The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.47 – Thunderer

The thundering hammering of hooves on the ground became overwhelming, as even the mantis looked around, Fiona suspended in air before its mouth.

And then, in a blur of brown fur, tan skin, and flashing skin, Fiona fell. Bracing herself to roll on the ground, she found herself suddenly in strong arms, looking up at a silver helmeted with blonde hair flowing out below.

And Fiona's bicep pushed against some very tan breasts, wrapped in a leather vest, cleavage spilling over, the sun gleaming on a steel shoulder pad. The woman put Fiona down - dropping her on her feet. She was tall - taller than Fiona, taller than Qae, curvy and strong. She had a glaive in one hand, a shield on her back, a simple leather skirt on and bare feet.

"You are safe, climber. Let us finish ridding the world of these pests, and we will talk." And she turned and charged back towards the creature, nursing its dismembered claw.

And as she turned, Fiona looked at the woman's shapely ass. Which shimmered and changed Into a chestnut brown, expanding backward and growing another pair of legs.

Fiona shook her head.

A centaur?

A transforming, enormous, centaur?

The warrior galloped forward on her four legs, glaive held high as her shield blocked attacks, her glance striking in as she rushed around the creature. Fiona shook her head, before picking up her hammer and rushing in after the centaur.

What was Qae getting at, suitable? She should be offended. Except the human half of the woman was really hot so... But a centaur? Fiona shook her head, getting the thoughts out of her head.

The horsewoman charged in and deflected a strike meant for Liddy, who'd redirected as soon as Fiona was grabbed and launched herself at the creature, tears in her eyes. Fiona stepped up to her friend, and patted her shoulder, before grasping her hammer with both hands and spinning into the creature, hammer bulldozing through legs until a final upward swing saw Fiona's weapon crash through the creature's body. At the same time, her savior speared through its head.

Fiona turned to go help the rest of her party, only to see an army of centaurs - some in two-legged forms, mostly with shields and swords, while spearwomen and archers remained in their four-legged horse form - had helped the group tidy up the mantis. She hurried over to Qae, who was supported by Ash and Annabelle, a large gash across her cheek. Timmy had separated from Liddy and was working his octopus magic on the dragon already.

"Well met, Climbers." The helmeted blonde beauty said, taking off her helmet, and holding it in her strong hands, bright blue eyes staring at Fiona's, a wide smile framed by her long blonde hair, cascading over her breasts, sweat dripping down her body from the exertion. She was in her horse form? Centaur form? She had wide hips and a narrow waist, with a soft tummy that, as Fiona's eyes wandered down, was covered in a soft chestnut fur. Her lower body was that of a stallion's - very much so, Fiona could see as the centaurs didn't seem shy - none of the horse forms had any clothes near their rear end and they seemed... All are well-equipped. But the bipedal forms, from what Fiona could see did not have any similar equipment. As an expert in loincloths and their ability to hide, which along with short leather skirts was the main uniform. She was intrigued, to the point of forgetting to respond to the woman talking to her.

Qae had walked over, supporting herself now, and had the tact and politeness Fiona was lacking.
"Well met, Thunderer." Qae said, a rare case of her looking up to meet someone's eye the centaur towering over the dragon queen. "I am Qaerlyz, this is our party - Fiona, Liddy, Annabelle, and Ash." She continued, a gauntleted hand landing on Fiona's shoulder shaking her out of her investigation into the genitalia of the Thunderers. Maybe Qae was right.

"Yes - Well met." Fiona said, mimicking the greeting. "Thank you - it was close there." She said, a bit embarrassed. She had been seconds away from being insect food.

"I am Penthi, Captain of the Thunderers - And you wandered into the mating territory of the giant mantis." She laughed heartily. 
"This is ill-advised. We try to keep an eye out for wanderers in your situation" A surprisingly soft hand patted Fiona on the back.
"Oh... Were - where should we have gone?" She looked at Qae, who kept her expression stern.
"This is the right way. It's just a terrible right way" Penthi laughed again, her horse legs stepping lightly in place.
"Now - would you wish to travel with us to our camp? Or are you looking for the Earthen?" Her tone changed at the end there, a challenge almost to the question.
"No, no, I mean." Fiona collected herself. Took a deep breath. "We were looking for you. Ehm. That is, the Thunderers."
"Excellent - it is a while to get to our camp, your party should mount us!" Penthi smiled at Fiona, as she knelt down on her four legs.
"Don't worry - it is practical, we take no offense. We'd rather carry you than move slowly" She pre-empted Fiona's question, it clear on her face. 

"So we're riding? Do we... Can we... Is there a..." Liddy seemed not sure how to ask her question, the rest of the party had gathered together as other Centaurs knelt down around them. "How do we hold on?" Liddy asked as Fiona was straddling Penthi's muscular back, about to wonder the same.
"Just like this" Penthi said, reaching back to take Fiona's hands and wrapping them around her waist, Fiona's body being pulled into the horsewoman's, her breasts pushing against the woman's strong back.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry - And that's... interesting" Penthi smiled as she looked back at her. "Have you ridden a woman before?"
"You know, a centaur - does your sphere have them?" She grinned, clearly aware of what she said.
"No, we have... No." She blushed, her newfound confidence rapidly disappearing in the face of this fascinating creature.

Fiona held on, squeezing tight as Penthi stood up - the rest of her party mounted their own Centaurs, Qae was with a towering enormous woman, carrying two swords, with an undercut and short dark hair. Liddy and Annabelle were holding on to twin redheaded archer women, and Ash was with another spearwoman, blonde but slightly smaller than Penthi, otherwise looking exactly like her.
"My sister, Pertha" Penthi said, as she saw Fiona looking. 
"Are you all ready? Holding on tight?" The warrior addressed the party, looking back at Fiona who nodded, her arms wrapped tightly around the woman, her breasts and cock clearly pushing into her. But she was so high up, she was scared and Penthi said nothing, so it was probably fine.

She stepped lightly around, pointing herself in whichever direction was correct - Fiona had no idea how to navigate in the sea of green they were in before she shouted.

"Thunderers! Gallop!" Penthi shouted, and suddenly the world around Fiona exploded in dust and noise. In addition to the centaurs the party had mounted, there were at least twenty of them riding through the grass, the soft vegetation brushing against Fiona's feet as Penthi laughed and shouted as they galloped over the plains, blonde and pink hair flowing together behind them. The centaurs were laughing, giggling - Qae joined in, hollering with them and the rest of her party. Liddy was shouting at the top of her lungs, Ash's tail swishing in the wind and Annabelle grinning holding on the her hat.

Fiona screamed into Penthi's neck until she lost track of anything other than the wind around her, and the strong woman she was pushing against.



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