The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.08 – Floor One V

"Fiona? You're heavy" someone said from somewhere, far away and irrelevant. A soft tapping on her head and shoulders.

"Come on girl you're squishing me" There it was again, this voice intruding into her blissful peace. She started coming to, eyes opening, her blurry vision stabilizing. Her senses coming back. That had been intense.

Feeling her stirring Liddy tried again. "Get up! I'm being squished!" In a moment everything came back to Fiona, who jumped up and away from the sea-gnome. Looking down at the smaller woman, she could clearly see the absolute mess she had made of the girl's stomach, covered in her white mess, splattered all the way up her torso.

"Oh my god" Fiona exclaimed. She'd lost all control, what had she done? Liddy wouldn't ever speak to her again - she'd so graciously offered to help, and Fiona had... Fiona had??
"Did I do a good job?"
What? What was she talking about?
"You know - helping you. With the.. calling you names?" Out of the moment, Liddy was getting a bit shy about it again. "Did I do it well? I just wanted to help"
"You're... you're not upset?"
"Why would I be?"
Fiona was struck mute. She waved a hand over the enormous amount of girlspunk covering Liddy, exaggerated hand movements clearly communicating the words she was far too flustered to say out loud - cause I drenched you in cum?

"Oh. But I offered to help. It's not like I didn't have any idea." She looked back up at the larger woman. "I just wanted to help so.. did I do a good job?"
That... Fiona figured that made sense. Liddy was truly a great friend.
"Yeah... it was. I really enjoyed it."
"I could tell!"
Fiona blushed again.
"I know its weird but.. Thanks. You're a good friend." She rummaged around in her inventory, before pulling out a towel. 
"Would you like me to?" 
Liddy nodded, and Fiona carefully wiped up her own emission from the smaller woman, marveling at how much she'd let out. Once the gnome was mostly de-stickied, she wiped herself off, before putting the towel back in her inventory. Liddy had explained that items like towels would get cleaned up if left in the inventory for a certain amount of time. Very convenient.
"So... You don't need to help me every time of course. Or at all. But we'd be ok if I just.. Relieve myself when I need to?"
Liddy nodded - almost looked a little disappointed, before she caught herself and smiled again. "Yep! Not a problem for me - and if you want. I mean, need help just ask."
Fiona smiled. "You're a great friend. If it's ok to call you friend - I know we only just met."
"Of course - We're friends! And what are friends for?"
They both smiled at one another, caught each other's eyes, and looked away awkwardly. Fiona was happy, there were a lot of frustrations, fears, and worries about her situation. But at least she had a good friend.

[[Strong Skin] Bonus Effect Activated]
[A friendly entity finds you attractive]
[Damage reduction from [Strong Skin] Has been increased.]

Fiona decided to ignore this message.

Their fish had, unsurprisingly, been overcooked but was still edible, and both girls seemed eager to move the conversation on to less sticky subjects. Having cleaned up, they sat around the fire while Liddy explained what she expected of the dungeon today, picking at the edible bits of fish.
"So the dungeons tend to have a set structure - a few minibosses, then a dungeon boss. Although some have other systems, puzzles and the like." She said between bites, her teeth tearing off the flesh of the fat fish. "We're floor one so, probably just one miniboss."
Fiona nodded. That made a lot of sense, she'd played enough games in her time to recognize the structure. It was so weird that an entire world followed a game structure though. Who'd made this world - it couldn't just have happened.

"What are the minibosses like?" Fiona asked, eating her food. It was really nice, despite the burned parts. Liddy had put some spices on it, a bit of seaweed she said she had brought from home. 
"The miniboss is likely going to be a larger version of the normal monsters. We're probably going to meet some different sporelings today - a bit trickier, and then the miniboss end of today or tomorrow."
She swallowed a large bit of fish. Fiona wondered what else the gnome could swallow. What? 
She looked away, blushing again. Liddy had not noticed.
"And then the boss will likely be end of tomorrow or the day after..." Liddy trailed off. "Make sure you use your rage - I mean [Lost to Passion] when we fight the mini-boss. It's probably once a day, and it would be good to know what it does properly before the boss" She talked between mouthfuls.
Fiona had been doubtful about the ability. The loss of control and the difficulty stopping any action worried her. But It seemed important.
"Okay... Just. I'm worried about losing control."
"It's ok" Liddy reassured her. "Whatever you do, it's ok"

They were both sat in deep thought for a moment.

"Are you sure you want to keep traveling with me?" Liddy asked, nervously.
"What? Of course!" Fiona blurted out, she was just thinking the same thing.
"Just.. my last group didn't make it past the third floor. We had to escape scroll out - and I don't have anymore. if it goes wrong.."
"It won't - I'm sure of it! Do you wanna keep traveling with me?" She asked, suddenly nervous.
"Of course - you're so strong"
"Am I? And.. even with my... everything?" She couldn't vocalize the thought. Even if I have to jerk off in front of you twice a day, and have an ability that literally says I lose control of my actions.
"I really don't mind! Yes." Liddy seemed determined suddenly. "We're friends now Fiona. Let's climb the tower. Let's get to the top."

