The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.01 – The Special Parcel

“See ya Monday, go team!” Gary had barely finished speaking before Fiona slammed her laptop shut. Fucking Gary. Fiona groaned internally at the mere thought of the man.

The last meeting of the week was done. Technically she was meant to work for another 30 minutes, but no one would check and she didn’t have anything to do in that time anyway.

Or well, nothing she had to do.

Nothing she wanted to do, she supposed as she spun around in the chair. Sat in her kitchen/living room in her little flat. Spin, spin. Houseplant. Window. Desk. Fridge. Oven. Houseplant. Kept rotating objects into her focus. Picked up her phone. Looked at it for a moment. Put it down.

She really should stay logged in until she finished. If only to write some notes for whatever code she had to do on Monday. But she had stuff to do.

She opened her laptop a little again, before slamming it shut. She’d made her mind up.

She got up from her desk and left her laptop on the small desk she’d got to keep work separate, before moving through the small room. Sparsely decorated, whatever had been reasonably priced when she moved in. This room was for guests and work, Fiona did not care about it. She’d barely be in it until it was time to work again.

She quickly made her way to the door that led to the second room in her humble abode. Her bedroom much larger than her main living space. One of the reasons she went for this flat.

She was giddy. Excited for today. Her parcel had arrived immediately after she started work, and she’d been counting down the minutes since.

As she stepped into her little lair, her lady cave, whatever she wanted to call it today she wriggled out of the loose sweatpants and kicked off her slippers. Pulled her hoodie off. Standing at just over five feet, the lithe woman wearing black panties and a black tank top squeezing her sizeable boobs together. She stretched, tired after a day’s work, ready to relax. She pulled her scrunchie out letting her dark curly hair fall down around her shoulders.

Her room was warm. And she didn’t like all the clothes anyway, she had to be work appropriate on her calls but.

Her bare feet touched the plush carpet in her large room. Her friends - the few that saw her house - and her family always were on her ass about getting a larger flat. Something bigger. “Fiona, you earn well, you can get a house”.

She couldn’t tell them all her money went to this room. To her... Special interests.

The PC fans softly whirring, joining the multiple sources of pink or teal light covering the room was fair enough. Her large bed - sadly, only used by herself - was fine. Her latest parcel purchase was waiting on it, but she’d get to that in a minute.

She plonked herself into her chair, the light from her four monitors washing over her. Custom figurines of a very scantily clad, muscular woman with a giant hammer and pink hair in various poses on her desk.

She opened up her discord.

Ragehammer: ITS HERE.
Quinty: Hi Fiona. How are you Fiona.
Ragehammer: I KNOW
Quinty: 'Hi Quinty im ok thank you' - Fiona
Anabelle: PICTURE?
Anabelle: NOW
Quinty: Very well, definitely not too distracted by my new dildo to say hello to my friend.
Anabelle: @Quinty shut the fuck up.
Ragehammer: @Anabelle ONE SECOND!

Leaving her role-playing friends behind, she got up and walked to her desk. Passing her shelf full of… well. Colourful, interesting objects. All shapes. Not all sizes, every single one was of significant stature. At last count, she had 274 dildos, vibrators, and other implements of insertion. Every wall had a shelf, and those that did not have sex toys on them were covered in her favorite manga and comics. That she’d also rather her family never see.

Fiona, technically was a virgin. But she definitely wasn’t a virgin virgin. She just hadn’t found anyone in person to play with her. And now she was too shy to talk to anyone about what she needed, about her special interest.

“Hi I know this is the first date, but I need you to shove this 10-inch dildo up my ass“? No that was too much. And anything else wasn’t appealing.

So she had her online friends.

She wasn’t sure how much her collection of toys had cost her, her custom commissioned art of her role-playing character, her lewd manga collection but her walls were covered.

It definitely was the majority of her income.

But this new one… This was hers. Modeled after the long-term character she’d played for… 8 years? She’d always had a cock. Always Fiona dreamed about it.

She ripped the nondescript parcel open. Getting a 3d model created of it hadn’t been cheap, especially with all the revisions. She wanted it flawless. And then getting someone to custom-cast it for her? She’d used a new company, Russian she thought from the Cyrillic characters but she couldn’t tell. Glowing reviews though, were expensive, but every customer seemed ecstatic. "Changed my life completely." 

She just hadn’t looked at the costs in the end. It was fine. She’d been promoted to Principal Software Engineer this year. She was fine.

But it would be worth it. Maybe she wouldn’t get to use it on someone else, but it would be just like Fiona Ragehammer, Barbarian, Six-foot muscle woman fucking her.

