The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 29- Uncertain

[Catherine's POV:]

I was lying on the bed for a long time after returning from the forest. I had taken a leave today from classes so I could sleep for some hours. However, with my current state of mind, I couldn't sleep at all.

The meeting I had with Blake last night was occupying my head, rent-free.

Yesterday...he seemed different...and honest.

I didn't know Blake could be so straight with his thoughts like that. I had a hard time keeping up with him. The way he expressed his feelings and honestly confessed whatever he felt towards me...towards our separation, left me blank.

I had an uncertain perception of how Blake saw 'us'. However, when he said, 'I missed you a lot', I knew he was on the same wavelength as I.

'I did convey things properly, right?' Being as shy as I could, I wasn't able to utter anything properly in front of him last night. Thinking back, I felt I was being an indecisive moron for missing that chance of talking to him by being all fidgety and shy.

'Ugh...he must be thinking that I am a withdrawn fool...' Rolling around the bed, I covered my face in frustration.

Then all of a sudden, my body came to a halt when I recalled him saying, 'I might fall for you again...'

For some reason, that statement made me both sad and happy. Happy because I knew he once was in love with me but sad that he no longer holds me dear to his heart. Probably because of how I used to treat him.

I know I shouldn't be feeling like this toward anyone, considering my role as the Saintess, however, hearing that Blake doesn't feel anything for me anymore made me a little disheartened.

'No...I shouldn't be feeling like this. He has given me such an important role; I can't just let myself get stuck in such thoughts...' Straightening my back I looked at my reflection in the mirror and scolded myself.

In this whole world, Blake chose to trust me. He gave me the role of being his informer since he has faith in no one but me. And I have to live up to his expectations.

My only role was to gather information about the Capital's movements, Headmaster and if there was any other anomalous event occurring.

Every night of alternate weeks, he gave me permission to go and see him in the forest.

Every fourteen days, I can see him. Can feel his presence and be near him again.

Blake has promised me that he would compensate me in the future for the help I would be providing. But he doesn't know that allowing me to see him was a hefty reward already.


[Third Person POV:]

Luring your prey takes three simple things: Patience, patience and patience.

If you have set up your trap then you need to wait patiently for your prey to become careless and get trapped. And Blake right now was doing the same thing by attaching himself to a nearby branch of a tree and keenly watching the trap he had set up to catch a raven bird.

He couldn't catch one using his spell for two reasons. First, Raven birds are fast and have camouflage skills. Second, he couldn't use a flashy spell that makes too much noise which could end up alerting the guards at the nearby border region.

The concoction he is creating needs the heart of the Raven bird, the branwide herbs, luna crystals, golden honey and elven leaf.

Each ingredient has its properties and would serve its purpose in preparing a perfect low-mid rank mana purifying potion. The higher the potion rank, the rarer the ingredients become.

'Just come on out now...' He has been waiting for the past five hours near the trap, waiting for the raven bird to get lured. There were many around however, none of them were taking the bait—except for one who flew by the trap thrice by now.

The raven bird likes to prey on dead ground moose, so Blake catches one and uses it to tempt them.

'In a few days, I have to search for them as well...' While hanging, he thought of his future plans. The 'them' here was the group of mercenaries who would be attacking the Emperor during the event.

It would be a gradual process of involving himself in the group somehow and helping them strategize the ambush. If they fail, things will become problematic for him. The Emperor doesn't need to die but has to experience a near-death experience so he can be gratified by Blake.

There was a thirty per cent chance for this to succeed, and if it didn't, then Blake had another plan as well.


Hearing that loud croaking sound, Blake smirked before he got out of his hiding and advanced toward his prey.


Early in the morning, Carlson was summoned to the Headmaster's office for some unknown reason.

He was quite sleepy until dawn, he was searching for Blake, and when he returned, he found a letter from the headmaster waiting for him on the table.

"*Yaaaawwwwn*" Tears built in his eyes as he stretched his arms and released a loud yawn.

The students who passed by looked at Carlson with a gaze of admiration and respect. Some said 'good morning' to him politely and some girls blushed while they passed greetings.

Carlson's popularity has skyrocketed. Not only was he hailed as the server of justice but a broken-hearted hero as well, who was betrayed by his lover(Catherine).

Carlson knew all those titles were unneeded since neither he was serving justice nor was he betrayed. In the first place, his relationship with Catherine never progressed any further than being friends.

And now, Catherine has feelings for Blake.

Yes, Carlson has realised that already. The way Catherine seems eager to see him...the way she talks about him, there is no doubt that she has fallen for Blake.

Initially, he thought the Saintess was being brainwashed, but he realised that it was wishful thinking, not a rational judgment.

Now Carlson doesn't know what he should do. Should he just let go of his first love or try to change her mind? The first option seems the best but tough on him. And the second one seems nigh impossible given how immature and inexperienced Carlson was in the matter of romance.

'Should I ask Charlotte for help...?'

With such thoughts, Carlson finally reached the Headmaster's office and knocked twice.

After receiving the permission to enter, he twisted open the door and stepped inside the office.

"You called me, Headmaster?" Standing near the entrance with his hands joined behind his back, Carlson respectfully asked.

The old man nodded before he gestured towards the third person in the room and said, "Meet Captain Rudolph...the leader of the battalion who would be searching for Blake."

Carlson's brows grew closer in a frown as he looked at the middle-aged man with a deep cut going down the middle of his head and ending right at the crown of his nose.

The man looked strong, and at a glance, Carlson could say that the man had experienced a lot of battles—unlike the last battalion captain he met.

However, that doesn't mean Carlson was fine working with another commander, which urged him to say,

"Excuse my rudeness, Headmaster, but after my last experience, I am not so fond of working with the Royal Order."

His statement clearly suggested that he was displeased by the performance of the previous battalion which was sent. And involving himself with these people would bring nothing but a headache to Carlson.

"There has been some misjudgement from our side last time, Warrior and I am deeply apologetic about that." Rudolph began as he got up from his seat and advanced towards Carlson.

Carlson momentarily flinched, seeing the man's rugged build and imposing aura, which became fiercer as he approached Carlson.

Remaining silent, Carlson heard him continuing,

"To ensure that nothing like the last time occurs again, how about we make a pact? A pact that we and you would be sincere in this search operation? How about it?"

The older one narrowed his eyes when he asked Carlson.

For a moment, Carlson thought that the Captain had information about what happened during that incident and how Carlson helped Blake. However, he soon dismissed those thoughts and with a bold fron

t, he answered,

"I refuse."


A/N:- Not so cool of you to think of seducing Catherine. Not cool at all.

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