The Transmigrated Professor

Chapter 62: Wolfsbane

Wolfsbane, Italia Island...

Stepping out of the portal was a group of five people, who found themselves in a large wooden cabin.

As Ray and the others shook off the nausea from the teleportation sickness, a blond receptionist greeted them. “Thank you for using our services. I welcome you to Wolfsbane, the city of mercenaries.”

In her hands was a tray with five glasses of a fizzy blue liquid.

“To help with the nausea.” She explained as she offered it to them.

Rohan, who was on the verge of puking, quickly grabbed a glass. “Teleportation…is…horrible...”

“You are just too weak.” Izzy teased him, though she didn’t seem to turn down the glass either.

“I don’t remember receiving such a welcome when I went to Venezia Island a few months back.” Ray grumbled lightly, as he downed the drink, which tasted weirdly like lemonade.

“My apologies, dear customer. Unlike Wolfsbane, Venezia doesn't have a high enough traffic for us to establish a quarter there. That is why we provide Return Marbles to our customers so that they can return with no inconvenience. Fortunately, on Italia Island, you can return to the Continent whenever you want. Just come here whenever you want.”

“I will be sure to do that!” 

After some thought, Ray decided to ask. 

“Actually, I need your help. This is our first time in Wolfsbane, so I would love to know more about this place.”

In the novel, Wolfsbane was a very important location, being the unofficial “Capital” of the Sanskriti Archipelago. 

Artifacts, powerful Awakened, you name it. Everything piece of information一whether big or small一would surely make its way here.

However, the foggy pieces of knowledge about Wolfsbane he remembered from the novel would pale compared to what he could gain from someone living here.

That is why he decided to ask this receptionist, a native of the area, to know more about the situation at Wolfsbane.

After all, having more information never hurt anyone.

“Wolfsbane, as I said earlier, is a city of mercenaries. Most of the inhabitants here are Awakened but decide not to become Heroes and follow the restraining rules the Hero League imposes on those who support it. However, it doesn’t mean Wolfsbane doesn’t have laws of its own. I would advise you to visit the Pack.”

“I see.” Ray nodded in understanding. “One final question. Are there any hotels or guest houses nearby? My family and I would love to have a place to rent for our visit here.”

“As I said, visit the Pack. You will find everything you want there.”

And with that, the receptionist turned her back and disappeared into her office.

“Well, I guess we know what our next destination is going to be.” Ray announced as he walked out of the Portal Station. 

As he summoned the SUV out of his dimensional ring, Ray once again felt thankful that the world here had dimensional rings.

He could transport an entire vehicle from one place to another with just a single tap of his finger, and not have to go through the hassle of renting absurdly expensive cars in foreign countries.

“Kind of wish I had them during my business trips. That damn company was so stingy with its transportation reimbursements.’

As Ray mused over his past corporate life, the others took their seats. Once everyone was settled, Ray started the SUV.

Wolfsbane, for the most part, was an eco-metropolis island. Some parts of it were like a primitive, overgrown jungle that had been untouched by humans for centuries, while some parts were highly urbanized with bullet trains and skyscrapers taller than the oldest trees, visible from miles away.

Thanks to that, Ray didn’t even have to ask anyone for directions. He just followed the trail that seemed to take him in the direction where the skyscrapers of Wolfsbane were standing.

“Hey, what kind of place is the Pack that lady mentioned?” Izzy mentioned, breaking the silence in the SUV.

“The Pack is like the mercenaries version of the Hero League.” Ray explained as he steered the SUV to the main road leading to Wolfsbane. “Basically, their job is to maintain order here at the Archipelago, where the influence of the League is almost non-existent. They also provide jobs to the mercenaries affiliated with them, much like Guilds do to their Heroes back on the continent.”

“Wow, they must be pretty powerful!” Izzy asked in excitement. 

“They are. They are the reason why the Islands of the Archipelago haven’t been overtaken by monsters yet, despite the lack of Guilds.”

