The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 18: Abnormal Teacher Bai

After Uncle Lin Jie was lost by Little K, Han Xiaodong gave Little K a death order, connected to the monitoring equipment in the city, and reported to him at any time if he found it.

Then I wandered in the sea of ​​questions all night on my own.

He knew that at this time, he had to distinguish the serious from the serious. Uncle's matter was important, but even Xiao K could be lost, and he probably wouldn't be able to find him in a while. Instead of worrying about this, it's better to figure out the study first.

After a night of hard work, until I heard the voice of my mother Lin Yun going out,

Han Xiaodong just put down the exercise set, and the results of hard study during this period are obvious, or Xiao K is indeed a good teacher, and he can always find a suitable way to explain the problem clearly.

Han Xiaodong made a set of mock test papers by himself last night. Except for Chinese, other subjects have reached the middle level. It should be said that he has reached this level after a month of intensive training. Han Xiaodong is very satisfied.

As for Chinese, that has always been his strong point. Even in the last exam, Han Xiaodong's Chinese was tied for the first place in the whole school year, and the one tied with him was Wang Jiayuan.

All this is not because of anything else, but because he has a very good Chinese teacher - Bai Xiao.

Different from ordinary teachers, Mr. Bai never makes up lessons. All teaching is done during class time. He will explain difficult points in class and do homework at home. Although he is usually known for being strict, he has a good reputation among his classmates.

After packing up his things in the morning and taking a quick bite of breakfast, Han Xiaodong hurried to the school, and when he sat down, the class bell just rang.

Today's first class is Chinese. This is the only subject that Han Xiaodong doesn't let Little K get involved in. Little K doesn't bother to teach him. In Little K's eyes, learning his mother tongue is a very strange thing, because there are no rules at all. follow.

Teacher Bai walked into the classroom with the lesson plan, put the lesson plan on the table, opened the textbook with a voice, picked up the chalk and started writing on the blackboard.

The students under the podium looked at each other in blank dismay, and some even started whispering, as if they had encountered something unbelievable.

Teacher Bai turned around, frowned, then suddenly realized, smiled wryly, and then said in a very soft voice: "Class."

The whole class stood up, everyone bowed, and Teacher Bai also bowed in return, pressed his hand briefly to let everyone sit down, and then turned back to continue writing on the blackboard, while the only sound left in the audience was the sound of flipping books.

Unlike most high school teachers, Teacher Bai has insisted on the tradition of calling out to class and saluting every day since she started teaching them. She always believes that the sense of ritual is very important, not for anything else, but to let the students know that they have to start entering The role of learning is gone, and we can no longer relax.

But such a teacher who values ​​tradition actually forgot to say "class" today, so it's no wonder the students are whispering.Different from the enthusiasm in the past, Mr. Bai's class today is very slow. Although every knowledge point is still explained clearly, an indescribable exhaustion cannot be concealed in the words.

"Little K." Han Xiaodong called out.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area, please call later." A familiar voice came from Han Xiaodong's ear.

"Get out of here! I have something to do!" Han Xiaodong was not polite, he was now familiar with Xiao K, and he spoke a lot more rigidly.

"Didn't you give me a vacation? Chinese class is my rest time." Little K said dissatisfied.

"Teacher Bai is a little bit wrong, let's find out why." Han Xiaodong is used to the pattern of checking with Little K beforehand.

"Unable to inquire." Little K paused and replied.

Han Xiaodong didn't expect Xiao K to tell him that he couldn't check, and he was very dissatisfied: "Don't make trouble, it's serious business, check it quickly."

"It's really impossible to query." Xiao K's answer was a bit aggrieved: "Within the scope of traceability, no abnormalities have been found."

"No abnormality? Then what's the situation with Mr. Bai?" Han Xiaodong was a little confused this time. Little K lost Lin Jie with him yesterday, and there was another situation where he couldn't check today, which made Han Xiaodong a little confused.

"The sentiment analysis system is started, and the precise analysis mode is turned on." Since he couldn't find the traceable reason, Xiao K simply checked from Teacher Bai's current state.

"The tone value matches, the tone drops by 30%, the speech speed matches, the speech speed drops by 24.75%, the micro-expression detection, the micro-expression presents the state of loss, sadness, grievance and a small amount of anger. Comprehensive evaluation: Suffering from unexpected shocks or emotions Frustration." Xiao K's test was completed quickly, but the result was somewhat beyond Han Xiaodong's expectations.

"Unexpected emotional shock... emotional setback? Damn, isn't it a broken relationship?" When it comes to emotional setbacks, Han Xiaodong can only think of broken love, because as far as he knows, Mr. Bai is not married yet.

"Request the face scan of the whole class." Xiao K suddenly proposed to scan the whole class, which made Han Xiaodong a little overwhelmed, because Xiao K is just a system, if he wants to scan in real time, he must use an "eye" to see, usually he can rely on Cameras and the like, but where there is no camera, you can only rely on Han Xiaodong.

"Damn it! You're kidding me, let me look at everyone's faces now, don't you wait to be scolded? Besides, no matter how I look at the front, it's all the back of the head. I can't break other people's heads away. "Han Xiaodong cursed.

"Is there anyone who knows this question?" Teacher Bai suddenly asked.

"Teacher, I will!" Han Xiaodong quickly raised his hand, which means someone will give you a pillow when you are about to sleep.

"Han Xiaodong, come to the front." When Teacher Bai saw Han Xiaodong raising his hand, he nodded in satisfaction. Han Xiaodong has always been one of his favorite students, but he is usually a little bored. Today, he raised his hand on his own initiative, which surprised Teacher Bai.

"What question?" Han Xiaodong just raised his hand without listening to what the teacher asked, and now he can only ask Xiao K.

"Look at the blackboard!" Little K said dissatisfied.

When Han Xiaodong saw it, it turned out to be a connecting question, connecting some ancient poems with the author. so easy!
After finishing the question quickly, Han Xiaodong asked abruptly, "Teacher, are you alright?"

Teacher Bai was taken aback by his question, then smiled reluctantly, shook his head and said, "It's okay, go back to your seat."

Han Xiaodong immediately turned around and scanned the expressions of everyone in the class.

The question he just asked was not to Teacher Bai, but to all the students in the class. Hearing this question, as long as he knew the reason why Teacher Bai was unhappy, the expression on his face must have something to do with not knowing under such a sudden question. the difference.

"Found the target!" Little K's reaction was quick.

Han Xiaodong quickly locked a few familiar faces in his mind.

What made him extremely happy was that one of them was actually Wang Jiayuan.

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