The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.70 – No Rest for the Passionate

Fiona woke up to Ash's happy face, beaming down at her.

"I did it, Mistress!" She nearly shouted as the berserker blinked her exhaustion away, pushing herself up on her elbows. The rest of the party was in various states of waking up. "I wore her out -  we won!"

The dryad, now awake and smiling nodded. "Indeed. That was... I wish every defeat came like this"

Her vines stirred again but helped gather the party's belongings - even assisting Qaerlyz with clasping her armour. "We certainly wish every battle was like this" Qae quipped, and Fiona found herself agreeing. Swinging her hammer was fun - but they could be hurt. This was... This was great.

"Uh... Tamlin are you- I kinda went" Fiona looked down at the still naked bunny as she walked over to her, her white robe being carried over to her.

"Oh - Uhm, I can make sure it's safe" She waved her hand, and a similar fire to what surrounded Fiona only a day or so previously washed over the bunnys stomach. "No problem! Happy to do it for any of you - if you wish to keep me around."

That was certainly easier than going to find Qae to snapshot someone every time Fiona got horny. But it raised another question.

"Tamlin, uhm... When we link, it gives me your full name." This was the second time this was awkward. Why couldn't her ability just... Only give her the names you knew." She took a breath as the priestess pulled her robes on. Fiona still naked, barely aware of it these days especially around her friend. "What are 'The Shapeless' She asked.

Tamlin stiffened, if only for a second, a shocked, terrified look on her face. Fiona only noticed cause she was looking right at her - sure no one else had.

"It's..." She looked up at Fiona again. "It's private. If you still wish to travel with me after all this, ask me again - in a private room - and I will tell you." She had an apologetic look on her face. "I am sorry for all the subterfuge... I just. I'm sure you all have secrets, things you wish to not talk about." She looked at the party who had gathered now.

"Not me! But I get it" Liddy volunteered. "The only weird thing about me is how I appeared out of nowhere in the deepest part of the reef where no one had been for hundreds of years, but that's just a gift of the reef." She jumped around, somehow completely find after the arduous exercise, shadowboxing and doing flips.

Fiona thought for a second. That... That sounded mysterious. But she doubted Liddy knew more about it - maybe Qae? Something to think about for later. But Tamlin was right - the two transcended had not let the priestess know yet, and while Qae didn't hide her background, it was certainly extraordinary.

And Ash. Her pet seemed better, and she never wanted to pry, but she did want to find out - eventually - what had happened.

They were a strange party, a collection of very odd people that the tower must have seen fit to put together. But for what purpose? It occurred to her that the tower maybe wanted to be climbed, but why them? She understood herself and Annabelle, transcended by the gods. Qaerlyz was obvious.

But if they were handpicked by the tower, how did the other three fit in? They were certainly powerful, amazing individuals who meshed well with Fiona's powers. But why them?

The longer she was in the tower the less she felt like she knew. And the more fine with being naked she became, which wasn't the worst. Still, she got dressed.

As they were about to leave, the dryad called them over.

"You did defeat me as agreed, here" And she offered a key made of wood, covered in vines and flowers. It looked like it would slot into the pedestal they had spawned near.

"Thank you - I hope we can return someday... That was. Well, that was fun." Fiona smiled, and the dryad agreed as the party headed back through the woods.  Tired, but happy, even Willy seeming slightly out of it as he whizzed around the canopy they safely made their way back to town, collapsing in their beds - Tamlin joining Ash and Fiona.

"I'm... I probably should have joined your room." She said as she lay across the bed, looking at the two women cuddled up. The other three members of the party were in a pile nearby - Qae had really taken to the two shortstacks.

"It's okay." Fiona said, idly playing with the skull chain dangling around Ash's tummy. "We can be... A lot. If you do want to join us permanently - and this isn't an invite yet, we do have things to discuss." She hadn't forgotten the bunny-cat's shadyness, and she'd still to see her in actual combat. Healing Fiona had been amazing, and she would be forever grateful - but that was an arduous, long task. They needed a combat healer, someone who could be useful during a fight. Tamlin hadn't proven that yet.

"I know... And I am sorry. It's... I suppose I can share a little." She took a breath, steeling herself. "I know you know, but Annabelle was correct. I was a cat girl when she first met me. Or well, I looked like one. And I'm not one." She scratched one floppy rabbit ear. "And I'm not a bunny girl either but... I can't really tell you more. I really, really can't. The effects on Annabelle, the lying, her thinking I was always a bunny." She looked over at the goblin, who was still looking doubtful, fully focused on the other bed despite the cuddle she was deeply involved in. "It's something that truly just happens, and it's to protect me."

"We don't doubt you, not completely. But we need to know if we can truly trust you..." Fiona reached over to scratch the itchy ear, and the priestess's leg started kicking.

"Indeed" Qaerlyz, so far a silent observer spoke up. "We do have quite a bit to uncover - and we still have daylight, we made excellent time today. Or the sun never sets on this floor - my reports miss the oddest things." She looked up a bit at the ceiling, considering what was more likely. "Tamlin - would you mind going to check if your informant has heard anything about Gertram and his sanctum?" She looked down at the two mischievous women snuggled against the paladin. "And you two, we have to select our next offerings for Fiona."

"Oh - that makes sense" Tamlin got up slowly, reluctant to leave the comfortable position. "I'll be back to shuffle your sheets for you" She smiled as she headed out.

Waiting for her to leave, steps fading away Qae spoke softly, as Annabelle and Liddy were already weighing up their two remaining options for the ever-growing popular 'what would Fiona fuck next' game. She'd heard Ash and Tamlin were gonna make a bet.

"I do believe I am aware of what Tamlin's secret - and predicament - is, and why she is cautious."  Fiona looked at the ancient, all-powerful, all-knowing dragon without an ounce of surprise. 

"Of course you do." She said, a deadpan tone.

Qae nodded. "I do not have any concern that she is of danger to us - if she was, I would intervene. Until I do, I think the polite thing to do is to keep her secret. If you all trust me to ensure nothing dangerous happens."

A resounding agreement from everyone - if anyone could be trusted, it was Qae. It seemed to reinforce her confidence in herself after forgetting the incredibly niche knowledge of infections being empowered when walking through a portal where you leveled up. She had seemed a little down, a little less commanding.

That out of the way, it wasn't long before the terrible threesome was off in each of their corners, plotting what Fiona would be doing next. She tried to ignore it, cuddling into her pet, stroking and petting her. She was certain she heard what could only be described as subdued, maniacal cackling from liddy's corner.

Hi all, i am sorry to announce that Tower of Passion will be on indefinite hiatus from now on. I am in need of a mental break, and while i intend to return i dont know when that will be. I truly appreciate everyone who has enjoyed and read so far, and i do intend to continue it, just dont know when. Hope you understand. This is the last chapter of my 37 chapter backlog i had when i stopped writing, and will be the last one uploaded for now.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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