The True Endgame

[Vol. 11 pt. 14]

Even though Astika was more or less responsible for everything bad that happened over the last twenty-four hours, Fenrir couldn’t help but to feel a bit guilty about unleashing Nell on her. He saw just how furious Nell was, and, honestly, it terrified him. There was not a single scarier sight that he could think of on the same level as Nell’s silent rage. The stiff way she walked, that unmoving smile, the sadistic fury in her eyes—horror movies had nothing on Nell.

But while Fenrir stood back to watch the show… it was hard to focus on just how terrifying Nell was when he felt a sudden hand groping him. And when he looked down, he saw the petite hand of his smallest girlfriend right on his crotch feeling around as if trying to find where the important bits were. Once that hand slid down far enough, and applied enough pressure against the cloth, to find his sack hidden behind the fabric, Serra said, “Ah, found them,” and gave his sack a squeeze over his clothing.

“What are you doing?” Fenrir asked, flicking her groping hand with one of his fingers, but such a flick would never deter Serra from groping her boyfriend’s junk.

“I’m touching my property. It’s been more than a day since I groped them last. That’s illegal.”

“Your property, huh?”

Serra nodded. “Boobs and balls. They all belong to me and have to be groped at least once every day. It’s the law.”

“The law, huh? And what’s the punishment for breaking it?”

“Edging you until you beg.”


“Also, I was thinking while you were gone.”

“Wait, you think?”

Serra turned her head to look up at her boyfriend and pouted. “Why bully?”

“Because you’re cute,” Fenrir answered. “And if you’re going to grope me in a public place where other people can see, despite how embarrassing that is for me, then that means I at least get to bully you a little in exchange.”

“Fine. Deal.”

“So, what is it that you were thinking about?”

“Oh. Right. Balls are the boobs of a man.”

“I’m pretty sure moobs are the boobs of a man.”

Serra shook her head. “No. Balls are the boobs. That is why balls should be groped just as much as boobs are. I’m going to make it my life mission to grope your balls as much as I grope our girlfriends’ boobs.”

“What about your own boobs? Who’s going to grope those?”


Fenrir let out a dramatic sigh and said, “I suppose, if I must,” and then proceeded to rest one of his hands over her chest to idly grope her.

So, there they were. Fenrir and Serra. Serra was groping his balls while Fenrir was groping her boobs. In public. While a bunch of people were gathered around due to the commotion.

Yet not a single one of the passersby were surprised or bothered by the sight. Such a thing was normal whenever the small pirate girl known as Serra was around one of her lovers.

“I thought of something else,” Serra said.

“Wow, impressive. Two thoughts within twenty-four hours?” Fenrir teased, prompting her to pout again.

“I want to try giving you a tailjob with your own tail. You know. Like holding your tail and wrapping it around your dick and then jacking you off with it.”

“One, I don’t want to get cum in my tail’s hair. Two, that would be like wanting to jack me off with my own hand. I’d rather you just use your own body.”

“Hmm. Then what if I use Nell’s tail? Or Eva’s? One of them can sit on your face with their back facing your dick, and then I can use their tail to jack you off.”

“Why are you so intent on jacking me off with a tail?”

“Because I’ve never done it before. I want to try it. And I like the idea of jacking you off using somebody else’s body part.”

“In that case… I know something you might like.”


“Instead of using somebody’s tail, why don’t you use somebody’s tits? You know, like Cass’s or Aza’s. Or Nell. Or Eva. Or Saya. But anyways, you can just stay behind them and use their tits to jack me off with them.”

“You just want more boobjobs.”

“But it’s the same concept, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t really do the same for me as a tail does. It’s hot, and I want to do that, but I also want to use a tail. Maybe I’m a tailphile.” Finally, Serra noticed Astika over on the beach, pointed at her lower half, and said, “Ah, her. Let’s add her to our harem. Then we can use her tail.”

“One, that would probably break my dick and crush my body. Two, she’s not relationship material. Three, she lost, and probably destroyed, The Shoebill, and also is responsible for Rock getting hurt.”

“Oh. When are we going to kill her?”

“We’re not going to kill her, preferably. Also, since when do you resort to violence so quickly?”

“She hurt Rock. Hurting Rock is punishable by death. Where is she?”



“On the other side of the crowd over on the beach. Last I checked up on her, Rao was pampering her and licking her injuries.”


“Shogun, I mean.”

Serra delivered one of her classic snerks and said, “Heh, now I’m imagining Rao acting like a puppy and licking Rock.”

“Please don’t imagine that. That’s weird. And I don’t want you to put that thought in my head, either.”

“Yeah, it is kind of weird. I’d rather imagine me as Rock and you as Shogun and you mounting me like a wild animal.”



“You really missed not getting to be a pervert to me for a day, didn’t you?”

“Yeah.” She gave his sack an even stronger squeeze. “I’ve missed all of you.”

“Alright, well, I’ll give you some attention later. For now, let’s go listen to what’s happening.”


Fenrir pulled his hand away from Serra’s chest so that he could go up to the others… but Serra kept her hand on his balls until he narrowed her eyes at her and got a smug smile in response. Then Serra actually let go so that he could walk up to the others.


Back on the beach where everybody else was, Fenrir and Serra joined up with where Cassiel and Eva were standing, watching the show from the side.

From what Fenrir could tell, Nell had already been talking to Astika for a couple of minutes… and Astika’s head was hung low in shame, looking more like a scolded dog afraid of upsetting her master than a proud and powerful “big sister” who also just so happened to be a goddess.

More importantly, when Fenrir looked at Cassiel’s and Eva’s faces… the two women looked like they had fallen in love with Nell all over again.

