The Sword and The Shadow

Chapter 648 Accursed Woman

Chapter 648

Accursed Woman

Bong! Bong! Bong!

The brass bell was struck nonstop. Everyone who heard the sound approached the notice board. Even though empire-wide announcements like that usually didn’t have anything to do with commoners like them, they admired their wise emperor incredibly dearly and wouldn’t miss any announcement he made.

"Good news from the imperial capital!" the announcer said when he saw the people gather. He pointed at the notice board and said, "The dark force that threatened the empire’s subjects have had their bases defeated by our empire’s army! The head of Blackshadow, the Accursed Woman, has been captured and will be executed at Melindor Plaza on the 23rd of the 12th month! Blackshadow is the greatest resistance force in the empire. Now that their leader has been captured, it is over for them. The empire will soon be completely at peace! Imperial subjects, rejoice! Enjoy the hard-earned peace and praise be the emperor!"

"Praise be the emperor!" the citizens cried with heartfelt joy. They had seen the notices and cursed the Accursed Woman who massacred so many humans of the empire as they returned to their homes.

However, one person stood in front of the notice board for a long time. If not for somebody pulling him aside, he would’ve stared at the portrait on the notice board for a long time. That person was Leguna.

"Uncle, what’s wrong? Your face looked grim just now," Claudius said after he pulled Leguna home.

Leguna’s expression was so dark it was terrifying. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Claudius, I recall that you talked about Blackshadow before. Can you tell me that in more detail?"


Frenda stepped in to explain. "Blackshadow is an anti-empire resistance force that appeared all of a sudden some nine years ago. According to the empire’s investigation, the force is formed from southerners who refuse to acknowledge the rule of the empire. Their leader is called the Accursed Woman. It’s said that she’s a necromancer that radiates the aura of death."

"Nine years? How could they have lasted against the empire for so long?" Leguna asked.

Claudius gave it some thought and said, "It’s not weird when you think about it. Back then, the empire had suffered heavy losses in the war, and was almost obliterated by the Tide of Death. After the crises, the humans that remained and the empire needed time to recuperate. As such, the imperial family couldn’t do much against them. Add to the fact that they set up their bases in the corpse-infested south, the empire couldn’t be bothered to deal with them. But one or two short years later, the force began to grow even larger. That was when the empire started giving proper attention to the problem. In the coming years, the empire clashed often with Blackshadow and they were only defeated recently. However, it is said that they were only able to hold on for so long because of their leader who could control the undead creatures that remained from the Tide of Death."

"So, both the empire and commoners hate Blackshadow with a passion?" Leguna asked.

Frenda’s gaze met Claudius’s. She nodded. "That’s right. Even though the northern part of the continent wasn’t attacked that much by Blackshadow, we can tell from the newspapers and notices that they are a radical faction that commits all sorts of evil."

"All sorts of evil?"

"They don’t just attack imperial forces. They will even raid normal towns and villages," Claudius said, "The empire’s newspapers would often report about Blackshadow massacring entire villages or towns. Even women and children aren’t spared."

Leguna closed his eyes in pain. After a moment of silence, he opened them and said, "Do you... hate her?"


"The Accursed Woman."

Frenda and Claudius remained silent, before Claudius finally said, "Actually, I don’t really hate her... After all, no matter what evils she commits, she has nothing to do with us. She hasn’t harmed our family, at least. How can we truly come to hate somebody who hasn’t wronged us?"

"Claudius is right," Frenda said, "While the Accursed Woman is detestable, she doesn’t have anything to do with us. There’s no point in hating someone with whom we have no ties."

"Detestable..." Leguna repeated before he stood up. "I’ve been awake for a month or so now and more or less recovered. I believe it’s time I made my move."

"Alright. We will prepare food and other stuff you might need," Frenda said with a nod. She hesitated for a moment, before she said, "Leguna."


"Are you leaving because of the Accursed Woman?"

"Yes," he admitted with a nod.

"She’s the person you pine after, right?"

"Yes. Perhaps, she’s nothing but a crazed murderer in your eyes. But to me, she’d always be the dumb girl whose breasts can’t get any bigger! She’s my cute lass!"


Within the palace in the imperial capital of Melindor, Alfreid was sifting through documents. He said, "Your Imperial Majesty, the fortifications in Melindor are complete." Even though the premier wasn’t supposed to be dealing with minor matters like those, this situation was different. Alfreid had been personally tasked with handling the fortifications by Alissanda.

"Good. I’ll rest easy with you handling the matter," Alissanda said. He put down his quill and asked, "Do you think he’ll come?"

"I don’t know. He was hurt badly back then. Perhaps he’s already dead."

"We’ll be able to prove whether he is in a few days. As long as he’s alive, he’ll come. I know him too well to think otherwise."

Both fell silent. In the end, Alissanda nodded and said, "You must be worn out over the past few days. Go get some rest."

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty. Please permit me to take my leave." He bowed deeply and left. After exiting the study, he was surprised to see someone. However, the cunning premier didn’t let it show. He bowed gracefully like usual. "Good morning, Your Imperial Majesty."

"I am not married to the emperor. Please do not address me thusly, Lord Premier," Lisana coldly replied.

He smiled mysteriously. "His Imperial Majesty is in the study. I’m sure His Imperial Majesty will be pleased to see you."

"Okay." She pushed the door to the study open.

"What is it, Alf--" Alissanda blanked out for a few seconds when he saw Lisana. He dropped the documents in his hand and stood up. "You... Umm... you’re here... I am approving documents, so wait for... Ah, I mean, I’ll stop. You don’t come to see me often, so I want to accompany you."

"Your Imperial Majesty doesn’t have to waste any time on this lowly peasant," Lisana said, shaking her head.

"What are you saying?" he asked, a little angry. "You didn’t want to see me all those years. Now that you’ve finally made up your mind to, let’s have a good talk! Come! I know we have some misgivings, but I’m sure we can talk it out and resolve them."

"But will words revive Annie?" she coldly asked.

Alissanda’s smile froze. After half a minute, he calmed his expression and said in a soft voice, "Is that really that important?"

"She’s the daughter of my honorable teacher... and also my good friend," she reminded.

"But she shouldn’t have saved Leguna! That person deserved to die!" he said emotionally with his arms wide open. "How many times have I told you that Leguna’s continued existence means the Tide of Death might come again? Only by eliminating him can we ensure the continent is safe! Yet, Annelotte tried to stop us! We had no choice! I know she’s your good friend, but I’m your husband! Am I not as important as she is?"

"You’re only my fiance, not my husband," she corrected.

"So? That’s why you had a cold war with me for ten years? All for a trivial dead woman?!" He scratched his head in frustration.

"Trivial?!" Her face contorted with rage, but she managed to control herself. Taking deep breaths, she calmed her emotions. "I’m not here to argue about this. What I want to say... No, I’m here to beg you. The Accursed Woman you caught is Innie, right? Can you release her?"

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