The System’s Harvester

Chapter 16: A City of Golden Glass

Early Evening - Early Summer : Arlington, Virginia | East Coast United States


"Wow..." -The upper district is more different than I thought...- Having run out of roof space to run across after entering the upper district, I had slowed down and moved to the road, taking the extra time I had to admire my surroundings. -Such giant, defenseless buildings of glass... It's like monsters aren't even a risk here...-

Compared to the lower districts where everything was sturdy and made of thick reinforced concrete, the buildings in the upper district were made of fragile, but appealing materials like glass and crystal, while using stronger materials purely for structural support.

In other words, while beautiful, the buildings were a flick away from being piles of rubble. -But I'm not sure whether to commend them for being able to build up that kind of confidence.. or call it arrogance...-

On one side of the coin, at any moment, a monster could swoop in and take the whole district down, but on another, it showed their confidence in their safety. -All I can do is hope it hasn't made them too comfortable...-

*WOOOOSH* As a vehicle gliding on electric rails over the center of the road blew past me, I casually hopped up and clung to it, hitching a ride to the International Security Organization still several kilometers down the road. -What good timing...-

Ignoring the innumerable gazes of those on the roads below as I zipped by, I quickly continued looking around, peeking into glass shops to see what they were selling or what services they provided as I sat on the sloped rear of the bus-like maglev.

But while at the beginning I was just looking around to find places of note, the more of them I passed, the more my brain tripped over itself. -What on earth...-

At the base of a vast majority of buildings, the windows were filled with displays of swords, armor, and artifacts, reminiscent of what I'd see from large merchant guilds and smithies, with the upper floors being covered by digital projections of logos, names, and video advertisements of items or people.

It was very clearly a district meant for system users, mainly lined with shops, guilds, and even huge stadiums and arenas, but the scale of it was something I almost couldn't wrap my head around. -How many people come through here for it to be this dense...-

It was a concentration of wealth on a completely different level from anything I had ever seen, even in the most high traffic of 'hub worlds' where people of all levels were constantly brought for quests. -How is this kind of thing even possible in such a low-level world? There wouldn't be so many shops if they didn't all have business, but.. where are the customers coming from..?-

Giving it some thought as we began entering a more spacious area of the district, where each building had a park-sized courtyard around it, the maglev started coming to a stop and eventually let everyone off onto a raised platform. -This must be like a bus stop...-

*Pat* *Pat* Gently brushing down my armor as those getting off whispered to one another and gave me weird glances, I looked up the side of the glimmering spire looming over us, brightly lit by the glow of the setting sun, and had a smile spread across my face.

It was far from the largest building I had ever seen, and even farther from the most beautiful, but as it glimmered in the setting sun, I couldn't help but be entranced by the careful carvings decorating it, depicting battles and hardship, where multiple races had to join hands, and unlikely allies were forced to become friends.

To most, the carvings likely meant nothing, acting as simple decoration, but to me, they reminded me of old times, surfacing memories I had nearly forgotten about from hundreds of years ago, and bringing forth a feeling of comfort and nostalgia that was simply unrivaled. -That carving even looks like me...- Looking at a carving of someone joining the hands of elves and dwarves, I was reminded of the time I had to force two neighboring nations to work together and kill an Island Devourer, a mountain-sized worm that lived in the ocean. -I almost forgot about those guys.. what was the queen's name again..? Altera? I wonder if she's still alive...-

Tilting my head as I idly gave it thought, my gaze slowly drifted over more and more carvings that brought back nostalgia before turning down toward the ground where I found a huge concrete plaza wrapping around the spire.

At first glance, it was absolutely littered with huge statues, memoirs, and memorials from not just Earth, but other worlds as well, paying homage to the countless cultures that had come to blend on Earth.

However, while they were certainly grand, what really caught my eye was the people around them.

All throughout the plaza, people were gathered around the bards singing tales of other worlds, and merchants, selling a mix of equipment and clothing originating from other systems, some of which I could name off the top of my head. -To think people of those worlds would be on Earth...-

It honestly created an atmosphere that made me feel more at home, and less out of place while standing between the towering glass skyscrapers. "How lively!"