“Then why didn’t they help Venezia Island when the Dungeon monsters were going to overrun it.” Mike asked, remembering the despair the island residents felt when the Dungeon Rampage occurred near their Island.

“Mike, I don't want to be the one to destroy the beliefs of an innocent boy, but you would be wise to remember the world is a very cruel place.” Ray explained in a low tone. Although it wasn’t specifically mentioned in the book the specifics behind the demise of Venezia Island, Ray was a sufficiently extroverted person to know how the world works, whether it be the real one or one inside a novel.

It didn't take a genius to guess why things had happened as they did.

He fell silent as Jacob decided to interrupt, believing it would be better for Mike to hear this from a fellow islander, and also since he was aware of the exact circumstances, unlike Ray who only had guesses.

“The mayor had indeed contacted the mercenaries of Wolfsbane after the League ignored their request to close the Dungeon一‘Vritra’s Prison’一however, the price they demanded for this request was too much. There’s no way the mayor could afford it. That is why Venezia Island was left to fend for themselves and had to send its young men to close the Dungeon.”

“But shouldn’t they help us? I mean, the League has repeatedly ignored all of us. We are fellow outcasts.” Mike insisted, refusing to believe people can be so cruel.

“Alas, the world doesn’t work on kindness or empathy. You would do well to remember that. All three of you!” Ray warned the three minors in the car.

"ALRIGHT!" Keeping his words in their hearts, Rohan, Mike, and Izzy replied in unison.

"Though I suppose Wolfsbane is better than I expected." Ray thoughtlessly commented.

"Why is that?" Mike asked curiously.

"Well, in cliche situations like this, usually mercenaries would punish the islanders for not paying them their fees and asking for help from outsiders." Ray, a past-life fanatic for fantasy novels, expressed his experiences from the stories he had read.

"WHAT!? That's just cruel." Izzy exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, you will be surprised to know how cruel and petty people can be when things don't go their way."

Soon, the tall iron gates of the Wolfsbane came into their view.

Although the city itself seemed modern, the walls surrounding it were ancient, made of grey stones that looked like they could topple from a punch by an E-Rank Awakened.

However, despite its meek appearance, Ray could feel the mana emitting from the powerful magical enchantments etched into the stone walls. Even multiple S Rank individuals might find it difficult to break through the barrier protecting the mercenary city.

'I wonder which wall smiths helped in creating this masterpiece.'

Inheriting the original Ray’s nerdy personality, as well as his innate curiosity and excitement, Ray would have loved to stop and have his ‘Appraisal’ analyze them.

However, they were halted at the gates.

Two B+ Rank Heroes, one that specialized in offense, and the other that specialized in magic and agility were guarding the door.

'I suppose this pair-up was done so that in cases of emergency, one might stall the enemy, while the other alerted the higher-ups of the city.'

“What is your purpose for visiting?” The brown-haired burly guard asked Ray, as he was on the driver’s seat side.

“We recently registered as mercenaries. So we came here to gain experience and earn some money.”  

“Hmm.” The guard didn’t seem too shocked by it. It was almost a daily thing for new mercenaries to come to Wolfsbane, looking for jobs, after leaving the Human Continent.


The man stared suspiciously at the old man in the front passenger seat and the minors in the back, raising an eyebrow at Ray.

“They are all Awakened.” Ray quickly explained. "And the old man's a guardian for one of the kids."

It wasn’t that hard to prove, since their bodies were releasing mana, announcing to the world their inexperienced E Rank status.

“Got any documents to verify your identity?” The light-haired agility-based hunter asked them.

Ray quickly handed him the documents he had prepared beforehand. 

The light-haired man slowly examined them, looking over each one carefully.

This was something that needed to be done very strictly. After all, allowing any suspicious person into Wolfsbane would quickly erupt into a disaster if they were not careful.

