The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Male with cannon fodder predecessor 17

Lu Hongming’s recent days are not so good. First, the eldest son Lu Hai maliciously planted his younger son Lu Ze’s company, causing Lu’s defendant to go to court, causing a dissatisfaction with the board of directors.

When he finally got out of Lu Hai, his wife Zhao Yunzhi went in again, saying that it was related to his ex-wife’s car accident. The murder case was involved, the company’s image was greatly affected, and the board of directors also took the opportunity to ask for the removal of the position of vice president of Luhai. If most of the equity is still in his hands, then the gang will probably even withdraw from his chairman.

The ex-wife has been dead for so many years, but the case has suddenly been re-examined. The board of directors has actively cooperated with the attack. It is said that this is not Lu Ze’s handwriting. Lu Hongming said nothing.

In his view, Lu Ze was driven out of the house because of homosexuality, what is the relationship with Zhao Yunzhi’s mother and child? This rebellion, even if it is messed up with a man, is still not repented after being driven out.

However, the problem is still to be solved. Tianchen has already brought Lu to the court. If it is not settled, Lu Hai is likely to face jail time. There is also Yunzhi, she has always been gentle and kind, how can she make such a thing to buy murder?

Lu Hongming intends to talk to Lu Ze, but after seeing the cold in the office, he still can’t resist the anger: “How is he here?”

After that, he squinted and screamed: “In order to avenge me, you can even make such a thing to tell me. It really disappoints me.”

Xiang Han is very speechless about this kind of jealousy. It’s true that even my father’s fingernails can’t match. He became more and more sympathetic to Lu Ze, and could not help but argue: “Lu Dong, is not a false accusation, the judge and the police have their own judgment.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Hongming replied directly to him: “What are you doing, here is your share?”

Lu Ze’s face suddenly sank, and coldly said: “I’m going to say something to the cold. In addition, if you are here to train people, you will not be accompanied.”

After saying that the secretary was directly sent to the guest, Lu Hong’s face was red, and he finally endured it. He bit his teeth: “I am going to talk to you about the lawsuit.”

This is even more nothing to talk about, Lu Ze said: the court has to pay, the money has to pay.

Lu Hongming was mad at the three feet. When he left, he said: “Do you think that a small company like Tianchen can win Lu’s?”

It is a pity that after two months of trial, Tianchen won the case. Lu will not only compensate Tianchen for 40 million yuan, but also must apology for a month in a row. Lu Hongming has found the best lawyers and eventually only picked up a land.

But things are not over yet, Zhao Yunzhi’s case is still under investigation, and the evidence is more and more conclusive. Even the driver Kong Dezhang has begun to retract. Lu Hongming did not expect that Zhao Yunzhi would really buy a murderer. Is this the tender, kind, understanding of his first love in his impression? He was disheartened, and even the land was cold.

When Lu Hai was out of the detention center, his mother was arrested, and even his position was lowered. Now there is no support from Lu Hongming. What is the meaning of ‘frustration’? These days, he went to the bar to get drunk when he was fine, and drunk back every time he drunk, and then… he drove a car accident, but he slammed Lu Ze.

So Lu Hai came out less than two months, and then went in again. Lu Hongming did not control their mother and son. He recently wrapped up a small star, and it seems that he intends to regenerate an heir.

After Lu Ze heard about it, he smiled ironically and then said nothing, while speeding up the development of new games, while secretly buying shares in the Lu Group.

In the past few days, I have been helping the day and night, although Qian Xiaofeng very much hopes that he will go to the technical department, but he knows his own weight, and he has chosen the art department and designed the battleship and mech.

To say that Xiang Han was also an aspiring young man, he also dreamed of wearing military uniforms and driving a battleship to swim in Xinghai. Unfortunately, the mental strength is too weak, and finally joined the network literature business. Even so, he is still a full-fledged military fan. He is familiar with all kinds of federal warships and mechs. As long as the military has released information, he is well aware of it. In this regard, even Big A and Little B could not help but be surprised.

In addition, he has a unique advantage in designing Star Wars games. What black holes, wormholes, star gates, battleships, star explosions, etc., have not been seen by others, but he has seen them. Plus the system provides information, the design should not be too smooth.

“To the assistant, you arrive at our entire department.” The head of the art department, , praised him, and he did not supply him.

Qian Xiaofeng of the Ministry of Technology is very depressed about this. More than once, he went to Lu Ze to complain: “I said that you can persuade him, a good computer graduate of the A major computer department, do not engage in the process of doing art, is this not a business? ?”

Lu Zebian bowed his head and asked the document: “The technical department is missing?”

“That’s not there, but let the program God go to the art, this is not a waste of talent. Or, let him put the position of our technical department?”

Lu Ze directly said: “If you don’t lack people, go out.”

Since I went to the art department to the cold, I only think about warships and mechs every day. I am afraid that even my husband will forget. I also want him to arrange people to go to the technical department and dream.

Lu Ze flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes and began to calculate what to do tonight, so he turned to the bed and ate it.

Half a year later, Zhao Yunzhi bought a murder case and the driver was sentenced to an indefinite period. Zhao Yunzhi died. At the end of the verdict, Zhao Yunzhi was weakened by the whole person and was placed under the two police officers.

