The System’s Harvester

Chapter 23: The Spark

Mid Evening - Unknown Season : Leviathan | Class: ERROR


*CHOMP* The deafening thump of the wyvern's maw snapping shut echoed through the air as it slowly turned its head to look down at me with the eerily human glow in its gaze. Calculative and curious.

-This is gonna be a real pain in the ass...- Feeling it wrap its aura around me, my pupils dilated, and I instinctually stuck up my arms to brace myself.

But instead of launching a spell, or pulling me back toward it with telekinesis, I only found the underside of my arms lit by an orange glow. -W..What?!- In an instant, the entire valley beneath me had been liquified, and the colossal wyvern blotting out the sun hurled itself toward me. *FWOOOSH*

It wasn't going to let me reach the ground no matter what.

"Tch..." *Vwoop* Hastily pulling out my tied-off lance, and storing my axe, I tightly gripped the rope and waited.

But in the fraction of a second I gave him, the wyvern completely closed the distance between us, and opened its mouth once more.

-NOW!- *CRACK* Hurling the lance into the gums between its teeth, I threw myself just out of its jaws before gripping the taut part of the rope and getting slammed into the wyvern's cheek. *THUMP* The lance was holding, but that wasn't going to be for long.

*Vwoop* Pulling back out my axe, I slammed it into the wyvern's horrifically thick scales, instantly getting the axe head stuck.

But it was what I wanted.

*CHOMP* As the wyvern chomped down, crushing the lance and cleanly slicing through the rope, I let it go before adjusting my grip on my axe and pulling my fist back with everything I had.

Being right at the base of its jaw, I was going to simply obliterate it. -Let's make this quick.-

*SNAP-WHHHAAAAMMM* *CRRRRACKLE* The scales on the side of its face instantaneously shattered, with the area right around my fist liquefying entirely.

But... -My hand.. hurts?- Although I hadn't felt the sensation of pain in so long I had nearly forgotten about it, as the sharp, jabbing pain followed by an unbelievable burn ripped through my hand, my mind went blank.

My hand broke.

And the worst part... "RRRRAAAAHHH!!" With a deafening roar, the wyvern seemed to grip me with its aura before hurling me into the mountainside dozens of kilometers away.

A distance I covered in a matter of seconds. *CRACKLE-WHAAAAMMM* But as the mountain liquified and exploded trying to catch me, my eyes stayed on the wyvern's jaw.

It was clearly damaged, with its scales completely scattered and it writhing in pain as bright red blood seeped from the corner of its mouth.

But.. it's jaw was still there... It wasn't even slack... -W..what...-

Had I still had my upgrades, that kind of punch would've removed a section of the atmosphere with it... -Yet not only is the wyvern in one piece.. that punch broke my hand...-

As I laid there, watching the wyvern's rage-filled gaze snap to me, I could only feel disbelief. -Did I really.. rely on upgrades that much?- Ever since my system was wiped I knew I was weaker. -But for my body to become this fragile...-

I almost couldn't believe it.

But as I watched the massive wyvern in the distance let out a furious roar, I felt a fire light in my chest while the sensation of adrenaline flooding my body hit my mind like a drug I didn't know I needed.

*Tap* Gripping my axe as the wyvern hastily closed the distance between us, the fire in my chest spread to my eyes, and a smile spread across my face. -To think I forgot what it felt like...- "TO FEEL AWAKE!" *WOOM-CRRAACKK* Ripping my axe from the quickly hardening wall of molten rock, I bolted out of the cave so fast the walls ruptured before stopping and staring into the wyvern's maw with a look of excitement.

-To think all this time, I thought telekinesis was some complex skill...- Thinking back to how the wyvern threw me with its aura, I visualized a long rope forming within my aura, looping around the wyvern's maw several times before pushing the ends of the rope away from each other. *VWOOM-CHOMP* Watching its jaws be forcefully snapped shut, my smile turned greedy. -I see.. so that's how it is!-

Aura couldn't create force out of nowhere, it was more like a cloud of mist that could be crystallized into strings or objects, while needing something with mass to push or pull on to exert force.

It was just like any other object, except devoid of mass, so even at a glance it was tricky to use. -But what if I used it to spread out the weight of an impact?-

Pulling back my axe with both hands, I instantly drove it into the wyvern's chin, bracing it across my back before spreading the weight of the impact out with a series of massive columns of aura. *CRACKLEE*

*PUMF* The entire area I distributed the impact was instantaneously flattened before being sunk into the ground several meters.

