The True Endgame

[Vol. 11.5 pt. 7]

After the dramatic altercation that ensued, Kris and his girlfriends left in search of the last two girlfriends to be collected: Emily and Anastasia. And while searching for them, Rachel and Iris took it upon themselves to carry all of their luggage while Abigail walked around while signing back and forth to Kris. Of course, that was whenever they weren’t holding hands.

Rachel and Iris already got to spend some time with him of their own, so they figured it was alright to carry the bags around while giving Abigail some special time with Kris.

Though, as the baggage-carrying maids behind observed while walking… Kris was far more popular than they could have expected. They already noticed it earlier, but it became even more apparent while walking and watching him. At one point, there was even a little kid wearing a shirt with architecture blueprints on it who saw Kris and tugged on his mom’s arm asking if he could go get his autograph, but the mother declined.

“Hey, Iris,” Rachel whispered.

“Yes, Rachel?” Iris replied, keeping her own voice low.

“I know we keep realizing how amazing Kris is, but… is it me, or are we missing something? It makes sense for why we would want to ask him for an autograph… but even little kids want his autograph? What’s up with that?”

“Hmm. You may have a point. It is rather suspicious how so many people seem to recognize him beyond his looks. Now that I think about it… we never did a search on his name to make sure that he is trustworthy.”

“Well, our lady vouched for him as a friend of hers, so it felt rude to not take her word for it. There was no need to confirm his identity.”

“If he’s popular enough to have kids wanting his autograph, then he’s got to show up if we search for him, right?”

“That makes sense, yes.”

Rachel nodded and tossed the bags she was carrying to Iris, making Iris stumble and almost fall as she attempted to catch and hold all of the bags on her own. Considering that there were enough bags and suitcases there for five adult women, she might have looked clumsy when she almost fell… but managing to hold all of them was an incredible—if not borderline impossible—accomplishment.

As for Rachel, she pulled her phone out from the pocket of her maid uniform and typed Kris’s full name into a search.

“Wo-woah… Iris… I know I keep saying this, but… like… our boyfriend… is actually incredible,” Rachel said before holding the phone up over all the carried baggage for Iris to see.

That was when Iris not only saw a picture of Kris dressed up wearing a fancy suit and tie that he looked like he couldn’t wait to get out of… but he was standing next to the president of the United States while accepting an award. “Does that say… he won a contest for redesigning part of the White House?”

Rachel nodded and brought the phone back to herself to read more about it. “But then… there’s an update that says he made a statement about only doing the contest because his friend begged him to… and let the runner-up’s design proceed instead. He won the right to make a historical change to a famous landmark… and passed on it. It’s—it’s not the only contest he’s won, either. There are… so many. Holy… he’s absolutely dominated every single architectural design contest he’s been in… he’s—he’s like… a huge deal. Wait. ‘Renown architectural prodigy refuses princess’s marriage offer.’ He… he turned down a princess.”

“Princesses other than our lady still exist?”

“Apparently. Not like any of them actually matter, our lady excluded.”

“Does it say why he refused her?”

“It says… he’s quoted as saying, ‘It can’t be real love if she never even met me before. I’m only interested in real love.’ Iris… I think I just fell in love with him all over again…”

Iris nodded. “I understand. I, too, feel that—”

“H-hey! Can I have your autograph?” the young boy from before shouted as he ran up to Kris, tugging onto his free hand as the mother ran up from behind.

“I am so sorry about him,” the mother said. “I told him not to bother you. Please, don’t mind him.” The mother then grabbed onto the boy’s other hand to pull him away, but she was stopped by Kris shaking his head.

“It’s all good,” Kris said. “It’s not a bother.”

The mother still looked apprehensive about it, but she ultimately gave in and stepped back to let her son have some space with his role model.

“Thanks!” the boy said to Kris. “Hehe, dad isn’t gonna believe this.”

“Yeah?” Kris asked, crouching down. “Want to take a picture then? An autograph can be faked, but a picture… well, I guess pictures can be faked, but—”

“C-can I?! A picture would totally be better than an autograph!”


With an excited smile, the boy stood at Kris’s side and looked up at his mom, prompting Kris to look at her as well. Their combined look was enough to get the point across and prompted the mother to pull out her phone so that she could take a picture of her son with his idol.

Once the picture was taken, the boy turned to look at Kris and asked, “Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, what’s up?” Kris asked in response.

“How did you become so good? I—I want to be just like you when I’m all grown up, but I don’t know how to design stuff as awesome as you…”

“Do you draw a lot?”

The boy nodded. “Yeah.”

“Then just keep doing that. Draw every single idea that comes to mind no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Never let your imagination go to waste, or something like that, I guess.”

“Is it really that simple?”

“No idea, but it’s what I did as a kid.”

“You don’t know?”

“Nope. No idea. I just did whatever I felt like doing. As long as you do whatever you feel like doing, you should end up happy. Probably.”

“Then… what if I feel like playing video games instead of doing homework?”