Finally walking down the stairs from the bus stop with an energetic pep in my step, I started making my way through the concrete courtyard, taking my time to enjoy the atmosphere, admire the statues, and listen to the songs of bards before arriving at the wall of doors leading into the spire. -What a wonderful blend of cultures...-

*tap-Woosh* Swiftly opening the door and walking inside, a gust of cool air blew over me, and I found myself in a room with a ceiling nearly fifty meters high, filled with the chatter of countless different languages. -What a refreshing sound...-

Turning my attention to the small reception desk next to a massive central pillar toward the center of the room, I quickly walked past the rows of tables filled with people before arriving in front of a well-dressed, cat-demihuman boy who looked like he couldn't have been older than twenty.

"Welcome to the ISO, miss. How can I help you today?" He was quite cheery, speaking with a happy curl in his tail.

Opening his system panel, my eyes widened with curiosity. -A non-native working a desk job... How interesting...- "I'm here to get an ID and register myself as a System User."

The heads of those seated nearby quickly turned to look at me as the young boy cheerfully continued. "Hoho~, I would say congratulations, but it seems like your awakening wasn't something that happened recently." Lowering his gaze from my armor to the series of holographic panels in front of him, he quickly continued with a more serious tone. "Just to clarify, are you a System User or a System Mercenary?"

He asked as if it were something I should have known the answer to. "System Mercenary?" -Wait.. isn't that what the System called 'The Warden'?- Tilting my head, I spoke quizzically. "What is a System Mercenary?"

His expression instantly lit up with excitement. "A System Mercenary is someone captured by the system to complete tasks and quests in other worlds! System Users are similar, but they are not forced to travel between worlds."

"I.. see..." -So, System Mercenaries are slaves of the system like me... Fated to work until we're killed...- My expression darkened as the image of the 'confirmed kill panel' I got after killing The Warden came to mind. "I am a System Mercenary."

"Is that so? Are you returning or on a quest?"


He instantly tensed as the sway in his tail froze. "Typically the military will handle and intercept returning mercenaries.. but I guess they were preoccupied today..." Quickly tapping through his hologram, he made a small black pad reveal itself from within the counter. "Please set your hand on that so we can get your fingerprints."

*Pat* Immediately setting my hand on it, I felt the tingle of electricity beneath my fingers.

"Huh? That's.. odd..." As his expression warped with confusion, his tail lowered. "You don't seem to be in our database... May I have permission to look at your System details?" He scooted forward a small orb-shaped artifact connected to a mound of electronics as he spoke. "I may be able to find you with your system ID, since you would have had to register yourself on the server at some point."

I gently nodded as I touched the artifact.

But as his focus narrowed on the tiny panel displayed on the opposite side of the artifact, his whole body froze like ice. "Uh.. miss... One moment, please..." Quickly tapping on a button next to a keyboard embedded in the desk, he made haste around the pillar and called over a shy-looking woman.

However, she had the same reaction. "U..Uh.. I'm sorry miss, but.. I'm not sure if we can process you right now..."

I immediately tilted my head. "Why is that?"

"W-Well, for one, it says you were registered in the System here less than an hour ago. B-But we aren't saying you're lying about being a returner." She seemed to panic slightly thinking I may take her words the wrong way. "I actually think it could have to do with the system errors we dealt with earlier in the day.. because someone of your level shouldn't be getting quests in this world..." She nervously inspected the panel one last time before straightening up. "If you could, please wait a moment, I'd like to fetch my supervisor."

I quickly nodded before pulling my hand off the artifact. "Do whatever you need."

Silence quickly overtook the room as her footsteps echoed over the tile floors, but it didn't take long for her to return with another man. -A level 254 inspector, huh...- It was a class focused entirely on seeing what the eyes couldn't, be it finding hidden traps, gauging the strength of opponents, or even reading their intentions. -Usually they're known for their absurdly sharp senses, but...-

That man didn't react to me until he looked me in the eyes. "PFFFT-" Spitting out his coffee, his eyes shot open, and lowered to my local system panel.

"It's quite rude to spit your drink out at the sight of someone, you know." I spoke somewhat coldly, as he seemed to break into a panic and dart up to the desk.

"I-I'm very sorry, madam!" He immediately threw himself into a bow. "We just don't get the opportunity to handle users of your stature.. ever... I-In any case, what is the issue you are having?" Looking back at the woman who brought him out, she gave a quick explanation. "I see." Turning back to me, a small light flickered in the System Details artifact. "Well, it seems like we unfortunately can't properly process you right now. As a returner, we are meant to replace your old ID and update its details, but because you aren't in the database, we will have to go through a different registration process that will take some time to figure out."

