The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 1:Beginning

At the end of my meaningless and painful life, as it was nearing its end, a tear fell from my eyes that had been dry for so long. The deep pain I felt was not because of my death, but because of my life. The hospital room I was in was lonely and dark, since there was no one there. Fortunately, a few seconds later, I heard a woman scream, and it was the last human sound I heard. Although the woman’s voice sounded familiar, I couldn't figure out who she was.

But it no longer mattered, and my worthless life had come to an end. Ironically, my painful life ended because of cancer, and I think I was 26 or 25 years old when I died. Yes, I didn’t even know my exact age, as there was no one to celebrate my birthday. I suppose I stopped celebrating my birthday after my only friend at the orphanage died.

Anyway, none of this mattered because I was dead, but... why am I still thinking? I had lost my faith in God, but am I really in the afterlife? Will I be interrogated about my sins now? But the response I got was absolute silence and darkness.

I didn't know how long I had been here, and in fact, I didn't know where here was. I had never thought that people would come to such a dark and silent place after death. Had the angels forgotten to take me?

As I was thinking about this, something suddenly touched my right shoulder. When I looked to my right, I realized that the thing I bumped into was a kind of transparent sphere. Inside this perfect transparent sphere, something was moving, and it seemed as if small lightning bolts were striking within it. What I saw next shocked me because thousands of similar transparent spheres were standing before me. The more interesting thing was that each sphere was different inside, and there were different symbols within them.

It didn't take long for me to realize that there were far more spheres than the thousands I had initially thought. My body was floating among these spheres as if it had no weight, and I carefully looked at each one, but I couldn't understand what they were. A few seconds later, a sphere next to me exploded and quickly disappeared. I still didn’t understand what had happened. Then, in the place where the sphere had exploded, another sphere appeared, which was quite different from the one that had just exploded.

I wasn’t sure if the concept of time existed here, but if there had been a clock, I was sure I had been here for hours. When I saw a dark sphere, I approached it curiously and reached out my hand. I hadn’t touched any of the spheres until now, but I decided to take this risk. My hand easily went into the sphere, and at that moment, it felt as if the sphere was trying to pull me in, so I quickly pulled my hand back.

It seemed like something wanted me to enter that sphere, and I wanted to check if the same thing would happen with another sphere. When I approached another sphere, indeed, the same thing happened, and the sphere tried to pull me in. Fortunately, it wasn't very strong, so I could pull my hand away, but now I understood something. These spheres were my ticket out of here, and maybe this was the way to heaven or hell. But this realization worried me; after all, which one should I choose?

This was like a game of chance, and I guess God wanted me to roll the dice even if He didn’t. A few seconds later, I couldn't help but get excited by a thought that came to my mind. Maybe God had pity on me because of the painful life I lived and wanted to offer me a second life! Just like in the novels I read that made me happy, I would be reincarnated and could live a happy life, but I wasn't sure about this. As much as it was a pleasant dream, it would be a bit far-fetched for it to come true.

Even if it were real, which sphere would I choose? After all, I had always been unsuccessful in games of chance in my previous life, and now, relying on luck to decide something that would change my future, was quite disheartening. But I had no other choice; I needed to choose one of these spheres, and with each passing second, some spheres were exploding and being replaced by others.

Finally, I saw a sphere a little further away with symbols that appealed to me. The symbols of a lion, an eagle, and a long-horned goat were the first things that caught my eye. Inside, there was a tall mountain, and some of the green grass was stained with blood. What excited me the most was a wizard's hat next to a sword symbol, and there was also a pentagram right beside it. I really wanted there to be magic, like in the novels I had read, but the blood on the grass worried me.

In the center of the sphere, there was a magnificent throne that was constantly spinning around itself. All these symbols were mostly exciting to me, so with little thought, I reached my hand into the sphere, and soon after, the sphere pulled me inside as if inviting me. I didn't resist the power of the sphere and allowed it to draw me inside, but I regretted my decision when I went blind a few seconds later.

This time, there were only a few things I could feel, and one of them was the constant sound of a heartbeat. Sometimes, I felt like where I was shaking and trembling quite a bit, but mostly, it remained calm. I didn't know where I was, but I decided to wait quietly. At one point, although I heard some strange noises, I didn't care because I didn't understand them. Despite occasionally feeling hungry, my stomach was soon filled, but I had no idea how it happened. After all, I couldn't use my hands or mouth.

I was unusually comfortable because somehow I managed to survive, and life continued like this for a long time. In fact, most of the time, I wasn't aware of the passing time because my mind was mostly closed. But one day, when I felt pain, I woke up unhappily, and soon the pain increased.

My surroundings were very tight and narrow, but when I felt something holding my head, I involuntarily began to feel afraid. It was as if I was being forcibly removed from somewhere, and whoever ended my peaceful life, I cursed them countless times. Suddenly, my whole body started to feel a chilly breeze for the first time, and I began to cry involuntarily. My survival instincts were confused, and when my cries turned into screams at one point, my body finally felt a very soothing warmth.

I had never felt so comfortable in my life, and soon a soft thing touched my mouth. The thing that hit my face was warm, and I had never felt anything so soft before. My mouth opened involuntarily, and when a sweet liquid flowed down my throat, I thought I had reached heaven. A soft hand kept stroking my head and calming me with its warmth. Soon, my eyes began to close because of fatigue, and at that moment, for the first time in years, I prayed to God for this warmth never to end.

"My little boy..."

Before he had time to be surprised by the soothing woman's voice, speaking something he had never heard before in a language, he fell asleep.


I just wrote about the MC coming out of his mother's womb and then drinking milk from her breast... mentalbreakdown.

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