“Sure. I skipped homework all the time. I failed most of my classes until I realized in high school I was going to be in trouble without a good average, so as long as you take your homework seriously when you’re older, it’s fine to skip it for games now.”

“Ooh! Okay! You hear that, mom?!” the boy asked, his voice full of excitement as he looked up at his mother who was currently glaring daggers at Kris.

Kris, however, didn’t even notice her glaring at him. Instead, he continued digging his grave in her eyes by telling her son, “If somebody as dumb as me can skip homework for games, grow up, make money, and get five maid girlfriends, then anybody can do it.”

The boy turned back to look at Kris with even wider eyes full of awe. “Woah… you have five girlfriends?”

“Yep. And they wear cute maid uniforms all the time.”

“Woah… I want five maid girlfriends when I grow up, too!”

At that point, the mother officially grabbed her son by her shoulder and said, “We need to go. We have a flight.”

“Oh, sorry for keeping you,” Kris said, apologizing for entirely the wrong thing.

As for the boy, he pouted and went, “Aww… but alright. I’ll remember what you said! Thanks for teaching me!”

While the boy was quickly rushed away before Kris could corrupt him any further, the two waved at each other for a moment before Kris finally stood up and returned his attention to his girlfriends.

“Sorry,” Kris told them, signing along with his words for Abigail. “I love kids and can never say no to them. Wait… what if that makes me a bad dad? Maybe I shouldn’t be so nice to kids. If I’m too nice, they’ll be able to take advantage of me. Like… what if our kids ask one of you for something, you say no, and then they come to me and I say yeah? Ooh… is this why in shows and stuff, the dad always say, ‘go ask your mother?’ But then what if you tell them to ask me and they get stuck in a loop running back and forth between us? Wait, if that happens, then they’ll eventually get tired and pass out from all the exercise. Maybe that’s a good thing.”

It was perfectly clear to the three girlfriends present that Kris, for as ridiculous as he sounded… genuinely meant every single word that left his lips. He meant everything from him saying that he loved kids, which was already enough to make them love him even more, to him thinking about having kids with them already, which was enough to make them love him even more, to endearingly thinking about how to handle potential parenting issues together, which, yet again, made them love him even more.

Everything Kris did resulted in somehow making his present girlfriends love and appreciate him even more than they already did, which should have been impossible yet somehow wasn’t.

And little did Kris know that everything was about to change.

He might have had a harem, and he might have been so dense that he almost didn’t have one, but he was not yet a bonafide harem protagonist.

Or rather, he wasn’t until he heard a certain voice calling out to him from behind.

“Kriiiiiiissssssssss!” Emily, the shortest and bustiest of the maids and the only one with brown hair, shouted at him as she charged at him from behind. Before he could even turn to look at her, though, she jumped up and threw herself onto his back out of sheer excitement… resulting in her knocking him forward right toward Rachel.

Now, such a scene was usually followed up by a harem protagonist crashing into one of the girls and landing with his face either between her breasts or her thighs.

But not Kris.

Kris, refusing to even accidentally injure one of his girlfriends, used every single one of his available brain cells to grab onto Rachel and spin around with his footing in such a way that he didn’t fall over into her.

He managed to both not fall and not knock her over.


Without meaning to, he ended up grabbing onto Rachel’s chest and was groping her in front of everybody else in the airport… and he hadn’t even realized it yet. With Emily hanging from his back, he looked at Rchael and asked, “Are you alright?”

Rachel, with a face steadily growing more and more red, had no idea how to react to the situation.

On one hand, the man she loved was groping her, and it felt incredible.

On the other hand… he was groping her in front of a bunch of strangers… which was just as embarrassing as it was… exciting?

“Your face is red. Do you have a fever?” Kris asked.

“I—I… I… definitely, umm… feel… very hot… right now,” was all Rachel was able to say.

Emily, still on Kris’s back, climbed up high enough on it to peek over his shoulder and looked down at what was happening. “Kris,” she said, “I know you’re a man… but consider the time and place.” Her voice sounded much more serious than what Kris was used to. It even sounded deeper, not that Kris noticed.

Furthermore, somehow, Kris still didn’t realize what was going on despite Rachel’s breast filling his hand. “What?” he asked.

Emily reached one hand around him and pointed down at Rachel’s chest.

“Oh, my bad.” And just like that, he let go of Rachel’s chest.

While Rachel might have been too flustered to say anything, even going so far as to bring her hands up to cover up her burning face, Emily said, “I’m surprised you’re barely reacting to your first time groping one of us. If you don’t care about those, then… the only purpose of these things on my chest is gone.”

“Why would I react? It was just an accident. My heart isn’t ready to do it intentionally because of how excited thinking about it makes me, but an accident is just an accident. It’s not the same if the intent isn’t there.”

“So… just to confirm, you do like boobs, right?”

“Yeah. I love boobs. But I want to intentionally touch boobs, not accidentally touch them. Also, hey. We were looking for you. Where’d you go?”

