The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 18- Decision

*Knock* *Knock*

Blake's slumber was disturbed by the knocking on the door.

"Agh..." The upper part of his forehead, near the scalp, was hurting badly because last night his sleeping position was way beyond awkward.

He was studying some books which were kept in the detention room and while reading he fell asleep on the chair—and now, in the morning he found himself settled on the ground while his arms were on the chair and his head resting over his arms.

Shaking his head, he got up from the ground and called out, "A moment."

His limbs were a little numb that's why it took some time to reach the door and pull it open.

On the other side, the familiar blond Professor stood.

Blake raised his brows before he looked at the clock.

Sighing, he said, "It's only six."

"And why is that a problem?" Charles' counter-question made Blake shake his head in defeat. There was no point in arguing.

He asked for some minutes to freshen up and Charles didn't say anything against it.

Blake didn't have any extra clothes on him, so after freshening up she straightened his wrinkled clothes and used water to comb his bedhead. Using a mint capsule to brush his teeth, he was done.

"Let's go." Taking his bag in which some of his most valuable things were stored, Blake called out.

Charles silently stood up and led Blake out of the building.

While they were on the way to the Headmaster's office, they came across numerous students who woke up early to exercise and train.

Naturally, Blake attracted numerous gazes in his direction and those looks weren't positive, per se. Either they were looking at him in disgust or curiosity. Their latter seemed to be curious about why Blake was still alive.

Blake ignored those whispers and asked the Professor, "Will I get to take my belongings from my mansion?"

Charles responded without much thought, "Retrieve them before the weekend since the Headmaster has decided to demolish it completely. "

Blake expected as much and he was thankful that he would get the time to take his clothes from his already demolished humble abode. While he was practicing new spells, Blake practically left no corner of the house unaffected. Most of the mansion was already in ruins so he didn't feel much remorse about the decision taken by the old man.

It didn't take long before the duo reached the office of the person who holds the utmost authority in the Academy.


After knocking once, the blond Professor clicked open the wooden door before giving Blake the space to enter.

Blake slowly walked in, followed by Charles.

Across the room, sitting on his tall mahogany chair was the old man who was the ultimate administrator of the academy.

With his eyes locked on the parchment resting over his desk, the headmaster remained completely silent and inattentive, like he never noticed the duo walking in.

"Sit," Charles said before Blake hesitantly pulled a chair for himself and sat down on the left. Charles also sat down beside him and both of them waited for the Headmaster to initiate the conversation.

The silence didn't persist for long before the gruff voice of the Headmaster reached the other two, "Have you decided to leave the Academy now?"

Blake was taken aback by the question, but his response didn't take much time to form, "No...why should I?"

Although it didn't look like it was from his indifferent front, from the inside, the Headmaster was annoyed to hear that response.

"After what happened, do you still feel there is a place for you in this Academy?" Those grey eyes directed at Blake held a strong sense of enmity. Charles also sensed it but he remained silent and allowed Blake to continue this conversation.

Blake, in response, wanted to chuckle in amusement. This old man still felt quite salty about that day when the old Blake tricked him into signing the contract.

Retaining a solemn front, Blake responded, "Unless I don't get kicked out, I am not leaving, Headmaster. And we both know, I haven't done anything worth getting rusticated."

The older one gritted his teeth as he spat, "After committing such a grave sin, you still have the audacity to show your face in front of others?"

"Yes, I have." Blake's blunt response elevated his anger but before the Headmaster could have continued, Charles coughed.

The interruption was not a symptom of cold but rather, a signal that it was high time for the Headmaster to stop.

Charles was not just the Headmaster's assistant but also his close friend. As such, only Charles was the one who could have dared to interject here.

The oldest one in the room grumbled inwardly. This was not how he was supposed to act as a Headmaster—he realized.

It took some time and Blake was very patient to not utter a word, before the Headmaster finally calmed down and got to the point.

"Because of the students' animosity towards you, it would be highly difficult to assign you a dorm. And your old mansion is also going to get demolished. The church has already stated that student Blake would never be allowed to enter God's place. Under these circumstances, I would like to ask if student Blake has some arrangements in mind regarding your lodging. "

All those words were spoken in one breath—signifying that the old man had the main topic in mind from the beginning but upon getting face to face with Blake, he got a little emotional.

Blake remained silent for a moment before responding,

"Can I live on the eastern side of the forest? That side isn't allowed by the students to venture so I won't be disturbing anyone."

Charles frowned after hearing that, before he asked, " You know why it is forbidden for the students to go there, right?"

Blake nodded, "Yes...because there is a possibility of the Great Serpent residing in that forest, right?"

"And you still want to go there?" Charles' question—which sounded like he wasn't able to believe the teenager in front—brought a shrug from Blake.

"I approve." The Headmaster suddenly interjected before Charles could have said anything else.

The blond Professor's brows knitted even closer, "But Headmaster, if all the students are forbidden from going there, then how can you allow-"

"Mr. Charles, I would like you to stop judging my decisions. Based on the meager options we have, I think it would be best if student Blake himself takes care of his accommodation."

Charles narrowed his eyes at the person. He was clearly breaking the rules....but then again, it was the Headmaster himself who made them, so Charles could do nothing about it.

"Okay then, good day to you both." Saying so the white bearded man continued his work.

Blake shared a glance with Charles before the two of them got up and made their way outside the office.

Once out, Blake was about to return to his mansion and take some belongings from there, when suddenly, Charles called out,

"After you return from the company's meeting, meet me in my office. If I am not there, tell my secretary to call me."

Blake was slightly surprised by the sudden invitation but he knew, given Charles' kind personality, that this invitation was for Blake's good.

Without pondering over it for long, Blake assented,



A/N:- Thanks for reading.

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