“Ray…Isabella…Rohan Claeg…Mikael Harpoon…Jacob…I see you two used to be residents of Venezia Island. Did you leave after that Dungeon Rampage?” 

“Yes. Thankfully, the Dungeon was stopped before the second rampage, but we still decided to leave due to safety concerns.” Jacob patiently answered.

“I see. And the rest are coming from the Human Continent, hmm...That’s surprising. Usually, mainlanders have such devotion for the League that they rarely become mercenaries in the Archipelago, choosing to stay as Heroes. Well, the high pay and standard of living also help I guess. Am I right?”

“I believe there are things more important than money.” Ray calmly replied. 

The brown-haired burly man chuckled at Ray's sincere answer. “True! Skills to survive in the world are not something that money can buy. That’s something only true hardship can achieve.”

“Alright. I have verified your documents. You may enter.” The light-haired guy handed Ray back the documents. “I hope you enjoy your stay. And may you return alive.”

With a devilish snicker, the guards pushed open the steel gates, allowing Ray’s SUV to pass through.

As Ray & Co. entered Wolfsbane, they could feel the city air filled to the brim with the vibrant sense of adventure, freedom, and the slightest hint of bloodlust.

Although the main road was tranquil, with people peacefully exploring the organized Market Centre, the dark alleys seemed full of pickpockets, robbers, and other lives.

Overlooking this entire scene, was a single skyscraper, as if displaying its ownership of the land.

Slowly pulling into the parking lot, Ray and the others could see Awakened by various Ranks going in and coming out of the building.

“Make sure you guys behave, alright?” Ray warned them as everyone exited the SUV.

From what he remembered, Wolfsbane was full of hotheads and rowdy people. The last thing he wanted was one of the kids accidentally triggering one of the mercenaries and starting a fight.

Despite its modern exterior, the inside of the skyscraper seemed to be modeled in a more medieval look.

The walls were lined with wooden planks and old-fashioned candle chandeliers hung from the ceiling that was three stories high. At one side, a cave-shaped bar seemed to emerge from the wall, a 3-D LED sign hanging on the top saying “The Den”, with a large paw print of the wolf beside it.

‘The Pack. The Den. Whoever owns this place must like wolves.’ Ray thought as he noticed the various Wolf-monster taxidermies mounted on the walls like trophies.

The rest of the space was occupied by a restaurant, as waiters passed food around while mercenaries circled various tables, sharing alcohol and stories.

“Did you hear about the B Rank Dungeon that opened up near Nippona Island? Damn, the Grey Hound Mercenaries defeated the Boss Monster and got two Skill Beads. They are gonna put them up for an auction.”

"I am so jealous. They are gonna rake in a fortune."

“I won't mind getting my hands on Skills that came from a B-Rank Dungeon. When’s the auction happening?”

“As if you could afford anything? And anyway, they haven’t released the location yet.”

“Speaking of the auction, did you hear about those strange Eggs mercenaries are finding in Dungeons these days?”

“Oh yeah. I think Viper Corps got one too. They couldn’t understand what the Egg could do, so they are putting it up for auction, hoping some collectors would pay a pretty buck for it.”

As Ray eavesdropped on the conversation at the table next to him, his ears perked up as he listened to the last part.

Dungeons were already summoning Spirit Eggs as rewards it seems. It won’t be long before the entire world finds out the true worth of Spirits and Spirit Tamers and their price skyrockets.

Ray would have loved to buy them when their value was still severely undermined, but he and Mike were already contracted with their respective Spirits, and can’t contract with another Spirit.

And Ray highly doubted there were more Spirits like Deus who could contract with even non-Spirit Tamers.

It would be a waste to buy them. Of course, he could resell them, but he wasn't that in need of cash.

But the auction still sounded nice.

He will definitely have to visit it later. 

Who knows? Maybe his ‘Appraisal' Skill can find him some hidden gems.

Taking a mental note to ask the auction venue later, Ray approached the bartender.

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