THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


"The problem is, that he seems a little antsy. We tried to approach him, but everyone who tried nearly got killed. This kid seems to have a very powerful quirk related to blood. Also..."

"And?..." Nighteye remarked the hesitation of the man. He answered with a lower voice. 

 "This kid seems to have killed all the researchers who stayed farther in the laboratory"

Nighteye fell silent, All Might who heard everything turned and began to walk ahead. This was sufficient, no words were needed. They would save this child no matter what.


The child was scared. He had easily killed all those bastards who made him suffer. But now he didn't know what to do. How will he get out? what to do once he gets out? Where are his parents? where is he? So many questions swirled in his head.

If that wasn't enough, people with weapons were slowly surrounding him. He could escape using his power, but the farther he could go was inside the laboratory. There was no escape.

The child made his resolve, if they tried to capture him, he will kill them. There is no way he was going back to the pain. Sadly, those new guys seemed more powerful than the ones he previously killed. It was hard to get a clean hit.

He bit his lip in frustration as he saw all his exists slowly closing. Tear began to gather in his eyes. His mind began to be hazy. He asked himself. Why? Why? Why?


His body began to glow, blue helixes appeared around him. Spark of red lightning flickered on his body. His blood this time took the form of a whip and attacked all those around him, sending them against the walls.

This shout basically drained his reserves. His thoughts become heavy. He was on the verge of fainting. Just as he let go of his control and began to fall, a large and warm hand caught him. In his mind that was about to fall asleep, he heard those words,

"I am here"


Nighteye had a bad look as he looked at the bloodied kid. He didn't despite the kid. Far from that. His scream filled with despair was enough to understand that he could never understand the pain and suffering this child must have gone through.

He raised his glasses and began to walk toward what should be a record room. Ten minutes later, Nighteye knew that he would never look at humans the same way. In his life and as a hero, he saw many sick things, but this, this was too much.


He turned and saw All might behind him with the child asleep in his hands. What made the sound was his gritted teeth. Blood was seeping from his lips. His blue eyes glowed eerily. 

All might wasn't new to anger. He was angry when he was quirkless. He was angry each time he saw evil baring its fang toward good. But this time, he wasn't angry. His feelings surpassed it so much that he became calm instead. A cold and emotionless calm, he only felt like that once, when his mentor was killed.

Still, as the child stirred a little, he decided to stop his thoughts. The child should wake up to a beautiful world, not an angry and wrathful face.

He turned back and said while walking,

"Copy everything and destroy the original."

As a hero, such a decision was outside of his authority. But, he couldn't let those records end on evil hand. This child being the third one with more than one quirk was something that would make him a target for everyone. He will bury the truth on his part as much as he could.

After walking a few minutes and jumping out of the crater, he reached the temporary camp made. He entered the tent reserved for him and put the kid on the bed.

He frowned a little after looking at the blood, but it didn't matter. He could wash him once he wakes up. Right he needed to sleep.

------ one day later 

He was dreaming. It was a long dream, a blurry dream. That what he thought as he woke up.

The moment his eyes opened, he saw a big man with a large smile close to him. That scared him so much that he automatically tried to slash him with a blood scalpel, only for it to snap after hitting the muscle of his target.

His mind went blank. This has never happened before. Just how strong was this guy. The knowledge that he couldn't kill him instantly brought fear in his mind. 

The man slowly raised his hand and began to bring it toward him. The boy simply decided to curl on himself as he trembled, waiting for the beating that would follow. This wasn't the first time he was beaten. He was used to it, even though it hurt so much.

But rather than a heavy slap, what he felt was a soft pat on his head. He raised his face to look. The smile on the face of the man wasn't so scary anymore. His instincts were telling him, this man was worthy of trust 

"Boy... What is your name"

"..." This brought tears to his eyes. How long had it been since he heard such a gentle voice? He tried to speak,

"I.. Don't... Know... ". It was hard. It has been too long since he spoke. He didn't remember his name. He didn't remember where he came from or who he was.

All Might's heart ached. Such a pitiful child. He smiled simply and didn't pursue this line of questioning. Instead, he asked, 

" Do you want to take a bath?" 

"Ba...Bath? "

"Yes, you're a little too bloody"

All Might pointed his finger to him as he said that. The boy looked at himself and saw all the blood on him. He was indeed in the need of a bath as such he simply nodded.

All Might, seeing this took the boy in his arms and got out of the tent. He went toward the zone reserved for bathing. As he walked he looked at the boy. Despite his cautious appearance, he could see the glint of curiosity in the boy's eyes. That made him happy. The boy wasn't too far gone. There was still hope.

Once he reached it, he first gave a shower and by doing so washed all the blood that hid his features. The boy had silver-white hair, red eyes, and tanned skin color. He had mixed Asian features. From the way he looked, he would clearly become a lady killer in the future. He looked further down and was truly surprised...

"Who... Are you?" The boy's voice became more clear. All Might was stunned. He was so used to being idolized that he forgot that not everyone should necessarily know him. He smiled and said

"You can call me Toshinari Yagi. But I'm more know as All Might. I'm a hero"

"A hero?"

"Yes, a hero. The job of heroes is to help, protect and save people from the bad guy"

"Bad guy... Like... Those guys who... Were hurting me?"

All might hid a wince.

"Yes like them"

"So you... came to save... me ?"

"Of course"

This time he was able to answer with conviction. Still, All might didn't delude himself. The way the boy looked at him was full of wariness. It was clear that the only reason the boy didn't make a fuss was because of the disparity in power between the two of them.

After they finished the shower and the bath, he made him eat a good meal and sent him to his tent once again, before tucking him in.

Looking at the boy that was peacefully sleeping, All Might finally made his mind.

His body began to deflate slowly until he went from a hulking mass of muscle to a somewhat muscular form. If before he was a hulk, now he seemed just like a fit middle aged man. He let a breath. While he didn't mind his form while using One For All, being in his natural form was truly more relaxing. 

During the day earlier when the child was still asleep, he and Nighteye, as well as the other rescuers, managed to find all the families of the kidnapped children. They might need a few years to put past everything that happened, but, children were strong, they could make it. 

This boy, on the other hand, was different. He was already an orphan before being kidnapped. He had no family and nowhere to go. If he carelessly let the child go, he wouldn't be surprised if he became a villain in the future. 

He discussed with Nighteye and came with a solution. At first, he wanted to adopt him, but it was too dangerous. If the force of evil were to learn that he had a son, they will give it their all to destroy him or kidnap him once again.

As such, they decided that the one to adopt him would be Nighteye. Of course, they would have to ask the opinion of the child, but even then, he really hoped that the child would accept.

This child was strong. But his mind was weak. What he needed right now, was a way to calm himself and settle down in a normal life. He also needed to receive training, because his life wouldn't be easy.

The best way he saw it, the perfect solution would be to raise him for six years with some light training and conditioning. They could also pay a home teacher for him. Finally, once he reached 14 years old, they would send him to U.A where he would be closer to children his age and truly learn how to use his quirk.

Of course, they could train him right now, but All Might didn't think that they should do it if they wanted him to have a good mental and emotional growth.

(AN 1: For those wondering. No he didn't already fight All For One.

The reason I made him transform is because I think that it's true form. One for all isn't constantly active. So when he use it, he take his muscles form and yellow spark flicker around him. 

It's a little like midoriya, when he use one for all, marks form on his body and green spark flicker around him. ) 

(AN 2: This time it is really the last chapter.) 

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