The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.43 – Doll

"Do you like it, Pet?"
Fiona had attached the adjusted collar, now with little crystals inserted into it, to Ash's neck. The cannoneer touched it gently, tracing the letters. Fiona had thought that, while she didn't think she'd complain, degradation didn't quite seem to be what Ash needed. It didn't trigger her collar, but it made the woman - her pet, happy.
And she seemed right, Ash mouthing the words softly as she looked at the mirror Liddy had managed to find.

Fiona's Good Girl

"I... I love it, Mistress. Thank you. Is it true?" She asked, turning her head back towards Fiona, who nodded.
"Yes. You are my good girl, and my pet."  She smiled, this was nice. She was happy she could make her friend feel comfortable in this way, it felt good. "Now - Liddy, shall we take our pet and go outside - we need pet supplies."

Fiona had headed out quickly to speak to Qae and Annabelle while Lidy created the collar, asking if they could organize any consumables for the party before they went to floor five the next day. She had things in plan for her pet - they both agreed, grinning and Fiona tried to channel her new confident self and not be embarrassed. She did promise that they could all play at some point, which Annabelle said she'd hold her to - she seemed furious she hadn't had an in-person show, it had been the most consistent routine of their friendship for years.

This meant Fiona had the whole rest of the day to understand this relationship with her pet, and she was looking forward to it. Yes, she had increased urgency in clearing the tower - but she needed to figure out what tattoo to give Ash, and she was thinking about designs and benefits still. At the same time, they only needed to get some consumables, and then wait another day to see if they could complete another desire, or at least know it and start early. A lot had already happened today - everyone was still shaken from Liddy's abduction, and bringing her shopping should help the gnome relax.

So she clasped the leash onto Ash, and the trio headed out. She tried to channel confidence. Tried to channel how she imagined Qae would look leading a beautiful woman on a leash through an inn.
Ash seemed shy and nervous, but her tail was flying back and forth, her fluffy ears twitching and Fiona had taken both of these things to mean they were happy. She'd told Liddy to pretend Ash wasn't there - to talk as if she couldn't understand them unless there was a safety concern. Liddy seemed far more into it than Fiona expected.

"So what are we buying" Liddy asked.
"Well she needs general pet supplies, but most importantly - look at her, she's not really dressed like a pet is she?" They both looked back, the boots were cute - but long black leggings, black corset, blouse - with ample cleavage, but still.
"Look at us." Fiona said. "I feel like a pet's style has to match their owner." 

She could see Ash's cheeks going red imagining being dressed like the two unarmoured girls, with their tiny scraps of fabric.

"Pet, you get no benefit from armour right?"
"N... No, Mistress."
"See" Fiona turned back to Liddy. "Let's get her looking the part."

The two kept discussing ideas of what they could put her in, as Ash followed behind, slightly nervous, quite excited, very happy, and incredibly, incredibly horny. Fantasies of what her new owner would do to her, make her dress, make her do... It was all she ever wanted. 
And realizing that, she had a system message.

"Oh," Ash exclaimed, suddenly.
"What, pet?"
"Sorry, Mistress. I received a system message..."
"What does it say."
"My desire has been fulfilled... but there's an ongoing requirement. It has significantly increased my strength but will increase it even further as long as I remain your pet... Mistress."
"That... Significantly? I've never seen anything increase something increase "significantly" before" Liddy exclaimed.
"And it's given us a reason to continue so - shall we go get your supplies, Pet?"
"Yes Mistress, sorry for interrupting Mistress."
"No Pet - please, if it seems pertinent, let me know. You did well." She waited a second. "Good girl" She whispered. Ash stopped for a second, collecting herself. 
"You're a very good girl," Fiona said again, turning around and pulling the leash, forcing Ash to follow them. "Now - are there shops specializing in clothes for barbarians, berserkers, monks, and other unarmoured pals?"
"Yeah - I saw one yesterday, was meaning to go back!"

A short time later, Fiona and Liddy were sat on a pair of comfy cushions in a store, as Ash walked out from a changing room.

"Oh wow."
"This is the one."
"It's amazing."