“I understand completely,” Fenrir said, standing behind his two girlfriends as he placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Scary Nell is hot, isn’t she?”

“I want her to make me feel like an insect,” Eva said. “Is that weird? Or does everybody feel that way when they see her like this?”

Cassiel gulped and nodded. “I… think it’s normal. I’m not even really into that, but… it’s hard to see her like this and not want—wait, we… we shouldn’t be sexualizing her when she’s upset.”

“Really?” Fenrir asked. “It’s Nell. Nell. Out of everybody who would want her anger to be sexualized, she’s the one who would enjoy it the most. If anything, she’s going to be upset if she finds out that you refused to fetishize her feelings.”

“I… guess that’s true. Then yeah. I’d never want to make her angry… but I kind of want her to be angry at me. Is that even possible?”

“You wouldn’t want to make her angry, but you’d still want to be angry while she’s giving you attention. Does that sound right?”

“Yeah, exactly.”

Fenrir couldn’t help but to feel smug when he heard that. He’d have to tell her about the angry pampering her got later to make her jealous.

That aside, the center of attention at the moment was Nell and Astika. They were the ones everybody gathered around to watch, and Fenrir decided it would probably be smart to actually pay some attention to them and figure out how things were going.

“I—I already said I’m sorry,” Astika said, practically whimpering as she talked. “You… you do not need to be so upset with me.”

“I most certainly do,” Nell replied. “I understand that you care for me, but truly caring means respecting my decisions.”

“But I didn’t know! How was I supposed to know he actually earned your love and did not simply force you into an arrangement with him?!”

Fenrir felt that was pretty fair. After all, there was no way for Astika to know if he was telling the truth or not.

However, Nell didn’t care about whether or not it was fair. “If you wish to truly prove how apologetic you are, then, from this day onward, you shall treat my hero as you would me. And by that, I mean you will obey his every request. It matters not what he or I request of you. If we request it, we will expect you to immediately and passionately satisfy any order given. Do I make myself clear, Astika?”

“But—I… I’m a goddess! I cannot simply—”

“Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear. Astika?”

Astika slithered backward a bit while lowering her head even more. “I—I understand.”

“Good girl. Furthermore, reparations will be expected for the trouble you have caused. We will discuss the finer details later, but know that you will be in our service repaying us for quite some time.”


In exchange for your cooperation, you will be… welcome to stay here. The city may not be able to accommodate your size, but you should find no issue in traversing our river, and both you and your… island, may remain in our waters. I understand that there is a tribe that calls your island home, yes? So long as they cooperate and treat our people with kindness and respect, they are welcome to view Nameless and its people as friends, and potentially even allies once we have gotten to know each other more.”

Fenrir expected Astika to continue the submissive act, but as soon as that tribe on her island was brought up… she stood up straight and confident. “The adventurers of this world have sought to slay those under my watch at every opportunity. While I trust you, and I will extend that trust to the three who I brought to my island, are you willing to vouch for all the others I see? Your settlement is not a small one and is surely home to many diverse people. Am I to take your word that not a single one of them will pose a risk to my island and those who call it home?”

Seeing just how serious Astika was all of a sudden, Nell’s expression finally softened and she let out a relaxed sigh. “I must say, I much prefer you this way, Astika. Now, to answer your question, yes. I am more than willing to give you my word that those of us who live along this coast are willing to cooperate with your island’s inhabitants as their friends. However, I will warn you that there are others who are targeting us, and it is possible they may target your island as well. I would not see you dragged into our conflict even as a means of paying us back for the trouble you have caused, but it is impossible to deny that our foes may seek to harm you and yours.”

“If you were anybody else, I would not take your word so easily… but I am willing to place faith in my little sister’s beliefs. If you claim that these people can be trusted, then I shall trust them as well. However, should even one of them harm those under my guard, I will not hesitate to bring our mother’s wrath down upon this land and its people.”

“Do not forget that we will have the same expectations toward you and yours. Should any of yours harm any of ours, then we will not hesitate to retaliate in kind regardless of how powerful you may be.”

It was Astika’s turn for her expression to soften. “You have grown into a proud serpent, sister.”

“Please, I am but a queen on my hero’s behalf. But it is because it is on his behalf that I must play my part to the best of my ability.”

Astika turned her eyes toward Fenrir, noticing his hands on his other girlfriends, and then looked back at Nell. “You are fine with a man who betrays your loyalty in public?”

“Hmm? Those women he is with are mine as well. You do not think a proper queen would settle for just one lover to keep her company, do you?”

“You… you have multiple lovers?” And just like that, Astika was back to acting shy.

“Indeed! Fenrir, Serra, Cassiel, Azalabulia and Saya, though they are not present at the moment, and Eva. There is also one hopeful recruit to our relationship, but my hero is taking his time in that area.”

Astika’s cheeks reddened into a proper blush at that point. “Si-sister! That—that many?! I… I have never even had one mate… and yet… you have so many…” Following a determined huff, Astika perked up and lowered herself until her head was right in front of Nell. “Teach me your ways. I know that I am your elder, but I am not one to deny when somebody else has more experience than me, and you are clearly the most experienced one here in finding mates!”

“Worry not, for I shall help you… so long as you cooperate with us and satisfy our arrangement to the best of your ability.”

Astika nodded a couple of times, so Nell looked over at Fenrir with a smile and expectant eyes.

Fenrir took one hand off of Eva’s shoulder to point at Nell, then point at the top of Cassiel’s head, and then petted said top of head with his other hand. Cassiel had no idea what he was doing or why, but Nell understood his intent and mouthed a “thank you, my hero,” to him in return for the distant headpats.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J., Will W., Woodroe

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