Fiona thought for a moment. She didn't know how many floors there were - in games and stories there were normally a hundred, but who knew? Fifty-seven climbed over multiple centuries. Five in a few years. It was a ridiculous notion to climb it. Liddy almost seemed ashamed to have said it out loud.
"Let's do it!" She said. She'd made a friend. A real, in-person - kind of - friend. Not online. She was sure Liddy would only ever be a friend - why would she want someone who liked wanking onto people and being called a slut? - but she would be a great one.
"Together til the top!" Liddy shouted, then suddenly a thought struck her again.

"Although. We will need another party member next floor. But, let's deal with that when we get there."

Fiona was surprised at that - more?
"How many do we need eventually?"
"It stops at six, but in the open world, you can have larger. The bosses never allow more than six though."
Fiona nodded. Right. There were issues bringing more people in. But she could repress those, pretend they weren't issues. It's not like she was repressing anything else.
"So we get one more person per floor?"
"Yeah - except floor four, the village floor." Although we can find someone there for the fifth floor.
"Ok." Fiona was nervous about this. She'd have to hide her secret even more, but she supposed there was no way around it.
The two women finished eating in silence, before packing up and heading back into the cave system proper. They'd wasted a lot of time, and were ready to make up for it.


Fiona had been worried the morning's activities might mess with the synergy between the two - she was happy to find this was entirely unfounded. And even if it was just one point, she felt the additional dexterity helped. She was just a bit faster. Slightly quicker to evade. And she needed it - the second day was entirely different from the first.

She spun under the clawed arm of a Shroomman - Liddy had come up with the name, twisting in a sweep bringing her hammer up in an upward swing, crushing through the creature's cap, immediately launching forward discording the disoriented creature, slamming her heavy weapon into the one behind him. Liddy danced around the sides, using Fiona as a spearhead bursting through while she darted to and fro flanking their enemies, sweat shimmering off both of their bodies as the girls flew through the caves. Bouncing off each other, hammer and fist in perfect synchronicity like a dance pummeling their enemies, Timmy taking up the rear. Whenever the octopus shimmered Fiona could feel a surge of power swim through her body, pushing her even further.

Liddy danced through the battlefield, her light feet using every surface - including Fiona and her hammer - to propel her forward to find an advantage, nearly swimming through the air to find her target, kicking and punching her way through the horde of fungi.

She had been correct - there were two new types, in addition to the little sporlings from the previous day. Shroommen - Tall, weird fungus creatures with tall, narrow caps shambling along. Gaping maws and long arms kept trying to grab them, but they were very unstable. Just don't get grabbed, bash hard.

The other type Fiona decided to call Mushwitch. These were shorter, chubby little things, almost feminine looking. Small arms, big, wide-brimmed caps. They stayed behind and shot balls of spores out - Fiona had been hit the first time, they were incredibly disorienting and left you dizzy for several seconds -  and the sporelings would rush forward and take a chomp out of you.

Much more complicated than the previous day, they were in the dungeon proper now but the two women were a whirlwind of action, Fiona dodging under another Shroomans swipe, as Liddy leaped over her friend and stabbed the creature in the eye. Fiona, not taking a moment's break spun around and flung her hammer hitting a Mushwitch that was preparing to lob another ball of spores at them right in the face, rushing after her hammer and grabbing it as she spun into a spinning tornado of bludgeoning death. She'd taken some scrapes - blood, and sweat was being flung everywhere, and she was having the absolute time of her life. She'd not stopped laughing since the fighting had started. 
She caught her friend's eye, both standing in a field of pulverized and beaten mushrooms and they shared a smile. This was fun. She wasn't sure about... The other aspects of her transmigration, but this? She loved it. Lived for it. And best of all, she was not embarrassed.
At least if she very actively ignored what was going on in her crotch. But she could manage, the joy of the fight distracted her.

"Come on!" Liddy was running ahead again - she supposed she wasn't a traditional support class, but the little monk definitely could not take a lot of hits. She'd already had some scrapes, and her entire strategy relied on Fiona distracting the enemies so she could outflank them.

They crushed their wave through hundreds of the mushroom creatures, Fiona functioning as an organic bulldozer until they reached a larger cave. There was a little waterfall in one area, and a large circular rock floor. Nothing enormous, but very clear to both adventurers.

"Miniboss" Liddy warned, just as a shriek announced their opponent. A massive Shrooman - at least two feet taller than Fiona - appeared, flanked by two normal Mushwitches, and a horde of Sporelings.

"Fuck." Fiona said. Gripping her hammer, she readied herself.

Activate [Lost to Passion]

The thought was immediate, and so was the effect.

[[Lost to Passion] Has been activated]
[Your Stamina, Strength and Speed have been increase by your Passion (50)]
[You no longer have control of your actions]
[Action Initiated - Attack (Giant Shrooman)]


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