. Something changed. 

No one could have guessed the majority of people in this room came from a rough and poor background. 

We start to discuss and chat about what happened in the time we were apart. Liam, Kin, and Jon formed a mercenary vigilante group together while looking after the young children south of Rodgof, which happened in the original game aside from Liam's addition, called  "JS". They've garnered quite a famous reputation for their transparency and reliability. 

Lily enrolled in The Magic Tower and is currently a prospective genius. With the support of the Isva family, she lived a quiet life. 

Partly into our conversation, accompanied by the opulent ambience, the servants present an exquisite feast for both the eyes and the palette. Dressed on a pristine white porcelain plate, the various smell lures us into a reverence trance. 

"W-W-What..." I couldn't contain my saliva. 

"S-So much seafood...a-and meat!?" I exclaim. 

"Don't worry about it. We made plenty of money and they were just piling in the storage. It's my treat!"  Says Kin. 

A succulent medley of flavours and ingredients adorned the plate, each one contributing to the overall harmony. Tender cuts of meat, cooked to perfection, exuded a tantalizing aroma that enveloped the air. 

Fuck, this is torturous. I've been eating stale decent food for the past year. The dishes numb my sense of reasoning like a succubus' allure. 

"Hey, on second thought, I should pay for my share." 

"Hey hey! No! Arsto!" Liam says. 

I glance at him. 

He chuckles. "Just dig in." 

I grab the utensils and cut a slice of juicy tender. The delicate drizzle of savoury sauce explodes in my mouth, brimming with vitality. A sea of freshness washes over me. 

Everyone simply stares at me, waiting for my response. I give them a thumbs up and they start laughing. 

Despite everything going on in this world, moments like this drain the stress and worries away. 


This...feels nice. 

Back in my original world, I was a loner everywhere I go. It's not because of my personality but my past that haunts me. 

I stare at the meat on my plate. 


Maybe this worth saving after all. 

"Still, Arsto, you seem a lot different than when I first saw you," says Alure. "How should I say were arrogant and selfish." 

That' alter ego. 

"I had to practise strong confidence and rational selfishness to persuade your family." I lie. "I'm sorry if you felt offended."

Alure shakes her head. "It's alright."

"Anyways, let's talk about the main topic. I gathered everyone to discuss our next move." I say. 

The atmosphere instantly shifts into tension. 

"Is it...regarding the Revolutionary War?" Liam asks. 

I nod. 

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