The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.51 – Thunderer’s Village

Penthi had refused to tell Fiona anything else other than the name of the breeding run, and just laughed and giggled at every question. They returned to the camp just as the rest of the party was getting ready - everyone with the same woman they had ridden with the previous day.

"What are you wearing" Annabelle laughed, Liddy trying to suppress her laugh.
"It's helped me!" Fiona exclaimed, crossing her arms - now able to not hold Penthi, at least when she wasn't moving. Although she didn't mind holding the powerful centaur. 
"What do you call it, it's just banter" Annabelle laughed again.
"If you feel better I'm happy." The goblin finally said. 
"I certainly do - she nearly choked me to death!" Penthi laughed again, and Fiona was shocked - now her mount was against her! Not that that's what she thought of Penthi. Was that rude? This was confusing.

Before she could correct herself mentally they were off again, rushing through the tall grass. She did hold on to Penthi for dear life, but at least she was looking now - everyone else was having a great time, and before long she was laughing along, her fear of falling and accidentally being trampled going from overwhelming to just mild enough to temporarily repress. At least until Penthi did a slight stumble, Fiona jolted, almost fell off just saved by her saddle, and had to hug the Centaur for at least ten minutes.

The Centaurs ran for the entire morning and into early afternoon before they came to their destination. The first houses Fiona had seen, and the first change in scenery. A soft slope led down to a long, twisting canyon, the ground covered in hard dirt as it wound down, Fiona unable to see the bottom. As she came closer she saw a collection of houses, although by earth standards it seemed more like partially furnished stables. Tall roofs, big doors. As the party dismounted Penthi led them to the largest house as she was saying hi to other Centaurs walking around in various forms, some of the patrolling group greeting loved ones or family, others heading to what seemed like the local bar. There were several groups of adventurers milling about, each seemingly focused on their own task minding their own business. Annabelle looked after a group of five walking into a building, but when asked just shook her head.

"Thought I saw someone, but it was a bunny girl. Met this cat earlier, wasn't her though."

As they entered the house, Fiona noted it was what she thought, was a very lovely stable. Furnished, but all the furnishings along the edges. Tall roof, open plan, big clear space in the middle. Chairs to the side that Penthi indicated they pull out, as they sit around a firepit. Penthi starts looking for a flint to light a fire, as Qae leans forward and blows her soft blue flame onto it.

"That's useful." Penthi said with mild surprise. 
"Don't get used to it, but you are our host. It is polite." Qae gave the Centaur a nod. Fiona thought it seemed every time they needed a fire Qae had lit it, but she wouldn't ever ask her. She supposed that was the point. 
Penthi got a large pot, and found some vegetables and threw them into it along with some liquid Fiona assumed was a form of oil. As the food started sizzling, the centaur looked at the group.

"So, our problem - Our breeding run has been occupied." Well, that sounded dramatic, Fiona thought, but not something she would interrupt on. "A large earthen has decided to take up there - now we don't want to kill him just... Knock his core out and chuck him to another area of the plains. We have had this breeding run for centuries, and they have decided it's theirs just cause it's the largest canyon nearby." Fiona had so many questions and didn't know where to start, but Liddy, her saviour, asked the most important one.

"What's a breeding run?" The gnome asked with the most innocent voice Fiona had ever heard, and Penthi grinned.

"I assume you have all noticed our two forms, I know this one has" She laughed at Fiona again, who felt oddly targeted on this floor. It didn't seem fair. "We... It's an old tradition, these days it is mostly for sport and fun, but it is important to us still. An ancient tradition. But the breeding run... If a pair can't decide who is to be the mare, and who is to be the stallion - for a night, for breeding, whatever is up to them. They can do the run." She grinned. "These days we challenge each other to it sometimes even outside couples."

"And? How does it work?" Liddy asked.

"Winner picks. And they rut in front of the entire tribe." Penthi looked straight at Fiona as she said it, and Fiona could feel herself stiffen. Oh fuck.
"But you can't use it now?" Qae picked up.
"No - this Earthen, Soilren they call themselves attacks any of us entering there - and we are forbidden for carrying weapons in the run. We could take one lousy earthen otherwise, but even if we don't use it how it was intended previously, we still respect it." She changed to her mare form, more comfortable to reach down low and stirred the vegetables.

"But we can carry weapons there? Without offense?" Ash asked finally, having sat by Fiona's side on the floor reverting to her pet role in the village. Penthi shrugged.
"It's not your tradition - if you do it to help us continue ours, I don't see the problem." She walked back to a cupboard and took out a selection of clay bowls handing them to each of the women, before scooping vegetables into them. Simple cutlery was handed out. "We don't want you to kill him. There's an uneasy peace between us. All earthen have a core, if you knock enough dirt off, the core falls out. It's like a shiny ball, this size." She clenched her fist holding it up. "If you crush it he dies - give it to us, we'll bring him back to earthen territory and he can be a curmudgeon there. We just want our run back."
It seemed reasonable. Not too hard - one monster was the least they'd fought on a floor so far. And this one was even optional. What could be hard about this?

The party finished their meal and Fiona looked into her empty bowl. One thing she had realized, was she wasn't using her abilities properly. Qae kept saying she must, and she didn't. A hand went to her collar - Liddy and Annabelle had powered it up but...

"Qae. Pet." She said, trying to sound confident. "I need you to degrade me. For the col-"
"Slut." Qae said before Fiona could even finish speaking, her pink collar glowing.
"Oh fun - Whore!" Penthi said, collar not doing anything.
"Only party members, unfortunately. I'm sure she enjoyed it though" Qae said teasingly.

"Mistress... Are you sure? Can you not degrade me?" Ash said, uncertain. Fiona did understand, it wasn't what their relationship was meant to be... But so far Ash had only reacted well to praise - did she want this too.
"Would you like me to?" Fiona asked as Ash nodded.
"You are a good slut, my pet..." She said softly, and her collar glowed as Ash's tail wagged again. It was weird talking like this without doing anything else but... her collar was active. Her Passion was incredibly high, and she was ready to fight to the best of her abilities.

"Lets go" She announced and stood up. "No reason to delay right, can you show us the way Penthi?"

The centaur nodded, and the group headed out of the village - walking on their own feet this time, and down the slopes into the canyon. One earth elemental. How hard could that be, it seemed fine.

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