And that sounded ideal.

But first show off to her best friends, her RP group who had all enjoyed Ragehammer over the years. Her best friends.

The ones who have been enjoying Fiona Ragehammer with her for almost a third of her life.

There was so much packaging. She chucked the styrofoam packing peanuts and, putting them away until she got to the cardboard box that she tore through.

And she held it in her hands.

Ten inches.

Hot pink and white.

Flared, fat head and the girth. It was twice her wrist. Not that her wrist was much - Real world Fiona did not work out.

You know, other than with her toys.

Still, it was thick - not the thickest she owned, but a challenge. And the bumps and veins. Exactly how she’d specified.

At the base, two fat, bubblegum pink balls swung gently, softer, and more pliable than the main shaft. That cost extra. She loved them.

She couldn’t wait. But she wanted to show it off.

She brought it back over to her chair, and sat in front of her monitors - the background image she’d commissioned of Ragehammer and Arabelle’s character - a voluptuous goblin mage - in a.. Compromising position staring at her.

That had been such a good present for her friend. Her birthday was coming up, she’d have to message the artist again.

She spread her legs and placed the massive toy over her simple black panties, trying to get a good angle. Making it look like it was her cock. Balls draped over one of her thighs, slight angle.

Sending her friends a dick pic. She got a couple and pinged them into the shared chat.

Annabelle: OH MY.
Quinty: Oh fair enough.
Quinty: That’s hot.
Ragehammer: Thanks girls.
Mariell: Oh fuck. That’s just like the images.
Quinty: LOL you woke Mari up.

Fiona smiled to herself. She always enjoyed sending things to her friends. She heard a ping, Anabelle messaging her.

Annabelle; So……
Annabelle: Can I watch?
Annabelle: <3<3<3;)

Fiona knew this was coming. She’d never met Annabelle, she knew she lived somewhere in the States. But they’d seen a lot of each other. She had a lot of fun with her friends.

Ragehammer: Of course!
Ragehammer: Let me set up;)
Annabelle: I can’t wait - call whenever!

Fiona went to the side of her bed, where she had a full-length mirror on the floor. Pillows on either side of it for her knees.

She probably did this too often. What could she say? She loved pleasing her friends.

She got the new toy and placed it on the mirror between her pillows, a suction cup sticking it to the surface. She couldn’t help herself, her hand reached into her panties, feeling her wetness.

She let out an anticipatory moan as she softly touched herself.

Fuck, ok.

She pulled her black underwear down gingerly stepping out of them, grabbing her phone, and setting it up next to her. She checked the camera making sure her face didn’t show - Annabelle loved to record these, and she didn’t mind. But she wasn’t stupid.

She pressed the button to call her friend as she scooped a massive amount of lube out from the tub kept next to her bed.

“It looks JUST like the art you got done” Annabelle had picked up, her southern us accent playing into Fiona’s bedroom. She loved her friends' husky voice, her drawl - and she knew Annabelle enjoyed Fiona’s British accent.
“I KNOW!” Fiona exclaimed as she shuffled back, kneeling in front of the camera - giving her friend a great view of her rear.
“Oh my, that’s a great view” She could hear the lust dripping from her friend's voice. “Only the best for you” Fiona smiled, as she started rubbing lube onto the toy.

“You’re dripping.” Annabelle said, Fiona’s mound glistening in the light as she bent over to properly cover the massive dildo.

“God you’re so hot, when can I visit?" Annabelle moaned, clearly getting busy herself. ”Whenever you’d like.“ Fiona said, the toy now glistening as she moved to stand over it.

”Can you see?“ She said, not that she would wait if she couldn’t. Her patience was coming to an end, as she squatted down and the thick, flared head pushed against her folds. She shuddered. She’d been imagining this cock for years. Finally, it would be inside her.

“Yes… It's gonna stretch you so much”
“Oh fuck” Fiona pushed down, the wide member pushing into her, spreading her folds as she supported herself with one hand, the other aiming the member at her pussy, making sure it wouldn’t slip away. She looked down at the mirror, her heart fluttering as she could watch the toy spreading herself out.
“Oh Jesus” She moaned.
“You can do it” Annabelle encouraged her, she heard a buzzing through the speaker, Annabelle enjoying herself, soft moans as she spoke.
“It's so thick.”
“You’ve taken thicker”
“Oh-oh-oh” She pushed down, the head finally popping into her with a soft plop, lube and Fiona’s wetness splattering onto the mirror.
“Oh FUCK” She gasped as the first few inches pushed into her, her hand letting go of the dildo and rubbing at her clit.

