THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)



The zone was occupied by mountains and rivers. If you looked at it superficially, there nothing to note. But, if you were able to see under the earth, you will be surprised.

Under the earth was a laboratory. It was a large one. In it, a flurry of activities could be seen. Many people in white blouses were walking with a focused expression. They were five. One of them asked.

"Are you sure that you saw well?"

"Of course, out of all the children we recently kidnapped and experimented on, we found one that managed to develop two quirks"

The other four couldn't help but exclaims. In their world, 80% of people were born with a special ability called quirk. This ability could go from having eyes too big to being able to fly or launch lightning. Still, until now one rule stayed true. One could never have more than one quirk.

Until now, these rules had only be broken by two people, and now, it seems like a third one was born. This was a revolution. They couldn't contain the pounding of their hearts. Their goal all along was to create such being, being able to hold multiple quirks. But until now, they had no success.

After walking for a while they reached a closed room. One of them took out his hand and put it in on-screen that was embedded in the door. The screen glowed a little and after a while, a green light appeared confirming the identity of the man.

After he entered, the other four did the same. After a while, another door was before them. This time they had to answer many questions before being allowed to pass. After all, with all the quirks out of here, you could never be too sure. Some quirks could even allow one to change appearance so they had to be cautious.

After another three security checks, they finally reached a large room, in this room one old man was seated on a chair. He had no hair on his head and he wore large round glass on his face. Once they entered the five of them became extremely calm and silent. This man was the head director of their organization as well as the doctor of their true boss. They couldn't afford to offend him. He was Ujiko Daruma. 

Daruma was looking at the display on the screen. In this record, a child who looked to be about four years old was shown moving from and fro in his room by what looked like some sort of teleportation. Each time he teleported, a yellow flash could be seen. The child only managed to do it three times before he was seen panting in exhaustion.

One of the scientists opened his mouth.

"This is his first power. From what we observed, number 3771 is able to teleport at any checkpoints he let prior to this."

"How long does this mark last?" asked the Daruma. 

"3771 was sent here since six months ago but he only awakened his first quirk two months ago. At least, until now, we have seen his mark last no more than one week."

"interesting.." Daruma didn't comment more and switched to another recording.

In it, the same child was still present, this time though he was strapped on an operation table and was seen screaming and crying. The men in the room didn't bat an eye at such a display. They have seen many such scenes, all atrocities could be done in the name of science.

Next to the child, a surgeon was present. He was using his scalpel to slowly open various parts of the child body. No anesthesia was used. After a while and numerous lacerations later, the surgeon placed his scalpel down and began to observe. 

The men in the room took a deep breath. Here in front of them, they saw his body slowly mending. The regeneration wasn't instantaneous, but it could be clearly seen.

"We discovered this second quirk by accident when during one of the experiments, 3771 was wounded. We don't know all the facet of this power, but we already determined that 3771 had a regeneration factor extremely high. We suspect a type of blood manipulation. "

This time, Daruma couldn't stay so calm. All this time, his goal was to be able to create being like All for one. He never managed to do it but now he had a key.

 He opened his mouth.

" Put 3771 into another ward. Do not train him his powers are too dangerous to let him manifest them at their maximum. Also regularly take blood samples from him. We will now open projects NOMU. This child will be the key. From now one he will be known as THE ROOT OF EVIL"

After saying this, he turned and left a maniac smile adorning his face.

-----------------------IN A CITY

At the same time that a child was destined to become a lab rat, another one found that he was destined to be nothing. 

In a dimly lit room, the only source of light was coming from a screen where a video running could be seen. In that video, a man, no hero was saving people and laughing as he consoled them. The same hero could be seen in many posters hung on the walls of the room. 

That video was being watched by a child. He had green hair and wore an orange tee-shirt. But that wasn't what was surprising. 

The problem was that, since he watched the video of his idols, he should have been full of smiles, sadly that wasn't the case. 

The child was watching with a blank expression. The child was broken. 80% of the population have a quirk. But it also means that 20% of the population is born without one. This child, a few hours ago, learned that he was quirkless. 

His greatest wish, like all children, was to be like his idols and became a great hero. Sadly this wish became impossible to realize. Reality is cruel. A child without quirk could never become a hero, no matter how hard he works. 

A woman stood in the room. She watched her child with a pained face. Suddenly, the child saw a scene that he always liked, he said with tears gathered in his eyes as he pointed toward the screen with his trembling finger. 

"Mom, no matter what troubles you're in, he will save you with a smile... A super cool hero like that, that's what I wanna be" 

For the mother, those words were devastating. She could only cry as she took her child in her hands and asked him to forgive him again and again. She had nothing to do with this situation, but for a mother, there nothing worse than seeing her child in such a state. 


A child was seen in a white room. A team of seven researchers were around him or observing the machine. He was bathed in so much blood that his feature couldn't be clearly seen. He was seated on a chair and different strapping were bidding him.

His eyes were vacant. After so many years of having his blood sucked out of him and divers operations are done to see the limits of his regeneration ability. He basically shut down all his thinking functions. He acted like a doll.

Since the researchers didn't need him to speak, they didn't really care either. He was only useful as a test subject in their eyes. Even that was coming to end. 

During all those years, they tried to create being with multiple quirks. The project NOMU still didn't wield results, but this was just a question of time. At this current level and with all the blood and organs they took from him, even if he were to die now, this wouldn't change much.

"I heard that the Supreme boss is paying attention to this project. " 

"Yes, it's true, he is recently asked the body of the Nomu corpse that didn't manage to survive." 

The surgeon in charge gave a light slap to the emotionless face of the boys and laughed while speaking to his co-worker.

"Don't you think it's funny. This child here is in possession of two incredible quirks. Sadly he will die without leaving his mark on the world. Either as a hero or a villain."

"What are you saying? Once the project NOMU is completed, he will be eternally known in our hearts as the one that allowed it"

Another one answered and began to laugh boisterously. It was clear that they didn't put the child in their eyes. For them, his death was a foregone conclusion. After all, with all the things they did to him, there is no way he wouldn't try to take his revenge if he was given the occasion to grow.

What they didn't know, was that the child wasn't as emotionless as he appeared to be. He was simply observing them. He felt it. Something will happen soon. Something that will allow him to escape from this hell. He couldn't miss this chance. After once again confirming this feeling, he closed his eyes and went to light sleep. The regeneration took a large amount of energy out of his body. A few minutes later, 


A tremor shock the lab. He slowly opened his red eyes and a grin settled on his face.

For years they did everything possible to his body. For years they treated as nothing more than an animal. Today, the time to take revenge for everything finally comes.

(AN: Who got my reference with  the number 3771???) 

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