The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 21:Monster

I saw an old memory of my dream today, and I wanted to write it down. It was the birth of a monster and the beginning of my downfall story. Years ago, I was a queen and had ascended to the throne at a very young age. My family was from an insignificant noble lineage, but my father and brother were ambitious beyond measure. Over time, my brother climbed to high ranks in the kingdom because of his ambition and audacious abilities.

As I aged, and my beauty grew, my father's plans for me expanded. I was very happy when I finally realized that I, who needed the love of my family, could do something useful for them. Then my father made a series of plans to get me into the king's good graces, and when the king of Asina finally noticed me, I didn't say anything, even though I knew something was wrong inside. Alone in the palace at a young age, the only ones who seemed to help me were my brother and father. At least, I thought it was help back then.

Initially, my sole purpose was to be a tool for my family's advantage, and I succeeded in this role. However, when I had my first child, my priorities suddenly shifted. Looking at my eldest son, I wanted him to rise to the highest heights, to sit upon the throne. Motherhood had brought about this desire, and I began to scheme cunningly, particularly against Isabella, crimes for which I now feel guilt, telling myself then that I acted for my children.

Did I really do all this for my sons? Perhaps not entirely. In truth, having children provided a convenient pretext to fulfill my own ambitions. I did not want my sons to be the most powerful men in the kingdom; rather, I aimed to be the most powerful woman. I prioritized my desires over theirs, soothing my conscience by convincing myself that it was what my sons wanted. Looking back, I realize I was a rather bad mother, much like many others mother.

Things were going smoothly then, everything under my control, until a child with eyes far older than his six years emerged. His steady, dark gaze seemed to have witnessed too much, exuding an air of wisdom. Sometimes I wonder, what sorrows could such eyes have experienced? This child, raised in the palace with a golden bottle. How did he come to possess such darks eyes?

Regardless, it was too late. The monster had already been born... Now, looking back, I remember not doing much to stop him. I suspected he would pose a threat, but I didn't take him seriously—not because he was just a six-year-old child. After all, I had taken the lives of even smaller and less threatening children.  It was only because of the insidious pleasure that was growing inside me every day, wanting to ruin everything.

Throughout my childhood, everyone, including my family, looked down on me, thinking me not very bright. This bred a desire in me to destroy everything within. I wanted to show everyone, especially my family, or rather, I wanted to shout! You can't do it without me! I'm valuable too! Love me too! See how important I am! See me now!  

But looking back, I see that I only had the power to delay the birth of the monster. There was a stark difference between him and me. Do not misunderstand; I call him a monster not to degrade him, but to elevate him. Giving him any human title would not have been appropriate; he was a monster. That night I saw him, I felt it... the beginning of the end of my former ambitions.

Anyway, I must prepare now. "He" will enter this city today with his army, and I am quite excited to finally see him. He recently conquered this city and expanded his kingdom further. The entire city is excited because they know a great legend will enter their city today. 

Even the daughters of poor families in the city have sewn beautiful dresses, hoping he will notice them. Just like me... I should go now; who knows, maybe I'll secure the front row.

<Queen Fiona's Memoirs>


[Present day/Ethan's POV]

I slid down from my mother's lap before entering the expansive room. After all, I didn't want to be in her arms as I was about to face the king himself. Anyway, as the grand double doors with golden embroideries swung open, I walked in alongside my mother.

 In that moment, I saw Fiona, her eyes reddened from crying, and the assassin who had tried to kill me before, standing right beside her. Next to the assassin, there was Isabella, eyeing Fiona as if ready to strike at any moment, and beside Fiona, a figure with a powerful aura. Amidst it all, my father stood with a stern jaw, exuding authority. I quickly noticed several high-ranking guards in the room as well.

By the time my mother and I entered, I had already formed an idea of what had transpired. Upon entering, all eyes first fell on my mother, and then lingered on me for a long while.

"The child didn't need to come here. He's only six years old anyway" said the stern-looking man next to Fiona. He was likely Huykaun, Fiona's brother.

"The child you speak of is a noble prince! He can go wherever he pleases, whenever he pleases. And you, you are just a servant of the kingdom! Someone who shouldn't speak out of turn, anytime or anywhere" Isabella retorted, her tone menacing.

It seemed Huykaun couldn't say anything back and could only clench his teeth, because Isabella was right.

"May I inquire what you have learned?" asked my mother, fists clenched.

"The assassin confessed under my special interrogation techniques. We have learned that it was indeed Fiona who committed the crime, just as I suspected. Now, we await our just king's decision on what kind of punishment is appropriate," Isabella said, her voice laced with barely noticeable mockery.

"What are we waiting for to decide? Isn't the guilty already clear?!" my mother demanded, her fists tightening.

"That's enough!" said my father, his voice echoing throughout the room. "This is not a marketplace. We are here for the truth to be revealed, not for personal vendettas."

"Now, regarding Fiona's punishment... Considering she confessed her crime and cooperated with us, Also, assuming she is a queen and the mother of my sons, I have tried to make the best decision for the kingdom. Fiona will be placed under surveillance outside the palace and will be forbidden from leaving. She will have no contact with her family members and will not step outside her home. This punishment will be lifelong," Richard declared in an icy voice, 

After these sentences, not realizing how great the anger of the two women would be... 

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