The Tower of Passion

INTERLUDE 4 – The Nothing

In a place that wasn't quite anything, wasn't quite nothing, and didn't quite exist but certainly didn't exactly not exist, two creatures steeped in non-existence gathered. If you could see them - and if you were anywhere near this, the contradiction of this space of existence wouldn't let you experience more than a complete and utter overload of the senses, a disruption of all logic, and a steep descent into madness.

They were both bipedal creatures, slender, with translucent skin. One a deep purple, the other a soft pink. 
The pink creatures had soft curves, tendrils waving from the side of their hips, and a larger set from between their legs. Whether it was genitalia or not was certainly unknown, but most creatures would assume so. Arms ended in long, delicate fingers.

The other had similar curves but narrower, sharper - curves still there, but a more angular build. Their not-genitals were twofold - two long, slender tendrils dangling between their legs.

Above the shoulders, the creatures were similar. Not-mouths covered by slippery appendages, waving in the not-wind. Appendages forming long, flowing hair trailing down each of their backs, and black eyes that contained every star in every galaxy meeting each other.

The pink one spoke to their follow outer god if their form of communication could be considered speaking. Any other creature than one of their fellows - including their worshippers, their spawn, and anyone who shared non-existence with them would evaporate from the presence of a being like this forcefully pushing what they meant into their mind. 

A conversation was what it was, with words and images, emotions and concepts - and if it could be translated to be understand by lesser beings, it would likely go something along this.

"Why did they fail?" The purple one didn't quite say, but also definitely did say.

"They were overwhelmed by the... somethings. The existent ones." Came the non-response from the pink one.

"They were supposed to take the little transcended - is existence so compelling? So confounding?"

"It seems they took the wrong one - Existence must be delicious, scrumptious. Even the ability to be... wrong. I wish to taste it... to understand it, to undo it." The pink ones tendrils shivered.

The two were silent in their non-existence for a moment, as their tendrils reached towards each other, interwoven, the outer gods shivering at the concept of existence together.

"Can we not enter yet... taste it for ourselves." Tendrils around the pink creature's mouth - if it had one, it had not been convinced it did yet wriggled in what could pass for excitement.

"We mustn't. We must breach the areas able to sustain us...If the opportunity presents itself maybe... Maybe a tendril. A part." The purple one shivered again, the idea that it would need something to continue existence being beyond appealing. The idea that it had parts was exhilarating.

"But I hunger." The pink one sounded... Impatient? What was that? I couldn't wait to make sure no one sounded like that ever again.

"I do... and even feeling the hunger is exhilarating." Emotion had been new to the two since the first crack in the tower had opened, and they first became aware that they didn't exist.

"We must stop them... There is a potency with these existent. Something... Something I covet" Overwhelming sensations pulsing through the white space of nothing, any not-creatures caught in it evaporating, overwhelmed by the sudden concept of existence, they dissipated as if having never been there.

The purple one's tendrils wiggled with excessive emotions, its skin rippling as it flickered between having skin and being nothing, thinking of a non-response.

"We must influence them. Find another way to affect the tower."

"How?" Pink limbs moved towards its peer, slithering around a narrow waist.

"Two of the existants took the fragments of nothing... The green one, and another from outside." The purple creature wriggled in the grasp of the other, its tendrils reaching around, both creatures being pulled together. 

"Why would they do that?"

"I don't know"

"I can't wait to find out."

"I can wait. I am looking forward to it."

Nothing was pressed against nothing, excitement permeating the conversation.

"We will have an opportunity to stop them soon"

"Why would the tower choose them? There are so many."

"It's those... Emotions. And they have a Force."

The pink one let out a noise of revulsion at the mention of the pantheons of the tower, the air in the nothing shuddering in response.

"Don't worry..." The purple pushed pink closer to themselves, both fully entwined in their tendrils. 

"By the end, it will all be nothing."

 And the two outside gods stayed entwined, enjoying and not enjoying it in equal amounts. 

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