Annabelle let out a series of soft mews, getting herself going as she was watching her friend spread herself.

“How can you take those things” She said, sounding in awe. “It's so fucking huge”

“Practice. I’ll tea- ah fuck- I’ll teach you” Fiona kept pushing herself down, the veins and bumps on the dick

“I can’t wait” Annabelle moaned, her voice thick with lust.

“Oh the bumps. Oh they feel so good” Fiona kept pushing down the shaft widening towards the middle getting thicker and thicker, she’d described the feeling of fucking this cock so many times.

“It's so much better than I ever thought” She panted, two-thirds of the way down. “It's so thick.”

She’d taken longer and thicker, but not at the same time.

“I don’t know if I can take it.” She was so full.
“Fuck.” Fiona was breathing heavily now, as she kept pushing it down, stretching her pussy, her fingers working her clit frantically.

“Do it.” The disembodied lustful voice of her friend panted from the phone “Do it for me.” Her breathing had intensified as the two women worked themself into a lustful state together, on opposite sides of the world.

“OH god oh god, are you watching? I’m so stretched oh my goooood” Fiona screamed in ecstasy, looking at herself in the mirror as she pushed past the widest part of the toy, pushing it all into her pussy as she went deeper and deeper, squatting down on it.

Panting heavily, drooling out of her mouth she wiped her hand on her mouth as she moved onto her knees, wanting to get further down. Wanting to get it all in.

“Get it all in. Sit on the balls. Please do it for me. Oh fuck I’m so wet” Annabelle said with whispered breath.

“I’m so full” Fiona rubbed her stomach, feeling the firmness of the toy inside her.
“It's pushing out my tummy” Fiona rubbed the small bump on her stomach.
“Fuck that’s so hot” Annabelle sounded breathy, clearly close herself and Fiona hadn’t even started riding it yet.

A feat of strength let Fiona push the final few inches, on her knees with the full length of the monster cock inside her.


“It feels incredible" She panted, her fingers softly playing with her clit. She felt a tingle in her whole body,

“Ride it.” Annabelle said. “Oh fuck, ride it for me. Let me see it stretch your pussy.”

Fiona lifted her head slightly, drool linking her mouth to the mirror, not caring if her face could really show anymore. She obeyed, pulling up, lifting her pussy up two-thirds of the way.

“Do it. Fuck yourself. Be my little slut” Fiona groaned at the comment.
“Say it. You’re a slut. A slut for big, fat monster cock” The southern accent made it so much hotter for Fiona.
“I am.” She pushed herself back down, faster, stretching her hole again.
“Say it” Anna belle commanded.
“I’m a slut” She pulled back up, further, pushing her tits and face into the mirror, drool leaking out of her open gasping mouth.
“You’re hungry, desperate, slut for monster cock.” She slammed down again, the tingling in her body spreading, becoming more intense as she increased her pace.
“I’m a hungry monster cock slut. Yes. I want it to breed me.” Fiona had a pace going, slamming in and out, abusing her pussy on the massive cock.
“Take its cum. Ruin your pussy.” Annabelle coaxed her. “You slut. Show me what a slut you are. Break yourself for me. Breed yourself.”
“Fuck oh- break me. Breed me. Fuck I’m gonna cum” She had no control anymore, just lifting her hips up and down as fast as she could, her head on her arm as she moaned continuously
“Don’t you dare.” Annabelle was stern, her husky voice demanding. “I better cum first.”

Fiona had stopped listening, her tingling continuing to spread from her pussy, from her womb as the dildo kept stretching her, her rapid pace pushing her closer and closer to the edge, fingers rubbing her clit in circles.

“I can’t, I can’t, fuckkkkk” Fiona screamed.
“Don’t you- wait is it glowing?” Annabelle’s tone suddenly changed, but Fiona wasn’t listening.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum oh god fuck. I’m sorry I’m sorry” Her hips were frenzied, her eyes closed as Fiona was about to cum.

“What the fuck is going on” Annabelle was worried - the cock was glowing bright pink, nearly blowing out her screen.

“Fiona, are you ok? What is going on?” As the glow increased she’d stopped her own administrations, trying to get her friends' attention.

Fiona’s body was shaking, she almost felt like the toy was pulsating - filling her um, cum leaking from it? Her lust-addled mind didn’t care that it was impossible, her mind blank as she screamed.
"What's going on Fiona - is it hurting?"

Annabelle’s screen suddenly showed Fiona’s room as normal. The glow was gone.

And so was Fiona.

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