The Tower of Passion

INTERLUDE 3 – Goddesses

As I am getting closer to finishing the pre written Act 1, I am starting planning act 2 - I know a lot of you have idea's suggestions, specific monster girls you want to see. I will in the next few weeks hopefully be doing some polls and questions on my discord were people can choose between some non-plot affecting things they might be interested in for Act 2, as I have too many idea's for all of them to fit. It will be limited to kinks & specific types of monsters, not plot points - but if you want to be a part of this, join the discord. And don't worry - there's still a lot left of act one for you:)

Ina was waiting patiently to be able to speak to her charge. The woman was making good pace up the floors, and should soon be on the fourth. Hopefully, she had the sense to go to the right place while there, so the goddess could get in touch. She hated how she had to cut their time off short, but she couldn't risk it. So, patience.

The one she had no patience for was lounging in front of her, red skin, small horns, big wings, relaxing on a setee made from marshmallow clouds in their space between worlds.

Oniranfra was infuriating. The goddess of desire always threw caution to the wind, and while one might think passion and desire would see eye to eye, they often did not.

"Relax, it doesn't matter if the transcended are from the same planet. Earth is a big one anyways"
"So are the other artifacts on other planets."
"No. I got distracted, I want to play with some of the animals on earth so I just left them all there."

And there it was. Passion, while overwhelming drove towards a single thing. It stayed - even if lost in a moment, it had a focus. Desire could be... Fleeting. Not always, but Ina's sister absolutely was. 

"So every transcended of this batch will be from the same planet. The entire point is diversity of power."
"So it's not good all the artifacts are sex toys?"
"What? You liked the first one."
"Yes. because I thought that was the only one." She racked her brain for which other artifacts had been sent out for this group of transcended needed for the tower.
"Isn't Yarni's out?"
"Yeah. It's a fleshlight."
"Yeah, it works."
"Does it?"
"If you don't think about it"
"How many more are there?"
"I think it's three left. Well, I put combined two into one - anyways, I'm horny." Oni looked at Ina, eyes undressing the bare clothes she was wearing. Ina didn't mind, not always but right now she was... Annoyed.

"Well, I am not." She crossed her arms and stared at the woman. Technically her sister, in that all goddesses were sisters, but it got blurry. It did when everyone just popped out of nothing cause enough people thought of them. They were about as related as a cooked egg and a drawing made by the same person, entity, or whatever made things.
"Come on. We can talk about the climbers first, I know that's what you care about."
"Fine. First, how is yours? You made her a Witch?"
"Come sit down, cuddle up - then we talk" Oni waved her hands and a seat next to her appeared. Ina sat down, and the red-skinned goddess immediately put her head on her thick thighs. A red finger tracing lines on Ina's skin. The goddess of passion shuddered.

"My one is doing great. Very focused. She's got one thought, one object of desire and she's chasing it. Should make it to floor four any time." Oni's finger climbed up Ina's body, before tracing crude drawings on one of her enormous breasts.

"And what is that?" Ina asked.

"Your climber. She loves her. Doesn't know it yet tho, absolute idiot."

"What?" Ina grabbed Oni's hand, stopping her distraction. "They know each other?"

"Yeh." the red-skinned woman snuck her other hand up and pinched a barely covered nipple. 

"Is that an issue?"

"Is that an.... transcended from the same batch should be from different planets, definitely not the same friend group!"


"Why?? Why? Why... I... that's just the..." Ina stopped to think trying to ignore the fondling of her breast.

"Exactly. It's fine. It's not like the other artifacts are also gonna go to their friends. Don't be daft."

That did seem unlikely, although even two of them seemed strange.

"Anyways, enough about my complete disregard for the established rules. How is your climber doing." Oni had both hands free now and seemed to be comparing the weight of Ina's enormous breasts.

"Excellent - the tower has provided her with a suitable party and she's using her abilities to their fullest extent." Ina let out a soft gasp as she red fingers massaged titflesh.

"Lucky, mine only getting grouped with idiots."

"Well, Fiona is about to reach floor four as well.  Maybe they join up - I believe a disciple of yours would benefit her party greatly." Ina started to stroke the desire goddess's hair, closing her eyes and enjoying the rough handling.

 "Repressing desires, too stupid to realize what they want?" Oni asked as she turned her head and starting kissing Inas tummy.

"Mhmm. She's travelling with that lizard you know?"

"The black one?" Oni raised an eye at the revelation.

"No - She's much higher up. Ah. Blue one. She finally entered."

"Oh... I like her. She's been putting it off for a long time. What happened?"

"Same as us. The outsiders are... Oh that's nice."

"Well, the two of them and the blue lizard. That will be formidable, if they all meet up." Oni smacked her lips. "Only one question left."

"And that is?"  Inas hand was wandering over red skin now, gently stroking her fellow goddess.

"Can I eat your pussy yet?"

Ina softly sighed, and a soft, strong hand lifted Onis head up as milky white, thick thighs spread allowing access.

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