But it was working. *CREAK* Bending my axe across my back, I stood up, forcing the wyvern's momentum into the ground next to me while keeping its face aimed at me. -Alright you oversized bastard...- Wincing slightly as my brain felt like it was tearing itself apart, I looked up at the rest of the wyvern's body hurtling toward me, and stiffened my aura underground in hopes of strengthening it. -Let's see if your neck can handle this!-

*WOOOOM* Watching his neck begin folding and bending over itself, my greedy smile widened, waiting for the satisfying snap of bone.

But the snap that met my ears wasn't from the wyvern's neck. *Clank*

Feeling the unfathomable weight pressing down on me suddenly vanish, I froze. -W..what...-

My axe snapped, unable to continue holding the wyvern's head in place.

*CRUNCH-WHAAAAMM* Immediately correcting its head by carving it through the ground, my pupils dilated and snapped to it.

If I let it correct itself from the position it was in, I was going to either die, or have to run away.

Without a weapon or proper resources, I had no way to win.

But instead of taking advantage of its disorientation to run away, in the fraction of a second I watched the wyvern begin correcting the position of its head, I bolted at it, pulling back my non-broken fist as I approached its crown, the back of its skull, while using my aura to slow it down as much as possible.

-I have to put everything in this...- Zoning out, my expression turned cold before my fist teleported into the wyvern's scales.

*CRRRRACK-WHAAAMMMM* Its scales shattered instantly in an attempt to absorb the impact, but as cracks ripped through its nearby horns, its body went limp.

*WooooOOOSH-CRACCKLEE* Smashing apart the flattened rocky mountainside as it limply fell only its back, I stared at it somewhat blankly while gripping my arm for a moment.

But as my nerves finally eased, a slightly crazed smile washed over my face. "WHAT A RUSH!"

My left arm was completely broken, with my hand and forearm completely shattered, and my shoulder thrown out of socket.

But I was used to much worse. *Pop* Casually popping my shoulder back in place with my other broken hand, I pulled my glove off to see just how bad it was, only to find my hand already purple, and somewhat swollen. -But there aren't any bones sticking from it... How lucky!-

*Cl-l-link* Quickly closing it back up, I honestly mostly ignored it. -Hopefully, my body's ability to heal won't be hindered by my lack of upgrades too...- Normally, such an injury would take about a day to heal. -But without mana I can't even guess how long it will take...-

"Hooh..." -For now...- Looking up at the massive wyvern, laying unconscious as if sleeping, I used my aura to open its mouth before quickly hopping up into it, and kicking the top of one of its fangs as hard as I could.

*CRACK* It immediately bent inward, sticking the root out of its gums before I used my aura to push it out and move it into my inventory. *Vwoop* -Let's finish you off, shall we?-

Quickly making my way around its tongue, and toward the back of its throat, I hopped down into a chamber that connected the throat to its sinuses with a splat, instantly sinking ankle-deep into a pool of saliva so corrosive, it burned my lungs just breathing near it.

*Vwoop* But as I crafted what was essentially a massive nail from its enamel, and stabbed the tip into the roof of its sinuses, I hopped up onto the blunt head and gave my farewell. "It was a very pleasurable fight, Mister Wyvern. Thanks for waking me up."

Lifting my foot, I used my aura to keep me held down before stomping. *CRACKLE* It drove the bone nail straight into its skull, and pierced its brain.


Mission Completed 
You have killed "The Volcanic Tyrant"
Level 9218
Rank: Upper -0
12,819,115,220 Gold  321 Items: <Expand> Unable to receive Upgrades: Converting To Mana


Critical Error
No Further Missions Currently Available

-It's the same...- It was almost identical to the panel I saw the first time I returned to Earth. -But there's no 'feature unlocked' note...- Anxiously reaching out, I tapped the panel anyway.


Return Available
You can now return to worlds you have previously visited as long as they have not been destroyed.
Available Worlds: 1

A wave of relief instantly washed over me as I read the panel. -Oh my.. thank the heavens...-

But the relief only accelerated the dopamine dump that followed the fight. "Hooh..." -Okay...- Quickly trying to ease my nerves with a heavy breath, I popped the bone nail out of the wyvern's skull with my boot before tossing it in my inventory.

