The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 31- Took the next step

" are going to meet someone who would be helping you, right?" It was the second week since Catherine's visit and now she was back in the forest as she promised.

There was not much information she had to share but she didn't even think once to not meet Blake. Rather, even though she didn't have anything to share she knew she definitely had to come.

Her conscious mind was telling her that it was because she was anxious about Blake and his living conditions. However, her subconscious mind has already realized the reason behind her excessive attention to him.

Even when she is not with him, while in classes or the cafeteria, she can't help but reminisce about those seven days she spent with Blake in the mansion.

Those seven days...they have gone through several phases. She has shared things with him that Catherine had never told anyone before, and it was the same for Blake as well. He has opened up and revealed things that define his current self.

Those seven days have taken permanent residence in her memories, and each moment of those seven days was etched deeply in her mind.

Now, whether she was here because she was stressed about Blake or there was something else...she was trying to discern it.

"Yes, I have to. I don't have many options if I want to gain freedom." Blake responded as he continued to gather the branches of the trees to make a small campfire. Since Catherine said she would prepare dinner, he was eagerly trying to prepare the fire.

Catherine found the gesture adorable. However, her anxiety didn't let her enjoy the moment as she asked him, "Blake, you know things would become quite difficult if someone finds out that you are siding with the people who plan on assassinating the Emperor, right?"

Blake has told her his plans. He told her that he received a tip from someone who used to work for him in the past, that there would be an attack on the Emperor in the upcoming event. Since Blake said that the source was reliable Catherine didn't doubt the information either. However, this plan was quite risky and could worsen Blake's reputation.

However, if Blake had another option he wouldn't have gone for this one in the first place.

After thinking for a bit, Catherine suggested, "How about you inform the central administration about this mercenary group, and in exchange for saving the Emperor's life, all your charges would be lifted." With a smile extending her lips she excitedly added, "You might get a reward as well."

Blake halted in his tracks and, with a helpless smile, he looked at the innocent Saintess. She is so bright and kind that she deems the world to be the same as herself.

However, this world was evil, and she needed to understand how things work so she could survive longer.

"Catherine, I am happy that you are looking out for me...but the method you are suggesting would still land me in jail."

Catherine blinked in surprise and waited for him to continue.

"Informing the administration that there is a group planning to assassinate the Emperor would raise suspicion against me...that how did I attain such information? And then, without any proof, they won't believe me either."

The frail shoulders of the saintess dropped in dejection and her eyes landed on the ground in helplessness. She couldn't think of any way of helping Blake in this situation. It feels like all the hard work she has done as a Saintess until now was for nought when she couldn't even help her friend.

Blake neared the girl and crouched down before placing his hand on her shoulder.

"You don't have to look that sad. I appreciate the feeling you carry for me. There is only you in this whole world who still believe in me and don't want me dead. You just being here means a lot to me, you know. It...makes me feel that the world hasn't rejected me completely yet."

"And it never will. You won't get neglected in the future, I assure you, Blake." The person who mostly maintains composure to show such an enthusiastic reaction was worth being surprised about.

Blake smiled at her fondly and held her clenched fist.

The distance between them, once again, was quite close. She could feel his warmth and his presence overwhelmed her mind.

Her fierce eyes slowly turned round as she looked at Blake with an upturned gaze

Blake, in that moment, was also awestruck by how clear and beautiful her eyes looked.

She didn't know what came over her, but suddenly, Catherine closed her eyes and tilted her body a little forward.

Blake was shocked to see what she was wordlessly demanding here.

His mind went blank to realise where he had led her to...and now, Catherine was expecting a kiss from him.

However, he maintained his rationality at that moment and with all the experience he had accumulated over the years, he resisted the urge to taste those sweet and plump lips.

She can't get involved with him in a romantic way...she is the main heroine who is destined to be with Carlson....he cannot and will not...


Just as he was about to get up, Catherine tugged on his sleeve and looked at him with her eyes filled with tears.

In a pitiful voice which can melt the cruellest heart and put a break to war, she asked, "Am I, not your type?"


An explosion occurred inside him, and the blast eradicated his rationality.

Blake pushed his lips onto hers and pressed her against the tree.

Their lips clashed and locked in a fiery embrace, with Blake on the charge and Catherine following his lead.

Their lips parted for a moment only to reunite in the next, and the passion they shared for each other was expressed through the kiss.

Catherine has never been kissed before. She never thought of having a romantic relationship with anyone in the past because of her job. However, after meeting Blake and spending time with him, she understood that she was lonely and maintained a facade in front of others to be kind and caring.

However, in front of Blake, she could be herself—childish and greedy. Sometimes caring and sometimes demanding. And Blake accepted her true self without showing any disappointment.

Maybe that's the reason why she fell for him. And now, Catherine did not doubt admitting her feelings.

She loves Blake.


A/N:- Just grab her and leave the nation and start a new and peaceful life. Let the world burn while you enjoy a slow faming live with your precious Saintess.

On a side note, there is still no review of this story. Drop a review if you found this story entertaining 😃

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