Lu Hongming did not show up from start to finish. It is said that the little star he had packaged was pregnant, but the fetal position was unstable. He was always in the hospital.

When he walked out of the court, Lu Hai glanced at Lu Ze and drove to the hospital.

To the cold, some unhappy said: “It is a **** murder. He still has a face to marry you. Who is this?”

Lu Ze took him away and said, “Don’t worry, he will be a few days away.”

Not long after, I heard that Lu Hai rushed into the hospital that day, and pushed the little star under the anger, and the result directly pushed the stairs down. If the child is gone, the adult is also not hurt. Lu Hong’s almost stroked stroke directly slammed Lu Hai and drove him out of Lu’s home.

“It’s too bloody.” Sighing to the cold ”, could not help but ask Lu Ze: “Do you know that this will happen?”

“How can I know?” Lu Zeyi’s head, perfunctory.

To the cold Tianzheng believe, at this time he absolutely can not think of it, will soon meet the little star and Lu Zeyan smile, and then with a bank card to leave.

A year later, the Star Wars game “Twilight” produced by Tianchen was officially launched. On the first day of the public beta, it attracted millions of players and quickly became popular all over the country. Many foreign players are also very obsessed, because “Dawn” only has national costumes. In order to understand the words in the game, many people even reported Chinese interest classes.

Soon, a famous physicist said in an interview that he recently liked a star war game called “Twilight”, and he was indulged for hours every day. The game’s rules of the universe, the physical system, etc. are so amazing that he was inspired by theories of space transitions and wormholes. He even believes that many theories about flying ships and stargates in games are also feasible.

This physicist is an old predecessor in the scientific community and has made tremendous contributions to modern physics. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the founder. After he said this, and then through the media, “Dawn” quickly entered the public’s field of vision, the player instantly broke 100 million.

Many people have a serious ridicule: “I am not playing games, exploring the universe, pursuing the truth…”, “I heard that XXX also plays this game, will I accidentally come to his battleship?”, “XXX Still alive? Scorpio, that’s the person in the physics textbook!”…

National intelligence agencies quickly focused on the game, and even set up a department to study the theoretical basis of warships, mechs and other weapons in the game, as well as the interstellar system in the game.

Not long after, Tianchen was found by the top of the country, and Lu Ze and Xiang Han were invited to talk for a long time. When they came back, “Dawn” suddenly issued an announcement, to repair the server, and time is uncertain.

The players suddenly became miserable, and the intelligence agencies were not aware of it and quickly accelerated their actions. Sure enough, half a month later, “Dawn” was reopened, and all theoretical systems disappeared.

After Lu Ze turned over the core technology of “Dawn”, it is not without any benefit. Tianchen was quickly supported by the government and became an oligarch in the game industry.

For Lu Ze, this sale is not a loss. He is a businessman. The weapon theory and physical system of Twilight are not very useful. The most important thing is that in front of the state machine, he wants to defend and can’t keep it. Hand in, if it is useful, maybe it will benefit mankind. However, he did not think at first that the things that were made to the chilling and ‘husky’ whimsy could have inspired those scientists.

It’s even more indifferent to the cold. Anyway, the theory and system have been changed. What did Big A say, what else is he?

As Tianchen continued to grow, Lu Ze gradually became the largest shareholder of the Lu Group. Not long ago, Lu Hongming made a decision to let Lu’s loss of hundreds of millions of business, Lu Ze suddenly held a general meeting of shareholders, demanding the removal of management.

Lu Hongming was directly mad at the stroke, lying in the hospital bed, and even could not tell. This time, there is no change, but Lu Hongming thought that Lu Zehui took over the position of chairman of the board. It is not so difficult to accept that he is his son. But he never imagined that Lu Ze sold Lu’s directly, or sold him to his death.

After hearing the news in the hospital, Lu Hongming was directly vomiting blood, almost never saved.

After Tianchen went public, Lu Ze became the winner of life, but he became more and more embarrassed.

One morning, he groaned with a sore waist and rolled a few laps on the bed. He suddenly said melancholy: “Small nine, is the task of the world completed? Am I going back?”

The system was shocked and tried to ask: “To Mr., do you want to go back?”

“I seem to be reluctant to target, but after all, it is a game, I have to go back to reality.”

The system suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The big A and B who were eavesdropping were also relieved. Big A coughed and said, “What are you worried about? The task requires helping the target to harvest love, no longer alone. If you come back, he I have to be lonely and old, how can I get the task done?”

“What?! Do you want me to stay in the game for six or seventy years?” I was shocked when I was cold. I couldn’t believe it: “When I go out, don’t you all become a bad old man? Dad. Maybe also…”

Speaking of this, he suddenly blinked.

Big A quickly explained: “To Mr., calm down. The time flow rate in the game is not the same as in reality. You are only one hour in the real world in the game.”

“Yeah, yeah, you stayed there for six or seventy years, and in the past three or four days. In these six or seventy years, you can do a lot of things, which is equivalent to living six or seven more. Ten years, think about whether it is very profitable?” Xiao B followed the advice.

The author has something to say:

To the cold: Fudge, and come to fool me, but I have been set to be stupid and sweet, always believe!

Big A: This time I really didn’t flicker (ー_ー)!!

Lu Ze: Your credit is basically zero.

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