"Hm... How long will it take?"

"Hopefully only a week. But for now, I'd like to at least give you a temporary ID. It's meant for users only here on quests, but it should be fine, if you have any problems, you can refer them to me." Sliding me what looked like his business card, reading Alrek Ocorro, he gently flipped a switch on the back of the artifact, switching my system details with my local system panel's information, and raced to type stuff onto the computer.

-They seem quite thorough...- So far, I was actually quite pleasantly surprised at how well things were managed. -To think they even have artifacts to see when people were registered into the server... That's good for catching liars...-

"Alright." Finally handing me a silver plaque with some of my basic system information on it, the man motioned to its underside. "This is called a 'ticket', it will be your ID for the time being. If you turn it over and press your thumb into that bit of black glass, you can verify your identity with people, and if you hold the button, you can use some basic communication channels connected to us here at the ISO. If you ever need help, in an emergency or not, please communicate with us through that."

*Beep-Beep* Holding the button, a small green hologram immediately popped up, and after taking a moment to skim through everything, I tapped on the 'Direct Message' tab. "Is this how you will reach out to me about my registration?"

He quickly nodded. "And in case you are unfamiliar, you can also use it to communicate to any other user registered in the ISO as long as you know their ID number, however, please understand that it doesn't use the System, so in many places outside of cities there may not be any connection."

"Alright." It was essentially like an old telephone, but only with the ability to text, and reach out for emergency services. -Simple enough...- "Is there anything else I need to know about?"

"Not currently. I will communicate with you through your ticket, however, if there is anything you need, such as a guide, or perhaps wish to visit one of our training facilities-"

"I need to go to the Magic Tower, but I don't want a guide. If you could just point me in the right direction that would be appreciated."

"O-of course!" Quickly leading me outside, he made one last offer to have a guide drive me there before giving up and giving me directions but...

It was very far away, being on the other end of the city, some hundred and twenty kilometers away. -That's troublesome...-

I really couldn't be burning any more time. Although I wanted to take my time and enjoy being back on Earth, -Until I get my aura under control, I need to be careful...-

Even without the regional quest being active, things would only get more troublesome the longer I left my aura as it was. Without controlling it, I was basically a walking beacon screaming that I was a monster. -So I need another way...-

But as I sank into thought, trying to find an alternative, Alrek spoke up. "I-If I may, could I ask why you need to go to the Magic Tower?"

"I need to learn about aura and figure out a way to control it, but I'm on a time crunch."

"Hm... Controlling your aura isn't something most people can grasp quickly, but..." He paused for a moment before looking over at the maglev arriving at the station up ahead. "Do you know about the Blue Creek guild?"

I immediately shook my head.

"They are a guild of mages that work on developing magic-related skills and producing new grimoires, I would imagine they would be more of what you're looking for."

-Making grimoires?- Grabbing my attention, I quickly looked over at him. "Are they closer than the Magic Tower?"

He nodded as he pointed down the road. "They are just down the road here to the left, but if you could give me a moment, I'll speak to one of their managers and make sure they don't simply reject you."

-How convenient...- "Alright, I assume that won't take long?" Seeing him shake his head I looked back out into the plaza. "Then in the meantime, I'll be out here listening to the bard."

His expression, while anxious, quickly became determined. "Please leave it to me."

Watching him quickly return to the spire, I finally turned back toward the plaza, but there was one thing I couldn't shake off my mind.

-To think Earth can create new skill books...- Although known as grimoires when the skill was related to magic, they were literal books that allowed you 'learn' a skill by simply touching them, implementing the information directly into the system, and letting you then improve and buff the skill over time by using it, or getting upgrades.

It was something that took an immense amount of knowledge, skill, and mana to create, and as such, they were not only exceedingly rare, but powerful. -If I can get my hands on one and get a skill, maybe then, I can start collecting upgrades for it...-

It wasn't how the system worked when I originally used it, but it was a system I had heard other worlds using. -Maybe my System was just outdated...-

But somehow, while there was a sudden flicker of hope in my chest, as I walked out into the plaza, tuning in to the melodious melody of the bard, a cloud of doubt filled my mind, and my expression started darkening.

-But I guess.. no matter what happens, I won't regain what I lost...-


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