The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 41:Many things

Printing was quite a complex and interesting technology, but luckily, in my previous life, I was a history teacher and even wrote a history book, so I was well-versed in printing machines. Moreover, since the invention of the printing press holds a significant place in history, I had to learn a lot about it as a historian. I have drawn a few printing press designs for now, but there were still some gaps.

Anyway, the last company I will establish and the most profitable one is a banking company that had been established in this world before, but in a very primitive way.

There were some establishments that could be called banks, especially in the Herumzam kingdom in the far south of the continent and in the Tamerid empire. However, using the knowledge from my previous life to set up a modern bank would definitely be very profitable. But of course, it was the company I would establish last among these three projects.

Nonetheless, every day some technologies from my previous world come to mind, and my head is filled with ideas for new projects. But for now, these three projects would suffice. I left all my work on the table and cleaned it up. If there are no issues, I can realize these three projects within at least four years. However, the important thing will be to expand the market share of these three companies on the continent.

Still, I think it will be challenging...

I also took out the journal I started writing recently and briefly summarized the day. Initially, I used the journal to write down important information and details I knew from my previous world, but then I thought that keeping a real journal wouldn't be a bad idea.

After all, if I achieved my goals in this world, I would hold a significant place in history. And as a historian, knowing how difficult it was to access information about past events, I was writing this journal as a kind of gift to future generations of historians.

After putting the journal aside, I dedicated my free time to strengthening my magical power. The more I activated the Kaizer power in my body, the more it developed. Since I had already reached Kaizer Stage 3, I could say that my potential was confirmed to be high.

There was nothing that determined the potential of Kaizer power or Kaizer ability in a person. I could only learn at what stage my Kaizer power was, but the exact ability I had couldn't be determined. I could only make a guess about the ability I had by looking at how quickly I developed.

However, it was impossible for me to be born with a mediocre ability. After all, the Kaizer power level is a hereditary trait that is passed from parents to children. My mother Luciana's Kaizer power was Stage 3, and since I already had as much Kaizer power as her, it was certain that I inherited my father's Kaizer power.

Although Richard's exact Kaizer power was unknown, it was estimated to be at least Stage 7. This indeed indicated that he had great power. My initial plan for the kingdom was to overthrow Richard and seize power, but as I learned more about this world, I could definitely say that it was impossible for now.

For now, I must continue to grow stronger in every possible way. Financially, militarily, magically, in terms of respect, and in many other areas, I must continue to strengthen myself. Somehow, I must rise to the top... I must be the man at the pinnacle.

Thus, I spent my time moving the Kaizer power within my veins until darkness fell, and since my body was drenched in sweat, I went to take a cold shower...


Three days later, I was checking the last details at the military headquarters outside Blackswamp village before mobilizing the army. As a result, I decided to attack the larger rebel camp first. The rebels, numbering about a 5 thousand, posed a significant threat and needed to be eliminated before gaining more members.

Currently, I had roughly 3,500 soldiers under my command, and I had also incorporated the 12th Cavalry Brigade into the army. Although the leaders of the 12th Cavalry were traitors, most of the ordinary soldiers were not guilty, yet on paper, I could easily claim they were guilty and therefore provided them with a cheap but valuable motivation by telling them their crimes would be forgiven if we successfully suppressed the rebellion.

Nevertheless, despite all this, the current number of soldiers was still fewer than the rebels, but this was not important. After all, my soldiers, who had been trained for years and whose job was to fight, would face rebels with little Kaizer power, consisting mostly of peasants armed with scythes.

In short, I would achieve an easy victory, and my only desire for my first battle was to gain experience. Still, of course, I know I shouldn't underestimate the rebels. After all, they could use the forest to create difficulties for me, and there might be many traps they had set up in the forest.

That's why I planned to attack when darkness fell and people were in deep sleep... But apparently, fate had different plans.

This was what I was thinking when Captain Alexis entered my tent.

"Your Excellency, two men carrying a white flag and identifying themselves as envoys of the rebel group wish to speak with you."

"Allow them to come in," I said. I feeling... disappointment inside?

"At your command!" he said and exited the tent.

After Captain Alexis left, my thoughts filled the tent as swiftly as darkness. A white flag was a symbol of peace and surrender. Did the rebels really want to surrender, or was this a trick? Shortly afterward, two men entered the tent. They wore simple but neat clothes and had an obvious tension on their faces.

"Your Excellency, we greet Prince Ethan with all due respect" said an older adults man whose hair had turned white.

"Sit," I said in a composed tone. "I am listening to you" I said, and the two sat down on the chairs in front of me.

The man in front seemed old and experienced. He took a deep breath and began to speak. "My name is Elias. I am leaders of the rebels. The young man next to me is Lukas. We have come to offer you a peace proposal."


"I presume you know how guilty and ruthless Baron Dayoesnis was, given that you executed him. We were fiercely loyal to the Asina Kingdom and His Majesty King Richard, and we absolutely did not wish to fall under the yoke of another state. The rebellion started entirely against Baron Dayoesnis."

"I understand this, but the rules are clear - those who rebel are treated as rebels."

"I know, Your Excellency, I know. My request... no, my plea is for you to pardon the rebels. I am the one who initiated and led this rebellion, and you may take my head as you wish, but my people are not guilty. It was my fault for leading them into rebellion. Please forgive them" he said,and getting up from his chair, kneeling before me, and beginning to plead.

"Okay, old man, I accept your request, but why did you bring the man beside you?"

"Your Excellency, if you accompany this man to our camp later, no one will give you trouble, and Lukas will personally escort you there. However, if you come with too many soldiers, they might see it as an attack and resist. Therefore, if you do not bring your entire army, both sides will avoid losses, and we will be grateful to you once again..."He said with a worried tone in his voice


Once upon a time, there were two sons of bitches. They were called sons of bitches because they were literally sons of bitches. In short, their mother was a famous prostitute who sold her body for money, and they were the bastard sons of that prostitute mother.

Their prostitute mother threw them out on the street when they were six years old and left them to starve. The two brothers somehow managed to survive on the streets and even picked up mice to avoid starvation. As time passed, the eldest of the brothers realized that he had a very strong Kaizer power, and this made him think that their father, whom he had never met before, was a very powerful man.

So he went looking for his father and found him by chance. He saw that his father had taken his mother as a concubine, and he recognized him as his father because he looked like him in many ways. As he thought, his father seemed to be a very important man, so he went to meet him, but... That's when she realized that happy endings only happen in children's books.

His father kicked him out of town, and his stepmother, his father's first wife, sent men after them. As the days passed, life became more and more difficult for the two brothers. The two brothers lived in the woods and tried to survive somehow, but they became increasingly hungry and weak. The older brother, driven mad by hunger, had an idea that would disgust even the devil.

One night, while his little brother was sleeping, he picked up a stone and brutally killed him by crushing his head. He then cooked and ate his brother's body, saying it was the tastiest thing he had ever eaten. He never regretted it... This man, who has lived in some form ever since, now had the habit of cannibalism, and because of his powerful magic, he easily continued to cannibalize.

And now he was back in the forest he hated, with a delicious target in his sights. His... The very thought of what a member of royalty would taste like excited him. Her smile widened as she watched him through the trees and saw that he was surrounded by only 150 soldiers. 

"This will be easy. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh!"

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