Before I was going to return to Earth, I wanted to harvest some of the wyvern. -But I shouldn't lollygag in case another mission pops up...-

As things were, I absolutely could not complete another mission. Best case scenario it'd be of equal difficulty to what I just completed, and I simply wasn't in the state to do something like that. -I need to learn about mana.. and soon...-

Had I not learned the little bit about aura I had in the half day I was on Earth, I would have been in serious trouble, and very likely would have had to retreat to come up with an entirely different plan of approach. -Of course, it would have been easier if I knew what I was fighting from the beginning.- But I also wasn't sure that would've even made a difference considering where I mentally set my own limits.

"Haah..." -It's done, regardless...- Rustling my own hair as I hopped up and walked back out of the wyvern's mouth, my mind started racing. -Let's just focus on harvesting what I can, and getting back to Earth...-

Eventually prying open its jaw and walking out, I looked up at the dark night sky, dimly lit by the glow of distant galaxies, nebulas, and stars in an effort to calm down.

But my mind never slowed down, and the glow in my eyes never dimmed. "I guess this is the way the universe is telling me I got too comfortable, huh..."

I was a bit stressed and anxious, but at the same time, I felt good.

I felt excited. -I can only pray that this isn’t the beginning of the end…-

Mid Afternoon - Early Summer : Arlington, Virginia | East Coast United States
- Alrek Occoro ~

"This just in. The culprit of the attack in the heart of Arlington has been confirmed as a recently returned System Mercenary named Evren Lestir. Currently, the ISO and United States Military is investigating the matter more deeply, however, the ISO appears to stand by the fact that she was not a destroyer. We have attempted to reach out to Sir Occoro personally in order to confirm this rumor, but have not received a response. For now, there is an interview taking place with the receptionist who interacted with her personally at the ISO, so I will pass you all there. Let us watch it together." *Click* The screen of the wide TV at the front of my office instantly switched to the interview of our young receptionist taking place at the bottom of the spire.

It was the global news broadcast, actively reporting on the incident that happened here in Arlington several hours prior. -But we can't release anything on it yet...-

After speaking with the military and almost losing our lives to a gate that suddenly appeared in the middle of the spire, we were at a complete loss at what to do. -If we mark her as a destroyer like the military wants, the public will be satisfied with something to blame, and the chaos will calm down after news breaks that she isn't around.- We could even play it as if we dealt with her. -But if she returns, she might really turn into a destroyer...-

There was just no good way out of the situation we were in.

For the time being, since the US military and I couldn't come to an agreement, we called upon the Church to see if they knew anything while waiting for my boss to return. -For now, our receptionist should help calm the negative sentiment toward her...-

But while I watched the interview, it was clear the broadcast was trying to twist the story.

*tap-tap-tap-tap* Tapping on my desk, I glanced toward the door, considering going down and doing the interview myself. -But if the Church confirms she was a destroyer after I dismiss it, the ISO's image will be damaged...-

What I needed was the church to come out with an oracle to clear the air about it, or even Evren herself to reappear somewhere, perhaps after being transported somewhere by an administrator, but I expected nothing. -If the gate was from an administrator though, the Church should know something about it...-

But even though we sent the message several hours ago, there was still no response. "Haah..."

*Beep* Hearing the TV beep, I quickly looked back up at it to see the emergency broadcast on. "This just in. It has now been confirmed that Jack Ricora, a relatively new apostle of the Church of Michael, has been confirmed dead in Richmond. The cause of death is unknown, but people on site are saying it was caused by a blunt impact to the stomach. We will report on it as we get more information. Now returning to the interview in the Arlington ISO..." *Click*

It was not the news I was looking forward to. -Shit...- It was the person the military stated Evren fought when she first returned to the city according to the military. -The fact she didn't say anything about it is a bad sign...-

It meant she was hiding something...

-Maybe the gate and enforcers were because she was really a destroyer...- Turning around and looking out the window behind my desk as I fell into thought, my expression darkened.

The odds were slowly turning against me, but the more I thought about it, the more my position firmed. -If she's confirmed to be a destroyer by the church, I will most certainly catch punishment for not catching it, whether I stand by her being a destroyer or not... And if I call her a destroyer when she isn't.. and she returns, I'll most certainly lose everything I have worked my ass off to gain...-

No matter which side I chose, it would be a gamble.

But there was one direction that gave me better results if I won.

Glancing over my shoulder, toward the interview, my dark expression finally firmed. -It may be selfish... But if I don't take this gamble, I'm just postponing the inevitable...-

"Haah..." Letting out a sigh as I reached for the lanyard with my ID on it, I looked up toward the ceiling and spoke softly. "My lord, if I am wrong.. please grant me forgiveness..."

It was time to take the gamble that would change the course of my life as I knew it...

For better...

Or for worse...


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