The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 12:Kaizer


I am slowly walking to library in my yellow funny shoes. Isabella gave me these shoes a week ago for my 6th birthday, and I started wearing them often because every time she saw me wearing them, she smiled sweetly. Anyway, now I am six years old, and I thought I should learn as much as possible about the Awakening Ceremony that will probably take place in the coming days.

Of course, the first thing I wanted to learn when I first came to the library was what happened to Isabella's son, so I read the royal book that provided information about the royal family. At first, I thought I would have a hard time because there were almost dozens of royal books, but luckily, I found him in the latest royal book.

Ericsson Asina Lanistork!

He is the first prince and also Isabella's first child. But when I learned his story, the only two emotions I could feel were anger and pity.

Ericsson was unlucky from birth because he was born a dwarf. Unfortunately, being born a dwarf in this world was quite a bad situation. Not only could they not use this world's magic power Kaizer well, but in most of the prevalent religions on this continent, dwarves were also called the children of demons. The devout people of Asina and the nobles wanted this child to die, but when Isabella sent an ultimatum to all the nobles, no one dared to speak up. My father allowed the child to live, but Ericsson's fate was still dark.

The Fate Water ceremony held for Ericsson ended in disaster. The Fate Water suddenly boiled and caught fire, and when an ugly demon with horns appeared in the water for a few seconds, everything turned into chaos. The news spread astonishingly fast in the kingdom. The nobles and the people wanted the baby Ericsson to be executed for being the child of a demon.

Yes, unfortunately, at first, I cursed the people and nobles multiple times for believing such a stupid thing, but then I realized that in my previous world, there were also such barbaric traditions and beliefs. In fact, even in the modern times I lived in, I witnessed the existence of quite disgusting beliefs and traditions, so I couldn't blame people too much...

Later, when my father saw that there were rebellions in some places, he executed the child, and it was clear that from that day on, Isabella had cut all ties with my father. Isabella was the daughter of a marquess in the Kingdom of Asina, and her father was the richest person in the kingdom. Isabella and Richard's marriage was entirely political. But Fiona was another matter. Fiona was actually an insignificant person, and her family was also insignificant, but Fiona's big brother was the person with the second strongest Kaizer (magic power) after the king.

Fiona's brother Lucas was also the marshal general of the Asina Kingdom, so he was a very powerful figure, but my father didn't marry Fiona because of this. Theirs was a love story that could be featured in stupid soap operas. Honestly, at first, I thought it was indeed a coincidental love story, but since I had an unshakable suspicion about Fiona, I investigated it more deeply. Of course, the coincidental meetings or Fiona "accidentally" bumping into my father and falling on him at balls he attended when he was still a prince. Coincidentally, Fiona had the same tastes as my father, or coincidentally, Fiona being kidnapped in front of my father's eyes and then my father "accidentally" seeing and rescuing her... Yes, a lot of accidentally .

Moreover, my instincts tell me that the person who ruined Ericsson's Fate Water ceremony was also Fiona. Additionally, just a week after the day of the Fate Water tradition, the whole kingdom started talking about it. 

There was definitely a conspiracy here. Following all this, the fact that Isabella was subjected to multiple assassination attempts shows me that Fiona is not innocent. Even though I want to eliminate her as quickly as possible, unfortunately, I am only six years old and have no trusted subordinate other than Emilia. 

Oh by the way, five years ago Isabella was not severely punished after attacking Fiona and the king only made her give Fiona a certain amount of money. 

There could be two reasons for this; either the king cared about Isabella more than I thought, or Isabella's family's or Isabella's own power was greater than I anticipated.

Anyway, I have some plans to strengthen myself and fix all this, but first, I need to wait for my awakening day. Even so, I need to stay vigilant at all times because my enemies are stronger than I expected.

Among my future enemies, I must especially watch out for Fiona. Fiona is a hyena. If her opponent is strong, she smiles and compliments them, but then starts plotting behind their back. Such women are very dangerous, and for now, I will try not to draw her attention to me. At least until I cross the bridge, I will smile at Fiona and pretend to respect her.

Now let's return to the major topic. Awakening Day! As the name suggests, Awakening Day means the day when your magical power will awaken. As a former historian, the first thing I did was read the history of magic. And when I read the history of magic, one name kept coming up. Kaizer, or  Kaizer von Goldstone or rather Father of magic!

He was somewhat like the Newton of this world. Magic was used before him, but Kaizer was the first person to formulate magic and explain it mathematically. The Kaizer laws were taught as the most important subject in the academies of this world. Of course, this lesson was long and exhausting, but it contained something very important. The power system!

**Magic Power Levels as Formulated by Kaizer**

Briefly, the magic power levels formulated by Kaizer are as follows:

Kaizer Stage 1  


Kaizer Stage 2  


Kaizer Stage 3  


Kaizer Stage 4  


Kaizer Stage 5  


Kaizer Stage 6  


Kaizer Stage 7  


Kaizer Stage 8  


For example, Isabella is a Kaizer Stage 6 mage, which is why people fear her and she survives all assassination attempts. Anyway, another thing I learned now is that you must not awaken at Kaizer Stage 1 during the Awakening, and in fact, if anyone awakens at Kaizer Stage 1, it indicates that the person is weak. After all, the power difference between someone at Kaizer Stage 1 and someone at Kaizer Stage 2 is never the same. The difference between each level increases exponentially.

So, to put it simply, if you want to defeat someone at Kaizer Stage 6, you would need at least dozens of skilled individuals at Kaizer Stage 5.

These are important pieces of information to remember.

Additionally, it was also a fact that the elements you are close to affect your power. On top of all this, the thing that excited me the most was that your lifespan increases according to your Kaizer power.

 If a person at Kaizer Stage 1 eats healthily, they can live for most fifty years, but someone at Kaizer Stage 6 can live for 300 years. When I first learned this, I was shocked, and then I felt a surge of excitement. After all, who wouldn't want to live for hundreds of years? Oh, by the way, since the majority of humanity is at Kaizer Stage 1, the average lifespan barely reaches around 60 years, and also, Kaizer power potential is a hereditary trait, so if your father or mother is not talented, you are likely to be untalented too.

Yes, this world manages to be quite dark in some respects. Additionally, when magic was first discovered in this world, only one percent of humanity could use it, but now  everyone can use magic at Kaizer Stage 1. This was like an accelerated version of natural selection. Women preferred men with high Kaizer power because they wanted their children to be born with magical power, and men did the same, but the fact was that this world was a patriarchal one.

It was normal for any man with high Kaizer power to have several wives. Of course, there were exceptions; for example, the emperor of the Tiamat Empire, the greatest power on the continent, had only one wife and was very loyal to her.


While I was trying to get this kind of useful information, the door suddenly opened and I saw a relatively beautiful woman with short blonde hair. It was Fiona, looking at me with an arrogant and self-satisfied expression. Emilia frowned, dismantling the architectural marvel of books she had built, and came to my side.

"You've been coming to your library quite often lately, my dear stepson..."

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