The Survival of an Inferior

(Vol3)127. For The Lord

"Damn it!" Armin screams as he flips the desk in his office. Paperwork and files are scattered around the room. 

Recently, more and more evidence of his corruption has sprouted around the country. Although the majority deemed those as propaganda by The Revolutionary Army, it created a rift in doubt and suspicions. 

The royal army has managed to intercept any evidence from escaping to the public but it won't be long before it comes to light. 

"What a mess." 


Armin jumps back at the sight of Rafi in the corner of the room. 

Rafi steps across the pile of documents towards Armin. 

"Sir...What business do you have here?" Armin says.  

Rafi stares into Armin's soul nonchalantly. 

"Coincidentally, Magic Tower Master Isop and Priestess Joana have passed away in a short time frame. Does that ring a bell?" Rafi asks. 


"No sir...My condolences." Armin says. His facial expression stays rigid, not revealing his inner thoughts. 

Despite two men staring silently with zero emotions, a psychological battle erupts. 

Rafi sighs and snaps, an elf's corpse teleports into the room, it's Armin's personal assassin squad leader. 

"He is loyal. Killed himself to silence the truth." 

Armin puts on a confused facade. "P-Pardon?" 


Rafi smiles. "Do you know that General Arctius is a valuable asset to The Order? He died to protect Priestess Joana. Well, she still died at the hands of Arsto."

Armin tries to contain his surprise but Rafi picks it up. 

"Sounds familiar?" 

"Yes, he is a recent celebrity and I did contact him."


Both sides refuse to yield and Rafi knows this is going nowhere. 

He turns around and prepares to leave. 

"This is a warning. Obstruct our plans again and The Order will eliminate you. You are sitting on that seat because of our help, remember that." 

And Rafi disappears. 

Armin realises that it was The Order that told on him and gave information to the public. The reason why the royal army was able to intercept evidence was simply because The Order permitted them to. 

Armin clicks his tongue and glares at the floor with a clenched fist. All of these wouldn't have happened if not for Rena. 


"Hah..." He sighs to calm himself. 

"Still, I underestimated Arsto," says Armin. 

He goes forward and pulls up his desk before picking up the piles of paper. A report catches his attention. 

The report states that the BOV has been smuggling what might be demonic humans into the country, preparing for war. 


A small and picturesque city, Pole Ridge, lies at the border of western Rodgof, nestled between rows of mountains and a shining river. 

As the heart of The Revolutionary Army, it has been enhanced into a fortress, watchtowers and a large wall erected around the city. 

Rebellious nobles have allied with one another, aiding each other in the battle against tyranny. Hence, promoting intensive resources and information distribution with each other and enabling merchants and many entrepreneurs to settle within Pole Ridge. 

The streets of Pole Ridge have never been so bustling.  

Mistreated victims of Armin's schemes have all gathered at Pole Ridge for justice and support. Thus, manpower is at an all-time high. 

A guard on a watchtower eats a piece of bread as he into the horizon. A chill sends a tickling sensation across his body. 

"What..." He mumbles. He glances in the direction his instinct warned to see a large group of people approaching, all wearing a large black hood over their heads to conceal their identity. 

"Those people..." He stuffs the entire bread into his mouth and grabs his sword. He climbs down the watchtower to find his colleagues. 

"A group-"


To his surprise, all his comrades are lying on the floor unconscious. 

"What happened?! Hey!"  

He tries to wake them but to no avail. Suddenly, the guard himself experiences a massive tremor as if a giant mass befalls his body. He couldn't muster any energy and falls to the ground. 

" was the bread..." The guard realises their food was poisoned. 

Using whatever remaining spirit, his shaky hands grab the pistol at his waist and shoot a bullet into the sky. 

The surrounding security at the borders of Pole Ridge stays silent as the large mysterious army approaches the city from all sides. 

Anyone who passes by them is swiftly killed. 

A merchant leaving the city stops in his tracks when he notices the army but without any warning, one man jumps ahead and tears the merchant's head off. A purplish-black demonic energy seeps out from the corpse into the attacker, sending a euphoric smile across his face. 

"Ah...finally,"  The attackers mumbles. "What I will do to experience this sensation again..."

Immense strength courses through his veins. 

In Rena's absence, the Grande family steps in as the leader of the city. A mature tall woman with long white silky hair that cascades like a waterfall and a profound amber iris sits behind a desk writing paperwork. She is Lia Grande, the mother of Lena and matriarch of the Grande household. The household is mostly renowned for its mythical arcane and righteousness. 

Lia stops and reads one report before leaving the room. She heads for the infirmary institution and approaches a healer on site. 

"Miss Grande? Is there anything you need?" the young girl asks. 

"Where is the patient who suffered from food poisoning?" Lia replies. 

The young healer guides Lia to the patient's room. Her brother and parents in the room bow at Lia. 

"How did she get food poisoning?" Lia asks to reconfirm what she read. 

"She ate a bread-"

"Where did she get the bread?" 

The healer glances at the family for answers. 

The brother steps up. "My brother gave part of his ration to my sister. He is part of the Eagle Knights." 

The Eagle Knights are scouts responsible for security at the border of Pole Ridge. 

Lia clicks her tongue and her face grows pale. She has a bad feeling about this since she hasn't received a report from the Eagle Knights yet. 

She immediately calls for an emergency meeting.

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