Emily, now relieved that the breasts she despised at least still had some use, rubbed the side of her face up against Kris’s while showing off a wide grin. “We were hungry!” And her voice took on almost a completely different tone, instead sounding rather artificially cutesy. “I was super hungry and made Ana hunt for good snacks with me! I didn’t want to meet you on an empty stomach and have you hear it grumble!”

“I wouldn’t care about that. It’s natural.”

“Ehehe, too bad. You’re only allowed to see and hear me at my cutest! That’s why—” In the middle of talking, in her typical clumsy fashion, Emily slipped off his back and landed hard on her ass behind him. “Gack! Fuck! Damn it! I was being so fucking cute! Why does it have to happen every—a-ah, I mean… oops! Teehee! I… ugh, fuck it. You already heard me shout on the phone like the vulgar bloody cow I am. There’s no point in even trying to pretend. Nothing like fucking speedrunning breaking my boyfriend’s illusion of me. I’m going to be fucking single forever.”

“But you can’t be single if you’re my girlfriend,” Kris said as he crouched down to grab her arms and help her stand up.

“Guys don’t like vulgar cows like me. You can just break up with me. I’m ready for it. I’ve accepted it. You can live happily ever after with real women like the others. A cow like me belongs on a ranch eating slop out of a trough.”

Kris could tell that Emily was upset, but he had no idea how he could make her feel better… until he remembered what his best bro always did whenever any of his girlfriends were upset.

That was why Kris reached forward, held Emily by her chin, and tilted her head back enough for him to press his lips down against hers for a kiss.

Emily’s eyes went wide and her whole body trembled. She even ended up moaning against him before he broke the kiss off.

“I don’t want you to break up with me,” Kris said, his face hovering right in front of Emily’s. “I don’t care if you think you’re a cow. If you think you’re a cow, then I’ll be a uh… farmer? Is that what people who own cows are called? Not that I own you, but… wait, you might actually break up with me if I imply that I own you… sorry, I—”

“Holy fucking shit you are too fucking god damn hot what the fuck,” Emily blurted out. “I—I mean… I don’t even know what to say.”

“We told you,” Iris spoke up, “that you are allowed to be yourself around him. There is no need to hide who you are. Besides, he would eventually find out no matter how well you hide it.”

“Yep,” Rachel joined in. “He didn’t care when he heard you over the phone, so why would he care now? Don’t underestimate our boyfriend!”

Kris nodded along with their words. “What they said. Also,” his cheeks finally took on a bit of red, “did… you mean it when you said I’m hot?” (Test 2, ignore this)

Emily, still wanting to act cutesy, surrendered on that front and sighed. “No fucking shit I meant it, you lovable and stupidly hot oaf. Even you saying you own me almost made me cu—”

“E-Emily!” Rachel shouted. “I know we said to be yourself, but you should still… consider the time and place!”

Emily shot a glare at Rachel when she had her words thrown back at her. “I don’t want to hear that from you. You were perfectly happy letting him grope you in front of everybody.”

“That… that was different.”

“Uh-huh. Mind telling the audience how?”

Rachel looked away and scratched her cheek. “It… it felt too good to stop… I almost—”

“You almost what?”

“It’s—it’s not my fault! It happened right after he talked about us having kids and everything! I was already—I… I mean…”

“You talked about what now?”

Kris interjected to explain the situation. “I was talking to them about how I love kids but might be too nice which might cause problems in the future with our kids.”

“Alright,” Emily said. “I get it. I can’t blame you, Rachel.”

Rachel was back to covering up her face as she nodded.

Fortunately, before Kris continued and made it necessary for the airport staff to put up “wet floor” signs around where his girlfriends were standing, the fifth and final of his maid girlfriends showed up.

And that was none other than Anastasia, the silent, blonde maid who loved to hum and whistle while often keeping her eyes closed for reasons only known to her.

As for how she made her introduction…

Anastasia grabbed Kris’s unsuspecting hand and brought it right against her own endowed chest. Then, allowing her eyes to open by just a slight amount, she looked right into Kris’s and said, “It sounds as if I have some catching up to do.”

Kris might have accidentally groped Rachel before without too much of a care, but now that he was groping Anastasia… it was no accident, and it was no accident that he didn’t pull his hand away, either. “Woah, so this is what boobs are like,” he said as if it was his very first time ever touching a woman’s chest.

Anastasia went back to silently smiling with closed eyes as Kris couldn’t resist giving her breast a few squeezes. After all, she placed his hand there, so it was alright, right?

Meanwhile, Rachel peeked out from between a couple of the fingers covering her face to watch with jealousy, Emily gritted her teeth and grumbled, “It should have been me, damn it,” while Abigail held her hands up in front of her mouth and watched with surprised eyes.

As for Iris… her sight was too blocked by all of the luggage held within her arms still to have any idea what was going on.

Patreon Harem Members: Emojiman, Flanders, AlicesEmotions, AzureXIII, Dotakin, Eric B., Jopejoe1, Lynderyn, Macleod A., Matt, Dominic R.

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