The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.39 – Woo!

"Who. Was. THAT?" Liddy exclaimed as Fiona sat down, Tahlia having quickly spoken to Qae, who snapped and the woman disappeared, returning to a state presumably back at her home. "She was SO hot." The sea gnome had clearly had a few more pints in the... Hours? Fiona had been gone. She wasn't sure.

They all had - and Annabelle seemed to be getting on with everyone. Ash has pulled out the dildo that was similar to Fiona's... Member and they were far too loudly comparing differences. Liddy had established herself as an expert. All had changed when Fiona and Taliah walked down the stairs, and Taliah approached the table, if only for a minute - she'd been dressed in a simple dress, but the elven beauty could not be hidden.

"Qae's friend." Fiona said quietly. "What are you doing?" She eyed the toy.
"See yours is a bit different to this one" Liddy immediately swapped the subject back. Qae nodded along with her, a slightly drunken haze over her eyes. "The head of yours is a bit wider, but this one has larger veins - however-" 
"Liddy shut the fuck up please." Fiona said, trying to stifle her laugh. She was mortified, but she couldn't deny it was funny. At least they were in a booth towards the back - although the server seemed incredibly uncomfortable with the party with the large blue phallus planted in the middle of the table.
"The gnome is not incorrect" She smirked.
"Qae! I thought better of you - I can't believe a dragon can even get drunk."
"They can't" The Dragon Queen of the Blue Clade, Protector and daughter of the time god said confidently. "However, the tower limits my abilities. Apparently also this one. I am just the slightest, teeniest, tiniest inebriated. I am fine." She almost fell off her chair, as she let out a burp.

"Now tell us, did the mayor give you any useful abilities?" The paladin asked, steadying herself and nonchalantly pretending it didn't happen. She hiccuped.
"Yeah uh... [Establish Safe Zone]"

[Establish Safe Zone]
Set up an area of ten thousand square feet that is safe from most monsters, and enable the creation of a village. All buildings must be constructed separately. Must be used on an open floor that does not have an established village. Climbers may enter freely. Ability can only be used once, and will be unlearned once lost.

"That is ridiculous," Qae stated clearly. "That... A climber should never have that. That is a tower dweller's ability. That is... What is it?"
"We'll talk about it tomorrow," Fiona said, grabbing a drink of her own to catch up. "Let's have fun tonight!"
"TOMORROW!" Liddy stepped up on the bench, realizing her head was still barely above Qae's, before hopping onto the table. Her sarong had fallen off, her thong-clad ass right above Annabelle's face, who Fiona noted did not look away. She was happy her friends were getting on.
"I am calling my MOTHERS!" 
"We know"
"And I already asked Fiona - but I'd like ALL OF YOU to come to meet them! My friends! Best Friends!"
"of course!
"Woo!" Qae almost fell off her chair again.
A chant of best friends best friends best friends rose from the table before they were shouted at by the neighbouring table. It did not take long before Fiona caught up to the group, and none of them remembered more than three things.

Fiona fucked the mayor.
They were gonna meet Liddy's mothers.
They had a great time.


"Why do you do this to yourself if you are not immune to the negative effects of alcohol." Qae's normally deep voice sounded like she had drunk gravel. "My own words are too long and loud. This is... Insufferable."

Fiona tried to roll off the bed but crashed into Annabelle who had fallen asleep next to her, fully dressed, and sat upright. The goblin was pushed off the bed and crashed into Qae, who for some reason had put her armour on - armour she had not been wearing last night.

"Oh fuck what wait hello sexy dragon..." Annabelle started, before falling asleep again ontop of Qae, who gently moved the sleepy goblin off her.
"Where am I?" Fiona asked the spinning ceiling
"Your room" Someone answered from near the door.
"Ok. Why is everyone here."
"You made a bet that you can lift Qae wearing all her armour."
"That's dumb."
"Of course I can."
"No, you could not" Fiona would have to see about that. She'd seen her muscles, what they could do.
"Are you the door?"

As if answering the question, Timmy floated above her, glowing seafoam green with his healing magic.
"No." She turned her head, and Liddy stood there smiling at her. As Timmy's glow washed over her, she felt... Not great, her head was still foggy and her tongue too large for her mouth, but she felt ok. Like she could exist in society.
"That's... Useful. very useful."
"You're welcome." Liddy said, reaching out to help her friend off as Timmy scuttled over to his next patient, tentacles wafting in the air.

"Come on - I sent a message yesterday, mam and mum are waiting for my call soon - Ash is ordering us breakfast!"
The small woman was so excited - Fiona would have been too, to speak to someone from home. Although she could. She'd met Annabelle, her friend had followed her here and that was. Insane. Crazy. Amazing.

Fiona felt... She didn't know what the feeling was. Cared for. Liked. Appreciated. Whatever it was, she enjoyed it - and it wasn't just from Annabelle. Her whole party, in their own way.
"Sure - I can't wait to meet them!"

Breakfast was an interesting, but delicious affair. The approximation of egg, bacon and beans on toast was there but everything was just... slightly off. The toast was ok, the beans were a bit too red, the egg a bit too chewy, and the bacon a bit too beefy. But Fiona enjoyed it greatly, the party feeling better.
"So why is my ability so... weird?" Fiona finally asked Qaerlyz between mouthfuls.
"It's a... It's a very common ability. However exclusively for those who permanently live in the tower - not climbers. People like Tialah."
"Is that the mayor?" Ash asked.
"Yeah, is that Qae's pet?" Liddy asked causing the dragon to give her a look that suggested she keep quiet if she didn't want to become a pet as well.
"Yes. Tialah was the first to ever use the ability - it is the requirement to start a village. The tower specifically sent residents, and tower dwellers to every fourth floor to make a village. They need assistance from climbers to establish it initially,  which is why the higher floor villagers are not as well equipped." The dragon managed to eat scrambled in an elegant way, defying all expectations.
"You... You can establish a safe zone on any floor. Anywhere. It won't be as large as a village, and we need to build things but...  It is unheard of."
"So you think I should use it soon?"
"No. It likely can only be used once - however, do not under any circumstance replace it. Once we - and we will, this party is... exemplary, I have no doubt that you will exceed expectations Annabelle - Once we reach a high floor, this is where we establish something. We will strategize as we climb, I know little above floor twenty-four, and nearly nothing above thirty-two." The dragon ate a singular bean. And another. Liddy looked upset, and the dragon smiled.
"Lidvinia, if it comes to it I promise I will help you find another way to... assist Fiona when she needs it." Liddy looked mortified, the entire table smirked, and Annabelle pumped her eyebrows suggestively at Fiona, who stared with disappointment and absolutely no embarrassment at her empty plate.
"On that note shall we go call Liddy's moms?" Fiona stood up and started picking up her stuff not waiting to see if the others were ready.

It was early - very early, Liddy had explained there was some time difference between the tower and the sphere and this was the best time to call. Time zones, who would have thought? They walked through the streets, trying to remember the previous night, laughing and joking with Qae leading them to the communication centre. A thick morning mist was rolling in, but it didn't seem to affect Qae's directional sense at all. Annabelle had made great friends with everyone, and Fiona was so excited to see her friends getting on, Ash, Qae, Annabelle...



"Uh, gals. Were's Liddy?"
Qae looked back, suddenly shaking her head like a trance, a black dust falling from her eyes. As it did, the mist dissipated in a woosh, and they suddenly heard the scream.

Fiona spun quickly, seeing Liddy being dragged away by a figure in a dark cloak. She activated [Lost in Passion] with one thought in mind. Save my friend.

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