"Oh... Ehm, colour or style?"
"Colour, Mistress. Sorry."  Ash said, her black ears twitching. She was wearing an incredibly tight halter top, her enormous pale soft breasts held in by two narrow straps squeezing them together, her globes spilling out around them most of her cleavage and chest still fully visible, in bright pink matching Fiona's hair, her nipples clearly visible through the fabric. A pair of elbow-length, fingerless pink gloves, fishnet tights, pink dyed leather short shorts - everything spilling out, threatening to rip against Ash's wide hips. Fiona had found a pair of chunky boots in pink as well, and Ash was a beauty in pink. A slutty, filthy pet, in hot pink.

"That's ok Pet. Do you have this in black?" She asked the store assistant - a dark elf Fiona assumed, wearing an outfit not dissimilar from what Ash had put on.
"Of course!" She guided Ash back to the dressing room, and a few minutes later Fiona's pet came back out wearing her original boots, and the same outfit in black. Fiona could feel her cock swelling, but she still had work to do. She wanted Ash to be fully outfitted and ready before she got distracted.

"She looks so hot" Liddy said, staring at the fox girl. 
"She does." Fiona.
"Will... Fiona can I ask you something?" The sea gnome leaned over and whispered into Fiona's ear.
"I would like that Liddy. Yes."
"Ok. Tomorrow?" 
"Yeah" Fiona smiled. Liddy was such a good friend - it was so important to have friends who had shared interests. She looked back at her pet.
"You've done very well pet. Is there anything you would like?"
"If... If it would please Mistress I did see something."
"Of course, what is it?"

Ash whispered to the store assistant, who came back with a... strange contraption. Fine metal chains, connected and hanging down, little decorative skulls on the bottom. The dark elf helped Ash attach the chain belt, it sitting around her hip, the chain laying softly over the base of her tail. Ash bounced around, all of her jiggling, beaming smile on the fox woman's face.

A minute later, the leash was reattached the trio was walking down the street again. Fiona had a few more ideas for things to purchase for their friend but these made Ash wait outside, tying her to a post. Both women were in a state of thrill and excitement, as Fiona spent most of her gold on items for her pet. Anything to make her friend happy - Liddy even pitched in a particularly interesting item Fiona hadn't even thought about.

A few hours later, the trio was back in Fiona's room, having grabbed some food while out, Climbertown had interesting food stalls with some delicious grilled meat and vegetables in a flat bread Fiona had absolutely loved.
Fiona had made Liddy and Ash wait downstairs for a moment, while she prepared the room. Ash had canceled her room and would be moving in with Fiona - after all, Pet's lived with their owners.
"Tada!" Fiona said hands spread out as Liddy led Ash back into the room. Not much had changed - only two things.
A large wooden cage  with a gold lock was at the foot of Fiona's bed, with a large dog bed inside.
"This is your room pet, sleeping next to me, looking after me here." She looked at Ash, trying to project confidence, but nervousness was clear in Fiona's eyes. She was worried she wasn't a good owner, was going too fast or too slow, or didn't understand what Ash wanted.
"Thank you, Mistress, I... I love it." Ash said, almost with tears in her eyes looking at Fiona. She burst forward and hugged her.
"Pet..." Fiona knew she should admonish her, but she didn't have it in her. She just patted the woman's head, stroking her hair, whispering sweet nothings into her ears.

She let the moment pass, before pulling away from her.
"Now... I have a suggestion for your tattoo - I am able to add elements that don't add benefits as well, so I thought... Well, it's a pair tattoo. One each."

She'd pulled out a piece of paper.
"This goes on my hand" She laid it over, showing how it looked on her.
"And this goes here." She traced around Ash's chest, up around the bottom of her neck - the straps of her outfit would cover it slightly, but it would still work.
"Is it... This one lasts forever, pet. Are you sure?"
"I love it. Please, Mistress."

Fiona nodded and helped her pet undress lying her down on the bed. Liddy stayed, holding the bare-chested fox woman by the hand, the gnome's turn to stroke the woman's fur - gently kissing her head to calm her down as she was nervous, Fiona placed the stencil before pulling out her needle and started tattooing. She knew Ash would not want the temporary version. And she knew she didn't either. This was not just too hot, but also... very, very powerful.

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